40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2216: The old monster is terrifying!

"Wuying" Duan Rui was completely messed up.

The whole brain is like being hit hard by a super-high-speed crystal rail train, spinning around and around, I just feel that the whole world is in an instant, completely unrecognizable!

This is Wang Kou, this is the "Blood Slaughter" Wang Kou, but just stand there and let them 20 or 30 desperadoes dare not approach it!

How humble and awe of this ordinary young man?

Duan Rui heard bursts of air-conditioning around and behind him.

Even he himself had completely forgotten what it was like to breathe.

Before he could react, the "Blood Slaughter" Wang Kou made a move that made them even more astonished.

This extremely precise killing machine stepped to the side, holding a large towel in both hands, bending over to the "Senior Li".

When Senior Li was not there to pick him up, he grabbed two more cans of high-energy nutrient, watched his words and acted beside him, and waited carefully.


Duan Rui's brain was blank, and he completely lost his thinking ability.

When preparing to assassinate Wang Kou, he once watched a training video of the opponent.

That was the practice scene where Wang Kou was naked and confronted a fierce beast "Ice Rock Giant Bear" with his bare hands in the harsh environment near Baidu.

In three seconds, in just three seconds, Wang Kou's hands broke the neck of the giant ice rock bear with a diameter of more than half a meter, and even forcibly tore off the beast's head and its spine, which was as hard as iron.

It was this video that strengthened Duan Rui's determination that he would rather turn his face with the killer organization he belongs to, and never dare to be an enemy of Wang Kou.

But now, these big hands that can instantly tear the giant ice rock bear are shaking slightly, holding two cans of high-energy nutrients, ready to wait?

Duan Rui couldn't believe his eyes.

But the heartbeat was unstoppable faster and faster, the muscles all over his body trembled involuntarily, and even the bone marrow felt the needle-like tingling pain.

Duan Rui blinked, and an abyss of fear emerged from the bottom of his heart.

He suddenly realized that when he first stepped into the viewing room, the aura that made them dare not to come forward easily was not from Wang Kou.

——Wang Kou has been frightened like this, where is there any "pressing aura"?

From the beginning, it was the aura of this ordinary young man who scared all of them twenty or thirty desperadoes to their pupil contraction, muscle tremors, and fear of stepping forward!

The young man didn’t even take the slightest effort. He deliberately tensed and released psionic energy to scare people. Just the aftermath of the fierce battle lingers around him, making so many powerful, murderous, thugs, and lunatics. Dare to cross the thunder pond half a step!

"Where did Her Royal Highness find such a terrifying monster?"

Even though he knew that the other party was in the same camp as himself, Duan Rui still felt guilty for a while. This was the instinctive fear of the small carnivores against the wild beasts, "Where is he sacred!"

Li Yaowu was immersed in the hearty battle just now, and he didn't care how the "heroes" recruited by Li Linghai from all sides viewed him.

After all, the true elites of the true human empire are mostly gathered in major families and sects.

In the old saying, these "heroes" are the so-called "people in the rivers and lakes", without the support of huge forces, no matter how strong they are, they are limited.

He wiped his sweaty body casually, and took two cans of high-energy nutrients from Wang Kou's hands and drank them. Li Yao then glanced at Wang Kou: "You are... the'Blood Slaughter' Wang Kou? "

"If you go back to Senior Li, it's just a junior."

Wang Kou didn’t dare to come out, let alone the humiliation in front of "Duan Rui" and others. He slammed his fist on his chest and gave Li Yao the highest courtesy of a gladiator, "However, in Li In front of the peerless divine might of the predecessor, the word'blood slaughter' is absolutely unacceptable. Her Royal Highness wants the younger generation to come, the predecessor..."

Li Yao smiled slightly, and before Wang Kou finished speaking, he suddenly stretched out his hands and pressed Wang Kou's shoulders.

His hands were like swimming dragons and poisonous snakes, following Wang Kou's shoulders all the way down, from his chest to waist and abdomen to his thighs, all being touched by Li Yao.

Duan Rui and other desperadoes who had just come back to their senses became more horrified.

Many people could see that Wang Kou was not willing to let the other party catch him.

But the opponent's speed was too fast, and he used an inexplicable psychic energy to suppress Wang Kou's instinctive defense, just like catching turtles in an urn, holding Wang Kou in his hand!

It seems to stretch out his hand casually, but it seems that two overwhelming mountains are suppressed. If any one of them is replaced, they will be caught by this unfathomable "Senior Li", letting the other party rub it round. !

Everyone understood a little bit, why the "Blood Slaughter" Wang Kou, who was murderous, bloodthirsty, and fierce and not afraid of death, respected this "Senior Li" to such an extent.

"The young man is very strong!"

After Li Yao touched Wang Kou, he patted him on the shoulder and smiled, "Don't be nervous, I'm not malicious to you. Your Royal Highness wants you guys from the rivers and lakes to come to me, let me help you adjust and strengthen Crystal armor, I naturally have to figure out your physical condition and combat characteristics in order to exert your strongest combat effectiveness, right?"

"Blood Slaughter" Wang Kou was touched by Li Yao's face as earthy--even when Li Yao touched his deadliest pubic area, he couldn't afford the slightest counterattack, and his voice stammered: "Yes, yes, everything is laborious." Senior Li, what Senior Li wants the juniors to do, just give them orders!"

"Well, you can help me see these people."

Li Yaochao Duan Rui and other desperadoes glanced, "His Royal Highness wants me to help you adjust and refit the crystal armor, but my time is also extremely limited. I am not a master above the rank, so there is no need to waste my time, these people. You probably know most of them, and see if there are any people who are trying to fill up the count. Don't get in the way here."

"Yes, this junior will watch carefully."

"Blood Slaughter" Wang Kou promised, turning his head, his eyes really widened, he looked carefully, and then turned his head after a long time, "Going back to Senior Li, the people selected by Her Royal Highness are indeed They are all relatively well-known masters in the border areas of the empire, so they should not become a burden to Senior Li on the battlefield."

"That's good."

Li Yao smiled slightly, carrying his hands on his back, and walked towards the test field again, "The inside has been cleaned up. Come in with me. Let's start the second half!"

Li Yaogu walked towards the test field by himself.

"Blood Slaughter" Wang Kou followed suit step by step.

"No Shadow" Duan Rui and other desperadoes did not dare to make a sound, stepping cautiously in the shadows of the two of them.

Just when they couldn't help asking questions, they heard the "Blood Slaughter" Wang Kou's magical powers with sound transmission, condensed into a needle and thread's voice: "You and two of you will cheer up Lao Tzu. You just listened to it. When I arrived, I gave you a package ticket in front of Senior Li. I can get Senior Li’s training. It is your good fortune. You have to take care of Senior Li. Don’t anger this old monster—or else, I skinned you alive!"

After a pause, "Blood Slaughter" Wang Kou knew that everyone was puzzled, and continued to explain in a low voice, "This old monster is called'Vulture Li Yao'. The compound type of refiner!

"He is now the personal guard and magic weapon consultant of Her Royal Highness, and all the magic weapons used by Her Royal Highness in peace and security are all in charge of him. Do you guys know what the **** is this concept?"

Personal guards and magic weapon consultants!

Desperadoes such as Duan Rui were stunned.

Of course they know what this means. In terms of position and class, "personal guards" and "magic consultants" are not considered to be much, or even lack of grades.

But these two positions are vital positions that are vital to life and death. They often come into contact with the most core secrets, and only the closest confidant can serve them, and once they are released, they are often powerful and powerful ministers!

"Vulture Li Yao", a very unfamiliar name, I have never heard of such an old monster in the empire.

However, it would be completely understandable if Her Royal Highness the Queen has been raising mysterious masters in secret for decades!

"You didn't see the madness of this old monster just now. When you see it later, you will know that every word I said is true!"

"Blood Slaughter" Wang Kou continued fiercely, "Also, this old monster's weapon refining technique is also superb, reaching the top. Her Royal Highness can win for me this time by the'Vulture Li Yao' personally adjust and strengthen the crystal armor. Opportunity, it shows the importance attached to me, you take it well, don’t mistake yourself and others. If anyone makes this old monster unhappy, he pats his **** and leaves. If we don’t strengthen the crystal armor, I will definitely take him a thousand swords. Wan Yan, feed him every piece of meat!"

Desperadoes such as Duan Rui all heard dry mouth and were upset.

When I was at a loss, suddenly another smiling voice joined in: "Hahahaha, don’t listen to Wang Kou’s nonsense, in fact, I’m very easy-going, low-key, and charming, as long as you can make me happy. It’s a great refreshment, I will definitely help you adjust the crystal armor well!"

It was the voice of the old monster "Vulture Li Yao"!

Many desperadoes were horrified. They didn't expect this old monster's cultivation to be so terrifying that even the "Blood Slaughter" King Kou's voice transmission and secret transmission could be intercepted and monitored casually.

You know, Wang Kou is talking while moving, and when the sound is transmitted into the secret, the frequency of seven or eight sonic vibrations has obviously changed!

But this old monster listened thoroughly!

"Blood Slaughter" Wang Kou was struck by lightning, his face was red enough to explode, and he was completely stupid!

"Don't be so constrained, they say that I am very easy-going, approachable, and very charming. Let's talk casually, just treat me as if I don't exist!"

Li Yao continued to carry his hands on his back, walked forward slowly, using the method of sound transmission into the secret, and at the same time smiled at 20 or 30 desperadoes, "However, I don't like the term'old monster' very much, if you If you have to talk about me behind your back, you might as well call me'Lao Mo Li'.

"Okay, here is the random gravity test field. Come on, relax and show off all your methods. Let me see if your so-called murderers and desperados are qualified to wear the crystal armor I modified. , And it’s not enough, and I’m fighting side by side with my'Vulture Li Yao'!"

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