40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2240: The enemy is in the Senate!

Li Linghai could not care about Li Yao's arrogance, but he couldn't ignore the Shenwei Prison armed to the teeth, and the undamaged Shenwei fleet except for the flagship. In the end, he was "glorious" and went to the Shenwei Prison to meet Lei Chenghu in person.

The secret meeting room of the Shenwei Prison was scanned three times by Li Yaoli inside and outside. At this moment, there were only three people: Li Yao, Li Linghai and Lei Chenghu.

A meeting that might have the opportunity to change the direction of the true human empire and even the human civilization in the center of the star sea was slowly staged in this somewhat gloomy underground chamber.

Li Yao was stuck at the door like an iron tower, his eyes shone, his left eye was fixed on the ambitious white-haired witch, his right eye was fixed on the cruel one-armed general-the peak showdown between two top immortal cultivators. It is a wonderful show not to be missed!

"The final general Lei Chenghu, see Her Royal Highness!"

The wounds of Lei Chenghu's body had long been healed under the frenzied cell proliferation, and he put on a clean and straight military uniform, which looked more powerful and neat. The left sleeve was empty and dangling beside him, but his right fist hit his chest heavily. , A deep salute to Li Linghai.

"Liao Haihou is hurt, there is no need for such a big gift, please hurry up."

Li Linghai couldn’t help but paused, but said earnestly, “In the imperial capital, my'Her Royal Highness' was about to be announced that I was assassinated, poisoned, and unfortunately collapsed. In Shenwei Prison, you This majestic general, the **** of war in the army, and the pro-appointed Liao Haihou, can also follow in my footsteps in minutes and die unclearly. You and I can be said to be "sick and pity each other", although Xinghai is big , But there is no room for us, so why bother holding the shelf of "Queen" and "Liao Haihou"?

"In the eyes of countless dignitaries and elders, you and I are people who shouldn't continue to live in the world. They are non-existent ghosts. In that case, why not let go of all the burdens and vain names, just be commensurate with'dao friends', and be happy and happy. Speaking of heart, what is your opinion of Friends Lei Dao?"

Lei Chenghu smiled slightly: "Friend Li, please!"

Li Linghai's eyes lit up and said, "You are truly the number one warrior in the empire. Honestly speaking, I have long admired Friends Lei's brilliant record. If it weren't for being trapped in the deep palace and living With a walking dead and an involuntary life, I really want to fight side by side with fellow Lei Dao on the fiercest front line as an ordinary soldier of the Imperial Army, to defend the glory of the empire together, and to accomplish the unfinished achievements of the Black Star Emperor a thousand years ago!"

"Friend Li Daoist is too arrogant, right? Being in the palace, you may not be able to do something earth-shattering."

Lei Chenghu sneered and said, "It's like a friend of the Daoist sect. You are just an ordinary queen of the empire. Even if you think you are a little bit ambitious, you have not exceeded the limits of the queens of the past. As everyone knows, you are actually an ordinary queen of the empire. Being able to build such a huge deep-sea fleet in the dark can also cultivate..."Vulture Li Yao" Li Daoyou... talents with unique bones, mavericks, and rare in the world!

"But I don't know, Daoist Li has taken pains to make a big business, what is his intention?"

"The empire is at the end of the day, the wolves dominate the temples, the senate is rotten, and the world is scattered with sand, the people at dawn are miserable, and the depression and anger of young people and low-level immortals have nowhere to vent."

Li Linghai's eyes were fiery, and he said with a serious face, "Also, His Majesty the supreme Emperor has also fallen into the hands of a traitor, and was secretly held and hidden by the rebels, and even my imperial queen and you, the imperial admiral, Liao Haihou , I can't help but say, catch if you want, kill if you want to kill!

"Not to mention, the undercurrent on the front line is surging, and the Saint League people may not be willing to retreat silently like this, maybe they have to jump the wall in a hurry and fight to the death!

"But those elders and powerful elders who are rigid and decayed, and corpse-positioned vegetarian meals are still immersed in the dream of'the imperial invincibility', and they have no idea of ​​the coming threat!

"At this time of life and death, in the turbulent autumn, only sober-minded cultivators like you and me are the last saviors of the empire and human civilization!

"Yes,'save', I spent nearly a hundred years, and gambled on my life and everything that I worked so hard to manage, including risking the world's disgrace. In all likelihood, I would bear the name of a'traitor' to raid God's mighty prison and rescue Fellow Lei Dao, all to save the empire and save human civilization!"

Lei Chenghu listened blankly. He couldn't see how he reacted to Li Linghai's slightly hollow answer. It was only when Li Linghai mentioned the threat of the Saint ally, did his eyes slightly turn a half circle, and he nodded slightly. "The great righteousness of'respecting the emperor's rebellion and martial arts innovation' has just been explained to me by the vulture fellow Li Yao, who is impassioned, eloquent, and hastily, and expounded it for half an hour, which gave me a very deep understanding.

"However, I have always regarded myself as the purest soldier. If I hadn't been forced to desperate and had no choice, I really wouldn't want to participate in the changes in the imperial capital.

"But there is one thing, Daoist Li is right.

"I use Xiang Shang's head to assure that Shengmeng is definitely planning a big thunderous action secretly. Once it is launched, it is very likely to sweep the entire star sea!

"The reason why I cast myself into the trap this time and put people under house arrest is to win a chance to go to the imperial capital to persuade the Gundung Lords of the Senate!"

"Those people in the Senate won't listen to you."

Li Linghai said coldly, "The only thing they can understand, except for the sound of coin collision, is the roar of bullets and cannons!"

Lei Chenghu sighed and continued to follow his own thinking: "If you want to completely crush the plan of the Holy League, the expeditionary force must not be abolished, and even continue to be strengthened and normalized, and it will be reorganized into a more elite national defense force. ', and then at least double the resources-not for one year, but ten, twenty or even a hundred years, until one of the empire or the Holy League completely collapses.

"If it is not possible for the time being, at least the establishment of the'Expeditionary Army Base Camp' must be maintained, and the independence and control of the base camp must be improved. On the one hand, the base camp can get rid of the shackles of the imperial capital and respond quickly to the emergency military situation on the front line. On the one hand, strengthen the base camp's control over the various front-line fleets, and truly achieve the goal of “a unity of one heart and one mind”.

"If this can be achieved, then choose a general who is experienced, loyal to the empire and has no selfishness to act as the commander of the expeditionary base camp. I believe that even under the premise of the current resources and logistical support, there will be 30%. Hope can withstand the thunder counterattack of the Holy League!"

"I am a soldier and I don't understand politics. From a military standpoint, if I want to'save the empire', I must do everything I can to achieve this at all costs!"

"Friend Lei Dao is happy, just what I want!"

Li Linghai was full of white hair and no wind. He said with high spirits, "In our plan of'respecting the emperor and rebelling against the emperor, a powerful imperial army is the key, and looking at the entire empire, he has the ability and qualifications to command this army. Yes, only Fellow Lei Daoist is the only one.

"So, I very much agree with Lei Daoyou's opinion that not only cannot the expeditionary force be abolished, it should also be continuously strengthened on its current scale, and even build a sacred'defense force' based on the current expeditionary force!

"If I have the ability to make a sound in the Senate, I will definitely scream to those incompetent veterans ---you Lei Dao is the best candidate for the current expeditionary army and the commander of the national defense force in the future. Only Lei Dao-you can turn the tide and save the empire. , Help us defeat all enemies!

"It's a pity that we probably won't have a chance to appear in the Senate in the Imperial City. Even if we stand in the center of the Senate and let our throat break, no elder will hear our voice."

Li Linghai sighed faintly, staring deeply at Lei Chenghu with bleak eyes like ice crystals.

Lei Chenghu's face was calm, his eyes were even more unwavering, and he said indifferently: "I just said that I am a soldier. Unless I can bear it and have no other choice, I will never interfere with politics.

"But the chaos up and down in the empire today is more than the words'unbearable, no choice'?

"It is the responsibility of soldiers to defend their homes and the country. Whether they are external enemies or internal moths, as long as they harm the fundamental interests of the empire and human civilization, they are all enemies of our generation.

"At this moment... the enemy is in the Senate!

"Friend Li, come on, how are you going to deal with these rotten zombies in the Senate?"

Although Lei Chenghu was only single-handedly, and even lacked an arm, when he roared out the five words "enemy in the Senate", behind him was flooded with shadowy phantoms of thousands of starships. The secret rooms are boiling, and it is really overwhelming and unstoppable!

Li Yao secretly compared the model of Union soldiers he had ever seen, "Tie Shuai" Zhou Hengdao and "God of War" Lei Chenghu, and had to admit that the strong in the center of Xinghai was indeed even better!

Li Linghai was even more excited with white hair dancing frantically, making a hunting noise, and screamed: "First of all, **** fellow Lei Daoist back to the Thunder Fleet, and call out as many main battleships as possible!"

"Give me three days, I can not only mobilize 80% of the Thunder Fleet's strength, but also more confidently mobilize a group of elites from the front-line brothers."

Lei Chenghu said in a deep voice, "But troops alone are useless. We don't have a large enough logistics base. Spar fuel, panacea, weapons and ammunition, and heaven, material and earth treasures are all controlled by others. With the existing ammunition and fuel base, , At most one round of assault will run out of ammunition and food-no matter where the assault is, the Senate will not easily succumb.

"What's more, the Holy League is still watching around. It is impossible for me to mobilize all the main forces to launch a military coup that is doomed to fail. This is not to save the empire, but to accelerate the destruction of the empire!"

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