40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2444: Psychological offensive

Both dull and bursting, the war drums full of contradictions sounded again, which was the prelude to the new wave of offensives that the reformers were about to launch.

Li Yao and his party were mixed with fish eyes, sneaked in through the strong gunpowder smoke, and mingled with the revolutionary army.

Their crystal armors were all disguised by Li Yao, riddled with holes, rust, stained with blood and silt, as if they had been rolling in a col for more than half a month.

The battlefield identification friend or foe system has been breached by the two little guys, and they have extracted a brand new identity for them. Unless their crystal armor is removed, no one can tell who they are on the extremely chaotic battlefield.

Li Yao, Long Yangjun, and Li Jialing are all masters of crystal armor, and there is no problem in wearing the imperial military standard crystal armor.

Li Xiaoming and Li Wenwen are a little bit more troublesome, but the two little guys have the talent and magical ability to manipulate psychic puppets. Li Yao carefully selected two sets of special crystal armors for medical soldiers, which are very small and exquisite, and they have been specially modified. Many magic weapons units that control the limbs will be able to keep up with the three people.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The artillery positions of the two sides began to talk again before the short soldiers met.

In order to cover the infantry's charge, the reformers ignored the weak defensive power of their artillery positions at this time, but exposed all the firepower points, and attacked the electorate's heavy artillery at all costs.

The assault ship in the sky also braved the blast of anti-aircraft firepower, abruptly suppressed, looking for the elector's heavy artillery hidden in the deep mountains.

Even if the opponent cannot be eliminated, at least it must interfere with the opponent's heavy artillery roar, so that our infantry can enter the opponent's line of defense as soon as possible, forming a canine tooth and indivisible situation, so as to avoid the tragedy of half a battle group being wiped out by a few heavy artillery.

In these five minutes, at least tens of thousands of cannonballs in mid-air drawn a terrifying arc.

The density of shells is extremely high, and many shells even collided in mid-air, knocking out colorful fireballs, and shock waves raged in all directions like a storm.

The soldiers under the cannonball storm, even with the protection of crystal armor, still shivered like ants in a storm.

Regardless of whether the reformist army or the electorate army, most of the soldiers and grassroots officers are low-level cultivators during the gas refining period. If one or two shells fall on them and explode, it is equivalent to the golden core cultivator. Boss Yuan Ying’s full blow was definitely not something they could bear.

Randomly smashed the internal organs, and the blood of the seven orifices hurriedly.

When the weight is heavy, the crystal armor is torn, the stumped limbs and arms are flying around, and the death is terrible.

Even if you have bad luck, you will be directly vaporized when you are at the point where the shells fall, and you won't even be able to leave a little bit of dross.

Even though Li Yao and Long Yangjun calculated the flight trajectory and landing point of most shells with amazing calculation power, and accurately avoided all the devastating explosions, they were still staggered by the air wave, their skin was hot and stinging, and the roots of their tongues. There was a burst of bitterness underneath.

Xiao Ming and Wen Wen followed the adult, their expressions both confused and excited, their eyes as clear as water, mirror-like eyes, absorbing every detail of the Shura Slaughterhouse.

The cannibalism of human beings, the graceful dance of stumped arms, the mixing of blood and internal organs, the blood mist that was burned by flames, there were screams, groans, wailing and heart-piercing roars. ... Everything is turned into their database, a very special curve, shaping their souls, making them grow and become more like people, or less like people.

Under the cover of assault ships and heavy artillery positions at any cost, the revolutionary Crystal Armor Group finally rushed into the front positions of the noble coalition forces again.


The formerly silent frontal position immediately turned into a raging forest. The crossfire lines outlined an intricate maze of death. Countless living beings were lost and annihilated in the depths of the maze. Their bodies were surging with passion, like the wind blowing. Falling down like weeds.

The troops that rushed in the first wave were beaten back abruptly, but behind them stood a supervising team composed of veterans of the Deep Sea Fleet, crushing the defeated troops’ hopes of escape with a hundred times more fierce firepower, forcing them to turn their heads again and face them. The whirlpool of death rushed away.

"The firepower of the noble coalition is too fierce!"

Li Jialing was the first one who couldn't stand it. His body was not injured, but his nerves were a little broken. The first one shouted, "The commander on the reformist side is too incompetent. He can only use this simple and rude Is the method hard to charge? In addition to consuming one's own lives in vain, what use is there! Black Star Great Emperor Wu Yingqi, what commander did he choose!"

"It's not incompetence, it's training."

Li Yao squinted his eyes and carefully analyzed the trajectory of the artillery shells in mid-air, the depth of the fire point configuration of the aristocratic coalition defense line in front, and the movements of the revolutionary siege troops around him. An extremely calm light came out of his eyes, and said, "Did you not notice The reformist siege troops were dominated by ordinary battle groups of the Imperial Forest Army, mixed with a large number of private soldiers surrendered by local sects and nobles.

"Except for a handful of elites in the Imperial Forest Army, ordinary battle groups are mobs; the private soldiers of local sects and the trilogy of nobles may have some combat effectiveness, but cohesion and loyalty cannot be guaranteed-such mixed soldiers are trained in accordance with the routine. Means, don't even think about making it into an elite for a year or a half.

"The biggest flaw of Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi is the lack of troops. Except for the Deep Sea Fleet and Thunder Fleet, there are only a few elite of the Yulin Army who can still fight. Not to mention occupying countless planets in the vast sea of ​​stars, just to defend the entire pole. The Celestial Realm and the Celestial Star are all stretched.

"How can we get the most elite in the shortest time? That's the **** battle like this in front of you!

"The Imperial Forest Army has a very good foundation. After all, it is the clan of Fuying Wuying. No matter how short of training resources, it is always a hundred times more than ordinary people. Like now, a hundred Imperial Forest Army rushes forward, regardless of victory or defeat, as long as ten are alive. Back, at least eight of those ten were red-eye elites. The performance of the next war must be both crazy and tenacious.

"I finally understand why Black Star Great Emperor Wu Yingqi has taken control of the entire imperial capital, but he has not pulled out the last nail. He has turned this Shura battlefield into the best'training ground' and let the emperor choose Hou's army, help him polish the Yulin Army, and awaken the blood and murderousness that the Yulin Army has sealed for five hundred years!"

Li Jialing heard it with horror: "A hundred imperial forest soldiers rushed up, and only ten can come back alive-is such a price acceptable?"

"Why not, don't you think Black Star Great Emperor Wu Yingqi cares about these descendants of Wu Ying, do you?"

Li Yao said, "In Wu Yingqi's eyes, the value of these children and grandchildren is not much higher than tens of millions of sperm. He even thinks that the wine and rice bags among these people will waste precious resources!

"The soldiers are expensive and not too expensive. The battle with the electorate army is about to come. He must race against time to train a good soldier. What's more, what I just said is too exaggerated. The sky and the earth are in the hands of Wu Yingqi. He can control this. The intensity of the war, the casualty rate is certainly not as exaggerated as 90%, at most two to thirty percent, thirty to four percent!"

Humans are not machines, at least neither Federalists nor Empires. No matter how tenacious a unit is to fight, two to thirty percent of the casualties will have to withdraw from the battle sequence.

However, with Wu Yingqi's cruelty and commanding art, it is quite possible to use such a cruel method to train soldiers.

However, Li Yao and his party had to use their psychic powers to push their calculation power to the limit, looking for a fleeting gap in the airtight line of fire of the emperor's army-the most important thing is to keep quiet The warring parties should not be allowed to see their weirdness. At most, they will be treated as if they were lucky and survived the disaster again and again.

Otherwise, it would be embarrassing if both sides of the war aimed at them at the same time.

The reformers rushed for several waves in a row without being able to rush in, and found nothing except for dropping thousands of corpses twisted together with the crystal armor.

But this does not mean that they do not have more powerful weapons.

Under the cover of several consecutive assaults, the strange-looking crawler spar chariots were finally transported to the front line with difficulty.

The turrets of these spar chariots are like silver cauldrons, and what is surging out is not deadly heat or mysterious light, but sound waves with strong mental interference ability.

"Brothers of the pseudo-elected emperor and marquis, don't give your life to your master who has gone!

"Look back at the highest peak of the Lingfeng Mountain Range behind you. When you are still stupidly trapped here, you swear allegiance, and at the same time you vowed to take you along with the masters, those who are despicable, ruthless and unrighteous. The nobles, have taken the Minzhimin anointed that they have searched for hundreds of years and left!

"They would rather install more natural treasures on the starship, or even bring a few more pet spirit beasts, and they didn't take you with you! Please think about it, is it really worth it to work for such a master?

"Look, one starship, another starship, and the third starship! Every starship takes away the nobles who are high above them. They can escape back to their nests and continue to luxuriate. Show off your majesty, but what about you? You have never enjoyed the slightest benefits brought by these great nobles, do you want to kill them?

"Enlighten, brothers of the pseudo-elected emperor, my dearest compatriots and fellow daoists! We firmly believe that most of you are true immortals and the most loyal patriots of the true human empire, but Blinded by the sinful nobles!

"The door to the reform committee of the Senate will always be open to all cultivators and patriots. It is too late to join the camp of light and justice. It can be regarded as a'battlefield uprising'. If you hesitate any longer, your precious lives will really become meaningless The dust!"

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