40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2446: The heart is gone!

The defense zone guarded by Song Hongchang, the master of "Raging Wave Gate", was only one point on the long line of defense.

The reformers had long since rebelled against his vice-president advocate Guanglong. Knowing that this is the weakest point, they deployed a large number of elites here.

The several consecutive rounds of assaults just now were just feints. Until this moment, Song Hongchang’s men were shaken with psychological tactics, especially those who were in the dark. The entire defense area was in an uproar. There were really many people who reformed during the "battlefield uprising." The elite of the faction jumped out and launched the most resolute assault!

The elite of these assaults are mostly the backbone of the Deep Sea Fleet and the few veterans of the Imperial Forest Army, or the casual repairs who have blood and blood feuds with the four major electoral families. They are by no means comparable to the fish-belly troops that just attacked.

They are like a red wolf tooth, which suddenly pierced the electoral army's defense line.

The pierced electoral army completely lost the will to fight, collapse and chaos like a chain reaction of spar bombs, instantly spread.

Countless ordinary soldiers of the electoral army, under the leadership of the grassroots officers, really turned their blades and gunpoints to the middle and high commanders.

In particular, the highest commander of this area, Song Hongchang, the master of the Rage Gate, and the majestic general, instantly became a mouse crossing the street, and everyone shouted and beat.

"Catch Song Hongchang, catch Song Hongchang!"

The cheers of true and false echoed over the battlefield, and the old imperial battle flag, which represented the four major electoral families, was teetering in the artillery fire, and was torn into inexhaustible threads and turned to ashes.

A brand-new imperial reform banner took its place, rising slowly over the battlefield, above the battle banner, blazing flames, licking the entire world!

Naturally, Li Yao and others would not miss such a great opportunity, mixed in this turbulent "mudslide", and rushed into and passed through the defense zone of the electorate army together.

The entire line of defense of the electorate army is nearly a hundred kilometers long and tens of kilometers deep. Song Hongchang is only in charge of a section of it. Even if it collapses, it will take some time.

In many trenches and bunkers, face-to-face headshots or hand-to-hand killings continued, but the battle was one-sided.

The reformers are like a rainbow, devastating, and the soldiers are like crazy and invincible. However, the electoral army is demoralized and spirits are scattered. Many troops disperse at the first touch, or kneel down and surrender one after another. , Even as soon as he saw the appearance of the reform banner, they pointed their swords and guns at their commanders one after another, "battlefield uprising".

Li Yao moved forward while observing the battle, feeling quite moved in his heart.

This small city-breaking battle is not the epitome of the current empire's trend.

In terms of comprehensive strength, the number of soldiers, and even the average quality of troops, the electorate’s army must be significantly higher than the reformers. As the main force of the reformers, the Yulin Army has not experienced **** battles or fierce battles for hundreds of years. It is completely false. What looks like.

However, the biggest difference between the two sides is the "Dao Xin".

Dao Xin is something that every cultivator often talks about, but it may not be clear if you ask carefully, it is illusory, mysterious and mysterious.

In Li Yao's view, Dao Xin is very simple, it is nothing more than philosophy, doctrine and spirit.

A cultivator must have a Dao heart, so that strength can move forward. Similarly, an army composed of countless cultivators must also have its own solid Dao heart in order to exert 100% combat effectiveness.

The so-called emperor's army, no matter how tyrannical on paper, no matter how powerful and powerful it may be, it is a traditional, backward, and decayed old-style army.

The high-levels of this army are selfish, lustful, without shame and morality. They can betray the motherland for the family, and the family can be sold for themselves. What ideas, philosophies and spirits are nothing but the skin of their self-interest. really.

As for the bottom level, either they are deceived by their "tiger skin", or they are bought by them with petty profits, and they are ganged up with them, or they are coerced by their violence and unwilling to give them their lives.

Such an old-style army, no matter how strong it is, no matter how vast the territory, no matter how many starships and soldiers, what about it, it's just a dish of loose sand, or a dish of mutually exclusive loose sand!

The reformists are different.

No matter how much Li Yao despises Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi’s character and is deeply afraid of his conspiracy and tricks, Li Yao also has to admit that Wu Yingqi, Li Linghai and even all the reformers have them, and they all believe in their own ideas. Doctrine and spirit.

At least 50% of the reformers are not for self-interest, but for something higher, fighting for the new empire they believe in.

This is a new army with a Dao heart. When encountering an old army without Dao heart like the Elector's Army, it is destined to roll over the opponent.

Humans, no matter what level of cultivation you reach, no matter how powerful combat power you control, you still have to have a little spirit after all.

The electorate army is not destined to be an opponent of the reformists. Perhaps, only the Federal Army with the same Dao heart, and even more determined, can compete with the "New Imperial Army" under Wu Yingqi's command.

The army was defeated like a mountain. At this time, the entire line of defense was like an avalanche peak, with a deafening roar, and gradually retreated.

Countless soldiers of the electorate have chosen to kneel down and surrender or "battlefield uprising", but there are also many people who are heavily in debt or have a lot of interests in the family territory. They choose to escape back to the urban area of ​​Lingfeng City, trying to catch With a slim line of vitality, find a starship to escape.

Soldiers and grassroots officers on both sides of the fierce battle are equipped with imperial standard crystal armor, except that there is an extra battle emblem on the breastplate of the reformers. Li Yao and others quietly broke off the battle emblem, and then switched the mode of the identification friend or foe system. , Mixed in the chaos of the rout, everyone is trying to flee for their lives, who has the time to pay attention to them?

After half an hour, they successfully entered the urban area of ​​Lingfeng City.

Here is another, perhaps more **** and terrifying **** on earth.

The news of the collapse of the defense line has long been heard. The city has been under the high-pressure rule of the great aristocracy and maintained its order for half a month. Everyone rushed towards the Lingfeng Tunnel.

They have red eyes, hoarse voices, and their teeth and claws, like a mixture of zombies and fierce beasts, desperately fighting for their last vitality.

There are also countless people who are thin and know that they will never be able to squeeze on the starship, giving up hope, but standing or squatting on the street like a walking dead, looking at the sky and the surroundings in confusion, as if they are so lost that they don’t know why they came here. I even forgot who I was.

Li Yao saw countless such people, most of whom were luxuriously dressed, jeweled, graceful and luxurious women, and some, who could see that they held great power but were old and weak.

Xiaoming and Wenwen even identified several very famous celebrities through facial information scanning.

"These people who are standing on the side of the road like walking corpses are all very powerful literary cultivators, and they are well-known big stars in the empire!"

Xiao Ming and Wen Wen said, "Unexpectedly, they wouldn't even be able to get on the boat."

"It doesn't matter whether the literary type or the management type, as well as the research type and the creative type, they all work when the social order is in good order."

Li Yao looked at these former big stars with pale, pale faces, and sighed, "When the order collapses and returns to the **** forest of the weak and the strong, there is only the simplest and direct violence. power!"

Sure enough, there are also some big stars or high-ranking management cultivators, or beautify, or buy money, or beg those fighting cultivators to join them to fight a **** road and rush to the Lingfeng tunnel. go with.

But the combat-type cultivator kicked them away mercilessly. No matter how many people thought about that face, and how big a contract had been signed with those hands, it was worthless at the moment.

There are even many low-powered combat-type immortal cultivators, knowing that they are destined not to have the opportunity to board the evacuated starship, so they simply put their hearts on the side, yelling "battlefield uprising, reform the empire" slogan, gathered together and turned into chaos. The army has engaged in looting, burning, killing and looting.

Since they have made up their minds not to leave, these big stars and big bosses who carry a lot of wealth with them are naturally reduced to their best prey. The revolutionary forces have not really invaded Lingfeng City, the city is already burning, and the smoke is billowing. , The screams, grinning laughter, and the tearing of flesh and blood became a mess.

"I finally understand why Wu Yingqi has stayed in Lingfeng City for so long."

Li Yao and Long Yangjun beheaded a group of insurgents who dared to grab them, and said to each other, "On the one hand, it is used to train troops, but on the other hand, he also hopes that the inner city of Lingfeng will become chaotic first.

"The civil strife in Lingfeng City is the epitome of the territories of the four major electors. A great nobleman pats his buttocks and leaves, leaving behind ninety-nine middle and low-level cultivators who cannot go, and these'abandoned' people. Under strong jealousy and hatred, he will not hesitate to throw himself into the embrace of the reformists and become the most **** loyal innovator.

"Even when everything that happened here was spread to all parts of Xinghai in various ways by Wu Yingqi and Li Linghai, especially the territories of the four major electors' families, what would the middle and low-level immortal cultivators in the territories think?

"If the people's hearts are scattered, the team will not be easy to lead. Wu Yingqi has surrounded Lingfeng City for a month without attacking, but it is to severely hit the'people's hearts' on the four major electors!"

"But now, the city is broken."

Long Yangjun glanced back at the riddled line of defense on the edge of the city, "We must speed up, or we must wait for a large number of nobles to crowd in the Lingfeng Tunnel and find that the starships are not enough. Don't want to go' things!"

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