40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2451: Boss Bai, dare you!

"Of course reliable, please trust us!"

Zuo Tianying said sincerely, "Everyone knows the relationship between our'Ten Thousand Realms Business League' and the reformists-the earliest reformers were established by our Wanjie Business League with money and support. One of the core demands of the school is to help us the Ten Thousand Worlds Business Alliance to seize the business interests that should belong to us.

"We have worked so hard to cultivate reformers for so long, and finally it's time to harvest!

"Now, Jin Yuyan, the chief deacon of our Ten Thousand Realms Business League, is the core high-level of the reformists. He will soon hold an important position in the reform committee of the Senate and take charge of the financial power of the new empire. How can it be unreliable?

"Don't worry, as long as you accept this commission, you will be on the same footing in an instant, and you will have a great future!"

"is it?"

Boss Bai pinched the iron-red jade Jane between his fingers, playing and rubbing it over and over, but instead of activating the jade Jane to view the contents, he showed a playful smile. He looked at Zuo Tianying and said, "I'm afraid it's not that simple, everyone? They are all licking blood and mixed rice on the knife edge, and all know the truth that there is no pie in the sky, ha ha, the imperial army major general, viscount, commander! What should I exchange for such a good thing?"

"Okay, happy, Boss Bai is really happy!"

Zuo Tianying raised his thumb, coughed again, lowered his voice, and threw out the real conditions, "Boss Bai is so happy, Zuo is no longer in circles. Now that you have accepted the commission, you have become a glorious new imperial army. One of the members of, naturally must follow the dispatch of the Senate Innovation Committee. I know that Boss Bai is a hero who does not like to be restrained by nature and is used to being free, but at least this time, he must act with us."

A secret light flashed in the eyes of Boss Bai, and said lightly: "What kind of action?"

"Together with us, guard the largest free market of the Ten Thousand Realms Commercial League, and the headquarters of the Ten Thousand Realms Commercial League, located in the Seven Seas Star Territory's'Seven Seas Market'!"

Zuo Tianying said with a serious face, "We have received the latest information. In order to cut the connection between the reformists and the Ten Thousand Realms Commercial League, and to cut off the continuous flow of money and resources from the periphery of the empire to the heart of the empire, the four major electors The family has already mobilized a joint fleet, ready to eliminate the revolutionary forces in the outer world of the empire. The first goal is naturally the headquarters of our Ten Thousand Realms Business Alliance.

"The Star Thieves Group of the Ten Thousand Worlds Merchant League has a relationship with each other. Once the Ten Thousand Worlds Merchant League is wiped out, your Star Thieves Group will have no place to repair, supply, trade materials, and obtain information. Sooner or later, they will be killed. The electorate's family "calls their names" one by one.

"Therefore, our Ten Thousand Realms Business Alliance has actively contacted the heroes and heroes from the periphery of the entire empire, ready to fight head-on, and fight a beautiful'Seven Seas Defense War'!

"Boss Bai, now the general trend in the center of Xinghai, the reformers and the electors are facing each other and are stubborn, but there are still countless warlords and local tyrants from the world who are watching and hesitating. These people are the'silent majority', who can get With their support, whoever is most likely to win this war, and then seize the entire empire, rule the heavens and galaxies!

"And once our Ten Thousand Realms Business League can win the'War of the Seven Seas', the news spreads, the world shakes, and the weakness and incompetence of the electorate family will be completely exposed to the world. Not only will all the worlds outside the empire fall to the world in an instant. Innovators, even in the territories of the electors’ clan, people who are eager to innovate will rise up and make an uproar!

"The result of this battle is very important. If Boss Bai can help us to win this war, he is a well-deserved'innovative hero', and the reputation, status, resources, and talents that come with it, do you still need to talk about it? ?"

"That's the case, I said why your Ten Thousand Realms Business Alliance is so eager to find so many Star Thieves groups to help, it turns out that the old lair is about to be taken out!"

The old man smiled and said, "Where is the reformer's own fleet? I heard that the reformers now have three main forces, the Deep Sea Fleet, the Thunder Fleet and the Imperial Forest Army. It seems that they are still actively infiltrating the expeditionary forces in the newly conquered area. The faction also has the power to contend against the Elector's fleet head-on? Why, the reformist's own fleet does not take action, but uses us star thief as cannon fodder?"

Zuo Tianying said, this sly-eyed kid is arrogant and arrogant, he is still quite sober at the critical moment!

However, this is also to be expected. If you don't even have this level of sobriety, it is impossible to become the most dazzling peerless murderer in the outer world of the empire in recent years, the Star Sea Thief!

Zuo Tianying's expression became more and more sincere, saying: "The specific military deployment is the top secret. Naturally, it is not for me to know. I only know that this is a life-and-death battle of innovation. The most elite Deep Sea, Thunder and Imperial Forest Army will naturally not stand idly by. .

"But the Xinghai is so vast, and no matter how many fleets are invested in it, it will be a drop in the ocean. It is naturally better to draw some righteous men into the camp of light and justice!

"Perhaps, the praying mantis is hunting the cicadas and the oriole is behind. When the combined fleet of the four major electors heads to the Seven Seas Market, the elite of the reformists actually appear in their hometown?

"Well, Boss Bai, thirty or forty Star Thieves have already accepted the appointment, and they have agreed to stand on the side of the reformists and the Ten Thousand Realms Business League to fight against the evil Electoral Army, and they all admire and awe. Your prestige promises that as long as you accept the appointment, you will be your blood ally. With you as the leader, accept your command in the "Seven Seas Defense". This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and the greatest honor of a star thief in his life! "

Zuo Tianying sounded hoarse and excited, as if he himself wanted to replace Boss Bai and become the leader of this "Star Thieves Alliance".

Boss Bai's breathing became visibly hot.

Little red dots burst out on the face like citrus peel.

The Adam's apple kept rolling, swallowing several mouthfuls of saliva in a row.

"I'm not a vain person, hehehehe..."

He finally relaxed, "In other words, I value practical things more than imaginary names. These viscounts, major generals, commanders, and lords are too far away. Let's talk about the benefits in front of us! Deacon Zuo, what you promised when you invited me to the Blue Sky Market..."

"Everything is in the dock, just waiting for Boss Bai to receive it!"

Zuo Tianying knew that the other party had finally taken the bait, and smiled in his heart, but got up and opened the curtain on the side of the office.

Through a pure and transparent floor-to-ceiling window, you can see that outside is a huge dock, extending into the vast starry sky.

Countless berths are like branching branches, each "adsorbing" a strange and murderous starship, as well as a large number of trucks and psionic puppets, which are busy carrying and unloading like ants and worker bees.

"Twenty of the latest fast stealth assault ships, 5,000 sets of Imperial Army standard crystal armor, and a full ten heavy transport ships with spar, fuel and ammunition!"

Zuo Tianying waved his hand and said boldly, "This is the meeting gift our Ten Thousand Realms Business League gave to Boss Bai. Oh, no, it should be said to be a gift to the'Leader of the White League' in advance!

"It's not that Zuo is bragging. We, who control the business lifeline of the entire outer world of the empire, have absolutely no shortage of money. Even if there is a magic weapon that we can't produce, it can be smuggled out of the realm of the four major electoral families. You see These starships and crystal armors are still steaming!

"We only lack people, people who can manipulate them, and the heroes who can dominate the stars like Boss Bai!"


Seeing the brand-new starship and a box of spars and shells, Boss Bai finally grinned and laughed inwardly, "Okay, okay, okay! The'sincerity' of the Ten Thousand Realms Business Alliance is really touching. , Moved to tears!"

Zuo Tianying was overjoyed and said, "Then, Boss Bai has agreed and is willing to become the leader of many star thief?"

"Promise, why not agree?"

Boss Bai suddenly showed his sharp teeth, and said slowly, "In fact, I agreed long ago!"


Zuo Tianying was startled slightly, but he sensed an extremely dangerous smell from Boss Bai's smile. Before he could figure out what was going on, there was a deafening explosion outside.

"Boom, boom boom boom!"

However, several starships moored on the dock exploded inexplicably, and the flames instantly spread to the inside of the blue sky market. For a while, smoke billowed everywhere, like black beasts with teeth and claws, ruthlessly devouring people's lives.

Hundreds of starships are like crocodiles hovering in the swamp, and finally waited for the poor to see, they jumped out of the darkness and landed on the blue sky market, opening their mouths, and ejecting bullets of torrential rain. The curtain ruthlessly destroyed the defensive positions of the Blue Sky Market.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

Inside and outside the blue sky market, a shrill alarm sounded.


Seeing that the Blue Sky Market, which he had worked so hard for decades to have its current appearance, instantly turned into a piece of wreckage and ruins, Zuo Tianying was stunned at first, and then heartbroken.

If by this time he still doesn’t understand what’s going on, he doesn’t deserve to be the deacon of the Ten Thousand Realms Business League, and he is walking between black and white: "Boss Bai, you are crazy, you dare to reach out to the Ten Thousand Realms Commercial League. !"

As the manager of one of the five largest free markets in the Ten Thousand Worlds Business League, Zuo Tianying also possesses the fighting power of the primordial infant stage. Even if he is angry, his nerves and muscles are not twitching at all. When he kicks the white boss in the chest. , A blue barking poisonous blade has been ejected from the tip of his toe, and at the same time, a dark golden streamer gushes out of his body, forming a set of crystal armor, covering his body.

However, he had repeatedly trained countless times and could complete the crystal armor in half a second, but when he finally closed the joint between the helmet and the breastplate, it was interrupted mercilessly by Boss Bai.

Zuo Tianying couldn't see how Boss Bai flashed the poisonous blade on his toes. He only felt that his throat was locked tightly by the red iron clamps when he saw a flower.

The other party shook slightly, and the crystal armor that hadn't completed the colony was "smashed" scattered, like fading snake skin!

"How can it be!"

Zuo Tianying was so frightened that he was already a strong Nascent Soul, and the opponent didn't even wear the crystal armor, which could lock him to death.

What kind of person is this Boss, and what realm is his true cultivation?


The exchange activities of the Shanghai Book Fair have ended smoothly. I believe that many friends have seen the photos posted by Lao Niu and the live broadcast on the reading platform. Book friends who have not seen it can join the group as soon as possible to share, search for "Lao Niu Reception Room" or "Lao Niu" The second group in the reception room "just do it, hahahaha!

The exchange meeting was quite pleasant. I would like to thank the editors for their warm hospitality and the great support of book friends from afar. Some book friends even got off the plane and ran directly to the exchange meeting. The suitcases were still carrying, Lao Niu was really a little bit. Feeling flattered.

Everyone is so supportive, but I can only say that I will continue to write as best as I can! These two days of running around are indeed very expensive. Let me slow down a little bit. I will definitely break out this weekend at the latest. Thank you!

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