40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2442: In the name of innovation!

When the two "superior authorities of the true human empire" are about to inevitably collide head-on, in the imperial capitals firmly controlled by the reformers, the extremely celestial realms and the celestial stars, there are still a large number of people from the four major electoral families, or with them. There are inextricably linked big aristocrats and big business class.

After all, the Celestial Star is the heart of the empire. Aristocrats and sects with a little strength will set up an office in the imperial capital to advocate their own interests. There are also many lobbying groups that depend on the Senate, including hundreds of institutions of higher learning. There are a large number of noble children studying.

The Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi's hands-on speed is too fast. Almost within three days, he passed the "Devil Abyss" Li Jianyi, and the "Smashed Star Sword" Song Huanzhen was equal to the old monster of the **** of transformation, and instigated several of the four major electors' families. Fleet, and launched a surprise attack on the noble coalition forces stationed in the Star Wars Castles throughout the polar world.

When the ignorant nobles woke up like a dream, the innovative fleet had firmly surrounded the atmosphere of the Celestial Star, and began to divide, encircle and swallow the remnants scattered in the vast star field of the Celestial Realm.

In this turbulent and turbulent month, the most popular phrase in the imperial capital is "in the name of the empire".

For the great nobles and the wealthy and merchants who are inextricably linked with the great nobles, this sentence is not hesitating to be a reminder.

"In the name of the empire, all accounts and all assets of the noble sect in the imperial capital will now be frozen and used for military purposes. Please rest assured that when the great cause of reforming the empire is completed, the noble sect will be returned with the profits!"

"In the name of the empire, in the name of the emperor, in the name of all the citizens of the empire, now execute the sacred ruling against you, the shameless traitor who betrayed the empire and betrayed human civilization, go to death, traitor!"

"In the name of the empire, in order to innovate the great cause of the empire, all the awakened spiritual roots of your family will now be recruited to participate in this sacred war. This is your supreme glory. Please come out and gather all the cultivators on the list. , Come with us!"

Countless imperial armies, low-level immortals, and young grassroots officers have gathered into a torrent of menacing and overwhelming everything, and ruthlessly purged and suppressed the great aristocratic forces entrenched in the imperial capital. Such murderous orders sounded throughout the imperial capital every day.

For those wealthy families that lasted for hundreds or even thousands of years, all their assets were frozen and confiscated, and even the crystal stones, magic treasures, and heaven, materials and earth treasures privately owned by the family were washed out incessantly, and all the immortal cultivators were forcibly taken away. After breaking up, he tied the reformist, that is, the chariot of Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi.

For those aristocrats who are relatively "obedient", the reformers will issue them a certificate with the seal of the "Senate Reform Committee" and solemnly promise them that they will pay back even a lot of capital and benefits when the reform is successful. For them.

Of course, considering that these cultivators have been sent to the most dangerous battlefields, I don’t know how many people will survive the first three to five months. Even if the Senate Innovation Committee really abides by the promise, who will inherit this family property? All are unknown.

The situation is stronger than people. There are really many aristocrats who are quick-minded and ruthless. They are determined not to have the certificate of the Senate Innovation Committee, but they "donate" all their property to "the great cause of the reform empire", just to get rid of the chaos as soon as possible. , To restore the glory of the empire a thousand years ago.

These nobles immediately became the model that the reformers touted, and the family children were immediately drawn from the most dangerous cannon fodder unit to the relatively safe garrison and logistics units, and they also received another promise-in the future. In the war between the four major electoral families, once the enemy is completely defeated, they will naturally have their share of the astronomical spoils.

All the wealth they lost today can be doubled back then.

Seeing the wind and steering the rudder is an inherent skill of the cultivator.

After establishing a few examples, the reformists quickly integrated the vast majority of the power of nobles, large and small, in the imperial capital.

Of course, not all the nobles who fell into the imperial capital were so wise and willing.

Many aristocrats are reluctant to bear the wealth they have accumulated over hundreds of years of hard work, and some people firmly do not believe that the small reformers can do things, but they are fighting to the end with the reform committee of the Senate.

They quickly tasted the taste of the reformist iron fist and were deeply branded as a traitor. Not only did all their property be confiscated, all family members were also incorporated into the death squad.

Whether the four major electorate families can make a comeback is a matter of course. Even if there is a comeback day, these families have long been razed to the ground, and there is not even a single dust left.

Under the relentless crush of the reformists, many nobles chose to flee with the remnants of the four major electoral families.

Because the atmosphere has been firmly surrounded by the reformist fleet, dozens of star battle castles guarding the imperial capital have all fallen into the hands of the reformers, and almost no starship can forcefully rush out of the atmosphere.

Any starship that acted recklessly was torn to pieces by the fierce fire on the Star Wars Castle shortly after it protruded from the atmosphere.

Even if it is not shredded, but only torn the shell, it is almost impossible to jump into the star sea-if you don't want to be involved in the storm of four-dimensional space, and annihilate in nothingness.

Then, if you want to escape from the imperial capital, there is only one way left.

First pass through the surface of the Tianji star, similar to the "Tianyuan Cannon" and "Blood Demon Eye" super teleportation array, randomly teleport to the periphery of the polar world, which is equivalent to skipping the fleet and Star Wars surrounding the planet, and then activate the starship itself With the Xinghai Jumping System, he escaped in one fell swoop.

In the field of Xinghai Jump, there are still some real human empires that are more than a hundred years ahead of the Xingyao Federation.

The Tianyuan Stars of the Star Federation only have one super teleportation array called “Tianyuan Cannon”, and the Blood Demon Star also has only one “Blood Demon Eye”. However, in the heart of the empire, on the Extreme Heaven Realm and the Celestial Star, the throughput of more than a dozen is quite amazing The super teleportation array exists.

These dozen super teleportation formations are equivalent to dozens of precious escape channels, and have helped countless nobles and remnants to escape from the imperial capital in the past month.

But of course they were also the first targets of the reformists. After a month of fierce fighting, they fell into the hands of the reformers one after another.

To this day, the super teleportation array still in the hands of the four major electors’ families, only the last one is left, known as the "Lingfeng Tunnel".

This is a super teleportation array with a very peculiar structure. Most of the structures are built in a mountain range that is undulating and towering into the clouds. It is like digging a spiral upward tunnel inside the mountain. The starship enters the mountain from the foot of the mountain. , Accelerating continuously on the crystal track of the spiral tunnel, and finally whizzing out from the huge hole on the top of the mountain, it can tear the void, jump out of thousands of encirclement, and appear at any point in the vast star field outside the polar sky.

This towering mountain range is called Lingfeng Mountain Range, hence the name "Lingfeng Tunnel".

It can be seen from the structure hidden deep in the mountain that this super teleportation array was designed with the military super teleportation array with the highest defensive rating when it was first started.

Relying on the entire Lingfeng Mountain Range, I don’t know how many fixed firepower points, light and dark fortresses, underground arsenals, and anti-aircraft artillery positions have been built, and the mountain has been reinforced by layers of countless heavy defensive formations, even if carpet bombing, the entire mountaintop is flattened , It may not be able to harm the super teleportation array inside.

After hundreds of years of development, a big city called "Lingfeng City" has been established at the foot of the mountain. Most of the residents are clansmen sent to the imperial capital by the four major electors' families. Their attitude towards the so-called "Senate Reform Committee" can be imagined. know.

When all the strongholds in the imperial capital fell into the hands of the Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi, the Lingfeng Tunnel became the only island shining the light of hope in the reform storm.

All the nobles who were eager to escape from the imperial capital gathered here one after another. While fighting stubbornly, they scrambled to board the starship, got into the tunnel, and escaped.

An army of reformists followed, enclosing Lingfeng City and Lingfeng Tunnel from the three levels of the sky, the ground and the underground, determined to cut off the nobles’ last escape route, and unplug the nobles’ last battle in the imperial capital. flag.

However, the progress of the war was not as smooth as expected.

The special topography of the Lingfeng Tunnel and the composition of the residents of Lingfeng City are certainly one aspect, and more importantly, there are too many nobles gathered here from all directions.

This small city is most likely an imperial capital, no, it is the place with the largest number of immortal cultivators per unit area in the entire empire.

The swords of the old nobles were like the spikes of a hedgehog, poking them into the sky brightly, making the reformers feel quite incomprehensible.

It is common sense of the art of war to encircle the three and the first. At this moment, even if the reformers have the ability to seal the Lingfeng Tunnel, they dare not do it rashly. For fear that the nobles who have lost their hope of escape will jump the wall and launch a crazy counterattack against them. The casualties were heavy, and the loss would not be worth the loss.

At present, the strength of the reformists basically consists of three major elements.

The first is the backbone with the Deep Sea Fleet at its core. There is no problem with the combat effectiveness and loyalty of these people, but the number is too small to be wasted in unnecessary siege.

The second is the Imperial Forest Army, which is extremely numerous and has high morale and loyalty. However, the training and combat effectiveness are not enough. It is okay to fight a tailwind. If the nobles launch a fierce counterattack, a complete collapse or a catastrophe may happen.

Third, it is the noble army that has just surrendered. Its combat effectiveness is okay, and its loyalty is doubtful. It needs further cleaning and reorganization. Naturally, it is not easy to rush them to such a battlefield.

In the reformists, there is still this mindset-the number of starships that the "Lingfeng Tunnel" can send out every day is extremely limited. It would be good if one or two out of a hundred nobles can escape, and the rest of the nobles are all. They are extremely valuable talents. It would be a pity to kill them all. If they can be persuaded to surrender them, the comparison of strength between the two sides will be better and worse.

Therefore, the "Lingfeng Tunnel Battle" dragged on for nearly a month without ending. When Li Yao and his party finally arrived at the Lingfeng Mountain Range, the entire mountain range was still covered by gunpowder smoke!

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