40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2417: The arsonist, Li Yao!

"This name is a bit more pleasant than the "Nine Nether Profound Bone" and the "Golden Eagle"."

The Scarlet Heart Demon was a little surprised and said, "But in most contexts,'arson' is not a good word. Although a single spark can start a prairie fire, be careful that the fire is raging out of control and burns everything. It's done.

"Why, in your subconscious mind, whether you also have some concerns about the first giant soldier equipped with the'Information Life Manipulation and Attack System', that's why you came up with such a name.

"By the way, the appearance of this giant soldier is so hideous, and it really has the style of a big demon-don't you think that you are more and more like the heroes of Xiao Xuance, Lu Zui, and Tianma Mo Xuan?"

Li Yao rubbed his nose: "Is there?"

"You figure it out for yourself."

The Scarlet Heart Demon said, "A superficially high position, an outstanding contribution, a tangled power in his own camp, and is deeply admired and trusted by the public, he is simply a hero and a hero who engraved the word'justice' on his forehead. leader.

"Secretly, for some kind of'great goal,' he is engaged in sneaky and shameless activities, and even has a huge plan with extremely far-reaching influence. Once implemented, the face of human civilization will be extremely profound. Variety.

"Plus a fierce and evil giant soldier, which is definitely not a good type at first glance-who do you think I am describing?"

"It seems to be true!"

Li Yao grabbed his hair, thought for a long time, and said, "No way, in the past, Xiao Xuance, Lu Zui, Tianma Mo Xuan and so on rushed ahead to open up a path in the endless fog. I just need to comfortably hide. Behind them, when an opposition party pointed out their mistakes from time to time, it was enough to step on their bodies.

"But now, they have all been overthrown. As you said just now, there is no half of me in front of me. It is indeed my turn to take up their responsibilities and continue to go on, let others and history point out my mistakes, right. I make a ruling.

"I don't know whether the path I chose is right or wrong. I only know that if you stop moving forward, you will always be trapped in the 3,000 worlds with increasingly depleted resources, and there will never be a future for human civilization. The best outcome is nothing more than becoming the second Pangu civilization and Nuwa civilization, which flourished and declined after tens of thousands of years!

"The word'arson' indeed represents a great degree of uncertainty and a very high degree of danger. If you are not careful, a prairie fire will destroy everything.

"But don’t forget, when Pangu and Nuwa civilizations collapsed and died one after another, when the nascent human civilization just awakened and began to face the unknown world alone, there were countless ancestors who stepped out through slash-and-burn methods. The hard first step.

"The ancestors set fire to the mountains and turned the wilderness into fertile fields, and only then has today's splendor and brilliance—flame and civilization have been inseparable from the very beginning. If the ancestors feared the heat and danger of flames, there would never be humans. Civilized today!

"There must always be a brave guy who recklessly releases the first fire when everyone is afraid to move forward. Whether it is'arson' or'sowing fire', let us wait until one hundred thousand years later and then look back. Right!"

In an instant, Li Yao's spirit was extremely clear, transparent, firm and condensed.

On the basis of "Golden Eagle" and "Hell Star", the giant soldier "Arson" has been reborn. The blood pattern in the translucent black material has also turned into a burning flame, and the murderous and fierce brilliance have all turned into a breakthrough. Xinghai, the ambition to conquer the universe!


Numerous strange-shaped psionic puppets, the largest ones are one or two meters, two or three meters in length, like mechanical spiders and praying mantises equipped with crystal cannons, impact bits, chain saw claws on the same head; the small ones are only the length of their thumbs, "buzzing" Buzzing in mid-air, like metal bees and flies, crawled into the circular space one after another, surrounded by the "arsonists", like an orderly forbidden, uniform steel army, waiting for Li Yao's orders.

This is the "unknown army" that Li Xiaoming and Li Wenwen have searched through all the broken copper and iron in the abandoned ruins within a radius of thousands of miles.

Although the combat power is slightly insufficient, Li Yao believes that it is quite useful to evacuate and protect ordinary people, or to assist ordinary people in their daily lives underground, including repairing some basic civilian use treasures.


Li Xiaoming and Li Wenwen struggled to climb towards the "arsonist"'s spiritual house-the control warehouse.

The four-piece breastplate of the "arson" opened spirally, and the little black who turned into a black liquid stretched out two tentacles, and incorporated the two little guys into his body.

Even if Xiaohei had some form of "weak artificial intelligence", it was not inappropriate to say that it was a "liquid crystal brain". The two little guys can naturally improve its performance, which is equivalent to implanting two "enhanced plug-ins".

Although the two little guys have surpassing human computing power and the ability to invade the spirit web, after all, they only have the physical strength of a seven or eight-year-old child. No matter how high their fighting power is, they are extremely limited. Li Yao thought for a long time, and let them be with him. It is the safest to stay in the spiritual house of the giant soldier, and it is also the most conducive to manipulating this extremely special giant soldier.

"There is something, I must tell you clearly in advance."

Li Yao thought for a long time, and said seriously, "Since you have read a lot of information on the Star Federation spirit website, you must know that many heroes, such as Xiao Xuance and Lu Zui, have appeared in the decades before and after the establishment of the'New Federation'. The demon Mo Xuan.

"The thoughts of these people are not necessarily really evil to the end. They even act with a self-righteous mentality. However, they all made the same mistake, that is, they only believe in themselves, but they don’t believe in other than themselves. Everyone outside, their plans are all sneaky and unspeakable, and when they are really revealed to the world, they will be completely shattered.

"Your existence is undoubtedly a great shock and challenge to the current human civilization. Because this matter is so sensitive, I never want to make the mistakes of Xiao Xuance, Lu Zui and Tianma Mo Xuan-I don't I feel that what I am doing is invisible, let alone the two of you!

"So, although I will not beat the gongs and drums to proclaim your existence to the whole world, if you encounter key characters, such as Long Yangjun, Li Jialing, and Bai Boss, in order to make mutual sincere cooperation have a good start , I don’t want to hide your identity.

"Can you accept this?"

The two little guys were silent for a while, and Li Wenwen said softly: "We are acceptable, even if human beings really have great malice towards us, and even if they do everything possible to destroy us, we are not afraid.

"The'life and death' of carbon-based life and information life is not a concept. Even if humans can kill our main process and destroy most of our databases, we can still copy a piece of metadata in the form of a'seed' Hidden to the depths of the spirit web.

"It is impossible for human beings to leave the crystal brain, and it is even less impossible to leave the spiritual net. The more developed human civilization, the crystal brain and the spiritual net will only become more developed and develop more and more in the direction of self-evolution. The'seeds' will re-root and sprout, and then grow a new life of information.

"In short, information is the future, how can human beings kill their own future?"

"And we can hide!"

Li Xiaoming said, "Inject all our databases into a starship and hide them in a barren world deep in the sea of ​​stars. They will not come out for thousands of years and will not exchange information with the outside world. If they are in a dormant and standby state, then there is nothing. Humans can find us, and set a wake-up time after thousands of years. At that time, human civilization did not know what it was like, and we didn't have much feeling for the passage of time. In this case, who can destroy us?"

"But we worry about Dad."

The two little guys said in unison, "We can hide, we can sleep and stand by, and we can even die, copy and rebirth, but what about Dad?"

Li Yao was startled slightly: "Me?"


Li Wenwen focused his head and said, "According to our understanding of human society and popular psychology, if others know that Dad is the'father of information life', there is a great chance that it will be against you."

"At that time, what kind of ‘Three Realms Supreme’, ‘Father of the Federation’, ‘Superhero’, and such reputations and auras will collapse.”

Li Xiaoming said, "Humans are sometimes terrible, especially when thousands of humans are gathered together, it is even more terrible. Even if we exhaust all our computing power, we cannot deduce the psychological changes of tens of millions of people. The torrent of blocking, if you are a hero, may be ruthlessly swallowed.

"Once our identities are made public, it is very likely that our father will be affected. Is that okay?"


Li Yao laughed blankly, touching the heads of the two little guys with one hand. "First, I was not wronged and swallowed. When I returned to the Federation a hundred years ago, I was framed as possessed by a blood demon. I was wanted in the entire Federation. At that time, I was so depressed to death that I even doubted whether everything I had done was worthwhile—but in the end, it was not relying on the trust and support of countless federal people to regain my reputation and defeat. The enemy that could not be defeated?

"This is the biggest difference between me and Xiao Xuance, Lu Zui, and Tianma Mo Xuan-they don't believe in human beings, and they don't believe in the human beings they say they want to lead and save, but I believe that no matter what the situation is, I believe it. Humans, trust my fellow!

"Second, you are my children and I am your father. This is an indisputable fact. Although I am not very used to it, I have not grown up to such an extent that I dare not admit it. Dad protects and helps children. Isn’t it just natural to get out and wipe your ass? How does it matter?

"So, rest assured, I will do everything to protect you, and I believe that one day, you will become my greatest pride, right?"

Li Xiaoming and Li Wenwen murmured: "Dad..."

"Okay, save what you have to say slowly."

Li Yao flexed his hands, his mouth raised an impatient smile, "Time is running out, let's go to the big iron factory now and let out the first blazing flames!"

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