40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2317: The ending of Dongfangwang

"Satisfied, satisfied."

Li Yao hurriedly said, "In this case, your situation is really special. You may not be able to find your kind after searching the entire Xinghai?"


Long Yangjun smiled, gently surging waves, and said lightly, "If it is the Pangu and Nuwa tribes who have entered a long-term hibernation state, maybe there are, but there are indeed very few cases like me. I don't I don't expect to meet my real kind.

"It doesn't matter, the sea of ​​stars is vast, and loneliness is originally the main theme of the universe. Even if you have hundreds of millions of similar species by your side, don't you want to intrigue and fight each other? How many people can truly trust without reservation? There is no such species, perhaps more. Be clean!"

Li Yao heard the meaning of loneliness in Long Yangjun's words, and when he thought of his unique "earthman" identity, he could quite understand Long Yangjun's mood.

Indeed, many things are not for outsiders, so they can only bear and pursue them silently. Long Yangjun can't find the same kind. During his lifetime, can he meet a second "earthman"?

The two of them had their own concerns, and moved downstream for a while, and it was Long Yangjun’s turn to ask: "I have answered your personal question one to five to ten. Should you also be honest with me? Tell me honestly, this "The Scarlet Heart Demon", is it your last trump card?"

"of course!"

Li Yao blurted out, "I'm not a **** of gambling, how can I hide seventeen or eight hole cards, the Scarlet Heart Demon is my only one, the last hole card!"

Long Yangjun suspiciously: "Really?"


Li Yao firmly said, "I guarantee it with my personality."

"That's it."

Long Yangjun sighed and said, "It seems that you are really weird. I finally understand why you throw the'Blood Heart Demon' so readily and let me know, because you expected that I won't open yours. The hole card will never give up, so you deliberately played the "Blood Heart Demon" card, just to satisfy my curiosity and win my trust. In fact, it is just a smoke bomb. You must have deeper secrets. Strong hole cards!"

"Is there such an exaggeration as you said?"

Li Yao bit his scalp and said, "Why do I look sinister in your description?"

"You are sinister in the first place."

Long Yangjun didn't turn his head, "Although you usually put on a very silly, innocent and stupid look, you are dumbfounded and sweaty at every turn, seeming to be very deceived, and you will be fooled easily and be at the mercy of others, but Ah, in the past 100 years, all the guys who believe you are really stupid and naive, no matter what the hero, the commander or the conspirator, no matter how great the wisdom, no matter how precise the layout, no matter how innocent and foolproof, All have died by your sword-this is not sinister, what is sinister!"

Li Yao laughed a little awkwardly, "Hehe", letting Long Yangjun ridicule him and stopped talking.

In a short while, the two of them had gone deep into a gap of more than 13,000 meters below sea level, and the surroundings were really dark and sticky like a swamp.

On the fault on the east side, the traces of artificial excavation are very obvious-of course, this "person" is not a human, but Pangu or Nuwa.


Long Yangjun led Li Yao through a long and narrow crack and swam forward for a minute. The surrounding rugged rock formations turned into mirror-like metal, and they entered the pipe of some man-made object.


Behind the two of them, a circular door slowly turned and closed, and the surrounding drainage holes continuously drained the sea water, and there was hot wind blowing in. The pipes that had just been filled with sea water suddenly became dry and warm.


Li Yao was finally able to remove his helmet and take a deep breath. The air here was sultry and dirty, and there was also a strong metallic breath. Fortunately, there were not too many impurities and toxicity. For those with strong spirits, breathing was naturally not a problem.

However, there is a hint of blood in the air, and it is quite fresh. It seems that he has just experienced a tragic massacre.

Li Yao raised his eyebrows and looked at Long Yangjun warily.

"take it easy."

Long Yangjun made a gesture, and the airtight door in front slowly opened, and several corpses fused with crystal armor suddenly rushed out.

Li Yao frowned, looked inside the airtight door, and found that it was a steaming slaughterhouse. At least dozens of corpses, together with the crystal armor of scrap copper and iron, were lying on the ground or inlaid in the bulkhead. Their eyes widened, and they looked like a dead end.

"This ship is Dongfangwang's last means of escape prepared for itself."

Long Yangjun explained, "The one who is sitting and commanding in the submarine base at this moment is just a stand-in. The real person Dongfangwang wants to use the submarine base as a bait to divert your main force, ride this ship by himself and quietly escape from the deep sea crack. Slipped away.

"The hull of this ship has been specially refined, even in the deep sea of ​​tens of thousands of meters, it can still be driven by wind, and the power unit has been silenced, and it will never emit the slightest fluctuation in psychic energy, which is extremely difficult to detect and capture.

"75% of the surface of Celestial Pole is covered by sea water, the ocean is so big, he hides in the deep sea, as long as he is slightly lucky, it is indeed possible to avoid your search.

"It's a pity that his'hardcore confidante' seems unwilling to be trapped alive in the deep sea with him, to be buried with this'former prime minister'. They conspired to tie Dongfangwang five flowers and send it to your Queen's Palace. Exchanging my own life and future, but I don't want to deal with Li Linghai. As a result, you see this.

"Solving these guys didn't waste me much strength, but this ship was also severely damaged and stranded here. My strength alone was not enough to repair and operate it, and Dongfang saw all the betrayals of the'hardcore henchmen'. It was even more angry and blood spurted wildly, all five insiders were burned, and his braids were about to be lifted!"

Li Yao sighed in his heart that the human mind is indeed the most uncertain thing in the universe. Even if Dongfang Wang can calculate everything and carefully arrange the final escape route, there is still no way to guarantee that his subordinates will not betray.

Human beings are not machines after all, and they are not as reliable as machines!

After crossing the **** corridor with Long Yangjun and opening the two hatches, Li Yao was in the corner of the cockpit and saw the former imperial prime minister Dongfangwang.

Although Long Yangjun was vaccinated in advance, Li Yao was still deeply surprised by the appearance of the "Iron Prime Minister" at this moment.

He has seen Dongfang Wang's appearance in various videos and three-dimensional photos more than once. His figure is strong and even slightly fat. The whole person is like a big clock, full of vigor and energy. The infectious power of anger.

But at this moment, Dongfangwang was thin and haggard to the extreme. The fat and muscles all over his body seemed to have been gnawed away by weird bugs. Only a pair of saggy skin was left hanging down, and the face and body were folded inside and outside three layers. On the third floor, the skin is still covered with dark spots, and wisps of black air emerge from the dark spots and escape into the air, emitting the stench of decay of the corpse, which makes one can't help covering his mouth and nose.

If it is said that the only organ in his body that still retains the vitality of a living person or even a veteran, it is his eyes.

Dongfang Wang's entire face drooped down like a melting candle mask, but his two eyes were raised high and protruding forward, almost occupying half of his face, and it didn't look like a human being.

He used eagle-claw-like hands to firmly hold a long strip of package, his eyes were full of glorious excitement, and his frantic gaze fixed on a three-dimensional star map-that was the whole of the real human empire. Film territory.

The map of the empire's territory slowly rotates, and the worlds and resource planets are exuding colorful and magnificent rays of light, projecting into Dongfangwang’s eyes, making his two eyes burn like flaming. Glass beads.

"Ha ha, ha ha ha ha!"

Dongfang Wang didn't notice the arrival of Li Yao and Long Yangjun. He continued to watch fascinatedly, let out a deep laugh, and from time to time stretched out his trembling hand like a reed stick to gently touch the empire. The "Xin Guangfu area" in the territory map seems to encompass the entire star sea in one's palm.

Long Yangjun coughed softly.

Dongfangwang's bones shrank, and the empty skin all over his body was supported by the last breath. The whole person was like a big and thin balloon, hurriedly holding the Empire Star Atlas in his arms, and roared fiercely. : "Who is it? Who is it! Don't even think of taking the entire star sea away from me, it's mine, it's all mine!

"It was I who led the empire and won the unprecedented counterattack of the empire! It was I who strategized, controlled everything, and defended the dignity of human civilization! It was I who revived the empire, and controlled the heavens and stars. !

"I am the well-deserved first prime minister of the true human empire. I am a great hero of the revival of the empire. No one can drive me down. You despicable, ungrateful fellows, don't even think about it!

"Isn't it just devouring a few living people to cultivate? What is this? Compared with the great achievements I have made, what is this! Without swallowing these guys to maintain the computing power of the peak realm, how can I dispatch hundreds of them? In the vast world, the resources and soldiers of tens of thousands of planets, on the vast battlefield spanning tens of millions of light years, full-scale war? No one can do it!

"Sacrifice one, save a hundred, win the empire's counterattack, and countless humans can be saved! In order to win, everyone is making sacrifices, even I squeezed my flesh and soul, and sacrificed more. How about how many people? So what!

"I'm not wrong, I have a clear conscience, you are a conspiracy to frame up, you are a shameless betrayal, it is'you want to add to the crime, there is no problem', no one has the right to judge me, especially you hypocritical and cowardly treason. Or, the empire will always remember me and will return me a fair, empire! Haha, hahahaha!"

"His brain burned like this--."

Long Yangjun whispered to Li Yao, "It seems that there is not much time left for you."

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