40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2445: Crash across the board

"Boom! Boom boom boom boom!"

The propaganda of the reformists has not yet ended, and dozens of flying swords have been continuously flown from the electorate's position, slamming at a dozen heavy-duty tracked vehicles carrying huge arrays of loudspeakers at lightning speed.

The shock wave rolled up by the flying sword turned into a spiral air column visible to the naked eye, like a blazing meteor, whizzing.

Thanks to the solid defensive system of these tracked vehicles, they condensed into a shining psychic shield in front of the front line in time, and proactively burst out strong waves of air, twisting all the flying swords into fragments or deviating from the direction.

Immediately afterwards, a rough drake voice sounded from the electoral army's position, and howled like a pig: "Brothers, don't believe these rebels' nonsense, as long as we hold on for another three or five days. , Within three or five days at most, the main fleet of the four major electors will surely rip into the air, rushing to help us, and slashing all these unclimate rebels with swords and knives!

"Hold on, it's **** for me to hold on, if anyone can fight for three to five days, no, as long as twenty-four hours, then insist on twenty-four hours, all will reward the highest grade spar 100 Jin, citizen level All three levels in a row, three levels in a row!"

After being shouted by this drake, behind the jungle with swords, guns and swords, the morale of the electorate army was slightly scattered and gathered again.

After the reformist battlefield, some people sneered repeatedly, and the laughter spread through the entire battlefield through the loudspeaker array: "The'four major electors' are basically traitors who steal high positions. Only the Reform Committee of the Senate represents The highest authority of the true human empire, we will never recognize all the titles, military ranks, and citizenships granted by the old senate and the four major electoral families, let alone three consecutive upgrades, even 30 consecutive upgrades, if you do not realize it, and we If you fight to the end, you will also deprive you of all rights and become slaves and corpses!"

"Fart, fart, fart!"

The drake leaped into thunder, and roared again and again, "What the'Senate Innovation Committee' is just a group of rebels who kill the king, the rats who are crowned by monkeys, and when the main fleet of the four electors arrives, all the rebels To punish the nine races, who is obsessed with not realizing, who wants to become slaves and corpses, let's just wait and see!

"Brothers, hold on to your position. The entire Lingfeng mountain range has long been armed to the teeth. Behind every rock are our crystal cannons and firepower points. These rebels are mobs and have not been able to enter in the past half month. Give them another half a month and definitely won't be able to get in!

"The reinforcements of the four major electors are already on the way, the white-flowered spar, the rare treasures of heaven and earth, and the powerful magic weapons. All the reinforcements are brought to you, as long as you can hold on for twenty-four hours. , Twenty-four hours!"

The revolutionary sonic tracked car was silent for a while, and seemed to be speechless by the commander of the Electorate.

But only three minutes later, another voice full of sarcasm and resentment sounded again. Although the voice was not as loud as before, it was very direct and aggressive: "Song Hongchang, you don't have to be here to blow the air. You have reached such a field. Do you want to deceive more people as your substitutes and stepping stones?

"Brothers of the electorate army, your commander in this war zone is the sect leader of the ‘Raging Wave Gate’, Song Hongchang, a direct child of the Song family, right, tell you, all of you were deceived by him, deceived miserably!

"My name is Zhao Guanglong. I was originally from Song Hongchang’s family and was the deputy head of the Raging Wave Sect. There may be many brothers who know me. If they don’t know me, they must have heard my name. They know that I am Zhao Guanglong. The existence of this number-I am not a dummy fabricated by the reformists!

"I swear that in the past week, I witnessed Song Hongchang pushing the doorman and brothers of the Rage Gate to the front line to die, but secretly sent his family to the starship that escaped here, let alone his wife. He took him away with his son, even the sister-in-law!

"Are these people walking empty-handed? Of course not! All kinds of spars, magic weapons, and treasures of heaven and earth, some of which were obtained by him in the past few decades, swindled and deceived and used everything in the past, and some were obtained in the past month. The value of the fire robbery is astronomical. They were all swept away by his wife, children and sister-in-law, not even a piece of broken crystal was left for you!

"What else did he say, insist on three or five days, the four major electors will have reinforcements? Hahahaha, **** shit! No reinforcements, there will be no reinforcements for at least one month! Now the four major electors are working Busy to set up the so-called "new monarch", where the dog bites the dog, who cares about your life and death?,

"Song Hongchang obviously has spar and treasures of heaven and earth in his pocket, but he refuses to take them out to reward you. Instead, he lied to you that there would be reinforcements and large quantities of reinforcements and supplies in three to five days? In fact, he just wanted to deceive you to continue working. Stay here for 24 hours, because after twelve hours at most, he will find an excuse to sneak away, pat his **** and leave!

"At that time, he will take the people's fat and people's anoint that he has raided from you, go to the outskirts of the empire to be happy, and even continue to be his noble and commander with the so-called "new monarch". Nothing!

"Brothers, I originally belonged to Song Hongchang's family and a cron, so I knew he had so many secret scandals. I could go with Song Hongchang, but it would be too unreasonable to do so, and I'm so sorry, brothers and the real empire. !

"That's why I abandon the dark and turn to the bright side, stand on the side of the reformers, stand on the side of justice and loyalty, and expose Song Hongchang's ugly face to you.

"Song Hongchang, a scum with heart and lungs, is the epitome of all the great nobles. Brothers, what do you think, do you really want to die for these hard-to-fill, selfish beasts?"

The power of these few words is better than three or five base spar cannonballs. The electorate's front is in a commotion, and the morale that has just been condensed instantly falls apart and languishes.

The drake panicked and stunned for a while before yelling: "Zhao Guanglong, you traitor, spy, shameless villain, you, you spit on people! You are shameless slander, slander!

"It's obviously you. After stealing a large amount of military assets, you wanted to slip on a starship to escape here, but I found it.

"You knelt in front of me and wept bitterly, saying that you were just a moment of confusion. I thought that you were born in a family who followed me since childhood and opened up to you. I only hope you can repent and make meritorious deeds.

"Unexpectedly, you were so shameless that you took advantage of the chaos to take refuge in these king-killing rebels, and you fabricated such absurd and flawed lies!

"Brothers, don't be fooled. There is no such thing. It is absolutely nothing! The master of the sect swears to coexist and die on the ground, and swear to fight side by side with all the brothers and fight to the end!"

"Really, that's easy!"

The reformist Zhang Guanglong sneered and screamed, "Is it true or not? Let your wife and son stand in front of you and you will know! Song Hongchang, your eldest son is 27 years old this year, he is a foundation cultivator. Now everyone is fighting to death on the front lines, and countless daoists have died terribly. Where is your eldest son? Where is your eldest son?

"Come on, let your eldest son stand up, as long as he can appear on the battlefield now, I, Zhang Guanglong, will cut his head to you!"

As soon as this remark came out, the electorate's position fell into deathly silence.

The drake's voice was silent for a long time before he exclaimed angrily: "Zhang Guanglong, you are my family member of the Song family, you are so unfaithful and unrighteous..."


Before he could finish his words, Zhang Guanglong from the reformist side gave a savage sip, and interrupted the former master mercilessly, "Lao Tzu is an upright cultivator, the defender of the true human empire and human civilization, Lao Tzu is only loyal to the empire. , Loyal to Her Royal Highness the Queen and the true Majesty, loyal to the Senate Innovation Committee, who is your family? What qualifications do you have to be Lao Tzu, the'loyalty' of a dignified imperial soldier?

"Dear brothers of the'false election emperor's army', have you seen the ugly faces of these great nobles? No matter how hard you work, how hard you are, and how loyal to them, in their eyes, you are just a dog. Servant, at best, it's just a small family!

"Is this what you want to get? Is this the fate you are willing to live your life? I am not worth it for you, and I am sorry for you!"

At the beginning, he shouted the revolutionary spiritual warfare expert, and immediately intervened and said: "All the brothers of the'pseudo-elected emperor's army', now is the time for your last'battlefield uprising'. An uprising is not the same as being captured. It's even more different from being killed!

"Awaken, resist, see the true light and justice, join the great cause of the reform empire, and aim your guns and blades at those noble lords, especially Song Hongchang.

"Don't let Song Hongchang run away!

"Don't let Song Hongchang run away with the wealth that should belong to you!

"In addition to Song Hongchang, there are countless **** aristocratic lords in the city, who still carry a lot of wealth before they can take it away. Quickly rush into the city with us and leave those things!"

The alluring and provocative voices, even on the roaring battlefield, still resemble pervasive venom, penetrated into the ears of every electorate soldier and grass-roots officer, and aroused the hearts of these low-level immortal cultivators. The most primitive hatred in the depths, the hottest desires, and the darkest jealousy.

Why, those great nobles can swagger away on the starship, but they will die in damp trenches and smelly bunker like mice and cockroaches?

Whether the reformers will succeed is still unknown, but it is a high probability event to get rid of them all when they are so embarrassed and angry.

If you die, there will be nothing!

In this way, the electorate army held the position for more than half a month, and finally there were thousands of cracks in the spider web, and it collapsed uncontrollably.


Let me report to my brothers and sisters that Lao Niu is going to the Shanghai Book Fair this week. It is estimated that within three or four days, the code will definitely be affected. He can only see the stitches in the hotel at night.

In terms of updates, I try my best to guarantee two updates a day. After that, I will return to Hangzhou. It will definitely break out. I will compensate everyone!

Thank you for your support for so long. If possible, you can watch Lao Niu's live broadcast tomorrow on the 15th, and come to the Shanghai Exhibition Center to see Lao Niu in the afternoon on the 16th the day after tomorrow!

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