40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2439: Tunnel ten thousand years ago

Find the general direction, and the next thing will be easier.

Li Yao, Long Yangjun, and Li Jialing plus two newly-born "information lives", and of course two little guys' toys—those ultra-miniature psionic puppets that are as small as ants and wild flying freely. The bee-shaped psychic puppet immediately set off, along the existing cracks and mines, and explored the past in the direction of the special ripples.

Every three hours of advancing, stop and restart the "vibration ripple scanning and grabbing magic weapon" to relocate the source of the vibration.

Sure enough, the ripples are getting stronger and clearer, indicating that their direction is not wrong, and the direction and height can be further fine-tuned according to the increasing number of ripples.

Gradually, they left the cities and towns where ordinary people live in the underground. Those areas rich in psychic energy and life are already far away, and they have really entered the absolute darkness of "darkness and silence".

This is a life restricted area that even the underground savages do not have. The tunnels and mines are gradually narrowing and cutting off. There are only strange natural cracks for people to pass through.

In many places, it is even necessary to use giant soldiers to open the way abruptly to find new cracks.

If it weren't for the two super-class masters, Li Yao and Long Yangjun, in the forefront, they would not hesitate to consume psionic energy locally, and run so recklessly that they would definitely not find the right path, and would be trapped alive in the rock formations.

In this way, they sneaked in the darkness holding their breath for more than twenty-four hours, and finally saw a ray of light.

After using bone shrinking power to shrink his body to the limit, and after drilling through a natural crack not much thicker than a poisonous snake, the front suddenly opened up, but it was an artificial tunnel with a diameter of at least thirty to fifty meters. He did not know where to lead.

The tunnel is wide on both sides and narrow from top to bottom. It is elliptical. The surrounding rock walls can clearly see the traces of artificial excavation. However, after tens of thousands of years of erosion, it gradually becomes smooth, as if it is wrapped in a hard shell of slurry. .

"This tunnel was not dug now."

Li Yao analyzed the altitude at the moment through a barometer, "We have descended to more than 24,000 meters below the ground. In many places, this is the boundary between the crust and the mantle. I did not expect such a deep distance and a scale. Such a huge artificial tunnel exists.

"You come to see the traces on the rock walls on both sides of the tunnel. It's best to reach out and feel the traces with subtle spirals. It should be the traces excavated by some kind of shield machine or a giant drill bit. From the size of the traces Judging from it, it doesn’t look like the same type of magic weapon of the Pangu or Nuwa tribe—the size is too small."

Long Yangjun was the first to understand what Li Yao meant.

Most of the thirteen member races of the Pangu Civilization Alliance are large-scale carbon-based beings, who are at every turn 20 to 30 meters tall and even higher, and they are indomitable giants.

Therefore, if it is a shield machine, excavator, or shredder of the Pangu or Nuwa people, the size should be larger, and the size of the excavated traces should be much wider.

In many prehistoric relics, including the Kunlun Secret Realm, similar magic weapon remains of the Pangu and Nuwa tribes were unearthed, so Li Yao and Long Yangjun are very familiar with the size of similar magic weapons.

"Do you suspect that this artificial tunnel was excavated by humans?"

Long Yangjun thought for a while and said, "Is the emperor or blood **** son ten thousand years ago!"

"If your guess is correct, it is very likely."

Li Yao nodded and said, "Assuming that the emperor and the army of the blood **** children are really looking for something under the Celestial Pole Star, it is natural to dig a sufficiently spacious artificial tunnel to transport a large number of troops and even devastating magic weapons in, and Black Star Since the Great Emperor Wu Yingqi knows this secret, of course there is no need to be silly to dig a tunnel of his own, as long as he finds the tunnel of the emperor or the blood **** son, he can easily reach the vicinity of the'target'."

"It makes sense."

Long Yangjun released his spiritual thoughts to explore for a while, led everyone to the middle of the tunnel, pointed to the indentation on the ground and said, "You come and touch this."

Li Yao knelt on one knee and carefully rubbed the uneven ground, touching countless jagged bumps.

"It's a crawler, a very, very wide, heavy-duty crawler, and it's a set of six to eight crawlers-some kind of crawler-type transportation with an amazing load."

Li Yao said, "If it was 10,000 years ago that the emperor or the blood **** child's army had crushed it, the traces would have been eroded by time. It is by no means so'fresh'. The traces of these tracks were within the last year and a half. , Left after repeated crushing!"

Now they can finally be sure that their judgment is correct.

As for the height of the tunnel is only thirty to fifty meters, but the diameter of the working surface of the super-giant shield machine is hundreds of meters, such an obvious "contradiction" is not too big a problem.

The super-giant shield machine, a seemingly tyrannical behemoth of steel, on the other hand, is extremely fragile. The ultra-high-speed operation time is calculated in "seconds". If it is not necessary, it can be activated by one second less. One second.

Decompose the super-giant shield machine into thousands or even tens of thousands of components and magic units, and transport them to the job site by crawler-type heavy vehicles, and then combine them on the spot for use-this is the most efficient method.

Knowing that this artificial tunnel must lead to Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi’s "trump card", then, after holding his breath and sneaking for more than two hours, I heard a faintly rushing roar of one hundred and eight thousand waterfalls. It's not surprising to see a team of guards from the Imperial Forest Army armed to the teeth.

Not to mention Li Yao and Long Yangjun, even the little golden hair Li Jialing, who has just completed a course of intensive treatment, can easily let go of these imperial forest troops.

But there was no need for such an attack, and they chose a more secure way.

Everyone hung in the dark corner of the artificial tunnel. Li Yao used the "Xiaolong" to drill a small finger-thick hole in the rock wall to reach the hot work site ahead. Then Li Xiaoming and Li Wenwen manipulated a large number of mechanical ants and followed them. Climbing in the small hole all the way, sending the scanned images and ripples back, everyone can share the vision of these mechanical ants.

The picture sent back by Xiaolong and the mechanical ant made their breath stagnate, and they almost didn't exclaim.

The underground space at the end of the artificial tunnel is too huge, too vast, and too "extensive".

Li Yao is considered to be a person who has seen countless huge underground spaces, including the first under the Bone Dragon Star, and even a silver "ocean".

But the sum of all the underground space is not as shocking as the void in front of me.

The diameter and height of the underground space on this side are at least ten times that of the big iron factory, enough to accommodate dozens of underground towns, just like a miniature black hole embedded in the Celestial Star, constantly swallowing the surrounding rock formations.

Looking around, there are spiraling stairs and platforms all around, and there are huge caves opened horizontally on the rock walls, like some kind of intricately structured honeycombs and ant nests.

Some "ant nests" are the barracks of the Imperial Forest Army. The canine-toothed crystal magnetic cannon positions and various three-dimensional defense systems are also erected next to the barracks. All factories that repair shield machines are not small in scale.

Li Yao controlled the Xiaolong, fine-tuned the direction carefully, all the way down, and saw that on the platform near the bottom of the huge cavity, there were indeed several super-giant shield machines digging and crushing all the time, and they were still beside them. With hundreds of large, medium and small shield machines, the contrasting body shape is like a giant beast taking its children out to hunt.

With these shield machines alone, it is absolutely impossible to open up such a vast underground space in just a year and a half!

Li Yao's thoughts turned around, and then he laughed dumbfounded, laughing that he was too stupid - of course, such "extensive" space was not dug out by Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi alone. In all likelihood, as Long Yangjun said, it is the emperor or the emperor. When the blood **** child's troops were dug out, Wu Yingqi just inherited the career of his ancestors and continued to dug.


boom! boom!

Boom boom boom boom!

At this moment, they heard a very regular explosion from deep in the underground space.

"Are you shooting a cannon to smash the rock formation?"

Long Yangjun asked Li Yao in a low voice.


Li Yao pressed his ears and cheeks against the rock wall, carefully felt for a moment, and shook his head, "It is the ripples and feedback released after the explosion of the spar bomb to scan the deeper structures in the ground."

This method of holographic scanning using ripple feedback is a conventional method for underground exploration.

From the perspective of the layout of the corrugated emission source, the cultivator first used the super-giant shield machine to excavate a relatively shallow tunnel in all directions under the ground, spread out radially, and then install a set of special crystals at the end of each tunnel. The stone bombs are scanned in a "sweeping net" style.

In other words, no matter what Wu Yingqi wants them to look for, there has not been a breakthrough yet, but the guns are thrown indiscriminately.

Discovering this, Li Yao breathed a sigh of relief.

"At least an entire battle group of the Imperial Forest Army is deployed here, and judging from the fact that they are constantly building new barracks and barriers, the scale of the garrison will continue to expand."

Li Yao squinted his eyes and carefully analyzed the ultra-clear images sent back by Xiaolong. "No wonder Li Linghai attaches so much importance to the Imperial Forest Army. He has long been eyebrows and secretly hooked up with the Imperial Forest Army. On the battlefield, there are shrimp soldiers and crabs who are on the verge of collapse. Even if the loyalty is high, it will be useless to recruit them.

"It turns out that Li Linghai or Wu Yingqi didn't intend to let the Yulin Army go into battle to kill the enemy, but used them as'engineers'. This is quite appropriate."

Li Yao swept around and found no trace of a master within his sight. He moved in his heart and said with a smile, "Hey," "Do you think, what happens if we suddenly rush down to do a guy?"

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