"Ha ha, ha ha ha ha!"

Bai Lao Dalian sneered, and the sharp-mouthed monkey's cheeks were like a mouse, but he showed the ferociousness of swallowing tigers and leopards. With just one hand, he picked up Zuo Tianying, the strong Yuan Ying, and smashed it to the ground.


Even if he didn’t care about psychic abilities, Zuo Tianying was a burly giant with a height of nearly two meters and a weight of nearly three hundred kilograms, but he was “pressed” into the floor by the thin white boss, smashed into rubble. , The steel bars broke, and a large human-shaped pit appeared on the ground.

Zuo Tianying's internal organs were almost shattered, and his mind was even more messed up. I really can't figure it out-the intelligence said that the white boss's most primordial cultivation base was between him and himself.

This is also the prerequisite for him to dare to meet with such a peerless murderer like Boss Bai alone.

The intelligence work of the Ten Thousand Worlds Business Alliance is the most powerful in the entire empire. It is a comprehensive analysis of all the battles of the white boss, including his performance in the imperial siege and desperation by the imperial army, before analyzing his combat effectiveness.

How terrible to such an extent!

Could it be that even when the imperial army was surrounded by all sides, chased and intercepted, and pushed to the limit of nine deaths again and again, this boss still did not use all his strength?

How could there be such a monster!

Also, the swordsmen he arranged outside. He obviously arranged fifty sharp swordsmen beside the office and in the mezzanine. They could rush out at any time to let the white boss see the strength of the Ten Thousand Realms Business Alliance. These Where did people die!

"You little merchants, you really can't get rid of the wickedness of carelessness, and even the big promises of appointing officials are so stingy."

Elder Bai pressed Zuo Tianying to the ground, and sipped at his head, and said with a strange smile, "The commander of the garrisoned fleet of a huge world, what is the major general of the imperial army, and the **** Viscount... Viscount! What are you guys? Are you soliciting me or insulting me? Is the golden sign of "Boss White" worth an empire?

"Here, the four major electors are obviously more sincere than you. The price they offer is for the masters of the entire world, the lieutenant general of the imperial army, and the earl of the dignified imperial empire. Hear it clearly, it is the earl!"

"Moreover, they gave me ten main battleships ahead of time. The firepower is more than three to five times more ferocious than the fast attack ships you sent. Tsk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk

Zuo Tianying was so shocked that his soul was about to freeze, and he couldn't breathe completely, and screamed: "Boss Bai, you actually took refuge in those'pseudo hous'!"

"I don't care if he is a'real monkey' or a'fake monkey', even if it is an orangutan? Everyone comes out as a star thief and eats between the stars and the knife. Whoever gives more money to serve and whose strength Isn’t this a matter of course that the four major electors are far superior to your reformists and the Ten Thousand Realms Business Alliance. They give a lot of money, and the officials who are sealed are big, so I’m thinking about it. If you don’t take refuge in them, but you are going to take refuge in your hopeless gang, will you be sacked by the whole family with you at that time?"

Boss Bai's hand became tighter and tighter, and he smiled and said, "By the way, I almost forgot to tell you, didn't you want to engage in the "blood alliance" of dozens of Star Thieves, don't bother, we have been the elector for a long time. I've done it under the witness of the special envoy! Thanks to your good friends, they have long recommended me as the leader, but I am not called the leader, but the commander, the commander of the'loyalty salvation army'.

"This commander is more prestigious than the commander you want to seal me, haha, hahahaha!"

Zuo Tianying's face was as gray as death, and there was nothing to say. I don't know if it was pinched by Boss Bai, or he was so angry that a dignified Yuan Ying had twitched his hands and feet and foamed at the mouth.

"Look at so many star thief groups outside. You think they are all attracted by the conditions you have set out, so they gathered here to loyal to you? What a stupid, stupid home!"

Boss Bai continued, "Tell you, the twenty-nine Star Thieves groups have long been an alliance of blood and formed the'Loyalty Salvation Army'. They returned to the court and became loyal to the government. They became the upright imperial army and government army. The strategy of the Blue Sky Market is just an appetizer, and the "Seven Seas Market", the nest of the Ten Thousand Realms Business League, is our real goal!

"Tsk tusk tusk tusk, the Seven Seas Market, the most wealthy place in the periphery of the empire, and even the treasures that many emperors don’t have, can be found there. It is the ultimate dream of every star thief to grab a handful of the Seven Seas Market. .

"We are all thieves, we are all robbers who kill and set people on fire. We are all cheap bones that itchy all over the body without snatching things a day. But you want to rely on people like us to defend the Seven Seas Market? It's really not me who said you, you innovations. The pie and the little merchant, are they all **** in their heads?"

Zuo Tianying finally couldn't help it, and a mouthful of blood-stained white foam spurted out, his face changed from white to blue, and from blue to dead gray.

Introducing the wolf into the room, this is truly an introduction to the wolf into the room!

Stupid, they are indeed too stupid, in other words, far underestimated the despicable shamelessness and insatiable greed of these star thief!

But now I regret it, it's too late.

The blazing flames outside, and the explosions that burst out one after another, are the best punishment for their "innocence".

As one of the five largest free markets in the Wanjie Business Alliance, the Blue Sky Market naturally has the most stringent defense.

Moreover, it is now a time of war, and the guards of the market have also been upgraded to the highest level, including the outer meteorite belt, which is full of cosmic mines and various serial defense arrays.

It is extremely difficult for the elector's fleet to penetrate this iron can that is armed to the teeth from the outside, and it has to pay a very tragic price.

However, the Blue Sky Market is open for business, and for the Star Thieves that used to park and maintain here, trade intelligence and trade materials, they cannot but let them in.

And this time, in order to attract big and famous thieves like Boss Bai, hundreds of Star Pirates were moored in the dock of the Blue Sky Market, and there were thousands of small and medium-sized assault ships and semi-armed merchant ships outside. And the integrated supply ship at anchor.

Who could have imagined that these Star Pirates battleships would attack at the same time?

And when the Star Pirates battleship ravaged the blue sky market, and the defenses were torn apart and riddled from the inside out, even more terrifying enemies appeared in the vast sea of ​​stars-it was engraved with the emblem of the empire and the four electors. The regular army marked by the family.

The regular army and the Star Thieves group cooperated inside and outside, forcibly piercing through the meteorite belt defense on the periphery of the Blue Sky Market, and it fell on the panic-stricken members of the Ten Thousand Realms Business League. This was a real "disaster of extinction."

When the pouring rain of firepower poured down, arbitrarily destroying the ground firepower points and the Ten Thousand Realm Business Alliance battleships that were too late to take off, the short assault battle was won.

According to the standards of "little merchants", the fighters of the Ten Thousand Realms Business Alliance cannot be said to be disloyal and brave.

Perhaps they clearly realize that even surrender is a death.

Perhaps they had all been star thiefs themselves, knowing how terrible the star thief group was, and how cruel it was to fall into the hands of star thief, they simply did not retreat and fought to the last breath.

Star thieves are all human spirits who are bullying and fearing hardships, and are most concerned with preserving their strength. Faced with these mad dogs who have died together, they naturally retreat.

But the electorate army is determined to gnaw off the hard bones of the blue sky market, and play a beautiful prelude to the upcoming "War of the Seven Seas". They attacked without sacrificing, and spent half a day with hundreds of starships burning. The price of the bombing was the last battle fort that was still resisting.

The blue sky market has fallen.


The wolf-like star thief ran around in the blue sky market, blasting open the gates of warehouse after warehouse with the arrow-burst spear, with red eyes, looting supplies like crazy.

The free market is the ultimate dream of all star robbers. It's just that in the past, the Ten Thousand Realms Business Alliance had great wealth, and they had to rely on the free market to buy, sell and supply, so it was inconvenient to start.

With the four major electors behind their backs this time, they were finally able to get what they wanted, and they naturally raced against each other to wreak havoc, plunder and vent.

Boss Bai, however, described Zuo Tianying, who was haggard and desperate, and **** with an electromagnetic whip, and came to the burning blue sky market No. 1 dock.

A starship with a hideous appearance, like a narwhal, is anchored here like a **** and a devil.

A middle-aged man wearing a cloak of pure white hair, with a delicate face like a woman, with a proud and indifferent expression, is waiting here with some impatientness.

He looked at the blue sky market in disgust at the fire, noisy voices, and a chaotic scene. While holding the embroidered silk with gold rim, he gently wiped the nose with no dirt, as if breathing the same air as the star thief. , Are all extremely dirty and insulting.

"Master Hou!"

Seeing that this person was already waiting here, Boss Bai speeded up his pace and passed in shattered steps. The arrogance and ferociousness of facing Zuo Tianying just now was swept away, but with a flattering smile on his face, he simply knelt down on one knee. Looking down at this person’s toes, "The subordinates have seen Lord Hou. Thanks to the meticulous planning of Lord Hou, the subordinates did not humiliate their lives and captured the anti-thief leader of the Blue Sky Market alive. Please look at this. Zuo Tianying!"

Boss Bai lifted Zuo Tianying to the ground as if throwing a garbage bag.

Zuo Tianying "Gulu Gulu" rolled twice, just rolled to the feet of this "Master Hou", and had a face-to-face encounter with this person. He immediately became sober and screamed, "No disease!"

This Li Wuyi is considered an old acquaintance of the Ten Thousand Realms Business League, or an old opponent.

He is a hereditary "Marquis of Yongchun". Although he is only a third-class marquis, he can be passed down from generation to generation for four to five hundred years. He is also a very pure noble. In the Li family, one of the four major electoral families, Belongs to a high-ranking and powerful faction that can mobilize troops and horses.

Moreover, within the entire four-major family system, Li Wuji is also faintly inclined to the field of intelligence work, specifically targeting the intelligence network of the Ten Thousand Realms Business League to strike, destroy, and buy.

In the past few decades, countless intelligence agents of the Ten Thousand Realms Business Alliance were captured, tortured, and killed by Li Wuji.

Of course, there are many people who betray the Ten Thousand Realms Merchant League under coercion and temptation, and take refuge in the four major electoral families, causing great harm to the development of the Thousand Realms Merchant League.

Unexpectedly, it was Li Wuji who personally presided over the solicitation of Boss Bai and other star thief and the strategy of the blue sky market. Zuo Tianying made a "grunt" in his throat, his eyes dimmed, and there was no hope of anymore.

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