40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2212: Last decent

Dongfang Bai listened to Lei Chenghu's words, and couldn't help but interrupted: "Liao Haihou, the so-called'gambling national luck' is just your guess, do you have even a little bit of evidence?"


Lei Chenghu pointed to his brain and said frankly, "I guessed it, based on intuition."

Dongfang Bai laughed blankly: "Guess? Intuition?"

"War is an art of guessing. Any commander can be victorious in all battles while having all the intelligence and knowing himself and the enemy, but only the most keen and excellent commander who has experienced all kinds of battles is likely to suffer from insufficient intelligence. When the opponent is in the dark, guess the strength and strategy of the opponent in advance."

Lei Chenghu said lightly, "My very strong intuition, every second is like a steel needle piercing my cerebral cortex, telling me that the main force of the Saint League is staring at the darkness in the depths of the star sea, as long as we relax a little bit. , It will come out and bite our throat.

"This is... a dangerous aura that cannot be described in words. The explanation of'Xia Chong can't speak ice', and someone like you who have never really been on the battlefield, is unclear."

The roots of Dongfang White's teeth shrank again: "You..."

Lei Chenghu looked at Dongfang Bai up and down for a long time, and suddenly laughed inexplicably: "However, seeing your ignorant stupid looks, I really believe that the'Blood League Event' is not yours. Conspiracy.

"That's worse.

"If it wasn't for some people with ulterior motives in the Senate to make the'Blood League Incident', then the Saint League people did it.

"The infiltration of the Saint League spies into the base camp of the expeditionary army and even the Senate has been unimaginable. They can plan the'Blood League Event' and turn you fools around."

"What, what!"

Dongfang Bai's face was as white as a layer of paper, "You said, behind the Blood League, is the Saint League?"

"if not?"

Lei Chenghu sighed, "At such a critical moment, the conflict between the front line and the rear is intensified, and the expeditionary force and the Senate are created. Who is the best?

"Think carefully about this question. If you are really fascinated and stubborn, and do something that is hateful and happy, I can guarantee that the main force of the Holy League will suddenly kill you in the next second of your celebration!"


Dongfang Bai narrowed his eyes and questioned his face.

"I suddenly began to regret leaving the Thunder Fleet and returning to the imperial capital with you, trying to persuade the entire Senate."

Seeing the expression of the "Guangtong" spy leader, Lei Chenghu sighed, "I found that I had made a huge mistake, a mistake that countless frontline commanders have made throughout the ages, and that is to greatly overestimate the rear temple. The wisdom of Shangdagon's fathers underestimated their greed that is hard to fill.

"Humans, always only see what they want to see, and only believe in the news they want to hear-many people in the Senate hate me to the bones. With me in one day, they will be in fear and sleep and eat. Long ago wished that I was disarmed and returned to the field, and even "unfortunately fell"?

"For such veterans, even in the face of a leaky piece of information on the'Blood League Incident', they will turn a blind eye to the flaws and choose to believe it unconditionally.

"This is the end of the matter, and there is nothing to say. I will never publish a public statement. I will not be able to provide any convenience to help you control the Thunder Fleet. What happens after that, let the Senate send me off, if I have to drag me. Go out to execute secretly, you don't have to waste my time anymore!"

Lei Chenghu looked indifferent, embracing his arms, putting on a posture of "seeing off the guests".

The three prosecutors looked at each other, all of them shrank.

Dongfang Bai hesitated for a long time, gritted his teeth and said: "Liao Haihou, if you insist on not making a public statement, and you are unwilling to help us persuade the militants in the Thunder Fleet to leave the front line and return to the rear for investigation, some extremes are likely to happen. The unpleasant, extremely fierce conflict, didn't it give the Holy League an opportunity to take advantage of it, and even... just like what you just said, the entire empire was completely destroyed?

"Is this what you want to see? Will you be as calm as you are now?"

Lei Chenghu stared at Dongfang Bai, the intensity of his gaze increased level by level, and in the end, it was like the twin-mounted main gun of a super-heavy battleship, shining like a group of light gathered before the bombardment.

His voice was as hard as iron and indifferent as ice, but it came out clearly one after another like bullets from an anti-equipment sniper rifle: "I will be broken into pieces and will do my best to defend my motherland, the real human empire. Even if all the soldiers of the Imperial Army were sacrificed and I was the only one left, I would not hesitate to pick up my saber and rush towards the enemy's starship!


"Materials compete with natural selection, the fittest survive, the weak eat the strong, and the winner is king! Isn't this the belief of our immortal cultivators, and the ‘truth’ of the true human empire?"

"If my soldiers and I really do everything we can, we will still be unable to save this smoky, decaying country, and be swept across the entire star sea by the covenant alliance's army.

"That proves that we chose the wrong path. The race and system of the Covenant Alliance are superior to those of the Empire. The Holy ally, and the Pangu tribe hiding behind the Holy ally, are even better than the imperial human race. Races are more qualified to enjoy the abundant resources in the center of Xinghai to create a new generation of Pangu civilization that is more splendid than human civilization.

"If this is the case, I have nothing to say. Apart from admitting defeat, calmly and paying the highest respect to the opponent, what else can I do to thunder like a clown?

"In the vast and eternal battlefield of the universe, the four words'willing to bet and lose' may be the last dignity of a civilization. Victory or defeat is a commonplace of the military. I am ready to accept the ending."

Facing the "God of War" Lei Chenghu's extremely calm gaze, the three censors all became anxious.

It was like being exploded by Lei Chenghu, a light that was more dazzling than a star, reflecting the filth and smallness of his heart.

Their postures were very different from when they first came in, and they were really completely overwhelmed by Lei Chenghu.

"Ming, understand."

Dongfang Bai said tremblingly, "This review will end here. We will submit everything that Liao Haihou just said to the Senate for discussion. In any case, I absolutely believe in the loyalty of Liao Haihou. The'Blood League Event' will be handled carefully. Please rest assured that Liao Haihou can rest here for a few days. I will retire first."

The three prosecutors once again bowed deeply to Lei Chenghu and left this quiet and elegant cell all the way back.

Until they closed the door gently, Lei Chenghu didn't waste time looking at them, but he switched Jingnao to the text input interface again.

He folded his hands and fell into meditation, as if he didn't care about the review just now, and wanted to continue writing the interrupted chapter.

But after turning on the light curtain, he maintained a dead tree-like posture, and was silent for ten minutes without moving, and he didn't enter a word into Jing's brain.

After ten minutes of silence like dead trees, mud tires, and ice lumps, a deep inhalation sound suddenly came from the deadly air.

The old general's eyebrows, wrinkles, lips, and Adam's apple quivered together.

Two muddy tears, along the crisscross gully, slid through the wind, frost, snow and rain, and eroded to the extremely rough face.

"God of War" Lei Chenghu covered his heart and groaned in the weakest volume: "Empire..."


Beyond the billions of stars, the secret base of the reformists, the Deep Sea Dragon Palace.

Li Yao is discussing the legendary "God of War" Lei Chenghu with the Scarlet Heart Demon.

"In the past two days, while you were repairing the crystal armor, training the little guy Li Jialing, and studying with the queen those treasures from the'Golden Sacred-High Heaven Realm', I sneaked into the spirit net and collected it. The information of this old boy, Pan Lei Chenghu, is really shocking!"

The scarlet heart demon exclaimed, "This old boy is not the first time we have heard of the kind of good men and faithful. Yes, he is selfless, fair and honest, ruining the family, and serving the country with all his loyalty... These are all true, but the methods are also true. It's so spicy, I like it!

"Just say that more than a hundred years ago, the entire Black Wind Front collapsed, and the Black Wind Fleet fled with the remnants of the Five Worlds. The empire was greatly shaken, and he ran out to turn the tide.

"Our Queen only told us that Lei Chenghu finally resisted the attack of the Holy League, firmly held the second line of defense after the Black Wind Realm, built a copper wall and iron wall, and finally stood against the Holy League for a hundred years. The unworldly power-but she didn't say how Lei Chenghu did it, right?

"Tell you, as soon as Lei Chenghu arrived on the front line, he announced that several habitable planets and resource planets in the war zone were under military control, and all the properties of the "primitive" and most of the "real people" would be treated as "military tickets". Buying it by force is equivalent to confiscating it.

"Anyone who fails to follow suit will all be put into the ‘Glory Camp’. The so-called ‘Glory Camp’ is an extremely harsh concentration labor camp he invented, which is said to be more cruel and darker than the slave mines.

"In this way, he collected a large amount of resources in the shortest time, and at the same time stopped the panic and riots that spread across several planets-are everyone under his ‘military control’? Why is he rioting?"

"So cruel?"

Li Yao was shocked.

He knew that the "primitives" and "slaves" of the real human empire could not be equated. Many primitives were free people and had property rights.

After all, in the long run, the production efficiency of a simple slave system is not high. Today, even the slave mines of the empire use "killing platforms, energy pills" and other methods to stimulate the enthusiasm of miners.

Therefore, no matter how the primitive people are oppressed and exploited, at least in theory, most primitive people are free, and private property is also protected by law.

Not to mention that Lei Chenghu has confiscated all the properties of a large number of immortal cultivators, and even dared to throw all immortal cultivators into concentrated labor camps?

It's crazy, and it's really tough!

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