40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2280: The coffin board can't hold it...

A variety of high-definition large images taken from multiple angles, and even three-dimensional holographic videos, just look down from the shoulders of the imposing giant statue of Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi, shooting the scene of millions of people thrilling, even if there is no sound. People can imagine the roar of the mountains and the tsunami.

Such a professional shooting technique can definitely be demonstrated by veterans who have been in the media industry for decades.

Even before the crying tomb incident happened, it was necessary to find the angle of the framing first-for example, the angle of the shoulder of the giant statue of Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi, which is absolutely impossible to find in a hurry.

Therefore, this is not a video taken by the people present at all, but a premeditated one!

Even the media belonging to the Li family, with incredible efficiency, interviewed an empire veteran of the Li family in just a few minutes!

"...The occurrence of such an incident cannot but be said to be a great regret, but these desperate generals and veterans must never be blamed. On the contrary, the highest authorities should seriously reflect on the reasons for the repeated merits in the front line. The generals and soldiers of the empire who sacrificed everything can only use this method to make their voices heard?"

Facing Crystal Eyes, the elder surnamed Li righteously said, "Humans are the most powerful fighting race in the sea of ​​stars-this sentence has been spread from the age of the Xinghai Empire to today, and it has become our belief, the army It is the cornerstone of the empire. If even the cornerstone is broken, the true human empire and the entire human civilization will also disappear!

"In the past ten years or so, we have achieved brilliant victories on the front line, and the spirit of all citizens is very excited, but the unprecedented victory was exchanged with the blood and sweat of these generals and soldiers on the front line. Now it is nothing more than To conquer the lost ground, one day we will go to the nest of the Holy League, completely eliminate the Covenant League, and dominate the stars and the sea. At that time, it was not because the soldiers continued to sacrifice and continue to make contributions to human civilization. ?

"Today's treatment of hard-working officers and soldiers has made the majority of officers chill. Who is willing to serve the country in the future? I think this problem is the Senate, especially the cabinet of Dongfangwang, should think about it and solve it properly!"

The reporter asked the elder Li, whether this is his personal attitude or represents the position of the Li family. The elder Li smiled slightly and said: "Suddenly, I have just received the news. This is naturally just my personal opinion. Attitude, but I believe that anyone who sincerely thinks about the empire and human civilization, regardless of the Li family, the Yun family or the Eastern family, will cry and cry at these generals and heartbroken who have gathered in the imperial tomb. The disabled veterans have the deepest sympathy and the strongest indignation towards the culprit who caused all this!

"Speaking more seriously, this is'shake the country'. Shouldn't someone stand up and be responsible for this kind of thing? Next, we will wait and see how the highest authorities and Prime Minister Dongfangwang will resolve and thoroughly investigate it! I can only represent myself solemnly promise to all citizens and all fellow daoists that I will fulfill the most sacred mission of an empire veteran, and I will definitely supervise the cabinet and resolve it to the end!"

Rao Dongfang Wang has been the Patriarch of the East for 40 years and the Prime Minister of the Empire for 20 years.

Because he clearly remembered that when discussing how to deal with so many dismissed generals and disabled veterans a few days ago, the Ministry of National Defense proposed a plan for the four major electors’ families to first take out a sum of money to provide "special subsidies". "Then the form is sent, anyhow, before the blood alliance event is completely resolved, first stabilize this group of guys.

As a result, this veteran surnamed Li was the first to jump out and groan, and the iron **** was so stubborn that he didn't even want to take out half of the copper plate.

The veteran surnamed Li took the lead to resist, and the elders of the other families naturally responded. Even the elders of the Dongfang family were noncommittal. As a result, Dongfang Wang would not come to Taiwan for a long time.

Unexpectedly, today, this veteran surnamed Li still has the face to say "sacred supervision, solve it to the end" in front of all the people through the media. He also named his name and pointed the finger at the cabinet of Dongfangwang, which really made the "iron-blooded prime minister" The anger was overwhelming, and the murderous heart was gone.

However, after the moment of anger, there was more of a chill-the veteran surnamed Li obviously wouldn't shoot casually, his words must represent the attitude of the Li family, what is the situation?

Dongfangwang was like a fat Buddha entering concentration, muttering expressionlessly, two new news came.

First, the origins of the millions of disabled veterans have been clarified-such a huge crowd cannot hide the ins and outs. The Dongfang family’s intelligence organization quickly figured out that they were following the Li family’s replacement fleet. Landed in the defense zone that the Li family was in charge of, and was escorted by the Li family before rushing all the way to the imperial tomb!

Second, the "silver fox" Li Jiande, the head of the Li family, has "again" a vicious illness. When he is in dying, he is said to have lost his mind. Now his seventh son, Li Mingxuan, is temporarily performing the duties of the family head.

Dongfang Wang was taken aback and sighed.

This is the end of the matter, and he fully understands it.


A tall, magnificent, full-faced waiter walked into the office and said murderously, "Our troops have been assembled on the east side of the imperial tomb and can go in at any time to suppress the rebellious rebellion!"

This attendant is his confidant brought out of the family, so he is called "Patriarch" instead of "Prime Minister".


In front of the personal guards, without so much worries, Dongfang Wang glared at him, "Stay on the spot, don't act rashly, remember, be careful of the other party's deliberate provocations, absolutely, absolutely can't do it!"

Since it is known as the "Iron-Blooded Prime Minister", Dongfangwang is by no means a stingy person who uses force.

If all the links inside and outside the imperial tomb are cut off, and Lingwang and the media are in his own hands, Dongfang Wang might really cut the mess quickly and solve the matter cleanly and silently.

But now it is clear that the Li family, one of the four major electoral families, is fanning the flames behind the scenes, and a little carelessness is the complete rupture of the four major electoral families—for the prime minister of the empire, this is a result that he would never want to see.

What's more, why does the Li family have the confidence to attack him suddenly at this time, which is equivalent to an all-out attack on the Dongfang family, what exactly is the Li family relying on, and are there any powerful backhands and killer moves? These are all things that must be figured out first.

The most important thing is that now the other three media and Lingwang are all blocked, and only the Li family has occupied the propaganda highland. What frictions really occur, what pictures and sounds the outside world will see, and what voices will he be the prime minister of the empire will be slandered. What does it look like?

When Dongfang Wang was considering whether he should send Dongfang's own media station immediately, there was another news that shocked him.

There is a small fleet that is forcibly breaking into the imperial tomb!

"Not ours."

The personal guards hurriedly connected to the scene. Naturally, this picture was also from the media of the Li family. "Our troops are confronting the Imperial Forest Army on the east side of the imperial tomb. They absolutely obey the orders of the Patriarch. They are only blocked and will never conflict with each other. , And did not attack the imperial tomb, ah, this is—"

In the low voice of the guards who couldn't believe it, Dongfang Wang narrowed his eyes and stared at the sky above the tomb in the picture.

Against the backdrop of more than a dozen low-altitude assault ships, a golden **** and demon became bigger and bigger, and soon in the cloudless blue sea and blue sky, it showed an extremely overbearing and cool overall picture.

This is a giant soldier with a golden body.

The violent spirit flames gushing out from the giant soldiers formed two golden wings nearly a hundred meters long on the left and right, and there were words on the wings, the left and right were:

"Golden Eagle!"

"Vulture Li Yao!"


The imperial mausoleum, the central axis, in front of the giant statue of Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi.

The anger of all soldiers, clans, and people reached its zenith before the appearance of this golden gleaming giant soldier made of gold.

Because everyone has seen a large number of starships flying from the direction of the Senate on the east side of the imperial mausoleum, with a large number of starships painted with the Eastern Family's battle emblem, confronting the rusty and riddled starship of the Imperial Forest Army.

It seems that these murderous starships from the Eastern family are about to rush into the imperial tomb if it were not for the hard work of the Imperial Forest Army to stop them!

"The Dongfang Family is so domineering that even the heroic spirit of Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi dare to trample it?"

This sentence spawned from nowhere, and quickly spread throughout the entire imperial tomb, making the clan’s cries even more tragic, and the atmosphere suddenly became tragic. All the miscellaneous generals who took the lead in the crying tomb seemed to have seen themselves. The end.

At the moment when the swords were drawn out and on the verge of triggering, a small-scale low-altitude assault fleet was silently released by the Imperial Forest Army from the west side of the imperial tomb, and it was only discovered when it glided all the way to the crowd.

Then, a golden “seed” spewed out from one of the starships, growing bigger and bigger in mid-air, turning into a giant soldier like a **** or devil, a golden eagle!

"this is--"

Zhao Zhenwu stared at the sky dumbfounded. He can be regarded as a man who has experienced hundreds of battles. He has fought with a giant soldier dozens of times, but he has never seen such a gorgeous, so domineering, and so powerful giant soldier!

The giant soldier is clearly standing at an altitude of several hundred meters, but it blooms waves that make everyone awake, but the waves are not murderous, but full of...the smell of fighting spirit and blood boiling. !

"It's the golden eagle, one of the strongest giant soldiers in our empire, the golden eagle!"

"I heard that its driver,'Vulture Li Yao', is also a well-known super master in the empire, but he has been active in a very secret underground front, specializing in spying, sabotage and espionage against the Holy League, so he has not been known. , But the brilliant victory of the empire's counterattack is really a great contribution to the vulture Li Yao!

"Yes, I have also heard of this person. He is a loyal patriot, the purest immortal cultivator, and the most loyal believer of Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi. He must be on our side! "

All kinds of gossip that Zhao Zhenwu had never heard of suddenly burst out from all corners of the imperial tomb at the moment Li Yao appeared!

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