40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2241: Bing admonish!

"Friend Lei Dao, don't worry, I never thought about fighting a protracted civil war, but to solve the problem quickly."

Li Linghai's slender fingers danced lightly, and a three-dimensional light curtain of golden light was opened between the two, which was a map of the vast and starry empire.

Under Li Linghai's ten-finger fiddle, the map of the empire's territory was continuously enlarged, enlarged, and enlarged, until in the end only a shining, radiant giant planet was left in the center.

Li Linghai smiled and said, "My deep-sea fleet, the thunder-thundering fleet of fellow Lei Daoists, has also received an extra divine power fleet. The power of the three is gathered together and turned into a torrent of reformed empires. Is it possible to suddenly hit here and make trouble? Turned upside down?"

"Here, the imperial capital?"

Lei Chenghu widened his eyes and looked at Li Linghai as if he was looking at a madman, "This is impossible, absolutely impossible!

"First of all, without the guidance of large star gates, we can't jump to the sky above the imperial capital in an organizational system-we must know that the star field near the'Earth Heaven Realm, Celestial Star' where the imperial capital is located is covered with dense automatic defense magic weapons, and all kinds of unmanned control. Flying swords and automatically activated cosmic mines have filled almost all channels!

"Once our battleship jumps to the vicinity of the celestial realm and the celestial star, before even waiting for the elite fleets of the four major elector families to appear, it will be smashed into a mess, and it will be very difficult to even get together. .

"Secondly, the imperial capital'Earth Heaven, Celestial Star' itself is a huge starry sky battle fort. As early as a hundred years ago, when the Black Wind Front collapsed, the empire considered the possibility of the Holy League killing all the way to the imperial capital. 'Continuously strengthen.

"After a hundred years of construction, today's imperial capital has been armed to every street and alley, and there are more permanent refuges, spars, and magic treasure warehouses underground! Any battle to attack the imperial capital will turn into a dragging war of attrition, and we lack Logistic supplies can only support a quick decisive battle, and it is impossible to conquer the imperial capital!

"Third, and most importantly, since the'Blood League Incident,' the rumors of the imperial elders have transferred a large number of military forces to the imperial capital, named'King Qin', in fact, it is natural to protect themselves.

"The fleet gathered in the imperial capital today is three times more than in the past. How can you get in? Choosing the imperial capital as a target is simply throwing yourself into the trap and seeking your own way of death. The death of your subordinates and soldiers in vain has also cut off the last hope of the empire.

"So, if this is Li Daoyou's plan to'respect the emperor and seek rebellion, and renovate the martial arts', I forgive me for not agreeing to it!"

"Friend Lei Dao is safe, your information is slightly wrong--the elite of the four major electoral families gathered in the imperial capital at this moment are not three times as high as in the past, but at least five times, and once they hear about the'Empire Empress Li Linghai 'Joining forces with the'God of War Lei Chenghu' to set up the big chess of'respecting the emperor's rebellion and reforming the martial arts'. If you want to march into the imperial capital and implement the'soldier admonition', then under the dispersal of the soul, the assembled force will be more than five times, extremely It might be ten times that, isn't it?"

Li Linghai smiled and said, "But even with ten times the strength, it is impossible to prevent us from going straight to the imperial capital, using our lives and blood to implement ‘soldier remonstrance’, exposing the ugly face of warlords and dignitaries, awakening all the insensitive world, right?

Lei Chenghu snorted coldly: "What's the point of that, it's just a nonsense!"

"It really doesn't make any sense. If you rush into the imperial capital to engage in'soldier advice', even if you can kill a few veterans by chance, it is not worth it. On the contrary, it will completely destroy the Thunder Fleet, the Deep Sea Fleet, and the Shenwei Fleet. It has caused severe damage in the heart of the empire, faltering the rule of the four major electoral families, and it is a situation where both lose out."

Li Linghai turned around, his eyes sparkling, "We know that we will never do this kind of stupid thing that burns jade and stone, but the other party doesn't know it? Whether I or fellow Lei Daoist, at this moment, I feel like a desperate gambler. With his psychological support, it’s not surprising that he did anything frantic.

"So, knowing that we are going to enter the imperial capital to engage in ‘soldier advice,’ the elite of the four major electoral families will rush to the imperial capital madly and be locked in there!"

Lei Chenghu was stunned, the flames under his eyes instantly burned the entire secret room, and muttered: "Yes, the news of the fall of Shenwei Prison will not be concealed for long. Within a day at most, the four major electors' families will know that I am already Escape, and the existence of a huge force of'innovation'!

"And marching into the imperial capital to implement'soldier admonitions' seems to be our only choice in desperation!

"In this way..."

"As you think, please look at Fellow Daoist Lei."

Li Linghai once again reduced the map of the empire's territory, pointing to a red star sea road on the outer edge, "Now two-thirds of the elite of the four major electoral families are concentrated in the imperial Xinguang Fosun area, on the one hand, it is to prevent the Holy League from counterattacking, but What's more important is to stare at the fleets of those emerging warlords and small and medium-sized nobles, and even check each other to ensure that they can seize a favorable position when they "divide the cake.

"This part of the fleet will never move.

"Then, to strengthen the defense of the imperial capital, you can only mobilize the remaining one-third of the elite of their own lair.

"Once we learn that we are going to enter the imperial capital to engage in ‘soldier advice’, these elites will definitely race against time to rush to the imperial capital. Isn’t the nest of the four major electors’ families extremely empty?

"With the Thunder Fleet, the Deep Sea Fleet, and the Shenwei Fleet together, if you can't conquer the imperial capital, can you still not defeat the nest of the four major electoral families?"

Lei Chenghu thought deeply, zooming in and out of the map of the empire from time to time, studying attentively the territories directly under the four major elector families, and after a while, he looked up at Li Linghai: "Even if it is the nest of the four major elector families, It will not be easier to overcome than the imperial capital. Our casualties will be extremely heavy, and we will not be able to simultaneously fight against four huge interest groups that have been passed down for thousands of years."

"Who said we have to deal with four? Just one is enough."

Li Linghai smoothed the frantically dancing white hair, and said lightly, "Not even one is needed, just like what happened in the Shenwei Prison today, ‘soldiers are not bloody.’"

The flames gushing out of Lei Chenghu’s eyes were almost condensed into magma, and he said sincerely: "Why didn’t I notice such a superb figure like Daoyou Li before? If you were not in the deep palace, but on the front line, you would have long been there. Contribute to the cause and become the primordial pillar of the empire!"

"It's ok."

Li Linghai smiled slightly, "Just as Fellow Daoist Lei said just now, even if you are in the palace, you can do a big business, can't you?"

Lei Chenghu also laughed and returned to the topic: "So, where is the end of this operation? I think that today's empire, which is desperately ill and facing threats from foreign enemies, is not suitable for a major operation that is completely reborn, with a surgical operation. Precise strikes eliminated some of the enemies in the Senate, changed the minds of the remaining senators, retained and strengthened the establishment of the "Expeditionary Army Base Camp," which initially achieved the goal."

"Yes, after all, the four major electoral families are deeply entrenched, and we cannot fight against them at the same time. Therefore, even if we hold high the banner of'respecting the emperor and rebelling against the emperor, and reforming with martial arts,' it is not appropriate to label them all as'rebels.'"

Li Linghai said, "Our purpose is very simple, it is three.

"First, the current imperial prime minister Dongfangwang has resigned, and the'Dongfangwang Cabinet' has completely fallen.

"Second, appoint Fellow Lei Daoyou as the commander of the expeditionary army, add the rank of marshal, become the empire veteran, and reorganize the expeditionary army according to your will.

"Thirdly, let your majesty return to the palace and give your majesty the dignity and honor he deserves!

"As for all the following, it will not be too late for us to take advantage of the Senate."

Lei Chenghu's sight penetrated the shining map of the empire's territory, and under the refraction of thousands of stars, it became unfathomable.

"The veteran obeys his orders and is willing to be loyal to Her Royal Highness the Queen, to be smashed and die for the grand plan of'respecting the emperor's rebellion and martial arts reform'!

Lei Chenghu abruptly got up and saluted Li Linghai with a textbook-standard "unity ceremony." Because of the lack of an arm, this respect was extremely cruel and fierce. "Give me another half day and I will be able to clean up the gods and prisons." Everything, take away all the important people, and then go back to the third theater of the front line to gather my fleet.

"Now I am still the commander-in-chief of the third theater, the highest commander of the Thunder Fleet. Even if the Senate wants to remove me from my post, it will take a while, that's enough!"

"Thank you, General Lei, no... Marshal Lei."

Li Linghai also changed his title, "The empire will not forget your contribution. You will become the greatest soldier in the real human empire for thousands of years. The safety of your Majesty and I, as well as the future of thousands of people, will all depend on you. Up!

"Now the third war zone is changing and unpredictable. The fleets of the four major electoral families are monitoring you nearby. If they learn about the fall of the Shenwei Prison, maybe they will do something drastic, do you need my fleet to **** you? You go back?"

"No, it's enough to have the Shenwei fleet."

Lei Chenghu grinned, "As long as I make a precise jump, I can return to the third theater. That is my territory, no one can do anything to me!"

"Okay, then I will input a full set of combat information into the crystal brain, and then we will communicate through the ultra-long-distance secret communication channel."

Li Linghai said nonchalantly, "In order to ensure smooth communication with each other, please bring another liaison officer with Marshal Lei. Since you and Vulture Li Yao are already familiar with each other and have a good time, you might as well bring him in case you encounter. In the event of an accident, you can still protect your safety. Wouldn't it kill two birds with one stone?"

Lei Chenghu frowned deeply and stared at Li Yao for a long time.

However, he did not reject Li Linghai's "kindness", and nodded to agree.

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