40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2318: The real enemy!

Two faint golden rings flashed across Li Yao's eyes. He poured psychic energy into his pupils, and then shined on Dongfangwang's body, and he could clearly perceive Dongfangwang's life magnetic field.

This kind of prying into the magnetic field of life is quite a provocative behavior. If Dongfang Wang's mind is clear and his soul is strong, he will automatically counterattack.

But now the former prime minister of the empire was muddled and mad, completely indulged in the glory and frantic fantasy of the old days, and did not notice the prying eyes of the outside.

From the perspective of Li Yao's "spiritual eye", Dongfangwang's entire body disappeared completely, replaced by a bunch of twisted and restless magnetic fields, just like countless shiny double spiral chains entangled together.

However, the double helix, which should have been colorful and shining, was constantly invaded by darkness, decayed, withered and fractured at a speed visible to the naked eye, and finally turned into a puff of black mist, dissipated in the air, and annihilated. invisible.

Long Yangjun didn't lie to him. Dongfangwang was indeed dying, and his life's magnetic field was about to collapse completely, and everything from flesh and blood to spirit and will would fall.

Seeing that the former prime minister of the dignified human empire has fallen to this point, Li Yao's heart is also mixed with five flavors. For the cultivator, Dongfangwang is the leader of the cultivator, and it should be the "ultimate demon" level. Existence, shouldn't it be necessary to fight for 30,000 rounds, and after paying all kinds of tragic costs, it is extremely difficult to eliminate him?

Unexpectedly, before he moved a little finger, he would die so easily?

The illusions and fears of Li Yao and the entire Star Alliance over a hundred years ago about the empire seem to be totally different. Is this called "Every family has a hard-to-read sutra"?

The federation has the life and death threat of the federation, and the empire also has the fundamental problem of the empire. When faced with the vast sea of ​​stars, both the federation and the empire are so small!

After pondering for a moment, Li Yao opened his hands, released two soft psychic energies, poured into Dongfang Wang's body, as long as possible to delay the total collapse of his life's magnetic field, stimulate his near-exhausted cerebral cortex, and then wake up for a while.

As the pale golden spiritual energy continuously enveloped his body, Dongfang Wang let out a faint groan, the madness and unwillingness under his eyes faded away, his eyes were slightly clear for a moment, and he was shrouded in the gray mist of pain and despair.

"It's you... you finally came... my time has come."

At this moment, Dongfang Wang is like an old man who can finally face the reality, leaning his head lightly on the humanoid package in his arms, and muttering to himself, "I lost, I lost cleanly, and defeated!"

Although his eyes were fixed on Li Yao, his attention was obviously not on Li Yao, it was as if he had fallen into a distant memory, summing up his life.

"I lost, but I didn't lose to the Holy League, nor did I lose to your reformers, nor did I lose to the ungrateful guys of the four major electoral families..."

Suddenly Dongfang Wang gritted his teeth, complained and complained, and suddenly reduced all the expressions on his face to be clean, and said without any emotion, "I lost to the three thousand worlds, I lost to the entire Xinghai, I It was lost to all human beings, their desires and ambitions!

"Hehe, I used to think that I could accomplish the hegemony of Black Star the Great Emperor for a thousand years, integrate the real human empire, completely unify the sea of ​​stars, and unify the entire sea of ​​stars!

"Naive, how can I have such naive thoughts, how can I think of Xinghai and humans so simply?

"True human empires, hundreds of worlds, and tens of thousands of resource planets. Each world is separated by tens of thousands of light years. The living environment and customs are completely different. They have their own homeland identities and interests, and even each world. There are countless sects inside, and there are countless cultivators within each sect. Each cultivator is playing his own small abacus, fighting each other, fighting each other, how can they be unified together and let them all obey my orders?

"The empire is not a country at all. It is just a piece of loose sand disguised as a country. It is a loose alliance that barely fits together. The biggest enemy of everyone in this alliance is the'ally' around me! I'm so stupid. Simple facts are not clear?

"It's wasted, so many years of hard work and even my life are wasted!

"I burned all my will and soul and sacrificed myself to the empire. What did I get in return?

"Including the Dongfang family, the four major electoral families are secretly dragging me back. The snakes and warlords in the periphery of the empire ignored or violated my orders! I want to add a 5% war tax. After they increase the size of the lower level Dare to increase by 50%! If I want to fight corruption and a clean government, they dare to sit in the office all day and stare at Jingnao! I want the warlord troops to advance to the vital front, and they dare to encounter Xinghai Storm, the whole army was wiped out, all starships all slipped away. Not only did they not contribute to the front line, they even turned into star thief, taking advantage of the empty forces in the rear to looting and attacking their own people!

"Not to mention those profiteers who hoard odds, shoddy, make a fortune and make a fortune. I want to punish them severely. As a result, everyone in the four major families, including the seniors of the Dongfang family and even my son, came to plead for the profiteers. I What can I do? What can I do as a "Iron-Blooded Prime Minister"!

"Even so, even in the face of so many unexpected difficulties and troubles, I still worked hard, tried my best to integrate resources, and finally won the empire's counterattack! Those on the frontline who only know how to fight with each other, reached out to me for starship and Generals of resources, do you know how hard this victory is? Do you know how many **** I wiped for them and how many days of problems I have dealt with!

"I thought that with such a brilliant victory, those guys must have nothing to say, and the empire could also be at its peak for the second time under my leadership? I didn't expect it, hehe, I didn't expect that I still underestimate it. Because of the despicableness of these guys, the war hasn't completely ended, so you are so impatient to stab me in the back, you are so afraid of me, so anxious to get rid of me, so unwilling to see a powerful empire appear? "

Dongfangwang was like a poor old man who was verbose and verbose.

Li Yao listened silently, wondering whether he should hate or pity the former leader of the cultivator.

In the final analysis, the immortal cultivator who advocates the strong eating of the weak and the winner takes all cannot truly unite together, nor can it have a true leader.

The so-called leader is nothing but a bandit leader who forcibly suppresses all the strong with absolute violence and promises to bring the greatest benefits to all the strong.

For Dongfang Wang, he doesn't even possess "absolute violence", how can he make all the rebellious and selfish cultivators willingly obey him, follow him, and sacrifice for him?

Dongfangwang may be a true "patriot". His ambition is firmly tied to the fate of the real human empire, so he really wants to be a prime minister who makes a difference, not like a "silver fox." Like Li Jiande, when he encountered a little difficulty, he quit.

Because of this, Dongfangwang's tragedy was doomed from the beginning. He was doomed to die for his ambition, the ambition of all immortal cultivators.

"I understand, I finally understand."

Dongfang Wang hugged the human-shaped package in his arms tightly, and the corners of his loose mouth sketched out an extremely mocking smile, "I finally understand why even the former'Emperor' and'Black Star Emperor' have not been able to spread to the whole for a long time. There is a sea of ​​stars, because the sea of ​​stars that encompasses three thousand worlds is not something that humans have the ability to unify!

"Human beings are not natural creatures, but the creations of gods and demons. We did not naturally spread to the three thousand worlds and slowly adapt to all of this, but were forcibly spread to the stars by the Pangu and Nuwa civilizations in just tens of thousands of years. between.

"Our predecessor is just a monkey on a certain planet, jumping back and forth in the jungle, even though Pangu and Nuwa both injected their genes into our bodies and modulated us into tools and weapons, our wisdom is still not prepared. Good to receive such a huge legacy of the "Three Thousand Worlds".

"This is a gift that we cannot afford, and it is also a disaster that will entangle the fate of mankind forever. Our ambitions are infinitely amplified by Xinghai, but we don't have enough wisdom and technology to really conquer this piece of... Xinghai that people love and hate !

"The emperor once wanted to unify Xinghai, but his empire suddenly collapsed in just a thousand years; Black Star Great also wanted to unify Xinghai, but his empire has become as hopeless as it is today after thousands of years; I think He could save the empire, and even saw the hope of success, but I didn't expect... it would still be the case.

"Perhaps, Xinghai should never have been unified, split into dozens or even hundreds of small countries, is the best form of human civilization? But, hehe, but these hundreds of small countries will never be content with the status quo. Their leaders will still be swallowed up by ambitions, rubbing against each other, launching new wars, and setting off a hundred times more fierce war!

"This is the destiny of human civilization. Our'man-made civilization' is destined to destroy everything from its birth, including our own. No one can change this fate. I can't, the emperor can't, and the four major electoral families can't. You who are full of enthusiasm and simple-minded innovators, it is even more impossible!"

Dongfang Wang's gaze finally condensed on Li Yao, clear enough to recognize Li Yao's identity.

"Even if you can ruin me, leave me without a place to bury, or even wipe out the four big families, and let your reformers control the empire, what about it? This is just the first step in the journey of thousands of miles, a trivial step!"

Dongfangwang smiled viciously, "Your real enemy is not me at all, not the four big families, but this star sea, but the desires and ambitions of all human beings in this star sea. You can easily defeat me and the four big families. But don’t want to defeat the entire Xinghai, one day, you will also end up like me, even a hundred times more miserable than me!"

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