40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2214: Emperor's Wings!

With a thought, Li Yao returned to reality.

When he used 5% of his computing power to discuss with the Scarlet Heart Demon in the depths of his brain whether to rescue General Lei Chenghu, the remaining 95% of his computing power was manipulating his body and the newly strengthened profound bone battle armor. The final actual test.

This is the most advanced random gravity test field in the Deep Sea Dragon Palace, a super giant three-dimensional battle cage with a diameter of more than one kilometer.

It is the strongest defensive talisman in all directions. Many defensive talismans are equipped with super-strong arcs, which will release flames of thousands of degrees. If they are unfortunately blown to the edge of the iron cage by the opponent, they are very likely to suffer secondary damage. .

The so-called "random gravity" was a light weightless state in the last second, and in the next second it may become an extreme environment of 30 times the standard gravity and hundreds of atmospheres, making the challenge of this test field extremely dangerous. .

When the Scarlet Heart Demon shouted "Caution", the handle was made of heterogeneous meteorite, and shark-toothed blades were finely ground. It oscillated more than 5,000 times per second. It was the most fragile movable member from the neck of the black bone battle armor. Two centimeters left.

Not only that, but also three flying swords were shooting at Li Yao's head, breastplate, and lower abdomen at more than four times the speed of sound.

The speed of the flying sword was so fast that the gleaming offensive runes on the blade dragged a series of rainbow-like afterimages behind him.

Not far away, there were at least fifty crystal magnetic cannons, Vulcan cannons, and bombardment guns pouring firepower at Li Yao frantically. In addition, nearly a hundred concussion knives and chain saw swords were staring at Li Yao, sealing every strand of Li Yao’s escape. The crevice.

And all of this turned into an intricate flow of data, flooding into Li Yao's cerebral cortex.

In an instant, he analyzed clearly and deduced more than fifty follow-up changes.

Hundreds of the most elite commandos of the Deep Sea Fleet, under Li Yao's soul scan, are only hundreds of targets that move faster and grow loudly with their teeth and claws.


A large cloud of black mist spewed out from the gaps in the profound bone battle armor, and Li Yao's figure once again became unpredictable and unpredictable.

Only the last centimeter of the shocking sword of the thunderbolt was left from his neck, it was stuck tightly by his psychic shield, and it couldn't get in.

Instead, he was caught in the void, severely crushed the sword owner's wrist, grabbed the sword, flicked his backhand, and shook it in the direction where the commandos were the most dense.

Just thrown on top of the opponent’s head, the war knife infused with his explosive psionic energy exploded fiercely, and the screaming fragments melted into a stream of high-heat liquid metal, "chichichichi", like a rainstorm pear blossom, which greatly disturbed the commandos. Siege.


Taking this opportunity, four palm-sized black diamond-shaped crystals flew around Li Yao lightly. After agitation of psychic energy, they instantly stretched into a diamond-shaped shield on all sides. While swiftly spinning, they all resisted the barrage of the storm. Live, no matter the crystal magnetic cannon, the Vulcan cannon or the bombardment cannon, they cannot leave the slightest trace on the surface of the shield.

——This kind of mysterious and unpredictable special crystal material with no name is one of the secret treasures Li Linghai obtained in the "Golden Holy See-Lingxiao Realm".

The imperial queen did not break his promise, perhaps because of the situation. She was in a hurry to turn to the doctor and urgently needed Li Yao to work hard for the "renovators". She really took out a lot of secret treasures from the "Emperor's Tomb" to show her favor to Li Yao.

Of course, Li Yao will not take away her secret treasure in vain, this is a win-win deal.

Li Linghai discovered the "Emperor's Tomb" more than a hundred years ago, and obtained a large number of secret treasures and inheritance from it.

But Li Linghai is not a refiner herself, and she has no clue about the use of many ancient treasures, as well as the usefulness and refining methods of heavenly materials and earthly treasures.

"The Emperor's Tomb" is such an important secret. Naturally, the ambitious Li Linghai is unwilling to share it. Even a master of Jin Tianzong's level does not know that she has a large number of secret treasures from the "Emperor's Tomb."

How to deal with this batch of "hot potatoes" has become Li Linghai's biggest headache.

In case the news is leaked, the four major electors' families know that she holds the secret of the "Emperor's Tomb".

But on Shaman Star, Li Yao has already known this secret through Li Lingfeng's mouth. He himself is a superb master craftsman. The most important thing is that he still holds half the key to completely unlock the "Emperor's Tomb". !

Li Linghai shared this secret with him, naturally without obstacles.

Therefore, the mode of cooperation between the two in the past few days is that Li Linghai produced a large number of three-dimensional images of the "Emperor’s Secret Treasures", which were identified and studied by Li Yao one by one, and the materials that were sure were meticulously crafted for use. Strengthen the crystal armor or refine it into various magic weapons, some of which are used as rewards and belong to Li Yao.

These four black crystals, which are both like glass and metal, are extremely flexible, malleable, and capable of carrying blows. This is one of Li Yao's rewards.

Of course, when Li Linghai first took them out, they weren't in the vain and unpredictable form they are now, but they were properly stored in a metal box engraved with the battle emblem of the Xinghai Empire and locked in a very precise way.

Li Linghai couldn't open the metal box, and worried that it would destroy the contents if it was completely smashed. As a result, Li Yao was cheaper.

These four black crystals have extremely weird energy-absorbing properties. The more they are under the saturation attack of the commandos, the more they spread out, almost layering on top of each other, protecting the profound bone battle armor inside, like one Large translucent black iron ball.

When the opponent’s crystal magnetic cannon and arrow blast gun finally shot out the ammunition and psychic energy under the frenzied bombardment, and there was a momentary gap, Li Yao gave a long roar, urging the "big black iron ball" to hit the opponent, black crystals on all sides. The shield exploded, and the sharp edges drew out a black streamer, like four vicious black dragons, shooting into the densest place of the crowd!

Suddenly, countless commandos exclaimed-four black streamers seemed to have eyes, one after another cut through the most fragile psychic energy pipeline of their crystal armor, causing a large amount of violent spews out of their crystal element reactor cauldron. The psychic energy not only disturbed the sight of the comrades, but also caused all the performance parameters of the crystal armor to fall wildly, turning into a heavy iron coffin, and finally after another sharp increase in gravity, it fell like hail, and hit the ground severely. .

Hundreds of commandos dealt with Li Yao, but in an instant they were knocked down by 20 or 30. They could only be crushed by dozens of times of gravity and watched the madness of the "vultures" in mid-air!

"It's so refreshing and refreshing!"

Li Yao grinned and felt that every pore in his body had expanded to the limit. It was extremely refreshing. "I am completely sure that the mysterious fragmented world that Li Linghai and Dad explored a hundred years ago is definitely the legendary'Golden Holy See'. , The tomb of the emperor, the realm of Lingxiao! Otherwise, she would definitely not get so many rare heavenly materials and magical components!

"After these'Emperor's Secret Treasures' have been greatly strengthened, coupled with the integration of the Jin Tianzong's'hybrid design', and the power system polished by myself, the profound bone battle armor at this moment is simply better than the original prototype. It is a hundred times stronger, even if it is better than any of the best crystal armors in the real human empire, it is not much more powerful, or even superior!


Li Yao licked his lips and laughed maliciously as he watched the dozens of remaining shocked commandos.

At this time, it was the moment when the gravity of the actual combat test field switched from 30 times the standard gravity to a state of weightlessness.

All the commandos were a little at a loss by the change of gravity, giving birth to a moment of astonishment.

Just as they were spinning and dizzy, ten thousand rays of light burst out of the profound bone battle armor, which almost enveloped the entire test field.

A large number of metal components spouted out of the four Universe Rings inlaid on both sides of the crystal armor spine, and they were tightly connected together through the psychic stand. It was surprisingly--


As majestic as a giant eagle, gorgeous as the wings of a butterfly!

It is no longer the monotonous black or **** wings of the past, but on the main tone of pure black as ink, two large, two small and four colorful swirling patterns have been added, just like four monster eyes!

This is the perfect result of Li Yao using the "Emperor's Secret Treasure" to fully upgrade the aerodynamic kit of the profound bone battle armor.

It not only shortens the instant start-up time from static to the speed of sound by 20%, but also greatly improves the ultra-high-speed combat ability of more than three times the speed of sound. Even through the changes of the four swirling patterns, the effect of mental attacks can be greatly improved, releasing similar " "Intimidation, deterrence" and other large-scale, group mental attacks on supernatural powers.

The most important thing is that, through a completely reborn and unrecognizable transformation, the new profound bone battle armor finally got rid of the shape of the past "blood wing", so as not to be recognized by those who watched his "Live Killing Live".

The name "Blood Wing" for this fully upgraded profound bone battle armor is no longer accurate enough.

Li Yao named it-the wings of the emperor!


At the moment when the Emperor's Wings opened to the limit, Li Yao's mental power also spread to the entire test field through the four swirling patterns on the wings.

Dozens of commandos who had received the most severe training and were determined, as steel as iron, all seemed to have been hit by a 10,000-ton giant hammer on the cerebral cortex.

It was like an evil dragon entwining their bodies tightly, sending out a thunderous dragon roar in their ears!

By the side of the test field, wirelessly connected to the test crystal brain on the internal sensing chip of each crystal armor, it can be clearly seen that the brain waves of all the commandos have been highly disturbed, and a series of physiological indexes are all up and down. , Out of control.

They were completely shocked by Li Yao!

Li Yao took the opportunity to shake the "Emperor's Wings", breaking the speed of sound, three times the speed of sound, and five times the speed of sound in an instant!

At an incredible five times the speed of sound, he can still precisely control his every movement, appearing in front of dozens of dumbfounded commandos almost at the same time!

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