40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2438: Characteristics of ripples

Everyone agreed to go to the operation site of the super-giant shield machine to find out, but there is only such a mysterious order in the main control crystal brain of the big iron factory. The oscillating iron teeth and the impact drill have just begun to be refined, and there is no refining. After the completion, where exactly are the coordinates to be sent.

Li Yao estimated that there is no reason for Wu Yingqi or Li Linghai to share such a confidential matter with a "three-name family slave" like Li Minghui. Li Minghui's big iron factory only needs to be responsible for refining the consumable parts, and then the transportation work. , Should be responsible for those elites of the Imperial Forest Army.

Even the elite of the Yulin Army may not know where to send the refined consumables at this moment, only a few high-level leaders and confidants such as "Moon Demon" Yue Wushuang know.

Although he does not know the precise coordinates, Li Yao can roughly infer.

"The big iron plant is just a very ordinary complex of mining, smelting, energy and refining equipment. Although it is large in scale, its technical content is not high."

Li Yao groaned, "Look at these technology transfer agreements and expert guidance manuals. These things are sufficient to explain that if you want to refine qualified consumables, you need to invest a lot of manpower, material resources and time. The assembly lines of magic components are upgraded again, which is very time-consuming.

"In the underground world, there are many heavy industrial towns such as the Big Iron Factory, which have higher technological content and more complete facilities. Even though the veins here contain a variety of rare metal components, they are compatible with oscillating iron teeth and percussion bits. There is still a considerable gap in the demand for the products, and many raw materials have to be shipped from outside.

"So, why did Wu Yingqi and Li Linghai choose such a'plain' underground heavy industrial town to refine and process the consumables they need?

"I think the only answer is distance and transportation-the place where they conduct secret operations must be not far from the big iron factory, and there must be tunnels or mines that can be reached directly, which can transport a large number of consumables unimpeded. "

"Even so, the search range is too large."

Long Yangjun said, “The underground rock formations are no better than the ground world. Nothing can be seen at a glance. Divine minds are often blocked by rocks and disturbed by spiritual veins. He wants to thoroughly search every mine, tunnel, and tunnel in a radius of hundreds or even thousands of miles. Gaps are extremely time-consuming and energy-consuming things.

"Don't forget, Wu Yingqi and Li Linghai will conquer the final stronghold of the four major electors' families in the Celestial Star at any time. Once they really control the entire imperial capital, we want to escape again, the difficulty will increase at least a hundred times!"

"This is a big problem, let me think... there, shock!"

Li Yao's eyes lit up and said, "I don't know that Wu Yingqi and Li Linghai have already controlled several super-giant shield machines to excavate and explore underground - at least three or five should be there, right?

"The shield machine smashes and annihilates the rock forcibly, making a deafening noise, and of course it also transmits various vibration ripples, let alone three or five super-giant shield machines operating at the same time!

"Since we are sure that they are not too far away, as long as we lock their vibration ripples, we can follow the vine to find them!"

Long Yangjun thought for a long time and said: "The idea is good, but there are countless vibration waves in the underground world itself-the vibrations of the air circulation system and cooling system of the underground towns, the rumbling noises of the shield machines in other towns and factories. , Including natural seismic waves erupted by weak geological changes... Thousands of intricate ripples are entangled together, and when they reach here, they have become very small. How do you lock the vibration ripples emitted by the super-giant shield machine inside? This is as difficult as finding a drop of water in a flood!"

"not necessarily."

Li Yao smiled slightly, and said unfathomably, "Shanren has a clever plan!"

Long Yangjun looked at him silently.

Li Jialing also frowned at him.

Li Yao was unpredictable for a long time. Seeing that no one took his troubles, he couldn't help but disappointed and said: "At this time, shouldn't you say'Oh, the plan will be settled'?"

Xiaoming and Wenwen sighed: "Dad, time is running out, so let's talk if you have a way, don't play!"

"That's it—"

Li Yao scratched his chin for a long time, and coughed awkwardly, saying, "The vibration frequency between ripples and ripples is not the same. It is like the sound of an earthquake is different from a volcanic eruption, and it is even more pronounced than the normal sound of magic weapons in towns. It's different.

"The principle of shield machines is the same. Generally, small shield machines with a working surface of less than ten meters in diameter, and large shield machines with a working surface of 20 to 30 meters, must have a different sound of crushing rocks!

"And the'super giant monster' with a working surface of 100 meters in diameter must make extremely special noises and very recognizable. Even if it travels hundreds of kilometers in the rock formations, the vibration ripples are attenuated to minimal, but some basic The characteristic parameters will never change.

"Look, these technology transfer agreements and expert instruction manuals have detailed the performance parameters and refining methods of the oscillating iron teeth and impact drill bits. Then, based on the characteristics of these consumable parts, plus the design of the imperial conventional shield machine Method, we can model in Jingmin,'reversely push' the whole picture of this super-giant shield machine, and calculate the sound that it makes during operation, what kind of characteristics are contained in it!

"As long as you can grasp the characteristics of its ripples, and then compare them with the vibration ripples we have collected, isn't it easy to catch them?"

"and many more--"

Long Yangjun asked, "There is not only one way for the empire to refine shield machines, including the working principle of shield machines, etc. How do you reverse it?"

"It doesn't matter. When the volume and working surface of the shield machine expand to a certain extent, there are only a few construction methods to choose from. I can use several different methods to model and calculate them all."

Li Yao grinned and said, "At that time, dozens of different ripple features will be drawn to form a feature library, and then we will grab all the ripples we have collected for comparison. Can we always find a similar one?"

"This is quite a lot of calculations, right?"

Long Yangjun said suspiciously, "Are you sure you can?"

Li Yao glanced at the two little guys and said confidently: "It might not work in the past, but now...it should be fine!"

Li Yao made a vow, and everyone no longer hesitated.

Although it would definitely waste a lot of their time to refine the "sonic search and grabber" and follow the path to find the location of the super-giant shield machine, everyone agreed that it was worth it.

Wu Yingqi and Li Linghai are powerful, and it is by no means that they can be defeated in a head-on confrontation, and the identity of "Black Star Emperor" is not really shameless. Even if they can escape from the imperial capital to "expose Wu Yingqi's true face", it seems that there is nothing to expose. .

It may even have a counterproductive effect. For example, running in front of the "God of War" Lei Chenghu to "expose Wu Yingqi's true face", maybe Lei Chenghu was ecstatic at the time, screaming, wanting to charge. Kneeled and knocked three times before Wu Yingqi.

Therefore, they must master Black Star Great Emperor Wu Yingqi's hole cards, at least to see what this hole card looks like, and only after escaping from the imperial capital can they have the capital of the game.

After unanimous opinions, Li Yao and the two little guys focused their attention and devoted all their computing power to the modeling and calculation of the super-giant shield machine.

After all, the shield machine is a civilian use treasure. No matter how large it is, its structure has not undergone essential changes. Compared with military use treasures, it is not complicated. For Li Yao, who has dismantled and modified no less than 20 or 30 giant soldiers, Naturally it is a piece of cake, not to mention-not to mention, there are two little guys with extremely large databases to help!

It took them a lot of effort to refine the "vibration ripple scanning and grasping magic weapon", mainly because the accuracy requirements were too high, and many components had to be polished by Li Yao himself.

From modeling, calculation to magic weapon refining, it took a total of more than 20 hours before and after a weird magic weapon was refined.

In fact, there is no "refining", it is purely a piece of the search magic weapon on the giant soldier. Time is tight, and it does not care about the layout and appearance. At first glance, it is a mess of metal cow dung, but there are four. A huge metal bowl stretched out and was buckled on the relatively smooth rock wall by Li Yao one by one. The air inside was first drained, and then he injected the highly sensitive gas specially prepared by him to act as a conductive medium.




When he held his breath and gradually injected psychic energy into the magic weapon, pushing his sensitivity to the limit, hundreds of ripples in the rock formation were immediately released, intertwined with absolute noise that cannot be distinguished by human ears.

Li Yao patiently input these "noises" one by one into the ripple feature library he and the two little guys have produced together. Sure enough, it didn't take long for him to find the direction of the southwest that was slightly downward by twenty degrees, and there was an extremely weak one. The coincidence rate of the ripples and the ripples calculated by them in the feature library has reached more than 95%!

"Look, this zigzag structure with overlapping ripples shows that there is more than one sound source to make it, and it was produced by several super-giant shield machines working together."

Li Yao pointed to the three-dimensional model of the ripples, the peaks and troughs, and explained to Long Yangjun and Li Jialing, "More importantly, every three and a half minutes, the shock ripples fall to the bottom of the valley. It takes about two minutes. Then it will gradually rise and reach the peak in two minutes-this is obviously the cooling time of the super-giant shield machine.

"According to my calculations, the temperature of such a powerful super-giant shield machine must be extremely high during operation, and it is impossible to continuously drill and smash. Three and a half to four minutes is the limit. After that, it must be cooled for two or three minutes before the Two rounds of operations.

"All the characteristics match one by one, so this place is our goal!"

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