40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2234: Soldiers are not bloody!

"Dang Cang!"

Luo Wenyao's miniature arrow burst gun landed with his right hand holding the gun.

He was like being slowly swallowed by an invisible swamp, his expression stiff and weird to the extreme, trying to look down at his severed hand, but his jaw couldn't move a bit.

Three seconds later, with a "poof", the powerful blood pressure pushed his head up, and "Gu Lulu" rolled to his right hand, with an inexplicable expression on his face.

The headless cavity trembled a few times, and fell on his back, until he died, he didn't understand what it was for.

Yun Chenghua looked at the corpse of Yidaosandan's deputy, his face was uncertain, he stopped the siege of the guards, and stared at Lei Chenghu deeply again, his voice trembling slightly: "Luo Wenyao turned out to be yours...but you Why remind me?"

"Wrong, Luo Wenyao is not my person, but the Queen's person."

Lei Chenghu said nonchalantly, "I scanned his information. This is a hesitating and fearful guy. It is not enough to plan big things, let alone the kind of person I can safely hand over to him.

"Sure enough, he clearly drew out the arrow-burst spear just now, but he hesitated for half a second at the most critical moment. If he was a little more decisive, I would take a bet and rush to take advantage of the moment when you were distracted by him. Hold you under control, so that he might be able to live--unsurprisingly, a piece of mud that can't support the wall!"

Yun Chenghua's voice was extremely difficult: "So, you just watched me kill him?"

"Yes, what I want to do is to save the empire. Naturally, only the strongest immortal cultivator is qualified to cooperate with me. Such a waste is not worth my shot."

Lei Chenghu said frankly, "Furthermore, this is a bit of sincerity I have expressed to you-Luo Wenyao is the Queen's person and the key to this rescue plan. If he is alive, he is one of the best heroes in this battle. , No matter what choice Yun Daoist makes, the credit is under him, and he is more likely to be suppressed by him riding on his neck in the future.

"After all, he has long since relied on Her Royal Highness the Queen. In terms of qualifications, he is naturally older than Fellow Yun Daoist.

"But now that Fellow Yun killed him, it became the key to breaking the game. The future of Shenwei Prison and even the empire depends on you. If you are willing to stand on our side, we will not kill him to take down the Shenwei Prison and the Shenwei fleet. , That is the well-deserved first hero.

"As the so-called'thousand gold city bones', we have to contend with the high-levels of the four major electors' families, and naturally we must unite all the forces that can be united. If Fellow Yun Daoist is the'superior prison warden', he can stand on us. In this case, do we still need to talk about the future?

"I have also heard about Friends Yun's past. I know that you are an iron-blooded warrior, but you are not good at drilling camp and offended your family's competitors, so you are squeezed out here. Compared with Luo Wenyao, who looks forward and backwards and fears the tail. My generation, I admire a talent like Yun Daoyou more. I sincerely invite you to join me, and I am willing to fight with you, and even give you my back for protection!"

Having said that, Lei Chenghu suddenly took another step forward.

The distance between him and Yun Chenghua was originally very close, and after taking this step, the two were close at hand.

Yun Chenghua's pupils suddenly contracted, and his facial muscles quivered at a high speed, and he couldn't bear the pressure of thunder.

Lei Chenghu made a move that surprised everyone.

He actually "held it upside down too", turning his own sword upside down, and the handle of the sword was stuffed into Yun Chenghua's hand forcibly.

"I believe that my vision will never be wrong. A man like you is destined not to carry a black pot and die in obscurity in the bitter cold land as a warden. Instead, he should follow me to cross the stars and stir the Milky Way. The merit of being built into the world has allowed some people to remember the name'Yun Chenghua' in the empire after a thousand years!

"After I have finished speaking, choose!

"Either, kill me, and then die with this godly **** of a bitch!

"Either, obey me, I don’t have any glory and wealth here, but I swear to God, as long as you take this step, one day, you and your son-in-law will have the opportunity to personally put the Empire’s three-star blitz flag into it. On the last planet of the Covenant League!"

Lei Chenghu treated the saliva as nails, and hit Yun Chenghua's face one by one.

Yun Chenghua only felt that the sky was spinning, and he was completely at the mercy of Lei Chenghu.

However, Lei Chenghu helped him close and clenched all fingers one by one, and held his hand to help him put the blood-stained war knife on his neck.

The war knife that blew and broke the hair even cut through Lei Chenghu's oily skin, and shed a meandering bloodstain.

Yun Chenghua, hundreds of guards, and everyone in the control center, including Li Yao, all held their breath and watched Lei Chenghu's frantic act of suicide.


Yun Chenghua couldn't believe his eyes and ears, and he couldn't believe that the dignified "God of War" actually gave his life to his hands. The sword hovered beside Lei Chenghu's carotid artery, but his arms were sturdy. Rulong's blood vessels bounced frantically.

"It would be too disappointing if you were so timid and hesitant."

Lei Chenghu frowned deeply and said, "I don't know what else you have to worry about. In addition to me, there are countless political prisoners in Shenwei prison. They are all high-powered people in the past and know the secrets of countless empires. , There is a chance to make a comeback at any time.

"The four major electors' families kicked you into this bitter cold place to wait for death, but they don't know that they have given you a treasure house of invaluable value!

"These political prisoners are arrested here, it is not your business, how you usually treat them is also your responsibility, you have to do so.

"But if now, you can control the entire divine **** for the first time, and release them with your own hands and join our camp-who will not accept your love? In the future, if they really make a comeback, how can they forget the original Who personally rescued them from the sea of ​​suffering?

"Don't think that there is only Luo Wenyao in Shenwei prison. You don't want to seize such a precious opportunity. Some people are willing to seize it, Fellow Yun Dao!"

Lei Chenghu's words roared like heavy artillery.

Yunchenghua finally collapsed.


His face seemed to be full of cracks, twisted to the extreme, and wailed, "I still have the wives and children of these guards, most of whom stay in the family hinterland!"

"Then you should make the right choice."

Lei Chenghu glanced around coldly and said indifferently, "Here, dying in a daze, leaving a family of orphans and widows, what will happen to the four major electoral families in such a cruel and weak environment?

"Don't think that if you die, you can become the heroes of the family, so that your wives, children, and children can be sheltered-this time the trouble is so big, someone must be responsible, the dead will not speak, and they are the best candidates for scapegoats. , When all the dirty water is poured on your corpses, no one will care about your relatives.

"Only by living and condensing into a powerful and unparalleled force can you keep your loved ones in the family-such a simple truth, don't you understand?"

Yun Chenghua said, "But--"


Lei Chenghu glared, cut off the opponent swiftly, and put his neck on the opponent's blade, and shouted, "If you want to kill, kill, there is so much nonsense!"

Yun Chenghua was shaken by the shock, the blade slightly cut Lei Chenghu's neck, and the blood surged.

All the jailers and guards around shouted in exclamation.

Yun Chenghua shrank his hands like an electric shock, his face paler than the dead.

Lei Chenghu tore off a corner of his clothes at random and covered his blood-spraying neck. The corner of his clothes was instantly crimson, but he was ignorant, his sharp lips pressed tightly, and his eyes stared at the cloud unblinkingly. Chenghua.

Yun Chenghua swallowed his saliva with great difficulty, his face became paler, but a resolute flame appeared in his eyes.

Looking around, it seemed that he had gained brand new power from the faces of many high-level officials in Shenwei Prison and his own guards. Yun Chenghua held the saber in both hands and handed it back to Lei Chenghu respectfully: "Liao Haihou, please... Order it, everyone in the Shenwei Prison, resolutely obey your command!"

Li Yao kept watching from behind until this moment, finally slowly and slowly opened his mouth, which was big enough to put a coconut in it.

Lei Chenghu took his saber and swung off the blood stains that were as strong as ink on it. He glanced back at Li Yao and used the sound transmission to enter the secret **** channel: "Sorry, one of your internal counterparts-I don't know the queen. Has your Highness instructed you what should you do in this situation?"

"No, it doesn't matter, I don't care."

Li Yao hurriedly said, "I just didn't expect General Lei to be so overbearing. I was deeply impressed by your surging weather and flames. The reverence that has been buried in my heart since childhood is pouring out again. I can’t do it myself. I was in a daze for a while, and I want to be loyal to General Lei, and I’ll do what I can do under your command!"

Lei Chenghu frowned slightly: "Aren't you the personal bodyguard of the Queen, you should do the best of the Queen's work!"

Li Yao replied: "It is said that General Lei may not believe it. In fact, I am not very familiar with Her Royal Highness. It was only for the lofty idea of'saving the empire' that we came together. However, after seeing what General Lei did today, I found that You seem to be a little bit taller than the Queen, so you can't help but feel admiration for General Lei, and you are eager to fight alongside you to'ride the stars and stir the Milky Way'. This is also very reasonable."

Lei Chenghu had just said a few words, and he took control of the whole situation without blood, but at this moment, it was very rare to reveal a moment of confusion: "...Who are you guys who are strong?"

"Like General Lei, he is the kind of powerhouse who is free from low-level tastes and personal desires and fights wholeheartedly for the interests of the empire and human civilization as a whole."

Li Yao gave a dry cough and said, "So, General Lei can absolutely trust me. I really took the initiative to ask Ying to rescue you. I'm definitely on your side!"

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