40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2437: Take a cocoon from myths and legends

"To sort out the timeline, Wu Yingqi and Li Linghai should have noticed the big iron factory a long time ago."

Li Yao said, "Even before they decided to tear their faces with the four major electoral families, they had already planned to engage in some earth-shattering activities under the ground-at least a dozen super-giant shield machines can do things. small.

"In order to advance their plans, they need to continuously refine more super-giant shield machines, and more consumables such as oscillating iron teeth and percussion bits.

"That's why they reacted so quickly, they were able to dispatch a large army so quickly, and they were still led by the core figure of the reformist Yue Wushuang, the'Moon Demon'!"


Long Yangjun nodded again and again, "Thinking in another position, suppose we are Wu Yingqi or Li Linghai. Now the emperor has not completely fallen into our hands. There are still one or two'holes'. People from the four major electoral families can come from a source. Keep escaping. At this time, it is the most important thing to concentrate all your strength and completely block the'hole', right?

"But Wu Yingqi and Li Linghai even separated a precious force to come to the depths of the earth to supervise the construction of a batch of consumable parts for the super-giant shield machine. It can be seen that in their minds, the activities being carried out underground are no less important than Fighting on the ground with the four major electors’ families!"

"When you think of Wu Yingqi's unexpected tearing behavior, the whole thing is even more interesting."

Li Yaoning calmly analyzed, "A month ago, we discussed Wu Yingqi's intentions-at such a delicate moment now, with the relatively weak power of the reformers and his personal prestige, we have thoroughly discussed with the four major electors’ families. It is not an appropriate choice to tear your skin apart, not to mention that the main force of the Saint League fleet is eyeing in the dark star sea.

"Wu Yingqi, a conspirator who has slept for thousands of years, once awakened, he didn't want to burn the jade and stone of the four major electors' families and die together. Instead, he was picked up by the Holy League?

"So, since he dared to jump out of the darkness, and was not even afraid to reveal his true identity in front of some immortal cultivators, that means that he must have the biggest hole card, and he is confident that before the main force of the Holy League is killed, with With the force of thunder and destruction, he completely defeated the four major electoral families, and even solved the ensuing holy allies, and established his ideal'perfect immortal kingdom', that is, the'new empire'!

"He is eager to use a dozen super-giant shield machines to open up space underground. Is it related to this mysterious hole card?"

"It is not necessarily to open up space, but it may also be to explore relics."

Long Yang Jundao, "For 100,000 years, the polar world and the celestial star have always been the heart of human civilization. Even during the Great War hundreds of thousands of years ago, this place was also one of the extremely important core hubs. It was the political, The economics, training and R&D centers, the infinite mysteries hidden deep in the ground, are really unimaginable.

"Even if human beings can drill to 20,000 to 30,000 meters underground, or even penetrate the earth's crust, it would have just pierced the'egg shell', but the Pangu and Nuwa civilizations in the past have sufficient technology to drill. A place deeper than humans.

"Did they leave anything deeper-who knows?"

Li Yao shook his body and said, "What do you think of?"

"No, but everything is possible."

Long Yangjun spread his hand and said, "Don’t forget, when the ancient civilization of the past was destroyed, it left eight volumes of the Heavenly Book of Conferred Gods. It is said that the founder of the Xinghai Empire, the Emperor, got three of them. The inheritance led to the establishment of a splendid and glorious modern cultivation civilization. After that, these three volumes of heavenly books have always been the goals of all parties in Xinghai. Whoever can obtain even one volume of heavenly books can establish Xuhe's power for a while.

"Since Black Star Great Emperor Wu Yingqi is the ancestor of the true human empire, does he still have one or two volumes of the Heavenly Book of Gods in his hand, or even, will he get more information about the Heavenly Book by some means?

"From his escape from Wuying Realm to the mysterious appearance between the Xinghai Republic, he at least drifted in the dark star sea for nearly a hundred years. What has happened to him, what he got, and who he has met during this hundred years? No one knows. "

Li Yao was shocked and said: "You suspect that there is a volume of'Book of Conferred Gods' hidden deep in the ground of Celestial Pole Star!"

"I didn't say that it must be the'Book of Conferred Gods', but it is not surprising even if it is."

Long Yangjun said, "You should be very clear that the so-called "Shenzhen Tianshu" is not like a volume of books and jade slips, and it may even be... completely incomparable with scrolls and jade slips, for example. An underground ruin or something.

"Of course, in addition to the'Book of Gods', there were countless powerful weapons that were sealed in the ground during the Primordial War, and there were even many...before the Pangu Civilization Alliance was born, the legacy of the earlier Primordial Civilization, who Do you know?"

Li Yao and Li Jialing, the two little guys looked at each other, pondered for a long time, and cautiously said: "Indeed, everything is possible, but it's just ‘possible’."

"It's very likely."

Long Yangjun looked at the performance parameters of the shield machine required on the secret order, and said, “Seeing the consumable parts of these super-giant shield machines, thinking of the conspiracy of Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi, I suddenly thought of another thing, or Say, a legend.

"It was the fierce battle between the emperor and his evil incarnation, the **** of doomsday war, in the extreme heavens and the celestial stars when the Xinghai Empire collapsed ten thousand years ago.

"It is said that it was an unprecedented and fierce **** battle, which almost completely tore and shred the entire planet. The emperor and the blood **** son were also injured by this, and they fell or disappeared."

Li Yao didn’t know why Long Yangjun suddenly brought up such an ancient legend. After thinking about it, he still said: “What happened ten thousand years ago, and after so many years of war annihilation and distortion, can already be regarded as the category of'myth.' Sometimes poor, even with the power of the emperor and the blood **** child, it is impossible to explode a medium-sized planet abruptly.

"So now many historians and geologists believe that the fierce battle between the emperor and the blood **** son 10,000 years ago only activated the sleeping energy in the most vulnerable part of the geological structure, and triggered a huge and unprecedented scale. It’s just an earthquake."

"Yes, I have also heard this statement. Compared with'two people shred a planet with their bare hands', this statement is relatively more reasonable."

Long Yangjun smiled slightly and said, "But when you think about it, these two statements are equally absurd, it's nothing more than the difference between fifty steps and one hundred steps.

"The emperor is the supreme ruler of the stars and the sea. There are more than a thousand generals under his command, and more than a million elite?

"The Doomsday mad blood **** child is also the leader of the rebels. The predecessor of the rebels under his command was the most powerful expeditionary army of the Xinghai Empire. Shouldn't he be best at large corps operations and fleet command?

"An emperor, a leader of the rebel army, put his good fleet without command, but ran to the extreme heavens and the celestial stars to play'single challenge', and almost burst the entire planet-this is what human civilization is. The epic battle is still the drunken fight of the market rascals!

Li Yao was stunned for a long time, and reluctantly said: "...It seems to be a bit reasonable to be said by you. After all, it is a legend 10,000 years ago. It is normal to interpret it with a little exaggeration?

"At least, the emperor and the blood **** son did have a fierce battle in the extreme heaven realm and the celestial star star, tearing through countless rift valleys thousands of meters or even tens of thousands of meters deep on the earth-this is It's true, you and I have seen it with my own eyes!"

"This is a fact, but what is the truth behind the facts will depend on us to get rid of the falsehood and preserve the truth."

Long Yangjun said, "I came to the Celestial Star, saw so many huge and deep rift valleys, and saw people desperately developing underground. There is such a mystery in my heart. In the past few years, the mystery has become more and more. It’s big, but I can’t find the answer—what is the truth about the battle between the extreme heavens, the celestial stars, the emperor and the blood **** son ten thousand years ago?

"Until this moment, I vaguely spied on the conspiracy of Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi, like a steel needle, and finally exploded the suspicion in my heart!

"Come and come, please think about it carefully. Compared to'the emperor and the blood **** child fighting each other on the Celestial Star, and the planet is about to blow up this'mythical story', the following deductions are not possible It will be higher.

"Suppose, in the depths of the extreme heavens and the celestial stars, there is a vital relic buried deep, which has at least the same value as the "Book of Gods".

"For the emperor and the blood **** son, whoever can obtain this ruin will be able to achieve a decisive victory, and then control the Xinghai.

"Therefore, the emperor and the blood **** son each control an elite force that is extremely good at underground warfare and exploring relics, and they meet in a narrow path in the deep earth of the extreme sky realm and the celestial star.

"It was not the two of them, but the battle between the two ‘underground ruins exploration troops’ that led to drastic changes in the geological structure, turning the polar celestial realm and the celestial star into what we see today.

"I guess that neither side should have gotten any advantage. It is very likely that both sides will lose out. Xinghai will be in extreme chaos for ten thousand years. It was not until the emergence of Xinghai Republic that there was a slightly unified and stable regime.

"And since Black Star Great Emperor Wu Yingqi has been in the Emperor's Tomb for at least a few hundred years, it is very likely that he has learned this secret through some channel.

"Then what he did today is very reasonable! He is looking for something that the former emperor and the blood **** son dig three feet in the ground and lose both sides without finding something!"

Long Yangjun's words caused Li Yao, Li Jialing and the two little guys to fall into a long silence.

"It's so ridiculous, how could we believe that'the emperor and the blood **** son played heads-up on Celestial Star, and they almost broke the planet' such nonsense!"

Li Yao muttered to himself, his eyes gleaming, "Even if you are not telling the truth, you must be closer to the truth than these nonsense! No, we must find the work sites of those super-giant shield machines and see the Black Star with our own eyes. What is the great Emperor Wu Yingqi doing!"

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