40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2289: Li Yao's role


Lei Chenghu thought carefully, and slowly said, "Even if the whole thing can be made public, is it possible for Dongfang Renxin to cut with his brother so that the Imperial Prime Minister Dongfangwang stays out of the matter and pretends to be completely ignorant?"


Li Linghai shook his head with certainty, "Dongfang Renxin is more than a hundred years older than Dongfangwang. The status of these brothers in the Dongfang family more than a hundred years ago was just ordinary, and there is no sign of monopolizing power.

"There is every reason to believe that it was the Dongfang's benevolent'medical skills' that helped him win over a group of big men from the Dongfang family, and they converged into a canine interest. In the end, this small circle launched Dongfangwang to represent their interests. , Became Prime Minister of the Empire.

"The entire coterie is a relationship that all wins and all loses. As long as Dongfang's benevolence falls, including Dongfangwang, no one can be spared."

Lei Chenghu said solemnly: "Understood, Dongfang's benevolence is the key. We must catch him cleanly and destroy his secret research institute to get strong evidence?"

"Yes, this is the most difficult part of the whole thing. We must grasp the living oriental kindness and get key evidence."

Li Linghai squinted his eyes and said coldly, "After all, Dongfang Renxin is a respected and respected empire veteran. For such a serious crime, as long as the evidence is not conclusive and arrested on the spot, he has 10,000 ways to get out and bite us. .

"There is only one chance. Dongfang Renxin still doesn’t know that we’ve already caught sight of him. If he misses a hit, he will surely destroy all the clues of the Secret Research Institute and immediately flee back to the territory of the Dongfang Family. Then we There was nothing to do.

"In other words, this arrest is the'victor and loser' of this battle. If it succeeds in getting the loot, the cabinet of Dongfangwang will definitely fall and trigger an avalanche-like chain reaction. No one can stop the destruction of the Dongfang family; If we fail, the Yun and Song families who are watching, and the Li family who seems to be standing behind us will turn their faces and destroy us without hesitation!"

Everyone was thinking about it, and they had to admit that if this matter is true, it is indeed a great opportunity for the reformers, but it is also a dangerous move to dance on the blade.

Lei Chenghu glanced at Dongfang Sheng: "What exactly do you do to mobilize the fleet for a surprise attack?"

Li Linghai shook his head: "The fleet is absolutely unmovable. The tacit agreement we have reached with the other three families is that they will never move the fleet. The remaining three will help us keep a firm eye on the fleet of the Dongfang family.

"If our fleet raided the celestial realm and the celestial star, let alone the question of the probability of success, the Dongfang family's fleet will definitely intervene. Everyone fighting in the imperial capital will detonate a full-scale civil war. I believe no one wants to see this. Scene."


After thinking twice, Lei Chenghu nodded slowly, "No one hopes that the empire is really messed up. That will only make the Covenant Alliance cheaper."

"Therefore, Yue Wushuang's Tianma Tribunal was mainly responsible for this arrest. In theory, as long as Dongfang Renxin is suspected of being corroded by the Tianma, they have the legal right to arrest and judge."

Li Linghai said, "General Lei and General Dongfang, your two fleets will continue to be on standby to further maintain the supervision and suppression of the Li family fleet, forcing them to contain the Dongfang family fleet, so that everyone's fleet cannot act rashly.

"Chairman Kim, your task is to continue to wander among the commercial interest groups of the other three electoral families and express the goodwill and sincerity of our reformists. For example, to divide the interests of the Eastern family, you can give them more. In short To express such a point of view-the fall of the Eastern family is definitely beneficial to the three major families, and the business groups in the outer world of the empire are short-sighted hillbillies and buns, and only a little bit of benefit is needed. Satisfied.

"Of course, since everyone’s fleet is not moving on the bright side, the dark battlefield of the Imperial Capital will be very busy for a while. Please mobilize all the funds you can mobilize to fully support the Imperial Capital. There are a lot of intelligence and informants to buy, many killers and Assassins need to be hired, and many vacillating guys have to rely on Empire Coins to knock them down.

"The general task is like this, is there anything else you don't understand?"

This time, there is no doubt.

"Then please fellow daoists, continue to fight bravely on their respective battlefields!"

With a wave of his hand, Li Linghai categorically cut the railway, "Win this battle and the'New Empire' will succeed!"

Everyone suddenly got up, raised their right arms flat, clenched their fists, and said in unison: "Long live the empire, long live the cultivators, and long live human civilization!"

The secret meeting came to an end for a while, and everyone filed out, only Li Yao stayed behind as Li Linghai's eyes signalled.

Only the Queen of the Empire and Li Yao, the vulture, remain in the huge cultural relics repair center.

The three-dimensional light curtain behind Li Linghai undulates and condenses into a new perspective view, like a translucent ant nest, covered with dense corridors and holes. People with intensive phobias will definitely see it. The scalp is numb.

"One thing, I hope to get your opinion, a magic weapon expert."

Li Linghai pointed to the perspective view of the ant colony behind him, "This is a detailed block diagram of the block two kilometers underground in the 27th District of the Imperial Capital. Our intelligence shows that this is the Secret Research Institute of Dongfang Renxin.

"All the research he conducted at Tianxing Hospital is naturally legal. There is nothing wrong with it. The secrets that are really hidden, the various facilities for'cannibalism' and various'raw materials' are all arranged in Here.

"The troublesome thing is that Dongfang Renxin also knows that the matter is very important, and will not allow the slightest mistake. Therefore, the entire 27th District is not only heavily guarded, but also full of his minions, and there are also structures installed around the Secret Research Institute. The cluster of sophisticated serial spar bombs is so powerful that it can be detonated at one point, enough to destroy everything in the Secret Research Institute.

"Look, this is our secret spy. It took a lot of hard work to get a part of the spar bomb burying point and structure diagram. What is your opinion, can we remove the spar bomb before we storm in? "

Li Linghai kept zooming in on the screen. In the intricately translucent schematic diagrams like ant nests and mazes, some shiny red dots soon appeared. The result of these red dots continued to magnify was a crystal bomb with extreme precision. .


Li Yao's pupils contracted suddenly, his fingers trembling involuntarily, and he murmured, "More than a secret research institute? The entire 27th district is sitting on an active volcano. Once the spar bomb is detonated, I'm afraid the whole underground The towns are going to fly to the sky, no, it's the mountains and the ground cracking, completely buried deep underground!

"And, if I'm not mistaken, there should be only 30% of the spar bombs here, and the hideous features of the entire spar bomb array have not been fully revealed yet?"

Li Linghai's eyes gleamed, and he nodded: "Yes, experts are experts. As expected, the eyes are sharp enough. There is no way. This secret research institute is the lifeblood of Dongfang Renxin and Dongfangwang. We can spy 30% of the self. Destroying the device is already the limit, how about it, are you sure that it will fail silently?"

Li Yao's brows were tightly furrowed, but the depths of his eyes burst out with eagerness.

It's been a long time since I encountered such an interesting challenge.

He closed his eyes, but his eyes were spinning quickly under his eyelids, and his fingers made a "buzzing" sound, but they bounced at a super-high frequency that the naked eye could not discern. After repeated deductions and calculations, he nodded and shook his head. : "If the remaining 70% of the self-destructing devices are also the same type of spar bombs, I am 80% sure, but the person who set up this self-destructing device is definitely a master, so I doubt whether he will be in In the other 70% of the structures, more insidious traps are arranged, so we have to look at the on-site operations.

"I knew that you would not disappoint me."

Li Linghai pushed a badge over, "This arrest operation is considered to be for the people to eliminate harm. It should be in line with the Taoism of you, a cultivator, and there is no additional charge, right?"

"You have to collect money for the people's harm. If you don't have the money and the resources, you can't grow yourself. How can you better help the people next time? At most, give your Royal Highness a discount."

Li Yao played with this badge and looked intently. Under the background of crossed swords, there was a balance. On the left side of the balance was a **** heart. On the right side was a blue-faced fangs and extremely ugly monster head. Staring wide-eyed, with a staring look, "This is... the battle emblem of the Heavenly Demon Tribunal?"

"Yes, our action of'respecting the emperor's rebellion and reforming the military' is not a rebellion, let alone a civil war. Since everyone's fleet is not moving, then this battle must be fought in a legal form, at least in name. legal."

Li Linghai smiled and said, "Your current identity is my personal guard. You have no law enforcement power outside the palace, let alone arrest an empire veteran, so you are temporarily granted the status of'special adviser to the Tribunal of Demons'. You participate in this action."

"By the way, there is one thing I have always wanted to ask His Royal Highness the Pope."

Li Yao held the battle emblem in his palm, and thought for a while, "The Demon Tribunal claims to be qualified to interrogate all cases involving the demon within the entire empire, arrest, interrogate, and punish all the cultivators contaminated by the demon. The problem is , Who will judge whether a person is a demon cultivator, whether he is contaminated by the demon, and whether the demon court is qualified to sanction him?"

Li Linghai said indifferently: "Naturally it is the Trial Chamber of Heavenly Demon."

Li Yao blinked his eyes and said, "In other words, the Demon Tribunal can walk on the street, accuse a passer-by of being a demon repairer, and then catch him in his dark prison to torture him?"

Li Linghai said: "Yes."

Li Yao said, "What if you discover that this poor fellow is not a demon repairer after torture?"

Li Linghai said: "Don't worry, this situation does not exist. The Heavenly Demon Tribunal has 10,000 ways to get a suspect to admit that he is a demon repairer."

Li Yao said, "Uh, what if there is no phantom energy in him?"

Li Linghai said, "That is because the cultivation base is not yet home, or the deep-hidden demonic cultivator-there is a problem?"

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