40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2281: Add fuel to the fire!

Some gossip said that this "Vulture Li Yao" is the most powerful "secret weapon" of the Imperial Army. He has been fighting an arduous struggle with the super masters of the Covenant Alliance in the darkest and desolate star field on the front line.

There are also gossips that this "Vulture Li Yao" is a strong man in the palace, and a "master in the house" who has been loyal to protect his majesty for seven or eight generations of his ancestors. He has followed his majesty even in the era of Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi, so he is The first generation of immortals.

And this time, his Majesty couldn't bear it, so he sent him to protect the generals, veterans, clan and people of the crying mausoleum.

All kinds of news are vivid and vivid, as if someone has actually seen this "Vulture Li Yao" on the front line or in the palace, driving the heroic figure of the "Golden Eagle" that is all-powerful and devastating.

Encouraged by these news and instigated by interested people, countless people have raised their hands at the golden eagle and shouted: "The giant soldier, your majesty has sent the giant soldier to protect us. Your majesty supports our crying mausoleum. Long live, your majesty. Long live, long live the empire!"

Zhao Zhenwu was stunned and suspicious. He was a witness of the Empire's counterattack. He had never heard of "Golden Eagle, Vulture Li Yao" after more than ten years of fighting.

But having said that, the empire's counterattack involves four major war zones, dozens of large worlds, and hundreds of resource planets. The battle line spans tens of millions of light years, far beyond the limit of individual observation. No one dare to say, oneself. Learn about every war in every star field.

Therefore, if it is really a secret soldier on the black front in the depths of the stars, it would not be surprising that he has never heard of this name.

At least, one thing is certain-judging from the golden spiritual flames that ruined the world, whether this giant golden eagle or the vulture Li Yao who controls the giant soldier, all are so strong that they are indeed called " Qualifications for the “Empire’s Super First-line Power”!

A superb battle-type immortal cultivator, driving a giant soldier that is luxurious to the extreme no matter from which angle, it is not always possible that it fell from the sky and drilled out of the ground, right?

So, maybe it is really the secret weapon of the Imperial Army, or the Ouchi master who has protected your Majesty for generations!

Zhao Zhenwu secretly looked at Chu Tianhe beside him, but he was slightly surprised when he saw Chu Tianhe staring at the golden giant soldier in mid-air with wide eyes.

However, Commander-in-Chief Cry Ling calmed down after a while and whispered to Zhao Zhenwu: "Brother Zhenwu, you believe it now, we are still very likely to win this round. We will go out and make a big fuss and win. Now, everything we lost will come back!"

Zhao Zhenwu's heart moved, the fire of desire flowing under his eyes burned to the extreme, and the fists of steel and flesh were all clenched.

Chu Tianhe was right. The matter is here. There is no need to consider whether you are being used by others. It is better to be used by others than **** and waste that has no value in use!

Why bother about where this giant soldier came from? Anyway, this giant soldier is on their side, as long as they make a name for themselves, everything...and the wife...all come back. Up!

"Long live your majesty, long live the empire!"

Zhao Zhenwu also waved his arms vigorously at the golden eagle in mid-air, and roared hoarsely.

The roar of thousands of generals, veterans, clans and the public seemed to be condensed into the purest fuel, continuously injected into the golden eagle, so that this extremely cool giant soldier once again released the most gorgeous golden ripples. .

It burst into the air with tearing eardrums, and turned into a stream of light single-handedly, and rushed towards the Eastern Family fleet deployed on the east side of the imperial tomb!

The distance of tens of kilometers, for the giant soldier, is just between breathing.

The eyes of the millions of people in the underground dazzled, and the golden eagle has stood majesticly in front of the fleet of the Eastern family. The golden ship-cutting knife slashed through the waves, spurring a ten-kilometer-long majestic sword light, turning it into a golden city wall. Block the progress of the Eastern Family Fleet.


Above the imperial mausoleum, the duel between the giant soldiers and the fleet!

It was the first time in their lives that millions of people saw such a thrilling and magnificent scene, and they couldn't help shouting.

The Eastern Family Fleet was in chaos in an instant.

These troops who rushed to the imperial tomb to suppress them were all equipped with low-altitude assault ships against ground targets, and they had no operational requirements for confronting giant soldiers.

What's more, the most important thing for a starship to confront the giant soldiers is to extend the distance, at least a few hundred kilometers or more, and then form a cross firepower network to block and drag the giant soldiers to death with a steady stream of firepower.

Now the two sides are less than one kilometer apart. For the giant soldiers, they can get in between them in 0.1 second, and even get into their starships to wreak havoc, and their starships are too close to each other, even the giant soldiers Can sprint directly from the belly of one starship into the body of another starship!

In a word, what they are currently posing is not a formation against a giant soldier at all. With this formation against a giant soldier of the highest level, no matter how tragic the price it pays, it is difficult to achieve good results.

Li Yao drove the emergence of the golden eagle, forcing them into chaos, and had to retreat hundreds of kilometers to re-arrange the formation.

In addition, Prime Minister Dongfangwang strictly prohibited them from firing on their own initiative. At first glance, it looks like Li Yao alone is pushing the entire Dongfang fleet back!

Waterfall-like cheers and thunderous applause erupted from inside and outside the imperial tomb, and everyone was cheering for Li Yao's "heroic performance."

Even the battered and rusty old starships of the Imperial Forest Army blasted a salute for Li Yao, expressing 120,000 to this "loyal immortal cultivator and the most loyal follower of Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi." Sublime respect!


Inside the golden eagle, Li Yao's eyes were filled with tears and his heart was ups and downs.

Scarlet Heart Demon: "No, you won't be moved to cry by them?"

Li Yao: "Of course not. I was moved by myself! I said a long time ago that I have a dream that one day I will be able to control the most powerful giant soldiers and come to the imperial capital of the real human empire in a majestic manner. , Rampantly overbearing, blatantly show off!

"Unexpectedly, today, after my unremitting efforts and resolute struggle, my dream has finally come true. I can even **** and pee on the head of the statue of Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi. This is called'God rewards hard work, justice wins'. , It's not easy, oooooooo!"

Scarlet Heart Demon: "...Do you know what my biggest dream is at this moment?"

Li Yao: "What is it?"

Scarlet Heart Demon: "I really hope that the giant statue in front will crack open with a crash, and the mausoleum of Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi below can burst. Then Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi crawled out of the coffin and slapped him to death. You cheeky fellow!"

Li Yao: "Uh, no matter how shameless I am, I can't match the next one, right?"

Scarlet Heart Demon: "This—it's true."


Li Yao drove the golden eagle to force back the Eastern Fleet, and once again returned to the top of the imperial tomb, in front of the statue of Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi.

Holding a knife in his right hand and spreading his left hand, there is a shadowy figure standing in the palm of his hand.

The golden eagle descended slowly.

The central area of ​​the imperial tomb was empty, and the generals and veterans had long commanded the public to clear a field for Li Yao to stand on.

Li Yao stretched out his left hand and held up the person in his palm.

After a special modification, the golden eagle shoots a super-giant three-dimensional light curtain thousands of meters square to the sky from its shoulders and behind, clearly presenting the image of the person in the palm of the sky.

This is a woman with noble temperament, haggard face, plain dress, and no sculpting at all.

Staring at the millions of people below with compassionate and compassionate eyes for all sentient beings.

So that the generals, soldiers, clan and the public watched for a long time before they recognized her identity and exclaimed in disbelief: "Your Royal Highness!"

"His Royal Highness risked his death to come to the imperial tomb to support us!"

"His Royal Highness is here on behalf of Her Majesty, and is on our side!"

The sound is rolling, converging into a torrent, flooding the heart of the imperial tomb and every cryer.

"Generals, soldiers, citizens, I'm sorry, my palace...I, I'm late!"

The imperial empress Li Linghai was full of affection, she would cry before she said a word, and she didn’t even care about court etiquette. “I learned that everyone gathered here spontaneously to pay homage to the majesty of the past. On the road, I heard and understood a lot, but the more I heard it, the more I felt frightened and filled with righteous indignation.

"Unexpectedly, the brave soldiers who fought **** battles on the front line and defended His Majesty the Empire would have such an encounter when they returned to the rear, and they would be so downhearted to such an extent that they would even die silently!

"This, this is to shake the country, this is a grievance, this is to chill the hearts of all people, it is the bad guys who are hiding evil intentions, to destroy the cornerstone of the real human empire and the entire human civilization!"

Unexpectedly, the queen's attitude was so tough that many soldiers, clans, and the general public were dumbfounded.

Many people know that the emperor and the queen of the empire are involuntary puppets, and they are also in a precarious and trembling environment, and they can't help but secretly squeeze a cold sweat at such a bold statement as Li Linghai.

"The people are so miserable and the soldiers are so wronged. My Majesty and I are also deeply sympathetic and extremely dissatisfied."

Li Linghai seemed to have plucked up the courage to say, "However, many times my Majesty and I are powerless. In fact, I am really sorry for everyone, and even more ashamed of the ancestors buried here, I am sorry Black Star Emperor!"

At this point, she was sobbed and choked completely.

The public was also provoked by her, and weeped one after another. The tears that flowed out like oil, making the fire of anger more and more prosperous.

"I live deep in the palace all the year round. I don't know anything about military affairs. I don't know how to solve this problem properly. I believe that Prime Minister Dongfangwang can come up with a solution, right?"

Li Linghai wiped his tears and said, "However, after so many years, I have some personal savings. Before the matter is satisfactorily resolved, so many soldiers from far away always have to eat and drink, so I use the money to help everyone through the difficulties. ——Please don't refuse, this is the only small thing I can do for the soldiers who have worked hard, shed blood and sacrificed, and suffered injustice as the "Empire Queen"."

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