40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2440: Heartbroken mad Wu Yingqi!

"not so good."

After carefully observing the military configuration and defense system of the underground space, Long Yangjun rejected Li Yao's eager proposal.

First, the underground space has deployed at least one strengthened battle group force, and on each platform from high to low in the entire space, crystal magnetic cannons and fixed fortresses are erected to form an airtight cross firepower network, which is better than the big iron. The defense of the factory is ten times tougher.

Even if their two giant soldiers can rush down like a whirlwind to kill the Quartet, they will definitely be sucked by the crossfire net, consuming a lot of fuel and ammunition, and by the way, they will be devastated by the giant soldiers.

Of course, assuming that the enemy is not above the Nascent Soul, the main generals who are also equipped with giant soldiers are sitting in town, they do have the opportunity to defeat the entire battle group-the Imperial Forest Army is not a stubborn dead soldier with a fighting will, and may even be watching When the two giant soldiers appeared, they completely collapsed.

However, so what?

In a sense, both the Imperial Forest Army and the shield machines are “consumables”. Even if they can annihilate all the Imperial Forest Army and destroy all shield machines, they have already occupied the entire imperial capital and can control the extreme. Wu Yingqi and Li Linghai, who have 99% of the resources of Tianjie and Tianjixing, can invest more "consumables" at any time.

Even if the refining and maintenance of super-giant shield machines are difficult, ordinary shield machines can be delivered continuously.

Except for the slight delay of Wu Yingqi's excavation progress, their reckless attacks have no meaning, but they will startled the snake, making Wu Yingqi and Li Linghai discover their existence and know that their hole cards have been exposed.

Once Wu Yingqi found out that his hole cards had been exposed, he would definitely change the way of playing cards. Even under the stimulus, at all costs, the blood sacrifice of millions of lives would have to speed up the progress of the excavation.

Now, the biggest advantage of Li Yao and his party is that the enemy is in the dark. Wu Yingqi and Li Linghai know nothing about their latest movements, so naturally they will not easily jump in front of the enemy.

Unless, they can completely destroy the underground space.

But it's easier said than done!

The underground space was originally an empty black hole, how can it be destroyed? Even if they can collapse the rock formations in all directions to fill them, the loose rock formations can easily be penetrated again by shield machines and drilling vehicles.

What’s more terrible is that nine out of ten of this underground space lies in an extremely fragile earthquake zone. The exploration of the emperor and the blood **** son 10,000 years ago has caused drastic changes in the crust of the entire Celestial Star, in the vast expanse of land. Hundreds of cracks were torn apart on the upper floor. I don't know how many people died in the catastrophe.

Today's Polar Sky Realm and Celestial Star have several times more population than the Xinghai Empire era. Even the huge gaps in the past are full of underground towns, and there are tens of billions or more people living in them.

If they insist on destroying this underground space, the result will be a repeat of the catastrophe thousands of years ago. Countless towns will be swallowed by rock formations, countless people will forever fall into darkness, and tens of billions of people will be implicated.

Black Star Great Emperor Wu Yingqi may not care, tens of billions of people are just a bunch of numbers.

But Li Yao certainly can't do this.

"Be careful, earthquakes happen frequently in this area. It's not a day or two anymore."

Long Yangjun whispered, "Remember that I went to the depths of the earth to eliminate the wars of the three savage tribes: Nightwing, Black Armor, and Red Ring? Why do the savages fight each other because their habitats are constantly in succession. It was destroyed by small-scale earthquakes. Such earthquakes have often erupted in the past half a year, but I had never heard of it a few years ago.

"I suspect that it was Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi's activities that triggered a series of chain reactions within a thousand miles.

"He can be unscrupulous and not afraid of paying any price, can you?"

Li Yao was silent for a long time and murmured: "What the **** Black Star Great Wu Yingqi wants to do, going so madly in the extremely sensitive seismic zone, it is really possible to cause the entire polar celestial realm and the celestial star to fall apart!

"Although the statement of'Booming Planet' is a bit exaggerated, it has led to extremely active plate movements, continents sinking to the bottom of the sea, strange peaks in the ocean pile up, and the entire ecosystem and even the atmosphere are fragmented, changing from a habitable planet to an inhabitable planet. Desolate Planet... Such a possibility does exist, and it is quite high!

"He is crazy, he doesn't even want his own capital?"

"Don't forget, the most exciting battle on the way to the rise of Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi."

Long Yang Jun said, "When he was the border guard of the Xinghai Republic, facing the Saint League fleet, he once gave up his command center "Kalan Star", and set up a powerful force under the Kalan Star, which can cause a chain reaction. The spar bomb deliberately lures the holy ally to occupy Karan Star, and then kill the planet and the enemy fleet together!

"Therefore, this guy has a'historical record' for destroying his planet. In the current situation, the combined paper strength of the four major electoral families is obviously stronger than him. If you want a quick fight, you know him. Will not repeat the trick?"

Li Yao took a deep breath and whispered: "In order to unearth the treasures buried deep in the ground and defeat the four major electors’ families, Black Star Great Emperor Wu Yingqi has the consciousness of making the hundreds of billions of residents of the imperial capital'sacrifice'. Really worthy of being... the ancestor of the cultivator!

"Now that the imperial capital has been controlled by him, we must take everything we see out of the imperial capital and let anyone who opposes the Black Star Emperor know-this way, he can be regarded as revealing his madness!"

Long Yangjun said: "We have taken all the pictures."

Li Yao shook his head and said: "It's not enough to shoot from a distance. This kind of three-dimensional video is easy to be faked. Besides, it doesn't explain too many problems if you take a sneak shot from a distance.

"We have to get the work log of a super-giant shield machine. This is more convincing evidence. Let me think about what to do...Hey, if your'clone' can approach the super-giant shield machine If so, how long will it take to copy its work log?"

Li Yao turned to ask the two little guys.

"It depends on how long its work log is, whether it has encryption and defense."

Li Wenwen said, "However, it shouldn't take too long. After all, it's just a silly, thick and black civilian fortune. It's impossible for the Black Star Great Emperor to install the most advanced super crystal brain on a shield machine?"

"Ten seconds!"

Li Xiaoming patted his chest and packed the ticket, "Give us ten seconds, it is enough to copy a complete work log!"

"Very good, then..."

Li Yao squinted his eyes and observed for a while, and said, "The No. 2 super-giant shield machine on the left should be the one that has been put into use for the longest time in terms of the degree of wear and cooling time. Then the content of its work log is also It must be the richest!"

The group observed for a long time in secret, and determined the next operation content of several super-giant shield machines. Then Li Yao activated the Xiaolong again and circled the flank. The super-giant shield machine was about to dig in. In the rock formation, find the weakest point of the structure, and bury an ultra-miniature spar bomb in it.

When the No. 2 super-giant shield machine rotated the working surface to the limit, all the oscillating iron teeth and the percussion drill bit made a deafening roar, Li Yao's spiritual thoughts agitated, and the remote control this micro spar bomb exploded, setting off a chain reaction of the rock formations. , The cave just excavated by the No. 2 super giant shield machine collapsed!

The explosion of the spar bomb was completely obscured by the roar of the shield machine.

Moreover, in the tunneling process of the shield machine, such small-scale collapse is also commonplace, and it does not hurt the shield machine at all.

Immediately, various rescue vehicles and psionic puppets rushed forward, injecting liquid metal and cushioning foam into the collapsed and loose rock formations, strengthening the surrounding structure, and a dozen heavy-duty crawler vehicles at full power at the same time. The shield machine buried in the gravel was dragged out abruptly.

Similar accidents happen almost every day, and no immortal cultivator is surprised.

After the explosion of the mini spar bomb, the remaining pieces of metal fragments were also mixed in the collapsed rock formations and would never be found by anyone.

However, within just a few minutes when the super-giant shield machine was buried in the gravel, there were countless small "ants". Following the cracks of the gravel, the super-giant shield was unknowingly. The gap of the machine invaded its main control crystal brain, scanning and copying a large amount of information.

Before the heavy-duty tracked vehicle is in place, all the "clone" of Xiao Ming and Wenwen have retreated safely, leaving no trace.

Work log, here it is!


Li Yaochong gave the two little guys a thumbs up, and the two little guys smiled as bright as flowers.

As he was about to retreat, a rumbling roar came from the other end of the tunnel again, and the earth began to tremble, but an engineering convoy full of materials, crawler vehicles and shield machines came to support.

The mighty caravan took more than half an hour to finish.

The crazy excavation scene in the underground space has become more and more heated.

Everyone looked at each other and felt that time was burning like a fuse on a barrel of explosives.

Li Yao moved in his heart and suddenly said, "You said, where is the starting point of this tunnel? We are now about 20,000 meters underground. It is impossible for this tunnel to spiral upwards 20,000 meters and go straight to the ground, right?"

It makes sense.

If it were to spiral upwards of 20,000 meters, considering the angle of inclination, the total length of the tunnel would be at least 100,000 to 200,000 meters.

Li Yao and his party simply traced the source to find the starting point of the tunnel.

It didn't take more than 100,000 or 200,000 meters, just to explore more than a dozen kilometers, and they came to the starting point of the tunnel, another huge barracks and forward base.

Standing in the center of the advance base, engraved with mysterious and complex runes and radiant spirit patterns, it is constantly shining with brilliance, and it is a huge teleportation array.

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