40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2460: Iron Fist is here!

"You, you--"

Li Wuji felt a whirl of the sky, not knowing whether it was angry or angry, and finally couldn't help but slapped the adjutant, and slapped the adjutant severely. A'back door' has been opened in the Internet. Are you all dead and there is no reaction at all?

"Also, even if it is at anchor, it will take a very long time to break through our dozens of defenses in one go. How could the other party do it!"

"Yes, what Hou Ye taught."

The adjutant cried and said, "At that time, the Blue Sky Market had just been captured by our army. Burning and explosions in the warehouse occurred from time to time. Even the network system inside the market was not stable. There would be strong disturbances every few minutes, and occasionally there would be explosions. There is also a chaotic pulse stream that will spread to our starships-these are common phenomena in conquering new ports, and we didn't care too much. Now thinking about it, the enemy should sneak in under the cover of disturbance and pulse. of.

"As for time, this, we didn't intend to stay anchored at the Blue Sky Market for too long, and would never give the enemy a chance to take advantage of it, but later Hou Ye, Hou Ye was invited by the surname Bai to attend the celebration banquet, and it was delayed for a long time. , On the way back to the starship, he was entangled by the surname Bai again, and dragged and talked for a long time. What do you recognize as Grandpa? Beware of Lei Zonglie, the "Boxing King", and wasted a lot of time. Maybe it was there. time……"

Li Wuji's eyes, like eggs squeezed from the birth canal, slowly protruded from the depths of the eye sockets, staring at the adjutant.

At first, the adjutant was following his own train of thought and continued to talk, helping the master analyze the current situation. Only now did he perceive the master's murderous gaze, his heart trembled, and he hurriedly stopped, looking at the master pitifully.

"Go away!"

Li Wuji gave a violent shout, waved his hand to sweep the adjutant aside, rushed out of the private lounge, stumbled and ran towards the bridge.

"No matter what method you use, clean up all the remnants that can act, and use those starships that cannot be contacted as a cover, and we return to the Blue Sky Market!

"The blue sky market must have undergone drastic changes at this moment. We must immediately rush back to suppress the surname Bai, and then rely on the defense system on the periphery of the blue sky market to contend with this new mysterious enemy-this is the only way!

"If Boss White seizes the other half of our fleet in the Blue Sky Market, and then controls the entire defense system of the Blue Sky Market, then we will be dead!"

Li Wuji screamed strangely while running, but he didn't even notice one of his boots flew away.

In front of him, the originally straight corridor has become a smashed twist. There are shockingly large gaps on the bulkhead. Almost all the pipes and crystal cables are broken, either "whooping" high-pressure airflow, or "whooping". "Cracking" sparked Mars, and occasionally I could see extremely horrible pictures-many immortal cultivators were vaguely embedded in the bulkhead, and merged with the bulkhead into an inseparable whole. Metal particles invaded the internal organs and died miserably. Incomparable.

This is the consequence of the failure of Xinghai Jump.

When the crew and the bulkhead were decomposed at the same time, they were hit hard when they were about to cross the four-dimensional space. It was like a hurricane that rolled the four-dimensional shape of the crew and the bulkhead together, and then bounced back into the three-dimensional space, and it became this miserable situation.

It was also the first time that Li Wuji saw such a terrifying scene with his own eyes.

This scene is no less than torture for a spotless nobleman like him.

He almost resisted vomiting and rushed all the way to the bridge.

It's a pity that the bridge of the Yongchun is also full of flames and a mess. Jingnao and the crew's seats are swaying from side to side, and small-scale explosions one after another.

It was supposed to control the starship and command the high level of the fleet, many of them put on crystal armor, took up foam fire extinguishers, and were fighting with fireballs and ball lightning that were snarling everywhere.

Li Wuji settled down, and was about to discuss with the captain.

However, he saw the captain standing in front of the main control crystal brain blankly, looking at the main operation interface in the light screen with his face like ashes.

Li Wuji followed the captain’s trembling gaze, but saw that the main operation interface of his flagship was empty. All data and information were shattered and turned into shining stars. The stars gradually gathered together and turned into one. The huge vortex slowly revolves.

Suddenly, in the depths of the vortex, where it looked like a black hole, a fist made of...steel cast iron rose!

This steel fist was full of savage and majestic impact. The surface was covered with rivets, nuts and rust. The seams also spewed out wisps of white dragon-like steam, as if it could be heard full of anger and squeaking. Rattling sound.

Then, from the top of the screen, a crown made of gears condensed was dropped, and it was put on the fist, making a "bang" sound.

The iron fist wearing a gear crown was silent, and coldly stared at the chaotic cultivators.

"Boxing champion!"

The adjutant cried out silently behind Li Wuji, "It turned out to be the'Boxing King' Lei Zonglie!"

Li Wuji sank into the valley, and his falling heart was finally held tightly by this iron fist.


At the same time, no, five minutes earlier, Blue Sky Market.

Neither the star thief nor the half of the fleet left by Li Wuji to supervise the army could have expected the massacre that would begin between the broken stars in five minutes.

On the contrary, many vulgar, unruly and rebellious star thieves breathed a sigh of relief by the stern departure, just like the employees after the strict boss has left, everyone is fully exposed, yelling, and the atmosphere of carnival Push to the highest point.

Even the veteran bandits who have been in the Star Sea for a hundred years have never looted the famous and prosperous city in the outer world of the empire like the Blue Sky Market in the past.

Whenever you come here for supplies and rest, you must not honestly obey the management of the members of the Wanjie Business League, even if you visit a kiln, you must behave well!

Today, they broke through the blue sky market, and the dazzling array of rare and exotic treasures in the warehouse really opened their eyes and forgot.

As a colonel in the imperial regular army, a major general, they added a bit of arrogance and courage, and gave them the illusion that "the four big families support Lao Tzu, who the **** dare to provoke Lao Tzu".

Not to mention the leaders of the small and medium-sized Star Thieves group, three barrels of spirits, alcohol power and medicinal properties at the same time, they have long thrown their vigilance and defense out of the sky.

In addition, Boss Bai, although his appearance is not good and his debut time is short, but he has been a star thief from his mother's womb. He has a clear sense of the star thief’s mentality and preferences, not only what he says. Every sentence was delivered to everyone's heart, and the arranged programs were wonderful, including his mediation and persuasion. He even resolved the grievances of several star thief groups in the midst of interlacing, winning a lot of applause and slightly changed. The impression of many star thief on him.

"Boss Bai sincerely wants to be the commander of this loyal national salvation army, so let him toss it, it will do us no harm anyway."

"Lao Tzu is now a member of the four major electors' families. Who the **** has eaten Xiongxin Leopard's guts, dare to fight here?"

"Even if you want to join forces, look, there is still half of Yongchunhou's fleet stationed here, and the confidant of Hou Ye will control'Li Yuanzhen', and even lunatics will not choose to be black at this time."

"Then let's indulge for half a day. From star thief to regular army, we must congratulate you!"

Many star thief thought about this one after another, and the bosses and soldiers brought the jade syrup and jade liquid to everyone. They just drank lightly-this round of wine is brewed from dozens of fresh fruits, the entrance is soft and there is no wine at all. The taste is like ice-cold juice. It is very delicious. Boss Bai said that this wine has a very low alcohol content and is not intoxicating. It is used to flush the intestines and stomachs that have just been burned by spirits, but it has the miraculous effect of "decorating wine".

Between the laughter and laughter, no one was picking up on whether he was right or not. Not to mention, after drinking the cold fruit wine, the feeling of dizziness just now was much better, and unexpectedly, he was a little greedy again!

The leaders of the Star Thieves group held a celebration banquet in the central square, and the soldiers under their hands were naturally not idle. They were accompanied by the fighters of the Great White Star Thieves group, betting and drinking at the periphery, serving delicious food and drink.

The chiefs gradually took off their defenses, and these soldiers were not at all vigilant. Anyway, in the battle to attack the blue sky market, almost all the starships of the Star Thieves group, including the squadron fleet, were beaten to pieces, and they paid different amounts. For the price, they are all moored in the dock waiting for maintenance.

The star thief had no starship, but the tiger had no minions, and they were just sitting around and having nothing to do. What else could they do besides eating, drinking, and having fun?

Boss Bai specially used this celebration banquet to fuse many Star Thieves groups. Under his instruction, the soldiers of the Great White Star Thieves Group used the excuses of celebration and wine fight to gather all the soldiers from other Star Thieves groups. Together they broke up again and brought them to various corners in the depths of the market.

As a result, the soldiers of the various Star Thieves groups have indeed made a lot of new friends, but the old mates of the same group have fallen apart, I don't know where they are!

As time went by, the celebration feast became more and more lively, and it fell more and more toward the abyss of loss of control.

Even the low-ranking officers and ordinary soldiers of the Li Wuji fleet remaining in the Blue Sky Market were moved by this atmosphere, and were served comfortably by the soldiers of the Great White Star Pirates Group.

They relied on their identities, so naturally they would not have a carnival with the star thief, but they would never refuse the wine and delicacies sent by the white boss.

Perhaps, at the moment, there is only one person in the Blue Sky Market who is still keeping the most basic sober.

That was the commander of this half of the Li Wuji fleet, Major General Li Yuanzhen of the Empire.

Li Yuanzhen is Li Wuji's clan brother and his confidant. Since he has been left to supervise the army and war, he is naturally a calm and loyal type.

Although all enemies have been suppressed and imprisoned, and within a radius of millions of kilometers, there is no force that can threaten them, but such a wild and unscrupulous scene still makes this well-trained regular soldier instinctively disgusted and vigilant. .

"Commander White, it's almost there."

Li Yuanzhen finally found Boss Bai, staring with gray-brown eyes, and said coldly, "The blue sky market is still unstable. There may be the remnants of the Ten Thousand Realms Business League and the Reformists in the dark, and our starships are all seriously damaged. , Need to repair and replenish ammunition fuel immediately, shouldn’t it be collected?"

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