40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2415: Newborn God Warriors!


The two little guys screamed in unison, and the countless psionic puppets manipulated by them all ran around like panicked ants, avoiding the rubble and dust falling from the top of the refuge.

Li Yao smiled slightly and shot out of the refuge like a sharp arrow.

The space in the refuge is too narrow, and the overall structure is too fragile, it is really not suitable for him to burst out all his power unscrupulously!

Outside the refuge, there is a magma lake with a temperature of thousands of degrees. The hot air can hear the sound of "grumbling, grumbling", and orange-red magma bubbles continue to be born and burst.

Li Yao strode straight towards the magma lake, without any intention of changing his route at all. At a place more than ten meters away from the magma lake, he sprinted and jumped directly into the magma!

The scorching magma instantly drowned him, and the whole person disappeared without a trace, as if melted by the magma.

When the two little guys chased out to take a look, they couldn't help but stare at each other-they might be able to manipulate some all-metal psionic puppets into the magma, but with their flesh and blood, they would never dare to easily step into the magma so crazy.

The calmness of the magma lake lasted only a few seconds, and the stormy waves were immediately rolled up. The orange-red magma bubbles rising from the bottom of the lake suddenly expanded three to five times, bursting, turning into bunches of fang-like flames. It soars into the sky, leaving radioactive magma patterns on the ceiling and walls of the cave, such as gorgeous flowers.

There is also a huge whirlpool gradually emerging in the center of the magma lake, causing the magma lake, which was originally extremely terrifying, to roar with a deafening roar, as if in the deepest part of the magma, a flame demon was being crowned.

"Boom! Boom boom boom boom!"

The muffled sound erupting from the depths of the magma lake even made the two little guys mistakenly believe that the geological structure has been changed, and the entire vein will be broken, turning a hundred miles into an ocean of magma!

"The temperature and activity of the magma are dropping rapidly!"

Li Xiaoming exclaimed, "A lot of light energy and heat energy are disappearing at an incredible speed, like being swallowed by something!"

"Such a high light-to-heat absorption and conversion efficiency!"

Li Wenwen was also surprised, "Compared with the light-to-heat converter we can refine now, the performance is improved several times!"

The magma lake dimmed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Suddenly, layers of gray-white shells formed on the originally tumbling surface, as if the entire pool of magma had solidified.

But in the depths of the solidified magma lake, that mysterious high-energy reaction has become more and more intense, more powerful, and more and more suffocating!


Finally, the solid rock crust was torn apart, and Li Yao jumped out of the magma lake and floated above countless flame claws. The whole body was still dripping with magma, and it took a long time for the hot magma to drain out, revealing hideousness. The true content.

"Such a body, such a power, such an incredible control!"

The corner of Li Yao’s mouth evokes a confident and powerful smile. Over the past hundred years, all the cultivation methods have been almost perfectly unified, and the wisps of spiritual flames are released from the one hundred and eighty thousand pores, turning into extremely thin. Lingsi outlines a brand-new structure of nerves, blood vessels and muscles around the body, which makes him "expand" dozens of times and become an indomitable giant.

The scope of the giant's attack is his domain, at least within this domain, he can almost grasp all the information, it is an invincible existence!

"It's... so cool!"

Li Yao manipulated the spirit flame giant and inserted his "arms" deeply into the magma lake to extract energy. He only felt that the endless energy was poured into his body in the most efficient way to absorb it.

The most important thing is to show your face in front of the two little guys and defend the dignity of father and even human civilization. It is so refreshing and refreshing!

When he was elated, suddenly, there was a buzz in Li Yao's mind, his consciousness was as if a high-speed shuttle car crashed into a sticky swamp, and the whole world suddenly slowed down.

"Papa Papa Papa Papa Papa Papa Papa!"

More than three hundred and sixty cerebral blood vessels exploded in an instant, and the temperature of his brain rose to nearly three hundred degrees so exaggerated, no matter how he cooled it, it wouldn't work.

He hurriedly withdrew from the mysterious state of "100% control of all information, super calculation", and he kept breathing in his mouth: "Hi, hiss, hiss, hiss!"

"No, Dad's head is burned!"

The two little guys thought, and immediately there were more than a dozen psionic puppets carrying a large amount of atomized freezing liquid spray cans, spraying "pupupupupu" at Li Yao's head, burying him. Pile of bubbles.

"Dad, you really squeeze the performance of your brain too much."

Li Xiaoming frowned and looked at Li Yao in the bubble, "It makes sense for the human brain to maintain about 10% of the activity in normal times. It makes sense to increase the activity of the brain without restraint like you, almost reaching 100% utilization, and it is easy to get out of control. of."

"I, of course I know!"

While panting, Li Yao pulled the sticky foam off his face and coughed dryly, "For my father, I just want to test the ultimate computing power of the brain. Don't worry, everything is under my control. Who told you to spray? These messy bubbles?"

"is it?"

Li Xiaoming and Li Wenwen pouted, their voices full of suspiciousness, and looked at Li Yao with a look of "Don't pretend, you were already seen through by us".

"Brain cooling is really a big problem."

Li Yao said without changing his color and heart, "It seems that even if it is as strong as the peak of the transformation of the gods, it still has to follow the objective laws. There is no way to increase strength and calculation without limit. With the current brain, it can be maintained. The time in the pinnacle state is too short, if you are besieged by dozens of Nascent Souls plus Hua God, there is still no chance of winning!"

"Dad can do some small remodeling."

Li Xiaoming said kindly, "For example, connecting my brain to dozens of array-type super crystal brains, plus a large pile of large cooling kits, can greatly increase the heat dissipation capacity, and then get more than the current one. Powerful computing power has increased by several times."

Li Yao imagined the scene, and instantly rejected the bad idea.

Forget it, anyway, the big scene of being besieged by "dozens of Yuan Ying Jiahua God" is not always encountered every day. If you really encounter it, you can run if you can't beat it. Run far away. Yuan Ying and Huashen will kill them one by one when they are alone. They will not be like Siamese babies, eating, **** and bed with dozens of people together?

However, although Li Yao does not agree with the simple and rude connection of the human brain and the crystal brain, it does not mean that he opposes the use of magic weapons to further strengthen himself.

"The cultivation of body and soul has reached its limit in a short period of time. If it is not an extraordinary adventure, it is estimated that it will be difficult to make further progress."

Li Yao eagerly fists, his eyes gleaming, "But with you two little guys, fighting puppets, crystal armor and giant soldiers have a lot to do-we now have two giant soldiers!"


Deep in the refuge, in the fully automated magic weapon repair workshop.

Countless hexapod maintenance puppets in the form of spiders crawled around, spewing mysterious light and spiritual flames from their abdomen from time to time, polishing or welding magic components.

Under the action of the anti-gravity talisman array, the two wrecked and fragmented remains of the giant soldiers were suspended in mid-air, and they were held in place by chains of the thickness of their arms.

The golden eagle and **** star have lost their former color and power.

But based on these two "corpses", plus the remains and materials collected by the two little guys from countless ruins deep underground, a brand new, unprecedented giant soldier is about to be born.

The spirit of the gods rose to a whole new level, and Li Yao had a new understanding of the "Maintenance Manual for Titan Soldiers" that he had learned in the depths of the ancient sacred world Nuwa battleship.

In his mind, the structures and advantages and disadvantages of nearly a hundred different giant soldiers are constantly colliding like waves, colliding a new modification plan that best suits his current physical characteristics, spiritual strength and fighting style.

The two little guys manipulated hundreds of spider-shaped psychic puppets, and performed extremely efficient and meticulous polishing, maintenance and repair of the remains of the giant soldiers. In just a few days, the re-generation of the giant soldiers was possible. .

Li Yao and the two little guys, this wonderful “family combination” took only three days to extract all the intact components from the remains of the two giant soldiers, plus the spare components found in the underground ruins, and refit them. The embryonic form of a new giant soldier came out.

This giant soldier...

The gorgeous, dazzling and glorious style belonging to the golden eagle is missing, and it has restored the depth, mystery and hideousness of the "Nine Nether Profound Bones" era, just like a black skeleton, even worse.

Its main color became almost transparent black again, with dazzling blood lines inlaid in the crystal clear black, and the blood lines flowed slowly as if they had life.

Because the golden eagle was beaten to pieces and a large number of components were missing, the height of the new giant soldier was slightly reduced, from more than 30 meters to 278 meters.

However, after Li Yao disassembled the wreckage of another giant soldier "Hell Star", it was nested as a "strengthening exoskeleton" on the new giant soldier, as if the arc-shaped heavy armor was stacked on top of each other. The new giant soldier appears extremely strong.

The "Hell Star" originally had six faces of gods and demons up and down, left and right.

Three of them are retained in the brand new giant soldier, two of the faces of the gods and demons are used as the decoration of the huge shoulder guard, and the other one is hidden in the overlapping armor of the abdomen as a hidden spiritual attack magic weapon.

The most striking thing is that the dozens of metal tentacles of the "Hell Star" that stretch freely have been preserved, and they have been designed by Li Yao to be behind the new giant soldier.

At first glance, it looks like this extremely vicious giant soldier, with frantic snake hair with teeth and claws!


Ho Ho Ho Ho, a brand new giant soldier has arrived!

Everyone thinks, what should this giant soldier be called?

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