40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2429: The biggest mystery of the prehistoric era!

"It seems so."

Li Yao was scratching his hair desperately, and he also found that he was indeed asking the wrong person. For most humans, Long Yangjun himself is a "foreign race" who "is not my race, his heart must be different", even if she What if you can accept two little guys?

Even for those who have fear in their hearts, "a prehistoric warrior with the dual bloodlines of Pangu and Nuwa, joined forces with the mysterious information life", this picture is a hundred times more terrifying!

In spite of this, Li Yao still hopes to be recognized by Long Yangjun to a certain extent. After all, everyone is a "close friend", and she is one of the few people Li Yao can trust in the center of Xinghai.

"In this way, let's ignore others and just say yourself."

Li Yao stared at Long Yang Jundao, "From your personal point of view, can you accept these two little guys? Would you like Xiao Ming and Wen Wen to call you "Aunt Long"?"


Long Yangjun smiled slightly and gave Li Yao an unexpected answer, "Of course I do, I am so willing! Although I was a little surprised when I heard you talk about it just now, after looking back, I just thought about it. Have a belly laugh, tears coming out of laughter-there is really nothing more ironic than this in the world!

"You know, when I look out the window, when the psionic puppet replicates, repairs, assembles and upgrades itself, and continuously walks down the assembly line to form the scene of the steel army, what comes to my mind?"

She blinked, her smile gradually becoming malicious.

Li Yao frowned and said, "What do you think of?"

"I think hundreds of thousands of years ago, when the Pangu Civilization Alliance'produced' the first human beings."

Long Yangjun smiled and said, "Thinking that hundreds of thousands of years ago, the Pangu, Nuwa and other dozens of prehistoric races like gods and demons must have never thought of these when they were'produced' the first batch of humans. The fragile, insignificant, seemingly honest "tool" that will never resist will eventually end their civilization, and instead, become the master of the three thousand worlds, right?

"Oh, no, maybe many of the'people of insight' in the Pangu Civilization Alliance thought of this, but they think there are various ways to control human beings, such as the'Three Principles of Origin'. For things like that, relying on these'seals' and'bans', they are sure that they can enjoy all the benefits that humans bring, but they won't suffer the slightest damage and backlash.

"It's a pity that the universe is torrential and mighty. The potential of the new generation of life will always be beyond the imagination and estimation of the older generation. The brilliant civilizations of gods and demons have all perished, but human civilization has emerged, taking advantage of the situation to rise and dominate. Xinghai for a hundred thousand years!

"Until today...History repeats itself, and a new generation of life is born. Although it looks so small, fragile, insignificant, and unremarkable for the time being, they represent the future! Who says they cannot represent the future development direction of human civilization? Or even completely replace the'old humans'? If there really is that day, will it be regarded as a'circle of heaven's law, retribution is unhappy'?"

While talking, Long Yangjun suddenly squatted down and grinned at the two little guys: "Hey, Xiaoming, Wenwen, have you ever thought of destroying human civilization? Do you want to try it? Maybe it's very interesting. !"


Xiao Ming and Wen Wen hid behind Li Yao in fright.

"What the **** are you doing, don't teach bad kids!"

Li Yaotou was as big as a fight, and found that discussing this issue with Long Yangjun seemed to be a mistake. "There is a limit to joking, don't go too far!"

"Who is kidding you?"

Long Yangjun snorted, "You will not forget the blood of the Pangu and Nuwa tribes flowing in my body. As a survivor of the ancient civilization, you think I should rejoice in the splendor of human civilization today, even Waving the flag and shouting?

"Of course, after your call, oh, oh, no, it's under the'pollution', I may have felt a little bit of the beauty of human civilization, and it dispelled the boring'destroy of human civilization and the rebirth of Pangu and Nuwa civilization'. Thoughts.

"But if there is a new generation of civilization that wants to repeat history and replace human civilization, I don’t care. I was originally an observer out of the picture! Do you know what it means to be an observer? Just sit comfortably next to you and hug People watching a good show with a big bucket of popcorn."

Li Yao was speechless and sat down on the chair, not knowing who to be angry with.

"Do you think I was a bit too direct?"

Long Yangjun stuck out his tongue, his smile became brighter, "Would you like to listen to me comforting you?"

Li Yao said, "So you can comfort others?"

Long Yangjun tilted his head and looked at the two little guys, and said: "One thing, do you feel very strange-the various magic weapons of the Pangu Civilization Alliance were unearthed from the prehistoric ruins, whether in material science or psionics. , Structural science, and even biochemical technology...Each field is quite advanced, but the crystal brain and ling net technology are relatively backward, and lag far behind."

Li Yao was slightly startled, this is indeed a puzzle that cannot be solved.

In the process of exploring the ancient ruins, they unearthed countless treasures of the Pangu and Nuwa tribes. The materials, structures, and operating principles of many magic weapons are unresolvable by humans. They are equivalent to "black boxes". They can draw cats and tigers, roughly It's not easy to imitate it.

The most typical of these is the giant soldiers. To this day, neither the Federation nor the empire can thoroughly analyze the operating principles of the giant soldiers and the material composition of key components, and there is no way to refine new giant soldiers in batches. It can only be repaired and integrated on the basis of the wreckage.

However, compared with the mysterious and sophisticated technology and theories in other fields, the crystal brain and spirit net technology of the Pangu Civilization Alliance seems to be "behind" to an incredible degree.

If the Pangu Civilization Alliance leads human civilization for at least five thousand years in materials science, structure science, psionics, and biochemical technology, then it is at best two or three hundred years ahead of mankind in terms of crystal brain and ling net technology. After a large amount of systematic learning, it is possible for the elite to completely master the brains of the Pangu Civilization Alliance!

Therefore, human beings can copy and use the various magic weapons left by the Pangu Civilization Alliance without any effort, ranging from swords and firearms to starships, all can be operated like an arm's finger!

It stands to reason, this is impossible!

The development of any technology is always comprehensive and synchronized. It is really hard to imagine an ancient civilization that can efficiently absorb and utilize the energy of stars. It would not be able to create a crystal brain that is a hundred times more complex than humans. It seems that there is a mysterious forbidden zone. Once all the experts and scholars of the Pangu Civilization Alliance entered this "crystal brain forbidden zone", their wisdom and creativity were all sealed or even obliterated.

"Is this some kind of...technical blockade?"

Li Yao suddenly oozes a cold sweat.

He suddenly remembered the so-called "Mystery of Heavenly Tribulation" by the blood-stripe tribe. Before many powerful civilizations conquered the weak ones, they would always use various methods to strike and block the technological evolution of the weak civilizations, and hinder the development of the weak civilizations.

Could it be that the Pangu Civilization Alliance’s crystal brain and spirit net technologies were "stricken by the tribulation" and blocked tightly?

Long Yangjun glanced at Li Yao in surprise, raised his eyebrows and said, "That's smart! That's right, judging from my mottled memory fragments, the Pangu Civilization Alliance's crystal brain and spirit net technology did not follow. The path of natural development continues step by step, but it is artificially blocked or even wiped out, but it is not done by an unknown hostile force outside the three thousand worlds, but by themselves."

"They themselves? Why does the Pangu Civilization Alliance block or even obliterate its most important crystal brain and spirit net technology? This is an indispensable force for conquering the universe!"

Before Li Yao finished his words, he suddenly realized, "Information life! The Pangu Civilization Alliance is afraid of the information life born from the crystal brain and the spirit net!"

"According to my guess, yes."

Long Yangjun said quietly, "Think about it, even after human civilization has multiplied for 100,000 years in a world with such scarce resources, it has gradually developed a sufficiently large foundation of crystal brains and spiritual webs, touching the taboo. In the field, it is possible to give birth to a whole new generation of information life that cannot be imagined.

"The Pangu Civilization Alliance has existed in the three thousand worlds for at least hundreds of thousands of years, and the resources at that time were more abundant than it is now. There is no reason why their spiritual net and crystal brain technology will not greatly surpass human civilization, and it is naturally possible to be born. Information is alive.

"The crystal brain experts of the Pangu Civilization Alliance are not as optimistic as you, a simple-minded'hot-blooded high school student'. They may feel extremely scared and absolute about the vision of'omnipresent and omnipotent information life replacing the Pangu Civilization Alliance to rule the universe'. Can't stand it, right?

"However, as Professor Mo Xuan once said, as long as the technology of Jingbrain and Lingwang continues to develop, the birth of artificial intelligence or information life will always be inevitable.

"So, in order to take precautions, the Pangu Civilization Alliance decided to'self-castration'. They sealed or even destroyed their'over-advanced' crystal brain and spirit net technology, and they did not hesitate to step back in this field for hundreds or even thousands of years, and Always confined to a certain low level of security.

"Of course, without the support of advanced crystal brains and spirit nets, the task of transforming and controlling three thousand worlds has become extremely difficult. Therefore, in order to make up for the lack of manpower in the Pangu Civilization Alliance, they extracted the genetic essence of 13 races. , Injected into a carefully selected ancient ape, creating the first batch of'human beings'.

"Understand? If I'm not wrong, human beings are very likely to be a'backup plan', which is to create a substitute for crystal brains and spiritual nets. In other words, according to the normal evolutionary path,'Pangu and Nuwa civilization' "Sub-civilization" should be directly the information life born in the crystal brain and the spiritual web. There is no need for an additional "human civilization" link!"

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