40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2464: Fox fake tiger

In fact, the half of the regular army of the Li Wuzhi fleet remaining in the blue sky market has a chance to prevent the white boss from launching a large-scale slaughter-at least that five percent chance.

They relied on their identities and did not party with the star thief. Naturally, they drank a lot less. They still maintained a considerable vigilance and a certain degree of organization. If they can react in time, they may not be able to use snakes to swallow elephants, and thus their strength. The severely inadequate Great White Star Pirate Cluster caused great trouble.

But they were entangled by another group of vicious lunatics, that is, the members of the Ten Thousand Realms Commercial League and the reformists who were captured in the battle to flatten the blue sky market earlier.

Important figures among the captives of the Ten Thousand Realms Commercial League and the Reformists, such as the deacon of the Commercial League and the director of marketing Zuo Tianying, were naturally tied to the starship by Li Wuji and prepared to return to the territory of the four major families.

However, the ordinary business alliance fighters and reformists who occupy the absolute majority are neither necessary nor can they be taken away-star sea navigation, resources are precious, every time one more person is brought on board, an extra fuel will be consumed when performing star sea jumps. , Eating and drinking Lazar also consumes a great cost, even if it enters hibernation, it will consume frozen medicine!

Anyway, the first culprit of the worst crime has been taken away, and these insignificant ones will be detained in the blue sky market. When the time comes, they will be decapitated, or sold to various mines and farms as slaves, or fall into a more tragic end. Make the best use of it, but also subsidize military resources!

The prisoner's place was not far from the station of Li Wuji's regular army soldiers, which was also very reasonable-it was convenient for guarding.

However, when the star thief was drinking and gambling, the regular army also fell into a slight drunkenness, and gradually put down their vigilance, the prisoners were undercurrents.

"Fight it!"

"I heard that those of us were the first batch of'rebels' and'anti-thief' caught in the outer world of the empire. We must be killed and stunned. We can't escape a death word!"

"Fight it!"

"I heard that when the new emperor ascends the throne, we will all be cut and sacrificed to sacrifice the dragon robe of the new emperor!"

"Fight it!"

"No, I can't wait for the new emperor to ascend the throne. I heard that before the combined fleet of the four major electors attacked the Seven Seas Market, the headquarters of our business alliance, they would all have to cut all of us to sacrifice the flag. Then, that would not wait too much. Long time!"

"Fight it!"

"There is one death on the left and right, and now I die faster. I heard that the evil dogs raised by the electors will torture us in two days and squeeze out the memories in our brain cells, including our nine races. The message of the Nine Races to extinguish, it's not just a word of intimidation!"

"Fight! Do it! Do it!"

The anxious low roars of many soldiers and reformists of the Ten Thousand Realms Business Alliance converged into a torrent of anger.

However, even if you want to find someone desperately, it is difficult to do it in their current state of jail.

Each of them was hit by dozens of kilograms of lightning magnetic shackles on their hands and feet, and once they were pulled with strange force, they would release extremely powerful arcs.

The fence with the thickness of the arm outside the prison also passed an ultra-high-voltage arc, emitting faint blue sparks, "cracking".

Outside there are star thief with a sharp look and the regular army guarding them together, and if there is a slight change, a large number of regular army can be summoned to suppress.

In theory, it is foolproof care.

This is also the reason why both the Star Thieves and the regular army dared to rest assured and drink and revel.

But no matter how strong the barrier is, it can be broken from the inside, especially when the barrier is being built, some sneaky "rats" are mixed in.

Just as these prisoners were hesitating for no time, an astonishing change suddenly occurred.

Watching them outside the cell, several star thief from the Great White Star Thieves group floated behind the regular army like white ghosts, silently covered the regular army’s mouth, cut their throats, and quenched the poison. The dagger stabbed into their hearts.

There were also a large number of unidentified people outside, carrying dozens of Qiankun Rings, carrying several boxes of magic weapons, sneaking in, opening the prison door, and throwing the key to break the lightning magnetic shackles at them.

"Friends of Taoism, don't panic. We are all secret piles arranged by Deacon Jin Yuyan in the Great White Star Pirates Group. We are afraid that this despicable and shameless villain with the surname Bai will be capricious and betray us.

"Unexpectedly, he really didn't talk about loyalty so much. After receiving so many benefits from our Ten Thousand Realms Business Alliance, he turned around and sold us!

"Now that Boss Bai has already mastered the list of our dark piles, we are desperate and we can't escape anymore. Let's just join the brothers and make a big vote before we die!

"Dear brothers from the Ten Thousand Realms Business League and the Reformists, everyone is sure to die. If you hesitate a little, you may even fall into the **** on earth. , Kill two and earn one!"

"Wow! Wow! Wow!"

A large number of lightning magnetic shackles were untied and fell to the ground.

"Crack, click, click!"

The chainsaw sword, the concussion saber, and the Yabaku gun were sent one by one, and they were sent to the hands trembling slightly with anger.

It should be said that the words of these unidentified mysterious people, the "didden pile of golden words and jade words placed in the boss's place", have great loopholes.

However, this must have sufficient time and a calm environment to allow people to think calmly and calmly before they can faintly discover what is wrong.

In the current situation, these prisoners are already prisoners in death row, and there is nothing to lose.

Zuo Tianying and other high-level members of the Ten Thousand Realms Business Alliance were taken away by Li Wuji. The remaining captives were all middle and low-level. They had insufficient information and naturally not enough brain power. They were typical of "developed limbs and simple mind". generation.

When death is approaching, some people give them a chance to give them a go. How can they calm down and think? Still thinking about a bird!

"Charge! Kill!"

"Fighting one is enough, fight two and earn one!"

"A thousand cuts? Hahahaha, go to your mother's thousand cuts!"

The captives of the Ten Thousand Realms Business League and the Reformists gathered into a violent torrent, jumped out of the cell, and rushed towards the nearest regular army station under the leadership of the few "secret piles".

Ten seconds before this, the shells from the port starship just passed over their heads, mixed with ear-piercing screams, and fell into the regular army garrison-this was the result of hundreds of years of painstaking effort by Boss Bai. It's called perfect rifle coordination.

It must be admitted that even though Li Yuanzhen was not well-known in the imperial army and was killed by Boss Bai, he was indeed an experienced and solid combat general.

Even the temporary station of his men and horses was built between the several bunkers and firepower points of the Blue Sky Market itself, and he took the trouble to repair the defense formation, and set up watch towers and guard posts.

Therefore, a round of artillery attack by the Great White Star Pirates Group caused limited damage to the regular army station, and it was not as miserable as the Star Pirates in the central square.

The regular army that escaped into the bunker in time preserved most of the combat effectiveness.

The captives then rely on the impact of their flesh and blood on them, and they are destined to be impossible to completely eliminate them, at most causing some small disturbances to them.

Of course, because they have lost the command of their leader Li Yuanzhen, they now have no leader, and a small disturbance is very likely to evolve into chaos for half an hour or even an hour.

For Boss Bai, one hour of chaos is enough.

Taking advantage of the time when the regular army was entangled by the captives, Boss Bai used to destroy all the star thief leaders who participated in the celebration banquet. Before he could erase the blood stains on the upper layer of the crystal armor, he pointed the blade at a number more than the great white star thief group. Twenty-eight star thief group middle and low-level sailors ten times larger.

"Everyone has listened carefully. This commander is ordered by Lord Hou to reorganize the Loyalty and Righteous National Salvation Army together with General Li Yuanzhen!"

Boss Bai wielded his battle sword murderously, walked with the psionic puppet disguised as Li Yuanzhen, and branded the appearance of the two "people" into the midair of the raging flames with a mysterious light, and was stunned and confused as an ant. The star thief said, "Master Hou and this commander treat you very well, and sincerely want to recruit you and train you to become a glorious imperial army! But those insatiable and capricious guys, toasting and not eating fine wine, unexpectedly He even dared to flirt with the Ten Thousand Realms Business Alliance and the reformists, and even incited the captives to riot, in an vain attempt to pull the commander off the throne.

"This group of shameless villains has been suppressed by this commander and General Li, and their heads are here!

"If you are faithful to serve the country, you will obediently put down all the magic weapons and weapons, squatting on the spot and raising your hands. This commander knows that this matter has nothing to do with you, and that you are safe and sound. After the reorganization, the position and military rank will only be high or low, and you will get up tomorrow morning. There are a lot of rewards!

"If anyone is stubborn and wants to resist to the end, then follow these star thief leaders and go to Jiuyou Huangquan to eat shit!"

The howling of Boss White, and those bloody, unrecognizable heads, made all the star thief frightened, and their bones were softened by fright.

No one knows how a good celebration banquet could be like this, why the two sides got together inexplicably?

However, after the regular army incorporated bandits and rebellious forces, it was also commonplace to carry out killings and **** reorganizations with resolute, iron-and-blood methods.

Boss Bai said that it was Li Wuji's advice, but it was not impossible.

The **** "reorganization" or "fire merger" often only involves the middle and high levels of the Star Pirates group, and it does not have much impact on the middle and low-level sailors, gunners, and soldiers. After all, the starship still needs it. Relying on them to control, go out to kill, burn, and looting, but also to rely on them to work. Kill them all. Isn’t the Star Thieves an empty shell? Didn’t Boss Bai become the commander of a bare rod? What the hell!

Boss Bai's remarks were in line with the conventions of the star thief circle, and many star thief believed them by three points.

Everyone came out to be a star thief, naturally they dug out their loyalty and loyalty and fed the dog. It was always whoever had the big fist to eat with them. What does it matter if the boss is slaughtered? Change to a stronger and ruthless boss Isn't it? What a big deal!

What's more, the soldiers are in chaos at the moment. Their starships are all waiting on the dock for repairs, and the organization is all broken up. The star pirates around are all from the south and the north, and most of them only met half a day ago. Five puzzles and three ways, even if you can't grasp the knife firmly, even if you are willing to avenge the boss, how to avenge it?

Single-handedly rushed up, slashed Boss Bai, and then slashed Yongchunhou. Li Wushu?

Don't be **** funny!

"Dang Cang! Dang Cang!"

Many veterans who have been star thief for decades have gone through seven or eight conflagrations. They have changed three or five bosses. They immediately lost the chain saw sword and the arrow gun. The wine jar squatted down, and smiled and persuaded the inexperienced immature star thief around him: "It's okay, it's okay, the gods are fighting, it's nothing to us, squat well, as long as you squat well, it's okay!"

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