40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2459: Silent assassin

Li Wuji seemed to have fallen into a strange nightmare world.

The surrounding bulkheads and the precious murals he hung on the walls were suddenly stretched to a very far place, as if 10,000 meters away from him, and suddenly "bounced back" in front of him, and even shot into him. In his eyes.

He stretched out his palms, his hands are like blooming flowers, from fat to blood vessels to nerves and bones are all delicate, but he can't feel the pain at all, completely contrary to the fundamental law of the three-dimensional world.

Including the deafening loud noise, not only in the form of sound waves, but also in the form of a certain gorgeous color, flowing around him, roaring, and eroding his soul exposed outside of his brain!

With great difficulty, Li Wuji gathered a trace of sober thinking ability and understood his state.

He and his ship "Yongchun" are tearing apart four-dimensional space, making star-sea jumps, in a state of...three-dimensional and four-dimensional excess, or "superimposition".

However, Xinghai jump did not succeed, and his starship and even his fleet were bounced back mercilessly.

It was like a high-speed train, slamming into a copper wall and iron wall.

No, it's worse than that.

Because they were not bounced back because of a problem with the Xinghai jumping unit or other malfunctions, but were fired by thousands of cannons, and the wormholes they torn were torn down and blasted them back!

They were raided by the enemy when they jumped in the stars. This is the standard "half-strike", the most terrifying nightmare that every starship commander does not want to encounter!

"Boom! Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom!"

The earth-shattering roar converged into a flood, which flooded every corridor of the starship, overwhelming and swallowing everything seen along the way-crystal armor, space war shuttle, turrets, ammunition depots and panicked immortal repairers.

As a powerful figure in the four major electors’ families, Li Wuji’s fleet is equipped with the most advanced and sophisticated starships in the entire empire, especially the defense of the flagship Yongchun, which is just one line behind the defense of the family’s flagship. "Super Battleship".

Normally, a single Yongchun can deal with more than a dozen enemy starships without falling into the wind without the **** fleet, and can even resist the super firepower of a Star Wars Fortress and start a confrontation with the opponent. attack.

But the starship entering the star sea jumping state is another matter.

No matter how tight the alloy armor in the three-dimensional world, no matter how strong the psionic shield, and how thick the interference magnetic field is, it is meaningless for the starship in the four-dimensional unfolded state.

The so-called four-dimensional expansion is equivalent to turning out all the internal organs. What is the use of the strong armor on the body?

When the enemy hiding in the dark suddenly tore through the dark camouflage and blasted the most violent firepower at the jumping fleet that was "crossing the river", this was not a surprise attack or a war, but a naked massacre.

The Yongchun and its owner, Li Wuji, finally bounced back to a three-dimensional state.

However, the damage caused by the violent explosion and severe interference is irreversible.


Li Wuji stared at his hands dumbfounded--because he was hit hard when he bounced back from the four-dimensional state to the three-dimensional state, and the ripples in the space flew freely inside the starship like a sharp blade without thickness. He didn't know how many immortal cultivators had been harvested outside. Outside of his life, he even cut his three fingers and half of his ear, spurted blood, and stained the delicate white wool carpet on the ground, making him nauseous and painful.

This is pretty good.

Because his private lounge has the strictest protection, the frantic vibration of the ripples in the space did not cause much harm.

He couldn't imagine how terrible it was outside, especially near the power cabin near the Xinghai jump unit.

"how so!"

Li Wuji's face was pale, his head was covered with cold sweat, and he was completely confused.

Every stupid starship commander should know that although star jumping is the most important technology for mankind to conquer the universe, star jumping is also the most vulnerable and most vulnerable to every starship, and even every passenger in the starship. Without precautions, the easiest time to be attacked is the out-and-out "ghost gate".

Therefore, you must choose the star field with the most stable space, and make sure that there are no enemies around before you can start the jump.

If you have the conditions, it is best to make sure that the destination of the jump is also met by your own people, and there is a large star gate to guide the direction, so that it is foolproof.

Although the commander of Li Wuji's fleet is not a "famous general" of the Megatron Empire, he is also an expert who has been trained in military academies for decades and has hundreds of years of combat command experience.

The jumping point he chose is the most stable traditional jumping point in the vicinity of the Blue Sky Market. All starships going to and from the Blue Sky Market will choose to jump from here, and there has never been a problem.

All the battleships of the Blue Sky Market under the Ten Thousand Realms Commercial Alliance were destroyed or disarmed, and they never had the ability to fly out to attack them.

Is it a star thief?

It is absolutely impossible that all Star Pirates battleships are honestly moored in the docks of the Blue Sky Market, and are closely monitored by the other half of the Elector's fleet, including Li Wuji, they have not noticed any changes!

A third force outside the Star Thieves and the Ten Thousand Realms Business Alliance suddenly came out to attack them?

This is too ridiculous!

The sea of ​​stars is vast and the journey is far away, technically speaking, there is no such thing as "suddenly killing out" at all.

The innocent starship can scan the spirit flame ripples of nearby starships rushing in hundreds of thousands of kilometers. If a fleet is aggressively slaying at them from a few million kilometers or more, his fleet commander is not blind or blind. How can a deaf person fail to find out, how can he start a star-sea leaping under such circumstances-isn't that seeking a dead end?

Eliminate all the impossible, and only the only one is left, which is extremely absurd and extremely terrifying.

Li Wuji suddenly felt dry and dry, and his heart seemed to have fallen into an endless valley.

The only possibility is that there is indeed a hostile fleet, but it is not aggressively killing them from a few million kilometers away, but is lying in ambush by their side.

To be more precise, it is always in ambush in the star field near the blue sky market, the most suitable stable space for star sea jumping.

Turn off the power unit, converge the psychic shield, keep the communication silent, and even reduce the artificial gravity and air circulation inside the starship to the limit, striving to avoid the slightest psionic fluctuation.

If there is such a silent fleet that has maintained such a state of rock and scrap in the past few days or even longer, it is indeed possible to escape the Fleet Fleet under the cover of the meteorite belt outside the Blue Sky Market. scanning.

But, but, but—

"How could there be such a frenzied tactic!"

Li Wuji screamed incomprehensibly.

If you want to use such a tactic, the opponent must rush here a few days in advance to set up an ambush, and in order not to release too many psionic fluctuations, the living environment on the starship must be extremely harsh, maybe it will drop below the freezing point, and the air will be too bad. It was so filthy that everyone had to wear crystal armor and internal respiration masks, and torment for several days and nights with a steel-like will.

This mysterious silent fleet is like a killer hiding in a mud swamp for days and nights, holding its breath, shrinking pores, and even suppressing the beating of the heart, just to wait for a chance, a chance to seal the throat with one sword...

Li Wuji found out in pain that he seemed to have fallen into a fatal trap.

The mysterious enemy with such a tenacious will and powerful fleet control is by no means an ordinary caravan or star thief group secretly waiting here to go north and south, the only prey worthy of this price is one.

That's him, Yongchunhou Li Wushu!

"Master Hou, Master Hou!"

A heart-piercing scream from the adjutant came from outside the door.

Before Li Wuji agreed, the adjutant with his blood stained face and nasal mucus bumped in.

Li Wuji looked around, took out the embroidered silk scarf on the coffee table, grabbed the adjutant’s collar through the silk scarf, and screamed: "Don't panic, what's going on!"

"No, I don't know where a mysterious fleet appeared, as if it suddenly jumped out of the nearby meteorite belt, and launched a fierce attack while we were jumping in the star sea!"

The adjutant shouted dryly, "It's over, our fleet is over. Most of the starships are distorted by the ripples of space. They lose their offensive and defensive capabilities and even their mobility. The remaining starships also lose command and become It's loose sand!"


If it weren’t for the adjutant’s face covered with blood stains and snot, Li Wuji would almost slap him to death, “What is “losing command”? What does the captain do to eat? Quickly raise the psychic shield and close it with power. Remnant! The lean camel is bigger than a horse, and my fleet is one of the best in the outer world of the empire. Even if someone is struck halfway through, who can definitely gnaw off my remnant?"

"No, there is no way to raise the psionic shield, and there is no way to send half a message to other starships!"

The adjutant said with a cry, "Our control system and even the entire tactical network have been invaded and destroyed by the enemy!"


Li Wuji was dizzy and screamed in the harshest voice, "How could it be possible that Yongchun's Ling-net combat capability is the leading one in the entire empire. The dynamic defense system is activated immediately after setting off, and the passwords for all entrances change more than one hundred per second. Second, who can invade our battle net in such a short time?"

"It's not invaded now."

The lieutenant cried, "While it was parked at the Blue Sky Market for maintenance and fuel injection, the Battle.net of the Yongchun had access to the Blue Sky Market database and collected a large amount of trade secrets and hundreds of millions of information from the Ten Thousand Realms Business League. , It should be at that time, I was confided in, leaving a'back door' in our system.

"When we jump into the star sea, when the starship's main control crystal brain is the most vulnerable, the opponent kicks through the'back door' and rushes in like a wolf!"

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