40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2430: The hero sees the same!

"Wait a minute, wait a minute!"

Li Yao was stunned for a while, and raised his hand to stop Long Yangjun from continuing to say, "If I heard it right, you mean, you want to'comfort' me? What kind of'comfort' is this, co-authored The entire human civilization is redundant?"

"Don't worry, listen to me slowly!"

Long Yangjun sat comfortably on the office chairs where Li Minghui and Yue Wushuang had sat. He lifted his slender legs on the table, crossed his fingers on his chest, and said slowly, "Although the Pangu Civilization Alliance paid such a tragic price. He did not hesitate to self-castration and seal to cut off the possibility of the birth of information life, but still failed to prevent their destruction-ours.

"Although mankind is a perfect'tool' born after absorbing the essence of thirteen prehistoric races, mankind still has not been able to get rid of the limitations of carbon-based life. The flaws of many races in the Pangu Civilization Alliance are also reflected in mankind.

"The average computing power of human beings is far inferior to that of crystal brains. Only a few strong people can exert computing power comparable to super crystal brains. However, super crystal brains can be mass-produced, but the strong are rare. begging.

"On the other hand, human information interaction capabilities are relatively weak, and it is difficult to carry out instant information transmission and data interaction across the two large worlds without the assistance of the ling net.

"In the eyes of the leaders of the Pangu Civilization Alliance, these'deficiencies' may be'advantages', because such a human being is destined to be a dish of loose sand, an honest tool, and it is unlikely to erupt such as'ling net out of control'. Devastating disaster.

"But from another point of view, the self-castrated Pangu civilization uses tools that are very similar to them to transform and utilize the world, which also means that they have completely castrated their ambitions and future.

"Humans can help Pangu civilization to control three thousand worlds well, but they are destined to be unable to break through the vast barriers beyond the three thousand worlds. The Pangu Civilization Alliance will eventually be trapped in this small cage and be affected by the population. The double squeeze of explosions and scarcity of resources finally set off a full-scale civil war under the fuse of the dispute between'psionic energy' and'phantom energy'.

"Since the civil war has broken out, the transformation, upgrading and armed forces of mankind are inevitable, and in the middle and late stages of the civil war, human beings who seem to be'honest and never awakened and betrayed' have really given birth to a strong sense of self. Awakened and betrayed their master!

"So, what I want to comfort you is-look at the example of the Pangu Civilization Alliance's self-destruction, you will know,'It will rain, my mother will marry.' Many things are unstoppable, even if the Pangu Civilization Alliance castrates itself. And technology has been blocked to such an extent, and its own crystal brain and spirit net technology has been suppressed and even degraded for thousands of years. The destruction that should come is still inevitable.

"Even, we can completely let go of our minds and think about it-if the original insightful people of the Pangu Civilization Alliance, those crystal brain and spiritual net experts realized that the information life is bound to be born, they were not blindly afraid and suppressed, and did not Castration of one's own related technology, instead, is to actively promote and develop vigorously. Is it possible to rely on highly developed crystal brain and ling net technology to build a super starship that can rush out of three thousand worlds, start a earth-shattering leap, and expand To have a more expansive and plump living space?

"If this is the case, perhaps the civil war of the Pangu Civilization Alliance will not break out, and the thirteen prehistoric races can coexist peacefully and prosper until today?"

"Yes, yes, the heroes see the same thing, and I think so too!"

Li Yao jumped with excitement, "The old road taken by the Pangu Civilization Alliance, if human civilization walks again, there will be no second result! If we survive, we will also castrate ourselves, give up our brains and spirits. Net, and even return to the wild years of slash-and-burn cultivation, what is the meaning of such a "survival", and how can it be long? , Maybe you can still live from the dead and create a whole new world!"

"Then I really want to improve my evaluation of you in an all-round way."

Long Yangjun looked at Li Yao seriously for a long time, exhaled a suffocating breath, and muttered in an extremely complicated manner, "I now understand why your realm has risen so high all of a sudden. It's not just the virtual life's influence on your soul. It has been fully upgraded and strengthened, because you have found a brand new Dao Xin.

"Heroes and demon kings are perhaps the two indispensable driving forces for the evolution of a civilization. It is not easy to be a hero, but it is even more difficult to be a demon. It seems that you have made up your mind to take a more difficult road that is completely different from the past. Up?"

"……Yes it is."

Li Yao was silent for a moment, and said every word, "You know, to this day I still can't forget the eyes of Xiao Xuance, Lu Zui, Tianma Mo Xuan, etc. before they were ruined and killed Huang Quan. They were full of regret, despair and pain. The look in his eyes seemed to ask me in a loud voice--Li Yao, if you said we were wrong, then what is right? You said that our road is'this road is not accessible'. Then what road can guide the future of human civilization?

"In the past, I have never been qualified and unable to answer their questions, but even after more than a hundred years have passed, I have never forgotten. I still owe them an answer.

"I must do my best to answer their questions-I have been on the road of exploring the road to this day, and I will never take a step back!"

"Does this count as God's will in the dark?"

Long Yangjun said, "It used to be just joking to call you'Old Demon Li', but I didn't expect it to come true. You will finally go deep into the forbidden realm that has never been seen before.

"I was right before. This time the'Battle of the Empire' is different from any battle you have encountered in the past. The'Great Demon' you are going to defeat this time is not Dongfang Wang, Li Linghai, or Lei Chenghu. , Not even Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi, but this vast expanse of stars, or in other words, to defeat the vast expanse of stars, you have to take the risk!"


Li Yao stared at Long Yang Jundao, "Will you continue to support me, fight side by side with me, and embark on an unprecedented road?"

Long Yangjun looked at Li Yao, and at two seemingly innocent little guys, then slowly nodded and said, "...Perhaps, it has nothing to do with whether we are friends or not, but I also really want to see it. What is the road that was self-castrated and cut off by the Pangu Civilization Alliance ten thousand years ago, and does it make sense?"

"Thank you!"

Li Yao let out a long sigh of relief and laughed in relief, "It's great that you can understand and identify with me!"

"Don't be happy so early, it's like information life can take root and grow vigorously without any effort!"

Long Yangjun said, "The birth of life is difficult and fluke, not to mention the'civilization' where countless lives are highly condensed. These two little guys are still very immature now, at best they are just born'single-celled organisms.' Who knows how long they can exist in the harsh Star Sea War?

"Yue Wushuang has already fled to the ground with our news. Maybe in a few days, he will bring a new army down aggressively, crushing us all into flesh and turning into ashes? What if we use the highest level of numbers? Even if these two little guys can’t survive the carpet bombing of the psychic jamming bomb here? Then what we are discussing and worrying about now, isn’t it a joke?

"So, forget the illusory theories and the mystery dilemma for the time being, step up the search for the materials here, and move them all to the depths of the earth, waiting for our feet to be oiled, and we can go to the empire's border star field to find the white boss's fleet, and then entangle these. It's not too late!"

"It makes sense."

Li Yao nodded and said, "I'll go to Protect Xu to see how his progress is."

"By the way, when it comes to Xu Zhicheng--"

Long Yangjun said, "If you have to understand the attitude of human civilization towards information life, I think it is more appropriate to ask Xu Zhicheng than to ask me."

Li Yao was startled slightly: "Huh?"

Long Yangjun laughed: "Isn't Xu Zhicheng the most typical representative of ordinary people you have been protecting and saving? If information life really takes root in human society and forms an inseparable'symbiotic relationship' with human civilization, it must be It will bring great changes to ordinary people like Xu Zhicheng, with immeasurable advantages or disadvantages.

"So, is it not a matter of course to seek their opinions and opinions?

"If you only care about the opinions of me or Boss Bai and other'strong people', but dismiss or ignore the opinions of ordinary people like Xu Zhicheng, the difference between you and the heroes such as Xiao Xuance, Lu Zui, and Tianma Mo Xuan is again Where is it?

"Or, you are faintly worried that'stupid ordinary people' will not be able to understand such an inscrutable life form and illusory future deduction? This is not like the style of a cultivator. You cultivators do not always believe in ordinary people and rely on ordinary people. Is it? If you are convinced that your own actions are good for them, then they will believe you and support you, right?"


Li Yao knocked his head and suddenly realized, "It is indeed more appropriate to ask Hu Hufa for advice than to ask you for advice. I will go find him now!"

"and many more."

Long Yangjun waved at the two little guys, smiling like a gorgeous piranha, "I haven't talked enough with two such cute little guys, it's really... a perfect creation! Otherwise you Go and talk to Xu Zhicheng, I will take the two little guys for you first?'Aunt Long' has many interesting stories and the ideal of life to tell them, get close to them!"


The goose bumps on Li Yao's back were all protruding, pulling the two little guys, turning around and leaving.

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