40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2213: Firewall

"and also--"

The Scarlet Heart Demon continued, "Lei Chenghu also forcibly incorporated a large number of primitive and real humans into his troops, purely as cannon fodder to consume, and only then did he gain precious breathing time so that he could gather a plate of scattered soldiers and reorganize. Defend the line and get enough maneuvering power.

"On the other hand, he also clamored to'kill and serve the country' from soldiers to civilians, and distributed all people in the war zone with'long live bullets' and various excitement potions for battlefields. He repeatedly brainwashed and instilled'loyalty to the emperor, patriot, and jade. 'thought of."

Li Yao said: "What the **** is Long live bomb?"

Scarlet Heart Demon said: "It's just a shoddy spar bomb. In the war zone under his control, almost all the people have one.

"Lei Chenghu asked the people to inject stimulants into their carotid artery once the Saint League army really landed. After receiving instant enhanced stimulation, he yelled'Long live' and rushed to kill him with the enemy with a spar bomb. At the very least, they must use these spar bombs to kill themselves, leaving themselves with the decency of an imperial citizen.

"Of course, it is not unreasonable to do this. After all, once the planet is occupied by the Holy League and the people are caught by the Holy League, they will be sent to some'temple' for brainwashing, depriving them of their emotions and self-will, and turning them into only people. Knowing the flesh and blood machinery that faithfully executes orders, strengthens the power of the Holy League.

"However, from the perspective of a cultivator, of course Lei Chenghu's approach is too cruel.

"In short, Lei Chenghu was the first to implement the'scorched earth tactics' and implemented it most thoroughly. Once he wants to evacuate a certain planet, he will never leave half a granary or spar mine to the Holy League. Industrial facilities are even more clean.

"As for the people, he will use iron and blood methods to organize the people to evacuate with the fleet with the highest efficiency and preserve the vitality to the greatest extent, but for those people who cannot be evacuated, he never cares about their life or death, and even openly encourages them to die. The empire lightened its burden so as not to "become a tiger" and become the enemy's cannon fodder.

"Lei Chenghu's many ruthless and even frenzied tactics have a lot of criticism within the empire, especially those nobles who were forcibly confiscated by him, and even forced to become cannon fodder and sent to the front, as well as all aspects of the interests involved. The group later launched a crazy attack on him.

"However, after a series of impeccable victories, these desperate guys have to admit that Lei Chenghu's approach is completely in line with the path of the cultivator, and at the time, if you did not do this, the Holy League army would be very likely to win the pursuit. , Rush into the hinterland of the empire, then it's all over!

"Anyway... if there is a'textbook-like real immortal cultivator,' Lei Chenghu is just that. He seems to treat everyone including himself as chess pieces, as a sword to defend the empire.

"I really admire such a man with personality, but as a cultivator, are you really sure to rescue such a **** cultivator?"

Li Yao thought about it for a long time.

In fact, there is no need to say that the Scarlet Heart Demon, he can faintly think-how can the guy who worships the imperial army admiral, Feng Liao Haihou, command the most elite deep space fleet, and the entire theater of war be a good person?


"I think our main consideration now is not even the question of whether the reformers can seize the highest power in the empire."

Li Yao pondered, and said cautiously, "The delicate situation within the empire is only one aspect, and the Holy League is just as important on the other hand. The Holy League gang are just puppets, not dead. Could it be that they lost dozens of them in one breath? The whole world is indifferent, still watching the empire digest the fruits of victory and complete internal integration?

"When we were still in the Federation, we discussed this issue in depth with the deputy commander of the Black Wind Fleet, Di Feiwen. From the perspective of the'bystander', Di Feiwen also felt that the brilliant victory of the'Empire Strikes Back' was too easy. That's weird.

"And after swallowing dozens of great worlds in one go, the phenomenon of'uneven distribution of spoils and indigestion' will definitely happen, and that is an opportunity for Shengmeng!

"So, although I don't know why the Shengmeng went crazy, using dozens of big worlds as a bet to make such a huge bet, I believe that the Shengmeng must have a conspiracy!

"Looking back at the current empire again, according to Li Linghai's words, it is really the last year of the dynasty, with all kinds of abuses and all kinds of contradictions sharp to the extreme.

"The small and medium-sized nobles have conflicts with the four major electoral families, the emerging warlords in the outer star field have contradictions with the veterans of the central star field, the real people have contradictions with the primitive people, the low-level cultivators and the high-level cultivators have contradictions, the expeditionary army and the elders The hospital is more contradictory.

"Even if Li Linghai himself, who wants to use the corpses of the four major electoral families to eliminate all contradictions, still has hidden ambitions that will arouse even greater contradictions? Who knows!

"What if, when all kinds of conflicts in the empire erupt, the Holy League seizes the opportunity to kill a'returning carbine', what will happen?"

The Scarlet Heart Demon was silent for a long time and said: "If the Saint League really wants to seize the precious opportunity for the total outbreak of all contradictions, then they must be well aware of the situation within the empire."

"It's not impossible. Do you remember the Holy League puppet "Tang Qianhe" that we encountered at the Kunlun Ruins more than a hundred years ago?"

Li Yao said, "Tang Qianhe is obviously a spy of the Holy League, but he can mimic the seven emotions and six desires of normal people. He also penetrated into Su Changfa's inspection team, and no one noticed it.

"Su Changfa also told us later that Shengmeng’s exploration of'simulating emotions' technology far surpassed the'spiritual test technology' used by the Empire to defend against the infiltration of the Shengmeng. I don't know how many secret spies have been installed in the empire. The spies are the so-called'silent ones', and will never reveal their identity without encountering unexpected situations.

"It's said that Tang Qianhe, the spy of the Holy League, is all right. She tore up the camouflage only when she found a living Pangu tribe.

"Think about it, if we didn't find a living Pangu tribe at that time, would it be possible for Tang Qianhe to follow Su Changfa and Kou Ruhuo and infiltrate the Federation?

"The empire and the Holy League have fought a thousand-year war. There are countless Holy League spies lurking inside the empire, sending a steady stream of intelligence back to the Holy League. It's normal!

"But on the other hand, if the imperial spy wants to sneak into the Holy League, I'm afraid it won't be so easy-completely erasing the emotions and free will, it is too difficult to simulate!"

The Scarlet Heart Demon said: "When you say this, I also think of'Tang Qianhe'. That woman is so crazy to turn herself into pure energy to wake up the Pangu tribe. It's really terrifying.

"If even a small expedition can conceal the secret spy of the Holy League, then there are even more secret spies that may be hidden in each key department of the empire. It is indeed possible to accurately grasp and even secretly manipulate the empire. Certain contradictions have intensified and erupted."

"and so--"

Li Yao said, "The millennium balance of power is not so easy to break, and the so-called'brilliant victory of the Empire's counterattack' is greatly reduced. Even if the imperial army is truly invincible and invincible on the front line, their rear is even more dangerous and fragile.

"A little carelessness, the Holy League counterattacked, and the full collapse of the empire, which is full of internal fighting, is unknown!

"Once the empire collapses completely, there will be two consequences.

"First, everyone living in the hundreds of great worlds in the empire, regardless of whether they are immortal cultivators or ordinary people, will be involved in endless wars and fall into a situation that is a hundred times more miserable than now. They are not brainwashed into flesh and blood puppets. Just to be wiped out with their homeland.

"Although I am very reluctant to admit it, no matter how evil the true human empire is, in the past millennia, it has ultimately maintained the unity and general peace of the densely populated world in the center of Xinghai.

"It would be the Taiping Bridge instead of chaos. It is hard for me to imagine what a terrifying sea of ​​blood would be caused by the collapse of a thousand-year empire.

"Second, once the empire collapses and the Holy League receives most of its power, it will really expand into a giant that swallows the universe, and the Xingyao Federation will have to face the pressure of this behemoth alone.

"The Black Wind Fleet still maintains a minimum contact with the empire. The existence of the Federation is destined to not be concealed for long, at most one or two hundred years, to complete the swallowing and integration of the empire, and the Holy League will definitely extend its magical claws to the Federation.

"One or two hundred years, what is enough for the Federation, is it to learn from the old Xinghai Republic and build a big ship to escape?

"Once the empire and federation collapse, and the Holy League cultivates and awakens a large number of Pangu tribes, is there any hope for human civilization? Will it be completely discarded by the Pangu tribe as a tool for completing its mission?

"So, no matter from the perspective of hundreds of millions of ordinary people in the center of Xinghai, or from the perspective of the national interests of the Xingyao Federation, or even from the perspective of the entire human civilization, we should maintain a stable empire and act as a bridge between the Federation and the Holy League. "Firewall" and continue to contribute to the situation of "two tigers fighting and stalemate" are the best.

"Looking at the entire empire, if someone can withstand the deadly attack of the Holy League, then that is the'God of War' Thunder into a tiger.

"What's more, now that the four major electoral families have placed Lei Chenghu under house arrest, they may not necessarily kill him. It is more likely that the two sides will reach an agreement or Lei Chenghu will get out of the siege by other means. In short, we can't interfere with him at all. .

"Cooperate with Li Linghai to rescue Lei Chenghu and place him in the'innovative' camp. We can also observe and interfere with him at close range. In the most extreme cases, there is still a chance to kill him-I heard he is a veteran. It’s a powerful person in the transformation of God, but after all, he is a fleet commander, a theater commander, and a member of the field. What he is good at is the art of combat and command of the large corps. There is no reason to be able to fight better than us, right?"

"It makes sense, your mind is getting clearer and clearer."

The Scarlet Heart Demon pondered for a moment, then suddenly screamed, "Be careful!"

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