40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2465: Thief

Naturally, not all star thief are so "sensible", and there are also a small group of people who are not afraid of death or have no brains, and violently resist.

However, under the fierce suppression of the thundering power of Boss Bai who used the transformation of the gods, their resistance did not set off half a wave, and they were silently shattered and annihilated.

After half an hour, all the Star Thieves were disarmed, and all key positions in the Blue Sky Market fell into the hands of the Great White Star Thieves Group.

Only the regular army is still relying on the dark fort and the firepower to resist.

Compared with the star thief who sees the wind and the milk is the mother, their combat power and fighting will are much higher. If they want to wipe out all of them, it will inevitably make the Great White Star Thieves group's overstretched force even worse.

Boss Bai never thought of completely eradicating these people-the experienced and well-trained veterans in the regular army are more disciplined and honorable than the star thief. They are a great asset, and he is reluctant to kill them all. .


Boss Bai shook off the steaming blood stains on the sword and stared at the swaying stars deep in the burning sky, "The next battlefield is the starry sky!"

The power rune array of the crystal armor spewed out, and the white boss turned into a white streamer, rushing towards the battlefield in the starry sky!


In the starry sky battlefield, fierce fighting is raging.

The flagship "Yongchun" of the Li Wuji fleet is being besieged by more than a dozen fast-attack ships of cultivators. Like a water buffalo surrounded by hyenas, its huge figure rushes from the left to the right, and it can't get out of the opponent's fire net. Instead, The wound that was torn by the opponent along his whole body continuously poured in fierce firepower.

The Yongchun's psychic shield and defensive talisman array were completely out of control, each round of fire set off earth-shattering explosions, a large amount of fragmented matter and even the stumps of the cultivator's limbs were sucked into the vacuum, as if the blood of a giant beast spurted out wildly.

Suddenly, the bow of the Yongchun burst out with a dazzling white light. A giant soldier of white jade jumped out of the white light. The honeycomb magazine on the shoulders bloomed like a lotus, and hundreds of streams of light flowed around. Dazzlingly exploded, killing dozens of cultivators' space shuttles in one breath, and forcibly exploding a fast assault ship, which made the Yongchun face less pressure.

This giant soldier is the "Venerable Lotus" that Li Wuji personally controls!

The giant soldiers appeared on the stage, and the battlefield was in full swing for a moment of stagnation, and everyone was deeply shocked by the spiritual flames he released.

Li Wuji's mood never got better because of such stagnation.

Looking around, the chaos and tragedy of the starry sky battlefield made him feel dizzy, he almost vomited three liters of blood, and cried again.

He worked hard for decades to build a fleet that exhausted all the resources of himself and his allies, and it was finished.

The vast majority of starships were squeezed to pieces the moment they entered the four-dimensional space, or bounced out forcibly, instead of turning into an icy iron coffin, all crew members inside were killed by the flying blades condensed by the ripples of space; it was just twisted. It turned into huge steel twists, and continuously exploded in series. The crew turned into tragic sparks, bursting out of the starship's battered wounds.

Like the Yongchun, a battleship with a relatively strong structure and a relatively strong defense force may be able to escape the attack of the four-dimensional storm. However, it consumes extreme computing power and runs the defensive symbol array and the damage management system frantically. The consequence is that the "back door" opens. , The crystal brain virus of the cultivator keeps coming.

The abominable "boxing champion" Lei Zonglie invaded their war network through pre-buried "back doors", smashing their command, coordination, defense, and combat systems, all of which were torn apart and tightly blocked. Yan Shishi was completely paralyzed.

Modern warfare is a systematic war. A single starship or a giant soldier is not enough to determine the outcome of a war.

Command and communication come first!

In terms of overall strength, the cultivator, a fleet that has just been robbed in the last six months, is a patchwork, tattered and beggar-like fleet, far from the opponents of the Fleet Fleet.

However, they chose the right timing of their attack, which destroyed the command and communication system of the Li Wuji fleet. They separated every cultivator starship that was still capable of combat, and gained absolute strength on the regional battlefield. , Firepower and mobility advantages, it makes the situation miraculously reversed.

Of course, it is a miracle for the cultivator, and for the cultivator, he is not stingy with the most absurd nightmare.

Li Wuji watched his starship exploded one by one by the cultivator, losing all of its power, and could only drift with the flow, colliding with countless wrecks, perhaps triggering a series of explosions, and his heartache was about to explode.

"Asshole, Benhou will never spare every one of you, every one of you!"

Li Wuji's eyes were red and his hair was scattered. He cried and howled in the spirit house of the giant soldier "Lotus Venerable". He quickly locked onto a cultivator battleship with the largest volume and strongest psychic energy fluctuations. Past.

This should be the flagship of the cultivator.

Using the unparalleled fighting power of the giant gods to destroy the flagship of the cultivator, such a straightforward decapitation tactic may be the only chance to turn defeat into victory.

The speed of Venerable Lotus soared to the limit, swallowing thousands of kilometers away in a flash, and he could clearly see the iron fist crown and battle emblem painted on both sides of the opponent's flagship.

Suddenly, the gate under the flagship of the cultivator slowly opened, and a group of things that looked like a steel meteor was released, and a dazzling spiral tail flame spewed from the back, unbiased, facing Li Wushu.

"The Rats are so courageous!"

Venerable Lotus spurred a shadowless profound light, which instantly penetrated this group of steel meteors like a tide, without scanning too strong psychic energy fluctuations.

Knowing that the other party was not a giant soldier, Li Wuji couldn't help but sneer repeatedly, "But a bunch of scrap copper and rotten iron dare to stop the giant soldier in front of Benhou. With this thing, how long can he stop Benhou? Ten seconds, Twenty seconds, or half a minute?"

While speaking, the steel meteor had already rushed in front of Li Wuji, but slowly unfolded in the sea of ​​stars, turning into a steel giant hundreds of meters high!

Although it is a giant hundreds of meters high, it is indeed as Li Wujian said, all kinds of crystal cables, gears and pipelines are exposed to the vacuum, like a random patchwork of scrap copper and iron, it is simply a human-shaped garbage mountain. The slightest combat power can be said.

"Are you Lei Zonglie the'Boxing King'?"

Li Wuji sneered, the giant **** soldier's arms rippled with lotus-shaped psychic ripples, blasting towards the chest of this hundreds-meter-high steel giant, "Big and improper, vulnerable!"


The giant wave of psychic energy set off by the Venerable Lotus, splashed ripples in the shape of a lotus on the chest of the steel giant, and even pierced the chest of the steel giant forcibly. Even the limbs that were barely connected together were faintly broken and broken. Signs of collapse.

It seems as if Li Wuji said, "vulnerable."

However, before Li Wuji sneered sarcastically, this steel giant over a hundred meters high took the initiative to explode!

A large number of spar bombs buried deep in the chest exploded in series, exploding an extremely unstable and frantic magnetic field. It seemed as if a blood basin had a big mouth, swallowing Venerable Lotus Li Wuji in one mouthful, seriously interfering with the scanning of the giant soldiers and Li Wuji. His perception made him deaf and blind for a second.

A second later, the poisonous snake formed from the fragmented remains of the steel giant entangled the limbs of Venerable Lotus.

There are also dozens of small psionic puppets less than two meters high. They were originally hibernating in the steel giant's body very insidiously. They burst open at this moment. When Venerable Lotus was at a loss, they climbed to this giant soldier. On the body, looking for every smallest gap.


The ten fingers of these small psionic puppets can be transformed into various small and exquisite tools at will. They found a gap in the giant soldier’s body, and immediately began to cut and gouge frantically, trying to invade the giant soldier’s interior, cut off the psionic and fuel pipeline, and even enter Lingfu, directly grabbed Li Wuji.

——Li Wuji wanted to implement decapitation tactics on the cultivators, but he didn't expect that Lei Zonglie, the "boxing king" with a wonderful life form, would also want to go directly into his spiritual palace and implement decapitation tactics on him!

Just after waking up from the series of explosions, he immediately found dozens of annoying little bugs crawling on his giant soldier. Li Wuji was anxious and frightened and inexplicably frightened. Only then did he realize that he had become the "boxing champion" Lei Zonglie. Dadang——The steel giant with a height of several hundred meters is not the body of the boxing champion at all, but is just a ostentatious cover. One of these small psionic puppets is his deity!

"Damn, he is really a despicable and shameless cultivator!"

Li Wuji yelled violently, Venerable Lotus burst out waves of stormy spiritual flames all over his body, trying to blow or burn the psionic puppets that had climbed on him.

He achieved partial success. Indeed, seven or eight psionic puppets were burned into scrap copper and rotten iron by his spiritual flames, and they were blown away far away.

However, there are still some psionic puppets made from materials that do not know how to use them. The high temperature of thousands of degrees is not enough to destroy their internal functions. After they tore through the tiny cracks in the giant soldiers, even from the "mouth" Spikes came out from inside and poked in fiercely.

An astronomical flow of information suddenly flooded into Venerable Lotus' master crystal brain, attacking the firewall aggressively, and competing with Li Wuya for control of this giant soldier.

It's like, the boxing king wants to occupy the magpie's nest, and treats the innocent giant soldier as his newest body!

Li Wuji was stunned by the opponent's extremely weird tactics, and for a while, he was a little at a loss.

However, he reacted for only half a second, screamed, madly running through the brain, and temporarily set up a brand new dynamic firewall to remove the "consciousness" or "spirit" of the boxing champion. The "offensive database" is firmly resisted outside.

Li Wuji's resistance was successful-temporarily.

After all, the main control crystal brain of the giant soldier is too high, and it is not the boxing king who can invade in a while.

But this kind of resistance almost exhausted all the computing power of the giant soldier, so that Li Wuji did not scan the other giant soldier that quietly appeared behind him.

It was a pale gray, unremarkable and even a little wretched giant soldier.

It's like a super giant steel mouse over twenty meters high.

No, compared with a mouse, this giant soldier with curved blades inlaid on elbows and toes is a bit more ferocious and ferocious, more like... more like the prehistoric times, with light footsteps and surprisingly fast speed. Very aggressive Velociraptor.

This giant soldier is Boss Bai's car, the thief!

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