40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2436: Mysterious order

When the upgraded brand-new Titan Soldier "Tianjing" gradually revealed its embryonic form, the evacuation of workers and their families in the big iron factory was also coming to an end.

Based on the new Worry-Free Education with a changed concept, countless “seeds” have been sown in dozens or even hundreds of underground towns. In the near future, they will inevitably drift farther and farther like burning dandelions and light up more. What a dark place.

New magic weapons, new ideas, new hopes... may come to this sunless world earlier than imagined.

It was time for Li Yao and others to leave.

They discussed the method of contact with Xu Zhicheng, and further discussed the countermeasures of the immortal cultivator in the event of a large-scale encirclement and suppression.

However, Li Yao estimates that it is unlikely that the immortal cultivators will encircle and suppress the underground in an all-round way.

It's the same problem he mentioned at the beginning-cost.

Now the reformists and the four major electoral families are in full swing on the ground, and both sides are doing their best to prove that they are the "orthodox" of the empire and completely annihilate each other.

However, behind the reformists is the existence of Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi, and the four major electors’ families are even more than five hundred years old. No matter who wants to swallow the other party in one breath, it seems impossible.

Except for a few of them, the riots of ordinary people in the underground are really trivial problems. It is hard to imagine that Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi could still mobilize a large number of people in the face of the pressure of the four major electoral families. After reaching the bottom of the ground, tunnel after tunnel went through, doing all the hard work and dirty work, just to catch a few unremarkable ordinary people.

"I hope you can persevere underground and remember our promise. Within one and a half years at most, an earth-shattering battle will surely erupt between the Celestial Realm and the Celestial Star. The immortal cultivators of the two factions will definitely fight endlessly, and We will also be back then-with the real fleet.

"That's when the underground people see the sky again!"

Li Yao assured Xu Zhicheng, all worry-free believers and ordinary people underground.

They originally wanted to return directly to the ground to find the last few Starports occupied by the four major electors’ families.

After all, the situation in the imperial capital is getting more and more tense day by day. Seeing that the reformists have to completely control the entire polar world, it would be very difficult to find a suitable starship to perform the star-sea jump.

Only when the four major electors’ families were still in their final retreat, could they have a chance to escape, contact the righteous men in Xinghai, and accumulate their own strength.

However, Xiaoming and Wenwen took away the master crystal brain there when they evacuated the big iron factory, but they were studying it as a toy, but they found some strange things.

"Dad, Dad, look at the design drawing of what magic weapon is this, it seems to be very big!"

When Li Yao and others were about to leave the underground, the two little guys came to Li Yao with a design drawing.

This design drawing was found in an order after they broke through a secret firewall of the main control crystal brain of the big iron factory and parsed a deeply hidden database.

Because the structure of the firewall and the hidden mode of the database are quite sophisticated and complicated, the two little guys have studied for a long time before breaking the line of defense. They couldn't help but become interested in the things in the order.

"Isn't this the chainring on the shield machine?"

Li Yao casually glanced to see it.

A shield machine is a tunnel boring machine. It is a large magic weapon specially used to open tunnels and expand underground space. In the underground world of iron plates, it is naturally an indispensable daily consumable.

In order to expand the living space underground, human beings will refine and manipulate countless shield machines every minute and every second, digging down, digging, digging, digging brand new factories, towns and tunnels connecting these places.

According to different working principles, shield machines are divided into mechanical, hydraulic, hybrid and very advanced Xuanguang crushing types. Generally speaking, their front end is like a large grinding disc with a large number of drill bits and iron teeth. During operation, not only the independent drill bit will rotate at a high speed, the iron teeth will oscillate at a frequency of thousands of times per second, and even the large grinding disc will rotate at a high speed, and the hard rock formations can be cut through a multi-pronged approach.

In such a hard-to-hard contest, the wear rate of the drill, the iron teeth and the grinding disc itself is naturally very amazing, and the relevant parts must be replaced frequently.

Therefore, most of the magic factories in the underground world have a complete refining assembly line for shield machine spare components. The same is true for large iron factories. Not only can they refine preparation components, but even a complete shield machine can be refined, which is a "fist." product".

It is not surprising that a batch of design drawings of shield mechanical parts were found in the order from a large iron factory.

But Li Yao glanced at the dimensions of these components again, and he knew why the two little guys had to ask him about the design drawings.

The length and width of the iron teeth on these shield machines have reached more than five meters!

Although Li Yao is not very familiar with large-scale civil magic weapons such as shield machines, he still has basic common sense. He concentratingly recalled several classic federal and empire shield machine models, and found that if the length of the iron teeth is shaken, If the width is up to five meters, then the entire working surface of the shield machine, that is, the large grinding disc at the forefront, has a diameter of at least about 100 meters!

In other words, when such a shield machine "rumbles" past it, a tunnel with a diameter of 100 meters can be drilled in the rock at once!

No, can it be called a "tunnel" with a diameter of 100 meters?

"Is this impossible?"

Li Yao murmured, and hurriedly took the order found by the two little guys to take a closer look.

He immediately discovered that this was not as simple as an order, but also included a full set of refining process flow diagrams, the secret recipe of the new alloy materials, and a sophisticated military technology transfer agreement.

For example, the oscillation frequency of the oscillating iron teeth of an ordinary shield machine is generally 3,000 to 5,000 times per second. If the frequency is higher, the material strength of the iron teeth and the structure of the shield machine itself cannot withstand it. It will soon be bald and fall apart.

However, the oscillating iron teeth used by this...super-giant shield machine have performance parameters that must oscillate more than 12,000 times per second!

Such a high-frequency oscillation production process is naturally not available in major iron plants.

Therefore, this secret database contains a large number of methods for refining, and even a few experts' information. If there is no trouble by Li Yao and others, these experts will come to the big iron factory in the near future and personally Improve the process and guide the local mixers and workers in their operations.

The harder the refining material of the oscillating iron teeth, the higher the oscillating frequency, which can naturally crush stronger rock formations, or can greatly improve the efficiency of excavation.

It is a very complicated technique to upgrade a one or two meter long concussive sword to 10,000 vibrations per second, let alone five or six meters of iron teeth, and it must be operated under extremely harsh conditions.

This is the most advanced military technology, and it is by no means qualified to master "three-surname domestic slaves" like Li Minghui.

Li Yao's hands were running like flying, and he clicked on a technology transfer agreement and refining process flow chart. In addition to the oscillating iron teeth, there are also percussion bits and certain hydraulic system components that must be refined in a large iron factory. .

Li Yao is an out-and-out "drill expert", but he was deeply shocked by the working principle and refining method of this kind of drill.

Although the secret database only contains orders and refining authorizations for a few magical components such as iron teeth and drill bits, Li Yao can also roughly deduce how huge the final super-giant shield machine is. , Majestic and terrifying!

This is not a shield machine, but a giant steel beast that devours the core of the earth!

"Looking at the creation time of this secret order and refining agreement, it seems that it was not long after Li Minghui betrayed the Dongfang family and took refuge in the Li family."

Wenwen said, "Especially when the three powerhouses such as Yue Wushuang and others have come to the ground, this secret database has flowed in a large amount of key data. They seem to be refining many similar components here!"


Li Yao estimated that if the refining process transformation and technology transfer mentioned in the database can be completed, the entire large iron factory will be able to produce a large number of oscillating iron teeth and percussion bits continuously for supply. …… More than a dozen super-giant shield machines are working day and night without a problem.

More than a dozen super-giant shield machines with a working surface of more than 100 meters in diameter, while rumble forward?

Immortal cultivator, more accurately Wu Yingqi, what on earth does he want to do!

Li Yao immediately consulted Long Yangjun and Li Jialing.

"In other words, the people of Wu Yingqi and Li Linghai occupy the big iron factory, not just to serve as a forward base for arresting us, but to really need the big iron factory to help them refine a number of key magic components. Huh?"

After listening to Li Yao's analysis, Long Yangjun looked at the information the two little guys found for a long time and concluded.

"Yes, if it's just to chase us down and capture Li Jialing, there is no reason to bring so many elite soldiers down."

Li Yaodao, "The so-called crowded tactics are meaningful only when the battlefield with a vast space can fully spread the line of fire, and it is impossible for the cultivator to know the prophet, knowing that we will go shopping for the big iron factory.

"If the pursuit and counterattack are carried out in winding, narrow and suffocating tunnels and crevices, no matter how large the number of people is, it is of little significance. On the contrary, it will become a burden to consume materials and block passages.

"Yue Wushuang's Witch Hunter, who is proficient in stealth assassination, barely counts as a helper; the elite of the Imperial Forest Army is good at frontal combat, just to chase us down, there is no need to bring these people.

"And don't you think that the materials they store in the big iron factory seem to be a little too much? It's not like performing a temporary hunting mission, but staying here for a long time."

"It seems so."

Long Yangjun nodded thoughtfully, "I was also surprised when I raided the big iron factory. Is the'Moon Demon' Yue Wushuang crazy? Just to chase us down, why did he bring so many elite soldiers down?

"If they are performing two tasks, one is to hunt us down, and the other is to garrison a large iron plant and help the large iron plant complete a comprehensive technical upgrade and refining assembly line transformation, and then supervise the release of batches of key magic components. , And perhaps **** this batch of magical components to the super-giant shield machine-this makes sense!"

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