40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2441: Two empires

This teleportation array is like a huge palace in the shape of a pyramid. It will periodically release pulse-like strong psychic energy fluctuations every five minutes. Along with the pale golden light, there will be fine ripples in the space. Teeth’s crystal armor troops and heavy-duty tracked vehicles have appeared one after another. Many of the tracked vehicles’ semi-enclosed compartments are also equipped with small and medium-sized shield machines and wear and tear parts of large-scale shield machines.

A new reinforcement force is rapidly being assembled, and it is expected to take shape within a day or two and be deployed to a work site more than ten kilometers away.

Everyone was observing in the dark for a long time, and Li Jialing couldn't help but said: "It turns out that this is just a transit station, not the initial starting point. If you can know where this giant teleportation array in the shape of a pyramid leads, it would be great."

Li Yao whispered a few words to the two little guys. A dozen "little ants" immediately crawled towards the forward base, but did not approach the teleportation array. They just collected some debris on the ground that was crushed by the heavy crawler. Stone, powder and dust particles come back.

Li Yao divided the particles they collected into two parts. One part was put into the magic weapon he used to verify the composition of the material for testing, and the other part was held with his fingers, rubbed and sniffed at the tip of his nose, and put in the mouth. Licking.

"From the analysis of the salt, humidity, and the metal particles contained in these particles, it should come from the east coast of the main continent of the Celestial Star, which is relatively close to the temperate zone, and within a thousand miles, there are several rare metal mines in the ground. field."

After Li Yao finished speaking, he glanced at the results of the magic weapon analysis and grinned, "Yes, the same is true for the results of the instrument detection. The tracks of these heavy-duty tracked vehicles are contained in the soil and dust brought in from the other end of the conveyor array. There are twenty-five kinds of rare metals. Although they are not rare and rare metals, there are not many places on the surface of the Celestial Star where twenty-five kinds of metals can be collected at the same time.

"Xiaoming, Wenwen, your database should have information on all the large mining and smelting bases on the Celestial Star. Use these conditions to search and filter.

"First, it is located on the east coast of the Celestial Star's main continent, about 30 degrees north latitude, and no more than five degrees up and down.

"Second, within thousands of miles, there are mines containing the following 25 kinds of rare metals, or there are large magic plants for smelting these mines. If it is a mine, the depth of the veins will never be too deep, otherwise the metal The particles cannot float into the air and fall into the soil and dust again.

"Third, I don't think this place will be too far away from the main imperial capital's main garrison bases-but this is open to question.

"First enter these conditions into the database, calculate and see if there are any results!"

Xiao Ming and Wen Wen nodded at the same time, and the eyes of the two of them were splendid. In a short time, their portable crystal brains projected interlaced light to form a three-dimensional light curtain, which locked the main continent of the Celestial Star. It was Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi. On the "Black Star Continent" named by his honorary name, there is a long and narrow area.


Li Yao felt that this area was very familiar, his thoughts turned, and he reacted instantly, "This is not where the imperial palace and imperial tombs are!"

In the depths of the imperial palace or imperial tomb of the true human empire, there is a vast teleportation array that can pass directly through the tunnels opened by the emperor or the blood **** son in the depths of the earth.

And in the mysterious space at the end of the tunnel, I don't know what earth-shattering secrets are hidden.

Such a discovery made Li Yao and others feel anxious.

The information that should be collected has been collected, and they alone are not enough to fight Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi. It is time to jump out of the imperial capital and call on all the forces that can be united to expose Wu Yingqi's conspiracy, and then come back like a bamboo!

Li Yao and the others retreated silently, returned along the same path, and drilled back into the narrow gap beside the huge tunnel.

It wasn't until the cultivators could no longer perceive their place that the two giant soldiers reappeared, all the way up, and finally saw the sky three days later!

At this moment, more than a month has passed since Li Yao and Long Yangjun were at the bottom of the silver moon, and the battle with Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi.

In just over a month, the sun and moon in the imperial capital had completely changed colors.

By virtue of his status as "Black Star Emperor", Wu Yingqi was supported by the powerful factions of the four major electoral families including "Moyuan" Li Jianyi, "Broken Star Sword" Song Huanzhen, etc., plus Dongfang Sheng and other young strong factions. Loyalty, the momentum of the reformists expanded tenfold in one time.

On the side of the four major electors' families, in just one day, the two major electors of the imperial prime minister Dongfang Wang and the "Silver Fox" Li Jiande were lost at the same time, as if the sky had fallen in half, and there was a faint tendency to split.

Wu Yingqi conquered the combined fleet that was going to the Silver Moon Sea to hunt and hunt the East by means of thunderous force, and mixed this fleet with his own deep-sea fleet to form the new core combat force of the reformists.

The Yulin Army, who was naturally standing on his side, relied on its core combat power to become a huge skeleton and flesh and blood—the centipede, dead but not stiff. No matter how weak the combat power of the Yulin Army was, it would not be able to compete with the electorate in the sea of ​​stars. Elites fight each other, but fighting in the atmosphere of their hometown, the imperial capital, is more than enough.

What's more, there is also Black Star Emperor himself, watching them!

This kind of battle, even if you don't say "destroy", at least the nobles who lost two electors in succession are unwilling to fight.

The imperial capital was originally not their basic board. In the face of sudden and drastic changes, it is better to flee back to your hometown, check the troops and horses, integrate all resources, and even recall the expeditionary forces against the front lines of the Holy League, and then "slowly figure it out" is safer. .

In this way, in just over a month, the reformists became the new masters of the imperial capital.

The news of the death of His Majesty Emperor Shenwu also spread through various open and secret channels throughout the entire imperial capital and even the entire Star Sea.

The reformists regard the four major electoral families as the murderers of the king, vowing to find out the truth and avenge your majesty-in the extraordinary period when the truth is unclear and the vengeance has not been reported, the current imperial queen will be the first to the future. Li Linghai, the queen mother of the empire, was temporarily regent, cleaning, rebuilding and expanding the Senate.

When a new, more just, bright, clean and just Senate is born, it will not be too late to determine the ownership of the Supreme Throne.

"For five hundred years, the empire has been sunk in darkness for five hundred years. Now, it is time to reform the empire and bring justice and light to all the people of the empire!"

At the official level, the reformers chanted such ambiguous slogans.

In private, there are already a lot of fanatical reformers. Those young military officers who were suppressed and hopeless in the past, and middle and low-level cultivators with mixed surnames have shouted "to abolish the electoral system, all glorious Belonging to your majesty and the Senate's battle cry.

In many semi-official military orders and announcements, the term "pseudo-waiting" has also appeared many times.

The so-called "pseudo-choice", does it mean that the current four major electors are not worthy and should be replaced by others, or shouldn't even the title of "the electors" exist?

I'm afraid, this depends on the starships, giant soldiers and crystal armors in the hands of the next two parties.

Facing the aggressive posture of the reformists, the four major electoral families were naturally unwilling to show weakness and responded immediately.

No matter how passive the situation in the imperial capital is, apart from the nail that the Li family’s confidant has been deeply penetrated into the "Thunder Fleet", the other three territories remain basically intact.

After all, they are deeply rooted and have controlled the empire for five hundred years. Even if the dragons have no leader, there are many gaps between each other. There are also strikes and student movements in the territory, including young officers and middle and low-level immortal cultivators. They are not stable... Such numerous problems, after all, did not hurt the roots of the four major electoral families for a while.

Faced with the hideous features that the reformists suddenly exposed, after breaking away some of the unstable factors, the four major electoral families united as never before.

They naturally also accused the reformers of the murderer of the king, and even narrowed their target to the leader of the reformist Li Linghai, conclusively accusing Li Linghai as the real murderer, and made the whole process of the murder of the king vivid, as if they could see it with their own eyes. .

It is very ironic that although the "evidence" of the four major electoral families is all fabricated, in fact, they are really right.

Since Li Linghai was the murderer of the king, he was naturally not qualified to be the queen of the empire, nor was he qualified to be the future queen mother.

The new emperor will never be born in the prince born to Li Linghai, let alone any illegal "pseudo Senate" to decide, but should continue the glorious tradition of five hundred years, decided by the four major electoral families.

The nobles have found several suitable candidates from the bloodlines of the imperial families scattered around the periphery of the empire. The final selection and the exchange of interests are underway. I believe that it will not be long before the new emperor will be supported by the four major electors’ families. , Ascended the throne in a great world outside the imperial capital.

After that, the aristocratic coalition loyal to the new emperor naturally wanted the gods to descend from the sky, and with the momentum of thunder and destruction, they would implement justice against the rebels entrenched in the imperial capital, as well as the "pseudo-regent" Li Linghai who killed the emperor and killed the emperor. ruling!

As a result, two Supreme Authorities of the True Human Empire appeared in the center of Xinghai. One was the "Senate Reform Committee" under the leadership of the imperial queen and interim regent Li Linghai; the other was the four major electoral families as the core, with a large number of old empires. A noble coalition composed of nobles.

Both parties profess to represent the orthodox government and long tradition of the real human empire. At the same time they are at war with each other, they also issue various edicts, military orders, commissions and knighthood awards to the immortal cultivators everywhere in Xinghai, striving to bring more hesitant immortals to immortals. The winners are drawn to their own camp.

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