40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2284: Cultivator's Dilemma

Li Jialing looked at the rows of disabled veterans outside the window, bowing and offering flowers, clenched his fists and said, "It must not be like this in the days of Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi."

"all the same."

Li Yao said, "If it is said that in the era of Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi, there were not so many corruption and intrigue chaos within the cultivators, and the cultivators were not as selfish and morally corrupt as they are today. The immortal cultivators have a relatively high moral standard, just because the empire was still in the pioneering period and could swallow the interests of the newly conquered regions from all directions to ease internal conflicts.

"For a country like the true human empire, its vigorous vitality must be built on the continuously accelerating expansion. When the expansion stops, various internal contradictions will intensively erupt, causing the empire to decline irretrievably.

"The empire is decaying to the extent it is today, and it has long been dying and there is no cure. Any'renovation' is a temporary cure without a cure. At most, the tumor on the body can be removed, but it is impossible to change the defects in the deep genes, let alone Li Linghai and Lei. After becoming a tiger, even if Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi is reborn, how can he heal this country?"

"If you really want to reincarnate and rebirth the empire, you must refute and deny the cultivating avenue of'the weak and the strong, the king and the loser'-the question is, the real human empire without the guidance of the cultivating avenue is still true.' Is it true human empire? Is there any immortal cultivator who can withstand his own fundamental Taoism and do such a destructive reconstruction?"

Li Jialing thought for a long time: "It has to be so, is there no other way out of this?"

"It has to be so."

Li Yao seriously said, "Survival is the first instinct of life. As long as Xiu Xian Dao adheres to the rule of'the weak will eat the strong, the king will lose the enemy', everyone will be driven by instinct to use all resources on themselves and consume them in order to survive. In a meaningless internal struggle, even if it is not used for the time being, it will be secretly hidden for emergencies, and will never be invested in the public, country, civilization, and external struggles. What does this talk about'optimal allocation of resources' What?"

Li Jialing frowned, shook his head and said, "Nevertheless, is the Dao of Cultivation better? Is it possible that under the guidance of the Dao of Cultivation, practitioners will be able to maintain a very high moral standard and will fight for the masses wholeheartedly. Will there be class consolidation and huge interest groups? If this is the case, the Xinghai Republic will not be destroyed, and the Firefly will not be destroyed!"

"You are right, I don't want to deceive people. Both the cultivator and the immortal cultivator are humans. As long as they are human, human instincts, desires and defects are readily available. Everything that happened in the real human empire today will be tomorrow... Yesterday, it happened on the Xinghai Republic and the Firefly, and it even led to two destructions."

Li Yao fell into deep thought and murmured, "But I am still willing to believe that, at least, in a mainstream thinking of'the strong help the weak, the weak give feedback to the strong, the strong and the weak work side by side and support each other' etc. In this society, people do not have such strong motives, and they have to harm the interests of the whole to strengthen themselves. Since the whole is the strongest backing and warmest support of the individual, first put the interests on the whole, and strengthen the whole first. It’s not against humanity to think about yourself, right?

"If you still can't understand, construct a simplest social model. In this model, the entire society is highly compressed and simplified, with only two people and one resource.

"One of them is you. You are not sure whether you are a cultivator or a cultivator. You can flexibly change between the two strategies of cultivating and cultivating.

"The other person is a master whose strength is far above you, but he is seriously injured now and urgently needs this resource to recover.

"Naturally, now this resource is in the hands of you who are strong and healthy. If you choose to consume this resource by yourself, you can increase your strength by 10 points, and another severely injured master is very likely. He died immediately.

"But if you give resources to this badly injured master, after he recovers, his strength can be increased by 100 points.

"By the way, in addition to the two of you, there are various threats in this world. The stronger your overall strength, the more likely you are to survive in a perilous world.

"The problem is here. In the first case, if you know that this severely injured master is a ruthless immortal cultivator who believes in the concept of'the weak eats the strong, the strong is the respect, the winner takes the loser, the winner takes all'. This precious resource is given to him, so that he can fully recover his strength, and your strength is only one-fifth or even one-tenth of his?

"In the second case, if you clearly know that this severely injured master is a cultivator who has fought for the weak for countless times, how would you choose? Give yourself the resources to maximize your individual combat effectiveness; or give him, Maximize your team's combat effectiveness?"

Li Jialing's eyes rolled round and round, his fists were clenched and loosened, loosened and clenched. It took a long time before he let out a sigh of relief and said arduously: "I can't lie, the first situation , I will leave all the resources to myself, and take care of this master whether he will die; in the second case, it is very likely that I will give the resources to this master, anyway, after he regains his strength, he should protect me.

"However, in the first case, there is another option. If this resource can be divided, then I will divide the resource. A large part will be given to myself and a small part will be given to this master. He recovered a little bit, his strength remained a little weaker than mine, and he was able to play a little role."

"it's the same."

Li Yao said lightly, "No matter how much resources you allocate to this immortal cultivator, your team's combat effectiveness has not been maximized, in other words, the'optimal allocation of resources' has not been achieved.

"Not to mention, if you give this badly injured master cultivator a little bit of resources, he may not be grateful to you, maybe he will be angry with your stinginess. In the next battle, the two will have to fight each other, beware of each other, and not wait for external threats. Appeared, I got up first, right?"

Li Jialing was stunned for a moment, and said, "Yes, yes, but in the second case, who can guarantee that this cultivator will get all the resources and will be able to protect the weak after he restores his strength. In case his mentality changes, Tore through the mask of hypocrisy at the critical moment and forsake me?"

"Probability, everything has a probability. I did not say that in the second case, the strategy of giving all resources to this master practitioner must be correct. I can only say that this strategy will maximize the chance of survival. That's it."

Li Yao propped his hands on the window frame and looked at the statue of Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi in the diagonal wind and drizzle on the opposite side, saying, "The cultivator may indeed be a hypocrite, but the cultivator must always be a real villain. Hypocrites are only at the end. The moment you tear your skin will be harmful, but the real villain has been spraying venom every second, 24 hours a day, 24 hours a day from the beginning, using conspiracy and tricks, and doing everything to the extreme harming others and self-interests-you have to choose a partner. , Fools know how to choose!"

Li Jialing frowned and said, "What exactly does Brother Yao want to say?"

Li Yaodao: "What I want to say is that in any small-scale world, if your companion is a cultivator, then no matter how kind-hearted, noble morals, and selfless dedication you are, it is useless. Based on the instinct of survival, you are the only one. The strategy is to quickly turn yourself into an immortal cultivator. It’s better to be a colder, crueler, and more treacherous cultivator than the other, at least to achieve a'horror balance' between each other, so that you are safe enough for you. The cooperative relationship between the two can also be temporarily stabilized.

"But in this way, the world of cultivating immortals formed by you immortal cultivators simply cannot achieve the boasted'optimal allocation of resources'. On the contrary, it can exert 100 combat power under the most ideal conditions, and survive in your intrigue and intrigue. Under the game, only 10 points can be played.

"I want to call this phenomenon the'immortal cultivator's dilemma.' The entire real human empire is currently in a huge'immortal cultivator's dilemma', so that there is nothing in the middle of the star sea with the richest and abundant resources, but even The uninvented little holy league in Xinghai can't be eliminated.

"In the second form of society, if your partner is a cultivator, you also have a great chance of transforming into a cultivator, making more selfless actions, such as giving priority to precious resources for the other party to use. , Because you know this is a reliable investment. After the other party recovers from the injury, you will definitely collect more resources to give back to you.

"Such a positive incentive and feedback will make you two become more and more selfless and united. In the end, you can achieve the'optimal allocation of resources' and output the most powerful overall combat effectiveness. Right?"

Li Jialing tilted his head and thought for a long time: "It seems to be."

"Of course it is, isn't there a living example right in front of you?"

Li Yao banged his head and shouted, "In the past, you were a muddlehead, good and evil, deliberately pretending to pretend to be a little demon, **** killing without blinking, is the best'xiuxian', but since I met Brother Yao, I have such a heart. After being a kind, noble, and full-hearted cultivator, you were unknowingly influenced by my stalwart personality. You have also learned to look at the world with the way of thinking of a cultivator, and gradually transform into the direction of a cultivator—— Isn't this the best proof?

"So, as long as everyone gives a little love, the universe will become a better tomorrow. Although the avenue of cultivation is a bit outdated and desolate now, it will become the mainstream of Xinghai Central again in time! Only cultivation Great roads can save the empire. If you really want to'renovate the empire' and give birth to a'new empire', it shouldn't be a new empire of the generations of Li Linghai and Lei Chenghu, but a new empire of all people's cultivation!"

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