40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2283: Crows in the world are generally black!

The vast stars, shining brightly, converge into a shining torrent, expanding in all directions of the dark universe. Accompanied by the devastating and raging conquest wars, the territorial star map of today's true human empire has gradually formed.

This is the scene of constant surging and circulation above the dome of the central hall of the National Museum located on the west side of the imperial tomb.

Li Yao stood in the center of the National Museum with his hands on his back, his eyes gradually sliding from the map of the imperial territory to the front.

Right in front is a black throne inlaid with golden dragon patterns. There is no one on the throne, but a pair of black crystal armor sits on a golden sword, poking out the clashing horns around it, like a steel jungle, Unspeakable brutal and domineering.

It is said that it was Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi who used to smash the wind and clouds and smash the arms of the stars.

Appreciating this pair of black crystal armor up close, Li Yao once again felt that "Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi's coffin board is about to be overwhelmed".

The imperial empress Li Linghai ventured to return to the imperial capital, and naturally had a comprehensive plan, and would never rush back to the imperial palace to die.

There are millions of imperial forests, generals and disabled veterans, and countless people filled with indignation. It is the safest place in the imperial capital at this moment.

She has stayed here on the pretext that she has left many soldiers who have been wronged and soothed.

For some kind of ironic mentality, she even treated the National Museum as a temporary base camp, transforming the staff's office area on the top two floors into her own secret meeting room and command center.

Li Yao is nominally Li Linghai’s personal guard, but he knows well that Li Linghai has inherited the emperor’s inheritance and possesses the legendary "mandatory powers". The fighting power is far superior to him and he does not need him at all. protection of.

Except for occasionally acting in front of people, Li Yao was happy and at ease. He spent a few days visiting the National Museum of the Real Human Empire and gained a deeper understanding of the history of the Real Human Empire, even at the closest distance. See the many relics of Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi.

Naturally, this was something he couldn't even dream of before diving into the real human empire alone.

Li Yao couldn't wait to immediately send his dreamlike experience back to the Star Federation, giving Ding Lingdang and Jin Xinyue a big surprise.

It's a pity that since "City in the Sky, Manzhushahua" was exploded by him, he has been staying with Li Linghai, Lei Chenghu, and hundreds of cultivators. Where, building my own ultra-long-distance communication base station, there is no chance to contact my hometown.

I can only compress my belly full of laughter, and wait for it to be released slowly in the future.

Climbing up the steps and coming to the third floor of the National Museum, when facing the window of the imperial mausoleum, he saw Li Jialing looking far away, watching the rows of people worshiping Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi in the distance.

"You have been watching these people intently these days."

Li Yao walked over and said, "I still have a thoughtful expression all day long, why, what are you thinking?"

"It's nothing."

Li Jialing shook his head, was silent for a while, and couldn't help but said, "I just feel that these people are both pitiful and pathetic. No matter how they are used, it's like I've been used by others since I was born."

Li Yao was startled slightly, and said: "I don't know if Her Royal Highness is using these people, but as far as I am concerned, I really want to help these people get what they deserve, whether it is military exploits, dignity, or not. Or just... the power to survive.

"This approach may be excessive and extreme, and may even bring extreme risks, but they can no longer survive. This is the only chance and the last chance."

Li Jialing looked at Li Yao with some surprise: "They are immortal cultivators."

"Yes, they are immortal cultivators."

Li Yao sighed and said, "Cultivators of immortality are naturally the greatest enemy of practitioners, and these'unknown generals and commanders of bare poles' are not good men and believers who eat fast and reciting Buddha. People, even executioners of **** suppression of popular resistance.

"But one yard goes to one yard, no matter how many heinous crimes they have committed, at least they are effective in resisting the invasion of the Holy League and defending human civilization.

"Regardless of their motivation for participating in the'Imperial Counterattack', even if it is only for personal fame and fortune, at least from an objective point of view, without the fighting and sacrifice of these immortal cultivators, perhaps the heavens and stars have long been killed by the Holy League. Those puppets occupied and even collected enough resources and energy to resurrect the thousands of Pangu tribes-that would be the ultimate disaster of human civilization, irreversible.

"Credit cannot offset sins, and sins should not conceal credits. These people are criminals and heroes. I would like to see these immortals stand on the trial platform and accept the sanctions they deserve because of their past sins, and even personally tell them. The canonical punishment, but I never want to see them being kicked away after spending everything for human civilization, and in the depths of poor streets and alleys, they die silently like dogs.

"Can you figure out the difference between the two?"

Li Jialing thought about it for a moment and nodded.

"not to mention-"

Li Yao said, "Even if these'miscellaneous generals' have committed unforgivable crimes in the past, these disabled veterans, these low-level cultivators in the aura-refining and foundation-building period, can still... how do you say, I mean It is not that they are not guilty, but that if they can change the soil, the system, and the education model, they may not be able to become comprehensible.

"I can't kill all the cultivators in the middle of the star sea, but I really want to find a way to completely destroy the soil that breeds these cultivators."

Li Yao's gaze crossed Li Jialing's shoulders, and he cast his eyes on the rows of ordinary empire veterans who stepped up neatly to pay homage to the giant statue of Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi. The feelings were really deep.

Li Yao himself is a "disabled veteran" of the Star Federation. Whether he took the college entrance examination in his youth or returned to the Federation and was slandered as a blood demon, he finally got through the difficulties with the selfless help of the veterans.

He has deep feelings for the army and veterans.

Although the true human empire is an enemy country, he can't hate these horrible veterans who have dedicated everything in the war against the Holy League and defending human civilization.

The same is a disabled veteran, the gap is too big, what is going on in this country, Li Yao couldn't help but fall into contemplation.

"The four major electors' families are too stupid and too greedy, including Prime Minister Dongfangwang."

Li Jialing said in disbelief, "Don't they know that this is an act of ‘shaking the country’s roots’ and it’s going to cause a major disturbance? Why don’t they know a proper solution in advance? It’s too much!"

"It can only be said that the real world is not playing games. Those in power cannot press a button to make everyone below behave like a machine and obey orders 100% without compromise."

Li Yao said: "Even if Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi is strong, there are still people who violate the yin and the sun, lurking minions, and ill-intentioned, finally breed the cancer of the four big families? How can a mere east look control all the people below? ?

"I believe that with the pattern, vision and wisdom of the east, I must have known the consequences of abolishing generals and ignoring the disabled and veterans. But the manpower is sometimes poor. The people below have their own ideas and opinions. Maybe they have to be right. The disability and veteran allowance from the upper hair has been plucked and embezzled, what can he do?"

Li Jialing frowned and said, "Dongfangwang is known as the'Iron-Blooded Prime Minister', can't even this little matter be solved? If someone dares to embezzle even the disability and veteran allowance, just catch it and decapitate it!"

"If the embezzlement is an old monster with profound qualifications and intertwined forces, do you kill it too?"

Li Yao asked, "If the corrupter is a Lijiahua god, and other Lijiahua gods are to be protected, can he kill all the Lijiahua gods? If the corruption is a Dongfang family’s own god, Dongfang Wang Can you still kill yourself and kill your own God? If you do not distinguish between the Li family, the Dongfang family or the other two families, all the strong of the four major families have long formed unspoken rules. The crows in the world are generally black, and no one is not greedy. Yes, what about Dongfangwang?"

Li Jialing was stunned for a long time and said: "These peerless powerhouses with superb computing power, have not considered the consequences one by one, why are they so greedy and short-sighted?"

"This has nothing to do with greed, stupidity, and short-sightedness. In the final analysis, it is all about the system, or if it goes deeper, it's the ideals and Taoism, which are crooked from the root.

Li Yao said, "Because the immortal cultivator embraces the concept of'the weak eats the strong, the winner is king', the strong becomes the winner, the winner takes everything, the weak becomes the loser, and the loser will lose everything.

"Therefore, any rational immortal cultivator has extremely strong motives, looting all resources and interests in the extreme, and constantly strengthening himself.

"As to whether this plundering method is reasonable and legal, and whether it will cause any catastrophic consequences in the long run, it is simply impossible to consider.

"Because, if you don't looting like crazy now, you will become weaker and loser in the short term, and you will lose everything in the cruel internal competition. What are the long-term and overall benefits to talk about?

"Most of the rational and normal thinking cultivators, as long as they have the opportunity, they will definitely'goose and pluck their hair and embezzle' to improve their chances of survival, and once any resources are in their pockets, they will often It's extremely difficult to take it out again—that's something that reduces the chance of one's survival. How can a normal person be willing?

"Perhaps when the true human empire was just born a thousand years ago, there were still some immortal cultivators with ideals and morals, that is, the pure immortal cultivators of Lei Chenghu, but in the long survival competition, these Immortal cultivators are destined to be eliminated-as if without our presence, these desperate generals and disabled veterans are destined to be eliminated.

"All the cultivators who sacrificed heroically and fought desperately were eliminated. Only the most selfish, shameless, boldest, and most daring, corrupt cultivators can survive. After such generations of'reverse screening', the remaining cultivators have survived. What kind of person is it? Need to say?

"Today's true human empire is made up of thousands of such immortal cultivators. Under the seemingly glamorous appearance, rotten pus flows horizontally, and the grotesque and wandering demons of decadence emerge in endlessly, even if the top figures want There is no way to turn the tide. Any top-down means of change will be transformed into an excuse for interest groups to further squeeze the bottom class, making the situation of the bottom class worse and worse. What's so strange about this happening?"

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