40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2290: The mysterious moon in the East! (Fourth!)

Li Yao was stunned for a long time, and said, "If you insist on saying this, then it's okay."

Li Linghai smiled and said, "When the emperor was in control of the power in the first five hundred years of the empire, the Heavenly Demon Inquisition, the sharpest sword of his Majesty, did have the absolute power to say one thing, kill one, and cut first and then play. At that time, a member of the Heavenly Demon Inquisition The little'Hunter Witch' walking through the street can scare the ministers and local heads of the court to tremble. If anyone is knocked on the door by the'Hunter Witches' in the middle of the night, it is not an exaggeration to be scared to death.

"However, with the decline of the imperial power, the Heavenly Demon Tribunal has become increasingly depressed and dilapidated. What I just said is only a ‘theoretical’ possibility.

"Theoretically, the Demon Tribunal can indeed accuse anyone of being a cultivator of demons, grabbing their lair to extort a confession or even bend a trick. But in reality, if you really want to arrest someone, it still depends on your strength.

"Before receiving the full support of our reformists, the Demon Tribunal was far from having the ability to arrest people everywhere, especially in cases involving the four major electoral families. If you dare to come and arrest people, people will dare to beat you to death. Burned to ashes, sprayed into the depths of the star sea, what can you do?

"To be ugly, let alone wronging good people at will, and succumbing to the trick, even if someone from the four major electorate families cooperates with the extraterritorial demon and becomes an out-and-out demon repairer, the demon court can only open one eye and close one eye. , Pretend not to see it?"

Li Yao was shocked: "Is someone...cooperating with an extraterritorial demon?"

"I can cooperate with you, the cultivator and the cultivator. As long as there are enough benefits, why can't we cooperate with the extraterritorial celestial demon?"

Li Linghai said indifferently, "Extraterritorial demon is also a kind of intelligent life, and intelligent life means the possibility of negotiation, compromise, bargaining and reconciliation. In short, what I want to say is that even with the full support of the reformers, the power of the demon court is now Far from recovering to its heyday, there is only the power of'life or death, arbitrary sanctions' in theory, which is not as arrogant and domineering as you think.

"But the other organization is different-that is the Demon Hunter Association."

Li Yao thought for a while: "Understood, the empire specializes in dealing with monsters and monsters' official institutions."

"Yes, since the Xinghai Empire was collapsed by the Yaozu and the Tianma 10,000 years ago, the Yaozu and the Tianma have been the two major threats to human civilization. After that, all the governments in the center of the Xinghai will set up organizations to deal with these two threats. Even the army, in the real human empire, is the Demon Trial Chamber and the Demon Hunter Association."

Li Linghai said, "Ten thousand years have passed. Most of the time, the extraterrestrial demons disappeared, and at most occasionally came out to make troubles. The demons also completely lost an established and systematic civilized country, and were driven to the edge of the star sea by us. Is it extinct?

"The Demon Tribunal and the Demon Hunter Association lost their usefulness, and they continued to transform and became the two secret spy organizations of the empire. The sharp weapons that used to deal with the demon race and the demon are now suitable for humans.

"The first five hundred years of the empire was the era of the Tribunal of Heavenly Demon. Relying on the support of His Majesty the Emperor, it always firmly suppressed the Demon Hunter Association. This also caused the Demon Hunter Association to vote for the four major electors’ families early on to suppress them. The secret war of imperial power has made great contributions, and when rewards are rewarded, the scale and level have risen, and in the next five hundred years, they will become all the cultivators of the empire, and everyone will become a terrifying existence after hearing the wind!"

Li Yao turned his mind and nodded: "Understand, this member of the'Demon Hunter Association' can also sway on the road and say who is the demon clan if he is upset, drag him back to torture, beating, and then'click. 'A decapitation is completely legal?'

"Yes, if the Heavenly Demon Tribunal is the emperor’s sharpest sword, then the Demon Hunter Association is the most loyal hunting dog of the four major electors’ families. Those who dare to disobey the orders of the four major families and violate their interests will inevitably be detained. Put on hats such as'monster spies' and'human and demons mixed blood', and you will be ruined and slaughtered."

Li Linghai said, "And in the past century, the strength of the Eastern family has greatly expanded, extending its tentacles to all key areas of the empire. The Demon Hunter Association is naturally also their key infiltration target. The newly appointed president is a member of the Eastern family, which is more accurate. Said it is Dongfangwang's confidant.

"Now everyone’s fleet is firmly restrained by each other, and no one dares to risk the world’s unrest to start a civil war. That is the Demon Inquisition and the Demon Hunter Association. This black battlefield that has been entangled by old enemies for thousands of years is also important. The war is on."

Li Linghai gestured lightly with a talisman formation, and the light and shadow flickered behind him, and the picture of the underground block just now was replaced with the image of a young woman.

This woman...

Her long black hair poured straight down like a waterfall and hung down to her waist. Although the facial features are small and exquisite, the whole is a bit dull, like a few faint dots of ink on gray rice paper. Deep impression.

Even with Li Yao's memory and recognition ability, I have seen this three-dimensional photo, but I still can't tell what characteristics this woman has besides the full-length waterfall hair.

The waterfall hair is obviously a cover up. It can be cut short, dyed and changed in minutes. Focusing on the hair is completely useless.

Since Li Yao cultivated to the realm of transforming gods, he has never felt such an "unpredictable" feeling towards a person. It is really strange!

"This woman is called'Eastern Bright Moon,' and she is the president of the Demon Hunter Association who just took office last month."

Li Linghai introduced, "I believe she is Dongfangwang's spy chief, equivalent to Yue Wushuang's role on our side, and the most dangerous enemy in our next stage of battle!

"You have recently been in the limelight in Xinghai and Huangling. You should have been noticed by Dongfang Wang a long time ago. It is very likely that you will have to deal with this woman. Be careful!"

Li Yao stared at the photos of Dongfang Mingyue with interest, and muttered: "It looks really young, what realm is it, what's the background, do you have detailed information to study it?"

Li Linghai slowly shook his head and said, "No."

Li Yao was startled slightly: "For such an important role, the ancestors had not had hemorrhoids in the eighteenth generation. They should have collected all the materials, right? What is "no"?"

Li Linghai smiled bitterly, and said: "Remember how I introduced you to others before? I said you are a secret warrior kept in the dark by the reformists. Kind.

"Many big forces will train such dark warriors, specializing in the most secretive, dirtiest and bloodiest activities, known as'Onimusha' and the like.

"You are naturally a counterfeit, but this Dongfang Mingyue is genuine. The dark warrior and Onimusha that the East looks to support, before she became the president of the Demon Hunter Association, had almost no information, but there are reasons to believe that dozens of them. The shocking cases are all related to her, she is the most proficient in stealth assassinations and secret operations!"

"so smart?"

Li Yao said in disbelief, "Really she doesn't even have any information?"

"No, she is like a shadow, a shadow emerging from the depths of the dark swamp, no one knows what realm she is."

Li Linghai turned around and said, "However, a year and a half ago, I met her once in the palace hall. At that time, her identity was just a small palace lady."

Li Yao widened his eyes: "What?"

"The four major electoral families will put eyeliner in the palace, including myself, the eyeliner that the Li family used to put in the palace at first, so she was ordered by Dongfangwang to perform any tasks in the palace as a maid, but she didn’t. Not surprisingly."

Li Linghai frowned slightly and murmured, "It's just that I glanced at her at random at that time, and I actually felt a sense of vigilance, which is really weird."

"His Royal Highness actually feels wary of Dongfang Mingyue?"

Li Yao was taken aback.

He knows how terrifying Li Linghai's combat effectiveness is. Even if he is not "the number one master of the real human empire", it is absolutely no problem to rank among the top ten or even the top five.

Such a peerless master who cultivated the emperor's supernatural powers and possessed the body of the purple flame true dragon's aura, had a sense of vigilance towards Dongfang Mingyue?

In other words, even if Dongfang Mingyue is not as strong as Li Linghai, it is at least certain that it will pose a threat to Li Linghai!

Li Yao pondered: "His Royal Highness, to be honest, have you ever felt a sense of vigilance towards me... on earth?"

Li Linghai thought for a while, and said, "It looks like there is none."

Li Yao said in disbelief, "Isn't it, not once, not even a second?"

Li Linghai shook his head and said: "No, you shouldn't pose a threat to me - except for being a pig teammate and pulling my hind legs."

Li Yao sighed: "Well, that is to say, everyone is also a'Onimus in the Dark', but this Dongfang Mingyue should be a little bit better than me?"

"Yes, but you don't need to be discouraged."

Li Linghai explained, "I have carefully estimated afterwards, even if Dongfang Mingyue is really stronger than you, it may not be able to kill you. If you two really fight each other, there is a high probability that you will be able to break the gecko's tail and escape."

Li Yao: "...oh."

"In short, during this period of time, the Heavenly Demon Trial Chamber will go into full-scale war with the Demon Hunter Association, which consumes a lot of magic weapons, and you and Master Jin Tianzong need to bother."

Li Linghai said, "As for the information of the Oriental Bright Moon, there will always be more collected in this dark war, and it is even better if you can try her for yourself.

"In the final analysis, this large-scale dark war is just a feint and cover-up. When the time is right and most of the opponent's power is transferred away from the mountain, we will win the Dongfang Renxin Secret Research Institute with lightning speed. , To find the key evidence, of course, we must also seize him. The next big avalanche of the entire Eastern family will be unstoppable-is there a problem?"


Li Yao raised his hand, "Why does Her Royal Highness say that I am a pig teammate? When did I pull your hind legs? And, I really, really haven't threatened you at all?"


The fourth one is sent, Lao Niu is really exhausted. If you brothers and sisters have monthly recommended tickets or something, let Lao Niu...make up for it?

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