40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2217: The mighty prison that water can't enter!

"Blood Slaughter" Wang Kou and "Wuying" Duan Rui and other desperadoes came one after another, indicating that the power of Queen Li Linghai has surfaced, and the combat operation to rescue General Lei Chenghu is about to begin.

In the secret room, Li Linghai and the four most important generals under his command were discussing the final battle.

Eastern Saint, the supreme commander of the Deep Sea Fleet, is the secret armed leader of the reformists.

Jin Yuyan, the chairman of the Wanjie Business League, is the reformist God of Wealth and is in charge of the operation of large amounts of secret funds.

Yue Wushuang, the leader of the Tribunal of Heavenly Demon, is the spy leader of the reformists. He not only has to infiltrate the system of the four major electors’ families and spy on confidential information, but also prevent the enemy from infiltrating the reformists, which has not yet been fully exposed. Today, it is naturally the most important post.

In addition to these three, Li Yao also participated in this meeting.

Although slightly surprised, Li Yao's amazing performance in the Deep Sea Dragon Palace these days has thoroughly proved his strength.

Dongfang Sheng, Jin Yuyan, and Yue Wushuang also did not have any opinions, and recognized that this "two-material transformation old monster" had the qualifications to sit on an equal footing with them.

Li Linghai, Dongfang Sheng, and Li Yao are all deities present, and Yue Wushuang and Jin Yuyan are naturally three-dimensional projections at super long distances.

When the five came together, Li Linghai first smiled at Li Yao: "Last time I asked Wang Kou and Duan Rui to come to you, on the one hand, I asked you to help them strengthen the crystal armor, and on the other hand, let them act as your sparring partners. Help you adapt to the new crystal armor and magic weapon as soon as possible-how do they perform?"

"It's pretty good."

Li Yao said, "The lads are very capable and practical in their cultivation. They obeyed my advice and we get along well."

"That's good."

Li Linghai nodded and said, "Wang Kou and Duan Rui are not from the regular army, but the heroes of the three mountains and five sacred mountains. Although they have their own unique skills, they also have a sturdy air that can't be washed away. They are all unruly and rebellious. The most disobedient to discipline.

"I was still worried about how to deal with these people. If it is placed under General Dongfang, I am afraid that everyone is uncomfortable. If you can get along with them happily, it would be best.

"If all of them are tuned and subdued, these gangsters can really come in handy unexpectedly at critical moments!"

When he said this with a smile on his face, Li Linghai let out a dry cough, and his snow-white face slowly cooled down, as he changed his words: "Now let's discuss the combat mission of rescuing General Lei Chenghu.

"How important is this mission? I don’t need to say more about it? In the past ten days, the four major electoral families have gone crazy throughout the empire, especially within the expeditionary army system, under the name of investigating the'Blood League Incident.' Countless loyal patriots have been secretly arrested by them, and countless of our sympathizers are panicked and overwhelmed, and dare not support us anymore.

"And those fellow daoists we have been arrested, under the torture of the other party, don't even know how many secrets they spit out, how much the other party knows about the secrets of the reformists.

"Even General Lei Chenghu’s thundering fleet is secretly stationed by members of the Special Investigation Committee. It is said that near the third theater of war, there are also the fleets of the four major electors’ families that are sneakily mobilizing. It looks like, It is to take advantage of the house arrest of General Lei Chenghu and the thundering fleet without a leader, to completely solve this empire's most elite force, which is separated from the four major electors' families!

"This is a critical moment. Our career and the entire empire are at stake. There is no way to wait any longer. We must bet on all our strengths, raid the Shenwei Prison, and rescue General Lei Chenghu!"


Following Li Linghai’s words, a three-dimensional map of the star field appeared in front of the five people. After zooming in continuously, one could see a dim star system, focusing on the sixth planet of the galaxy, a frost-covered one. , An extremely cold white planet.

"This is the'Xuanbing Realm' where the Shenwei Hell is located, a semi-barren world with almost no resources. Its stars are at the end of their lives, and the energy radiated by them is quite weak.

"The only habitable planet with an atmosphere is too far away from the star, making the entire planet extremely low in temperature and unable to maintain a natural ecosystem.

"Since the time of the Xinghai Republic, the equator of this planet, where it is closest to zero, has been heavily built, digging underground and pulling out a large-scale prison.

"Because there are almost no natural resources available on the planet's surface and underground, all materials are firmly controlled in the prison, and the psychic energy in the starry sky is extremely weak and thin. Even if you escape to the starry sky, you need to start a star-sea jump. It takes twice as long as usual, and it is easy to be overtaken and shot down by the defenders. Therefore, it is the best place to detain serious criminals.

"From the Xinghai Republic to the real human empire, the Shenwei Prison has continuously expanded its scale and improved its defense level for at least 1,500 years, and it has now become the highest-level and most heavily defensive super prison in the entire empire.

"The most terrifying madman in the entire empire, the most dangerous criminal, the most tyrannical fanatic, and countless people who oppose the four major electoral families are all being held here.

"By the way, since the start of the'Empire Strikes Back', we have captured many prisoners of the Holy League, among which the higher-ranking prisoners have also been imprisoned in the Shenwei Prison."

Li Linghai kept pointing on the three-dimensional light curtain, showing everyone a series of intricate guard and defense systems in the Shenwei Prison.

Seeing the dense rows of crystal magnetic guns and the murderous fleet cruising in low-Earth orbit, Li Yao frowned deeply.

"Since there are so many prisoners in custody, the vigilance in Shenwei Prison is naturally extremely strong."

Li Linghai pointed to the dense spots on the light curtain and said, "If we want to attack the Shenwei Prison, the first thing we have to face is the'Shenwei Fleet'. Although this is a near-ground defense fleet that does not have the ability to strike across the world, it is four. The elite composition of the Grand Elector's family, the combat effectiveness in the low-Earth orbit and below the atmosphere cannot be underestimated, and it is definitely a hard bone to gnaw.

"Also, the entire planet where the Shenwei Hell is located, especially the equator, is densely packed with needles. I don't know how many automated crystal cannons and underground bunkers have been erected. There are also special materials refined and extremely cold-resistant'Xuanbingzhan'. Beast', specially used for combat in ice and snow environment.

"As for going deep into the Shenwei Prison, the psychic array with super suction is naturally a standard defense method-as everyone knows, there is also a set of the same system in Wu Yinglan's "Sky City, Manzhushahua". , But it failed after being blown up by the energy supply center.

"The spiritual magnetic system in the Shenwei Prison has three energy centers and a backup energy supply base station powered by geothermal energy. There are four energy centers in total, and it doesn't matter if you blow up three of them.

"In addition, the Shenwei Prison also has a special'Black Light Scanning Defense System.' The entire prison is covered with black light probes, which emit mysterious light invisible to the naked eye every second, scanning all prisoners and jailers, and through accurate analysis. Their breathing rate, body shape, walking posture, etc., to lock their identities and monitor their various physiological parameters.

"With many top-level defense systems, the Shenwei Prison can be called'water can't enter, wings can't fly'. In the past five hundred years, no one has successfully escaped."

When Li Linghai said this, he paused, and the audience expressed their opinions.

"It's really solid."

Dongfang Sheng, the commander of the Deep Sea Fleet, frowned, "If we put all our strength together, we may be able to gnaw off this hard bone, but the damage must be extremely severe, and it may not be able to end the battle in a short time-in case the four major electors are transferred from the front. Come to the elite, then it's all over!"


Jin Yuyan, chairman of the Ten Thousand Realms Business League, said cautiously, “Once the surprise attack turns into a storm, the prison can transfer or even kill General Lei Chenghu at any time, then our desperate adventure will be meaningless.”

Li Linghai smiled confidently and cast his expectant eyes on Yue Wushuang.

The leader of the Trial Court of Heavenly Demon, Yue Wushuang, known as the "Moon Demon," still concealed most of his face in the cloak embroidered with silver rims, and said lightly: "About this, you don't have to worry, our penetration of the God's Mighty Hell is far beyond. Everyone imagines that there is now a deputy chief of staff of the Shenwei fleet, the captains of several main battleships, and a deputy warden of the Shenwei Prison, who have fallen to the'innovatives'."


Both Jin Yuyan and Dongfangsheng heard this news for the first time, and they looked at each other and were extremely shocked.

"Such a coincidence?"

There was a flash in Li Yao's heart, and he continued to listen quietly.

"Throughout the ages, if you want to change the old and the new, the first thing you must control is the granary, the armory and the prison, right?"

Yue Wushuang said calmly, "Since there are a large number of opponents of the four major electoral families imprisoned in the Shenwei prison, and there are countless strong men who will never make their heads under the current order, isn't it natural that the reformers are the best help?

"Therefore, we started a long time ago to carry out secret infiltration of the Shenwei Hell.

"The difficulty of penetration is much smaller than we thought.

"Although the fleet and defenders stationed in the Shenwei Prison are the elite of the four major electoral families, theoretically they should be loyal to the family.

"But... no matter how you put money on your own face, their job is always a'jailer' who can't make it to the table, and there will never be a chance to get ahead.

"Especially in the last decade or so in which the'Imperial Strikes Back' has been completely victorious, the children of the four major electoral families, as long as they have a little side with the expeditionary army, they all effortlessly gained a lot of war exploits, and they have never been more successful since then. Soaring upward, the future is limitless no matter in the family or in all areas of the empire.

"These guys who are stationed in the Shenwei Prison, facing the ice and snow and the prisoners all day, can't make any achievements in the battle. Seeing the guys who are getting further and further away from the children of the same generation in the family competition, how can they be mentally balanced?"

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