40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2235: Make the best use of

Lei Chenghu looked at Li Yao's sincere face and friendly eyes, and then he was stunned for a while before he said: "This is some kind of clumsy trick of pretending to be loyal to me. After gaining my trust, can you monitor me nearby?"

"Absolutely not."

Li Yao firmly shook his head, "Trust me, General Lei, I am sincere!"

"I don't believe anyone now, the emperor is here, no matter whether it is the Senate or the deep palace, it is not easy to be born with!"

Lei Chenghu took a deep look at Li Yao. Time is running out, but he has no time to entangle with him, a guy who doesn’t play cards according to common sense. He once again turned his head back to Yun Chenghua, “Guardian Yun, the situation is now How, to what extent do you control the Shenwei Prison, where is the Shenwei fleet deployed, and is it under your absolute control?"

He just called Yun Chenghua a "Yun Daoist friend", which is a negotiation between the two sides and striving for like-minded people.

Now calling Yun Chenghua the "Guardian of Yundian", he accepted the allegiance of the other party.

Yun Chenghua took a deep breath. Now that he has taken this step, there is no turning back. Lei Chenghu is right. If they want to keep their wives and children, and even make their mark on the vast stage of the sea of ​​stars, they must do their best. Maybe you can strengthen your own strength!

At the moment, cheer up and devote yourself to the new role. With both hands running like the wind, hundreds of monitoring light screens are called up in one breath. While operating nervously, they say: "Return to Liaohaihou, Shenwei Prison has just encountered a very serious man-made operation. In the earthquake, a large amount of underground magma was squeezed into the bottom of the Shenwei Prison under high pressure. The bottom five floors all fell, and the four energy supply base stations were severely damaged. The emergency energy reserve can only supply the most basic defense system and the normal operation of ground air defense firepower.

"Moreover, our master crystal brain was invaded by a strange virus from the Saint League. At the moment when magma swallowed the energy supply base station, the master crystal brain was hijacked by the enemy. Through remote remote control, the first prison was opened. Part of the district, as well as all prisons in the third prison district, released large numbers of prisoners and prisoners of war.

"Affected by this, the first and third prison areas have been completely occupied by rioted prisoners and prisoners of war. Most of the jailers inside have been killed by them. The situation is bad.

"However, the defense system of the Shenwei Prison has been tested for hundreds of years. Even if prisoners and prisoners of war can completely occupy the prison area, they will never escape.

"Now, I have regained the control of the master crystal brain, and cut off all the passages from the first and third prison areas to the outside world. Don't even want to climb out of the first and third prison areas. They have also deployed defenses at various key points—just considering the complexity of the environment below, they didn’t rush into it.

"As for the Shenwei fleet, they have also learned about the riots in Shenwei Prison. They are entering the atmosphere and entering the combat mode of'near ground fire blockade'. They will descend two to three hundred meters from the ground at a low altitude, and they will lock Shenwei firmly. Every passage in and out of the ground, any prisoner or prisoner of war who dared to crawl out of the ground, will become the most conspicuous target on the white ice and snow!


"Although I am the warden of the Shenwei Prison, the Shenwei Fleet theoretically obeys my orders, but in fact this fleet is very independent. Its supreme commander, Lieutenant General Dongfang Lei, is loyal to the family again. Experience here, he will definitely die hard to the end, it is impossible to surrender."

Warden and fleet commander are completely two concepts.

The warden needs to master various professions but not much useful ability, which is equivalent to the big steward in this bitter cold land, and the career path is very narrow.

Basically, if you become a warden for a day, you will be the warden for a lifetime. Even if you are not the warden of the mighty prison, you will be transferred to another place, and you will still be in charge of a bunch of **** prisoners-otherwise, what else can you do? What?

What's more, after staying in a prison for a long time, and being familiar with the bricks and stones, the grass and the trees, the psychological dynamics of all the prisoners, etc., there is no reason to change people easily.

Several wardens in the Shenwei Prison were all dead in their posts, or after the dying years, their realm dropped to a stalemate, and then they went home with "two sleeves and clear breeze" for retirement.

Therefore, Lei Chenghu gave a chance, and Yun Chenghua grasped it tightly without much struggle.

However, as the commander of the fleet, it is changed every few years. Young officers from the four major electors’ families accumulate experience here and learn how to control an entire fleet. After a few years, they will have the opportunity to transfer to other fleets. It is even more promising to mobilize the deep-space fleet from the low-Earth orbit defense fleet to tens of thousands of light-years away.

As long as there is a glimmer of hope, who is willing to completely break with the behemoths of the four major electoral families and go to lei Chenghu, the "smooth commander"?

Therefore, the warden Yun Chenghua can surrender, but Dongfang Lei, the supreme commander of the Shenwei fleet, will never surrender.


Lei Chenghu pondered for a moment, and said: "I remember the structure of the Shenwei Hell. There should be a very strong air defense fire net on the ground, which can even cover the atmosphere. This air defense force should be in your hands?"

"Yes it is."

Yun Chenghua said quickly, "For a long time, the most worried way of robbing Shenwei Prison is the enemy attacking from the outside, so the air defense fire net is the top priority, but there is no expectation that the enemy will activate the magma and earthquakes in the ground-of course, This is of no use other than creating chaos.

"But the problem now is that our energy supply is seriously unstable. Most of the psionic energy must be supplied to the defense system between the prisons. The most powerful'sky cannons' on the ground are all due to the exhaustion of psychic energy. Paralyzed."

"It's okay."

Lei Chenghu said, "Now I order, first, to minimize the psychic energy consumption of the underground prison defensive system, concentrate every drop of psychic energy, and supply all the air defense fire nets to the ground, especially the most powerful'Sky Giant'. In "Cannon", ensure that the Sky Cannon can carry out at least one round of salvo. As for other anti-aircraft weapons, it can release the spirit pattern that locks the target, just bluff.

"Secondly, contact the flagship of the Shenwei fleet and inform that the worst situation has occurred. A large number of prisoners and prisoners of war are about to escape from the ground. Please get close to the ground to suppress them-if possible, don't kill, but catch it alive. .

"In short, let the flagship of the Shenwei Fleet and each battleship be as close to the ground as possible, and when you are close to the distance you are sure of, you can lock the flagship of the Shenwei Fleet with the strongest firepower!

"Third, I am going to start the call system of the entire Shenwei Prison so that as many people as possible can hear it. I want to speak to the prisoners!"

"Concentrate all the psionic energy to the air defense fire net and lock the flagship of the Shenwei fleet?"

Yun Chenghua was taken aback, reacted instantly, stammered, "You, do you want to take down the flagship and Commander Dongfang Lei? But, if this happens, we are bound to drain all the psychic powers underneath. , The defensive system will become an empty shelf, all defensive talisman arrays will stop functioning, and half of the arc will not be able to break out. It is very likely that the prisoners will be washed away!"

"That's why I have to talk to the prisoners."

Lei Chenghu glanced at Yun Chenghua coldly, "Guardian Yundian, execute the order!"


Yun Chenghua broke into a cold sweat, didn't dare to ask more than half a word, and quickly operated on the main control crystal brain.

Suddenly, half of the light curtain appeared in the icy sky and the air defense firepower points quietly turning around, aiming at the mid-air, and quietly activating the scene.

The other half became a herd of beasts in the underground prison area with teeth and claws dancing, demons dancing in a random manner, and wantonly venting.

"Open all the prisons in the first prison area."

Lei Chenghu observed for a moment.

Yun Chenghua was stunned for a moment, this time he had no objections, and obeyed Lei Chenghu's orders obediently.

"Dang Cang!"

In the first prison area, there were still many prisons in the corners and at the end of the corridor that were not opened. The prisoners who were dizzy in the bliss carnival did not care. Until this moment, the iron fence with thin arms slowly retracted into the ground. All the vicious prisoners were released.


These inhuman beasts roared eagerly in the surveillance picture.

"Open all the passages between the first prison and the third prison, including the ventilation ducts, all the passages!"

Lei Chenghu said coldly.

Yun Chenghua blinked his eyes and immediately understood what Lei Chenghu meant, but he couldn't believe that he could do this!

"Crack crouch! crouch! crouch!"

The 10,000-ton gate that had been closed tightly opened slowly, and in front of the violent beasts in the first prison, there were roads leading to the unknown. At the end of the dark passage, there were bursts of shouts and explosions. Bloody beasts have a natural attraction.

"Brothers who have been imprisoned in the Shenwei Prison for a long time, I am the Admiral of the Empire, the Supreme Commander of the Thundering Fleet, and Hou Lei Chenghu of Liaohai. Now the Supreme Control Center of the Shenwei Prison, the warden Yun Chenghua is next to you, speaking to you!"

Lei Chenghu’s sound was harder than super alloys, roaring in all directions of the mighty prison, and the eardrums of these beasts “buzzed”, "My army has already occupied the whole mighty prison. The identity of the new master of the prison is announced-you are free!"

This sentence was even more severe than the earthquake and the eruption of the volcano of my younger brother, and all the beasts were stunned. Just now, there was a group of demons chaos in the prison, and the hustle and bustle of the prison area, which was like a purgatory, turned into a dead silence in an instant.

All the ferocious beasts are all turned into statues with teeth and claws, only their lips are trembling, and they repeat two words: "Freedom!"

"However, you should all know that this precious freedom is only temporary!"

Lei Chenghu’s voice contained an indisputable majesty, “Even if you demolish the entire Divine Mighty Prison, it’s still a dead end to escape to the ice and snow, and it’s even a dead end. Second humiliation!

"Now, I can give you real freedom!

"But only the strongest warrior is qualified to enjoy this freedom!"

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