40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2450: Know the heroes and value the heroes!

"Boss Bai, everyone knows heroes and heroes. I know you are the most outstanding star thief who has just risen miraculously in the sea of ​​stars! Sneak attack on the Red Purple Star, fight against the Flowing Wind Fleet, break through the Hundred Star Ring, Fire and Ghost Eye Star Pirates Group ...A classic case can be regarded as a'Star Thieves Textbook' for people to observe and learn, hahahaha!"

Zuo Tianying smiled half-truth, throwing a high hat away without money, "Our Blue Sky Market will always be the most reliable rear base for all Star Thieves, and countless Star Thieves came to me to maintain and sell the Starship. Goods, will praise your name, saying that you are likely to be the first hero who can unite all star thieves in the entire empire in a thousand years, and will be the future "king of star thieves"! You are pleased to be talked about by them. Qiu, the scene of galloping horizontally and horizontally, really makes someone from Zuo feel excited. I really want to see you as a hero as soon as possible and make friends with you!"

"Hehehehe, the future king of star thieves..."

Boss Bai finally put down the dried juice cup. On the face of the sharp-mouthed monkey's cheeks, the violent blue veins continued to bloom, like a gleaming piranha. He grabbed a bunch of crystal clear jade grapes from the table, and his neck Yang, stuffed it in his mouth indiscriminately, eating juice splashing all over, and then hissed in a rust-like voice, "Isn't it my boss, am I not the king of star thieves now?"

"Forget it, do it, you are now the well-deserved king of star thieves!"

Zuo Tianying almost broke his belly with a smile--this boss is more arrogant but also more ignorant than he imagined. I really don't know where the brushed hillbilly got out.

How vast the empire is, and how many heroes and unparalleled murderers are, even if your boss has been in the limelight in recent years, he has pulled up a large team and defeated a group of shrimp soldiers and crabs, but after all, the foundation is There are four or five star thief clusters that are of the same size as you or even larger than you, and there are three of them in the Blue Sky Market right now.

If you want to be the king of star thief, you have to ask the bosses of the star thief group whether they agree or not!

Well, the bosses of these star thief group agree, because star thief never bothered to fight for these useless fame. They all know that the tree attracts the wind. The bigger the name, the faster the death. Only Boss Bai This kind of fledgling stupid boy is so keen to be the "king of star thieves"!

Others are eager to give him this hat, and then push him to the stage to die!

Zuo Tianying secretly laughed and ridiculed in his stomach, but his expression was extremely sincere, as if he was really putting himself in consideration for Boss Bai, "It's just that Boss Bai, everyone is drifting away in the stars and struggling in vain. , Zuo was also born as a star thief before, and he knows the bitterness of the star thief-this line has no future, even if he really becomes the king of the star thief, when the imperial army is encircling and suppressing it, it is not like Fleeing like a cat and a mouse, panic all day long?

"Zhu the hook thief, Hou the country thief, since you are the king of star thieves, why not look farther and go with us... to take the entire empire?"

"Capture the Empire?"

Boss Bai "chuckles and chuckles" gnawing on the jade grape, and for a while, only a bare stem is left in his hand. He squinted his eyes, and a stern light came out from the bottom of his eyes. He looked up and down the left Tianying for a long time. Xiaorou said without a smile, "Go on, talk about how to take it."

Zuo Tianying was horrified by him. He took a sip in his heart, settled, and unfolded a three-dimensional star map of the real human empire. He pointed to the star map and said, "Bai Bo and the imperial army have been dealing with each other for so long. Knowing the current situation in the empire is like being caught up in a turbulent vortex, with earth-shaking changes happening every day, which is completely different from six months ago or even three months ago!

"In Xinguangfu District, the Imperial Expeditionary Force was restless, and the young grassroots officers were extremely dissatisfied with the conservative and retreat policies of the four major electoral families. They were extremely disappointed, and even showed signs of loss of control-since the news of the Thunder Fleet's'change of flag' Now, in many expeditionary fleets, young grass-roots officers all want to follow in the footsteps of the'God of War' Lei Chenghu and transform themselves into a brand new glorious army that truly defends the interests of the empire, not the interests of a certain family!

"In the imperial capital, the reformists have expelled the last little power of the old aristocracy. The old decayed, smoky Senate was completely destroyed. A brand-new'Senate Reform Committee' has been established, and the Queen's Royal Highness has been elected to become the first of the committee. Commissioner, the temporary supreme consul of the Empire.

"The Senate Innovation Committee ruled and operated smoothly in the entire Polar Celestial Realm and the Celestial Star. This means that a brand-new government agency has blossomed in the heart of the empire!

"Outside the imperial capital, in the territories of the four major electoral families, the rule of the old aristocracy is in jeopardy. There are student movements, strikes erupting every day, and countless people are brutally suppressed! But no matter how suppressed, the anger of the people has been completely ignited. , Such as magma flowing horizontally, absolutely irresistible!

"And in the outer world of the empire, which is the sea of ​​stars we live in, the Ten Thousand Realms Business Alliance is also actively contacting heroes of mountains and seas like Boss Bai, ready to rise up, responding to the expeditionary army on the front line, the reform committee of the imperial senate, and the old nobles. The unbearable people and immortal cultivators in the territory!

"As long as we take the four-pronged approach, we will surely sweep down the impenetrable barriers of the old aristocracy, and reform the entire empire with the anger of the crowd!

"Boss White, the trend of innovation, mighty, those who follow will prosper, those who oppose will die! Take your fleet, and the seven vassal star thief groups that surrender to you, accept your protection and command, join them together Come in our career, the greatest cause, and chances are not to be missed, and failures will never come again!"

Zuo Tianying spoke blushingly and was extremely powerful.

Boss Bai looked at the star map indifferently, but concentrated on sucking the last bit of juice from the stalk, and said: "That is to be completely hostile to the four major electoral families. The risk of this transaction is not small."

Zuo Tianying smiled slyly and blinked his eyes and said: "Others may be afraid of such risks, but for Boss Bai, when have you been afraid of the four major electoral families? The battle of the blue star city, you have even four major elections. The joint auctions of the emperor family dared to **** them. Not only did they robbed all the rare and exotic treasures at the auction, but even the nobles who came to participate in the auction were taken away, and they got rid of four consecutive months in the next three months. Thirty-seven hunts and killings of the Great Elector’s family forced the other party to pay a ransom, which only stripped the meat ticket and sent it back. You dare to do such a big deal that is so shocking, why don’t you dare to fight with the four? Is the Grand Elector's family'completely enemy'?"

Zuo Tianying calmly slapped Boss Bai with a flattering, and then secretly reminded Boss Bai that your kid did too much and too publicly in Jialan Star City last time, and he beat the four emperors fiercely. The slap in the face of the Hou family has long been a thorn in the eyes of the old nobles. Apart from jumping on the chariot of the reformist, how can there be a second way to go?

Sure enough, recalling this "brilliant record", Boss Bai let out a piercing laugh like a night owl, nodded and said triumphantly: "Yes, yes, although Xinghai is big, I don't dare to do much business with Boss Bai. , It’s just that I’m not afraid of high risks in doing business, but I’m afraid that the profits are not high enough. Let’s talk about it. I really stand on the side of the reformers. What good can I do? My Great White Star Thieves Group and those who eat with me. What about little guy?"

Zuo Tianying coughed dryly, and quite mysteriously took out a jade slip from Qiankun Ring.

The name is "Jade Slip", but it is dark iron red, and it is refined into the appearance of a small scepter.

He held it in both hands, and respectfully handed it to Boss Bai, and said: "Please look at Boss Bai. This is the'Certificate of Appointment' just issued by the Senate Innovation Committee, appointing you as the'Highest Commander of the Hundred Phoenix World Garrison Fleet' and awarded it Your rank of'Imperial Army Major General' has become a respected'Imperial Viscount'.

"As for all your fleets, including the vassal Star Thieves regiments that take refuge in you, they are all incorporated into the Hundred Phoenix Realm Garrison Fleet and become the regular army of the Empire. They are eligible to enjoy all the treatments of the Imperial Army and receive sufficient ammunition supplies and financial support. Even after the soldiers died in battle, there were still high pensions.

"And the corresponding organization of many of your brothers is also arranged in accordance with the practice of the second-class fleet of the Empire. It is up to you to decide on your own. As long as you submit the list, you will definitely not be rejected."

"Hundred Phoenix World?"

Boss Bai put the jade slip in his hand and rubbed it with love, but he pretended to ponder, "Major General, Viscount?"

"The Hundred Phoenix World is one of the new worlds that have just been struck down from the hands of the Saint League. It is rich in resources and awaiting prosperity. It is a good place to show its ambitions."

Zuo Tianying said calmly, "However, everyone, I will never deceive Boss Bai - naturally you will never be able to go to the Baifeng Realm to take up the post. This is just a name, you have a name. , So we can give you the corresponding preparation and treatment!

"In short, let's not play virtual, just tell the truth. As long as you accept this commission, you will immediately turn from a star thief who crosses the street by a rat to a star thief who is justified, with the entire empire behind. Regular army, government army!"


Old Bai laughed, and brought his head like a mouse over. He was obviously pleasant, but he was indescribably gloomy and terrifying. "Deacon Zuo, why do you think being a star thief is so shameless? It's'rats crossing the street, everyone shouts and beats.' Huh?"

Zuo Tianying was startled, and was extremely uncomfortable by Boss Bai. He reluctantly said: "Zuo and Zuo certainly didn't mean that. Of course, Star Thieves is also very good, but it's just not very convenient. There are generals from government forces. You can be, why should you be a star thief?"

"That's true."

Boss Bai suddenly withdrew his sharp gaze, grinned, and said nonchalantly, "It's just that the commission brought by the Ten Thousand Realms Business League is not reliable?"

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