40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2416: A giant soldier comparable to the "heart of a black hole"!

"All battle databases have been poured into the main control crystal brain of the brand-new giant soldier!"

Seeing Li Yao looking intently at the fierce and murderous turbulence in front of him, like a giant soldier crawling out of the Nine Nether Yellow Springs, the two little guys happily reported to Li Yao, "We have collected everything that can be found in the spirit net. The video of the battle of the empire giants. We analyzed these videos in detail and analyzed the most basic data. After several months of repeated permutations and combinations, we created such a database! We know that Dad must be able to use it, even if it is. Let's give Dad the "meeting gift"!

"With such a database, the giant soldier can be in a state of'semi-automatic combat', which greatly reduces the mental and psychic burden of the rider, greatly extends the combat life time, and can even divide a giant soldier into several Two independent combat modules can exert 300% combat effectiveness!

"Although it has been deduced countless times in Jingmin, I am still looking forward to seeing the performance of this giant soldier in actual combat. Maybe it will be the super giant who is comparable to the black star emperor Wu Yingqi's'heart of the black hole'. Bing, no, no, no, it's above the'heart of the black hole', thousands of years later, people will definitely remember that it stirs the Milky Way, crisscrossing the sea of ​​stars, and tearing the picture of the stars!"

"I look forward to it as much as you do."

Li Yao murmured, trying to control the dryness and tremor deep in his throat, and said, "Then now, let's try it!"


The underground refuge is 500 meters obliquely below, in the rock formation with the most stable geological structure.

"Boom! Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom!"

There was a dull and loud noise, but it was like a wave, shaking the rock solidified for hundreds of millions of years.

As if there was a wormhole deep in the heart of the earth, endless thunder was teleported from the other end of the wormhole and exploded fiercely here.

It was the giant soldier who had regained a new life, constantly opening up in a small cave, forcibly bombarding the hardest rock with fists lingering in the flames.

The rock burst, smashed, squeezed and annihilated, and the volume of the cave became larger and larger. From the initial diameter of less than 30 to 40 meters, it turned into a perfect spherical shape with a diameter of nearly 300 meters!

The black giant soldier with snakes dancing wildly behind it, surrounded by fierce red flames, is suspended in the center of the spherical space, as if controlling the entire world!

Although the spherical space with a diameter of three hundred meters, it is still a little stretched to test a giant soldier with a height of close to thirty meters.

However, Li Yao cares about the safety of the workers in the big iron factory and the worry-free believers, but he is unwilling to waste time and continue to develop.

It has taken too much time to repair and refit the giant soldiers. Let’s first get familiar with the combat parameters and attack methods of the new giant soldiers. Then go to the big iron factory and use the life and soul of the cultivator to do further testing!


The palms of the black giant soldiers spouted out a group of bright silver lights at the same time. The silver lights on the left hand looked like a crescent moon, while the silver lights on the right hand roared like a straight meteor. When they reached their limit, they condensed into two handles more than ten meters long. Giant ship knife and chain saw sword.

The name of the sword is "Broken Wing" and the name of the sword is "Zhang Wing". If you look closely, the two shining silver melee weapons are all made of metal feathers that are as thin as cicada wings. Comes from the fragmented wings of the "Golden Eagle".

The wings of the "Golden Eagle" are the most important offensive magic weapon. It was made by Li Yao from the imperial empress Li Linghai who asked for the talents of heaven and earth in countless tombs of the emperors. Many materials are unique. Stepping through the entire Xinghai Sea may not be able to find a second share. At the moment when the wings shattered, Li Yao's heart was almost shattered. Thanks to Long Yangjun’s help, he barely packed up some of the debris and returned. Naturally, Li Yao was not willing to throw it away easily. , But with the help of two little guys, two melee magic weapons were redesigned and refined.


The arms of the black giant soldier turned into two clouds of gray mist, and the broken wing knife turned into one. No, thousands of streams of light flew out—every metal feather of it can be freely decomposed, relying on magnetic attraction and Li Restricted by Yao's divine mind, it can transform into a variety of incredible forms, which can interfere and confuse the enemy to the greatest extent.

The folded-winged sword only spurred a silver light, shot straight out without any fancy, into the depths of the rock, blasting a small hole.

However, after releasing the spirit of mind and sneaking into the depths of the cave, you can find that the hole that was pierced with a sword has traveled more than ten kilometers in the solid rock formation!

Although some super-heavy Xinghai battleships can reach jaw-dropping tens of kilometers in length.

However, considering various factors such as cost, flexibility, and refining difficulty, most starships are within a few kilometers in length.

Although the outer shell of the starship is a hundred times harder than the rock formation, it is naturally impossible for the interior to be solid, and the strength of the bulkhead cannot be refined into an outer armor.

Since this sword can pierce through rock formations more than ten kilometers thick, it can naturally pierce most starships.

Broken wing sword to confuse and harass, folded wing sword to pierce armor and main attack, is the sharpest melee magic weapon.

Li Yao played for a while, shaking his hands, and re-incorporating a sword and a sword into the Universe Ring, but the shoulder guards with faces of gods and demons on both shoulders opened quickly, revealing a honeycomb-like dense miniature flying sword launching system.

It is said to be a "miniature flying sword", but it is actually an ultra-miniature psionic puppet or "smart warhead" controlled by two little guys, Li Wenwen and Li Xiaoming. After being launched by Li Yao at the highest speed, it can automatically adjust the attack halfway. The route, angle and even attack mode do not explode even after being shot into the target body, but continue to sneak and infiltrate, until it penetrates to the deadliest point of the target, and then explodes fiercely.

"Buzzing buzzing!"

A large group of ultra-miniature puppets spouted from the shoulders of the black giant soldiers, as if a swarm of wild bees were flying, gathering and dispersing, and vacillating. The last second was faster than meteorite fragments, and the next second was more elusive than the fog. .

While the "wild bee dancing" entangled the enemy, the armor from the chest to the abdomen of the black giant soldier suddenly slid to the sides, revealing a particularly vicious face of the **** and devil, and shot out from the open blood basin of the **** and devil. An extremely strong mental wave swept the entire spherical space like a stormy sea.

At the same time, among the six universe rings inlaid behind the black giant soldiers, round magic weapons painted in black continued to spew out, and they began to play deafening music like **** drums.

This is the mental attack system of the black giant soldier!

Li Yao was originally a master of spiritual warfare.

"Hell Star" is also a giant soldier equipped with a powerful spiritual attack magic weapon-Black Star Great Emperor Wu Yingqi used the "Hell Star" spiritual attack magic weapon in the battle of the underground palace, and severely deterred and suppressed dozens of them. Name Yuanying and Huashen.

Not to mention the two little guys, Li Wenwen and Li Xiaoming, they are good at cracking the crystal brain defense system and human brain waves.

The three are added together to form this extremely powerful mental attack system, which is definitely a nightmare for any enemy.

Therefore, Li Yao named this mental attack system-Nightmare Messenger!

"Wow! Wow! Wow!"

When the mental attack reached the extreme, the black giant soldier's hair was full of viper-like dancing and couldn't bear it. It stretched out all around, and the ends of the crab claw-like attack magic weapons opened one after another, tearing the hardest rock. It's as simple as tearing up a carton.

The biggest feature of this large-scale attack system named "Nine-Headed Dragon" is that it does not need to be controlled by Li Yao's main consciousness, but it can be "one-hearted and dual-purpose", independently controlled by the Scarlet Heart Demon.

The black giant soldier controlled by Li Yao, the "flying bee" controlled by two information beings, and the "nine-headed dragon" controlled by the scarlet heart demon are three different combat modules-in this way, Optimized each other's computing power to the greatest extent.

In more extreme cases, the "nine-headed dragon" can even be separated from the body of the giant soldier and used as an independent combat unit.

After disassembling the "Nine-headed Dragon", the black giant soldier can be replaced with a new "God of War suit", enter the super firepower output mode, and blast out the "super galaxy destroyer" that destroys the world!

The most fatal flaw of the "Super Galaxy Destroyer" is that the warm-up time is too long. The enemy will never be stupid to watch Li Yao ready to go for three to five or seven seconds. He has already slipped away or launched a fierce counterattack, interrupting his preparations.

Now, with the Scarlet Heart Demon manipulating the "Nine-Headed Dragon", coupled with the interference, invasion and locking of the two information life, the hit rate of the "Super Galaxy Destroyer" can be greatly improved, and it can barely be used for actual combat.

However, this is the last resort for pressing the bottom of the box. It is too dynamic when it is displayed. Maybe it can tear the solid underground rock layer and set off an immeasurable chain reaction, leading to a catastrophic earthquake?

Don't just test in such a dangerous environment underground!

Broken wing knife, folded wing sword, wild bee attack system, nightmare messenger mental attack system, nine-headed dragon detachable attack system, and the ultimate super galaxy destroyer... all attack modules and magic units are all tested.

"Whirring whirring……"

In the spiritual house of the black giant soldier, Li Yao was panting with sweat, but his energy was extremely excited.

He could feel the completely reborn changes between this giant soldier and the "Golden Eagle" and "Hell Star".

Even if Black Star Great Emperor Wu Yingqi saw this giant soldier, he would be surprised, right?

Now, there is one last step left.

"What are you going to call it?"

The Scarlet Heart Demon asked, "Platinum Big Eagle, Super Nine Nether Profound Bone, or Golden Hell Star?"

Li Yao was in Xing's head and was too lazy to entangle with the Scarlet Heart Demon, ignoring its sarcasm, thinking for a long time, and said: "Remember what we talked about in the Federation, even if the universe is really a **** and cruel dark forest , There must be a civilization like us that is unwilling to be trapped in the dark forever. Together, we will form the "Arson Alliance" to set up 10,000 raging fires and burn the entire dark forest!

"At that time, I just hoped so, but I didn't think about how to achieve it.

"But the emergence of information life has made me see a ray of light. Maybe the time for human civilization to break through three thousand worlds and find or form the'arsonist alliance' will be earlier than everyone thinks?

"Then-call it the'arsonist'!"


Hahahaha, everyone had a lively discussion yesterday. The old man finally adopted the suggestion of his book friend "Qiao Hong" and named the giant soldier "arsonist"!

Moreover, Lao Niu found that this form was quite fun, and the number of "what this chapter said" suddenly more than doubled.

So, in the future, Lao Niu may engage in more similar interactive sessions, and I hope that everyone will go to the "Chapter Description" of the mobile version of the starting point to play, chat, and vomit. The "Chapter Description" of this book is also a big one. Features, even in this chapter, the comment area is the main body, it's a pity not to look at it!

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