40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2443: City of Flames!

"Really... a scene of apocalyptic catastrophe!"

Li Yao hung in a col in the Lingfeng Mountain Range, looking out at the Shura battlefield where the blood was flowing into the river and the corpses were in the wild.

Thinking about it carefully, this seems to be the first time he has seen the ground encirclement and suppression operations with the highest intensity of the true human empire.

Within the atmosphere, the battle on the planet's surface is different from the star-sea war in the vacuum of the universe.

Even if the scale and intensity of the Star Wars are hundreds of times stronger, the vacuum does not spread the sound, and the distance between each other's fighting is too far, and most of the deaths occur on the starship, often a starship turns into a huge silently. The fireball, and the fireball was instantly annihilated, and thousands of people died.

Death in a vacuum is greatly diluted by silence and distance, and human lives have really become cold and empty numbers. People with a little less imagination may not be able to realize how cruel it is.

But the ground battlefield in front of us is different.

The air is hot, the earth trembles, the groans and screams of human beings are accompanied by the roar of the cannon and the collapse of the fortress, washing everyone's eardrums and heart like blood-filled waves.

The whole process of life from jumping and jumping to fragmentation to decay and annihilation is clearly presented before the eyes. The sensory stimulation that cannot be described with pen and ink is more than a hundred times that of the vacuum war in the universe. It can really drive people to live crazy.

Lingfeng City is surrounded by mountains on three sides, the peaks towering into the clouds, showing a "concave" shape, the mountains are steep, without gentle slopes, and it is extremely difficult to deploy troops.

Relying on the mountains, there are a large number of air defense positions, storing all the ammunition and fuel remaining in the imperial capital from the four major electoral families. Every second, there are tens of thousands of fire snakes dancing in the sky, and innovative low-altitude attacks. The ship couldn't penetrate at all.

In terms of long-range firepower, the Innovators set up nearly a thousand giant siege artillery in the slightly flat area of ​​the Lingfeng Mountains, and continuously projected tons of heavy spar shells toward Lingfeng City.

However, Lingfeng City has a very complete multi-defense system. The entire city, including the Lingfeng Tunnel, is covered with layers of translucent hexagonal psychic shields, emitting an octagonal golden light.

Outside the psychic shield, there is a distorted interference force field and an induced detonation force field, which twists the air into huge vortices.

When a revolutionary heavy spar projectile is launched, it will be detonated in mid-air in advance, and all fragments will be bounced away or deviated from the distorted interference force field. Even if a few shrapnel or shock waves still penetrate in, they will be detonated. The psionic shield cancels out.

Except for the deafening roar and the earth-shaking turbulence, it will not cause much damage to the city and the super teleportation array.

In the hinterland of the Lingfeng Mountain Range, there are dozens of extremely secret heavy artillery positions. They have carefully calculated all the key positions within a radius of five hundred miles, and set the shooting yuan, which can lock the revolutionary artillery in minutes. Position, launch a resolute counterattack.

The reformers’ artillery positions are all temporary constructions. Naturally, it is impossible to have such a strong multi-defense array of Lingfeng City. In the heavy artillery bombardment, they suffered a lot of losses. After several artillery positions were destroyed in a row, He didn't dare to open fire on a large scale, so he could only move in haste.

The rugged mountains are not conducive to the advancement of the heavy spar chariot. Therefore, the reformers can only invest in the crystal armor battle group and use infantry assault to advance inch by inch from the only frontal front.

The dying aristocratic coalition also deployed heavy troops on the continuous, canine-toothed three-dimensional deep defense line. At a glance, the iron armor is like a sea, swords and halberds are like forests. It is obviously a modern crystal armor battle, but it was fought by both sides. The momentum of the classical cold weapon war.

However, no matter how strong the defenses of Lingfeng City and Lingfeng Tunnel are, after all, it is an isolated island in the vast ocean, and everyone knows that it will not last long.

Therefore, all the nobles are scrambling to escape, trampling on each other wanting to board the starship to jump out, and even violates the operating specifications of the super teleportation array, which greatly shortens the jump interval between the two starships, and often the first starship tears. The ripples of the Rift Void hadn't dissipated before the second starship roared out.

This is quite dangerous and extremely unprofessional.

The existence of ripples in space is like a reef on a waterway, which can cause fatal damage to ships.

In particular, the air defense fire nets and assault ships on both sides burned the sky into a sea of ​​fire, and outside the higher atmosphere, when many space-based strike magic weapons continued to bombard the ground, the ripples in the fragmented space changed even more. Become pieces of terrifying "floes."

When Li Yao and others looked at the highest peak of the Lingfeng Mountain Range, they happened to see such an accident.

Less than a minute after the first starship tore through the void, the second starship rushed out desperately. The "noodles" that was almost torn into a spiral shape by the ripples escaped by chance and disappeared without a trace. Without a trace.

But the third starship that followed was not so lucky. Its waiting time was too short. Half a minute after the second starship rushed out, it soared into the sky, just hitting a hazy cloud. In the hazy, distorted void vortex-that is the remaining "mass trap" of the second starship disappearing abruptly.

The water is flowing, and the sea suddenly loses great quality seawater, and a huge hole appears. The seawater from all directions will surely flood in and fill the hole.

In this process, turbulent currents will be stirred up, forming an extremely dangerous vortex. If anyone rashly sails near such a vortex, it will be more or less fortunate.

Space is the same, it is fluid and continuous.

The two starships disappeared from this stable, flowing and continuous space one after another in a very short time, temporarily interrupting the stability, flow and continuity of the space.

The ripples of the four-dimensional space continuously "slide down" into the three-dimensional space to fill the deficiencies of the three-dimensional space. In this process, large areas of "turbulence" and "vortexes" will also be stirred up.

The third starship soared its speed to the limit, and put one end into such "turbulence" and "vortex", and even wanted to tear a new crack in such an unstable space, allowing them to drill intact. Get out.

How can it be?

In the eyes of bystanders such as Li Yao, the starship that has just drilled out of the Lingfeng tunnel is like a shiny, crystal-clear noodle that grows longer and longer, and is about to change from "noodles" to "cotton thread". , And then drilled through a shiny embroidery needle hole in mid-air.

However, just when the "noodle" was stretched to its limit, under the entanglement of spatial ripples, it suddenly broke!

Every piece of broken "noodles" lost its original "elasticity" and shrank back severely, turning into a shattered hull.

Many nobles on the wreckage have not died for a while, but they are dancing and dancing in the cushion gel.

Part of the wreckage and passengers were sucked in by the shining pinholes in the air-no one wants to imagine what they will encounter and what they will become.

The other part of the wreckage exploded directly in the air, and the flames of teeth and claws swallowed all the passengers. Fortunately, before that, most of the passengers had been torn apart by the ripples of space and died violently.

The tragic destruction was slowly unfolding above the Shura battlefield and under the blazing sky.

But no one wants to look at this destruction. The escape of the Lingfeng Tunnel was only interrupted by the accident for twenty minutes, and the fourth starship roared again, rushing against the sky of artillery fire and the ripples of space that had not yet dissipated. Got out.

"It's crazy."

Li Yao's scalp was numb, and he murmured, "Considering factors such as cooling, buffering, maintenance, fuel injection, etc., this super teleportation array can be launched once every five minutes at most, even at the extreme limit, that is, once every two minutes. In order to escape for their lives, these nobles were so frantic that they fired once a minute, or even half a minute?"

This is not an escape, but suicide!

And this also shows from another aspect that the last stronghold of the four major electors in the imperial capital is about to be unstoppable.

The day the city was broken is now, otherwise the nobles who cherish life the most would never escape such haste.

"Although the entire front of the noble coalition is fairly stable and there are no major omissions, I guess something must have happened in the city. They lasted no more than 24 hours."

Li Yao said to Long Yangjun and others, "To be on the safe side, we will infiltrate Lingfeng City within twelve hours, get mixed with a starship, and leave here.

"Xiaowen, obviously, are you done?"

"nailed it!"

The two little guys who were immersed in the crystal armor clapped their hands and cheered at the same time.

Then they akimbo and disagree with each other: "I did it first!"

"No, it's me, it's me, it's me!"

What the two little guys just invaded were several sets of Imperial Army-standard crystal armors stolen by Li Yao and Long Yangjun. The breastplates were all engraved with the latest battle emblem of the reformist-that was under the traditional three-star lightning pattern. A raging fire was added.

"Innovate the entire empire with blood and flames!"

This is the most resolute battle cry of the reformist army, that is, the soldiers who claim to be the "Orthodox Imperial Army".

The two masters, Li Yao and Long Yangjun, took the initiative to steal a few sets of standard crystal armors of the revolutionary army, naturally without difficulty.

And the army that besieged Lingfeng Tunnel was complicated and composed of many. The deep-sea fleet, the imperial forest army, the noble surrender unit and even the special action team composed of civilian murderers came from a variety of sources, everyone.

The army hastily formed, and they are not familiar with each other. After more than half a month of fierce battles, many troops were dispersed, which happened to give Li Yao and others a chance.

The only problem is the battlefield friend or foe identification system based on the soldier's personal information and the dynamic password that changes every day.

This problem was also solved after the two little guys invaded the command center of a certain unit of the reformist siege army and cracked the personal information database and the dynamic password generation system.

"Let's go, rush to the city!"

Li Yao put on a set of Imperial Army standard crystal armor, and said to the friends behind him.

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