40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2466: The dust settles

The Pole Thief is a giant soldier with lightness, agility, concealment and assassination to the fullest, and can be called the most wretched giant soldier among the stars.

This insignificant characteristic even differs greatly from Li Yao's fighting style.

No matter what Li Yao usually looks like, or whether he is a little bit cautious in his strategic choices, but when he meets short-term forces, he still walks in a big way, bravely and diligently, pulling out the cannon is a dry and **** route.

The thief is like a wave of shadowless wind, every wind whirls, it will steal something from the target.

For the first time, the thief and the lotus stalked each other and stole a piece of the other's breastplate.

The second staggering stole a power unit on the back left side of the opponent's body.

For the third time, even the left calf of Venerable Lotus was "stolen"!

In terms of combat effectiveness, the Starry Federation broke through the state of transforming gods a few decades ago, and it has two generations of combat experience as a human. It combines the dual spirits of "Star Thief Supreme Dignity Heart Sword" and "Star Thief King Bai Xinghe". Bai Xingjian, a new generation of powerfully enhanced version of Bai Xingjian, was originally far superior to Yongchun Hou Li Wuji.

Even if the two were fighting alone, Li Wuji was definitely not his opponent.

Of course, even if Li Wuji couldn't beat Boss Bai in the battle of Huashen vs. Huashen, it was extremely likely that he would fled away and flee far away.

But now, there is still a champion.

The boxing king is not a human being. Its core is "sustainable independent thinking and upgrading combat puppets". Even though it is different from the "information life" of Xiao Ming and Wen Wen, it has very similarities.

The body of the boxing king is not a certain psionic puppet attached to Venerable Lotus at this moment, but a collection of all the psionic puppets. It has even penetrated into Venerable Lotus’ database and operations through the intrusion of the psychic puppets. In the system, it greatly interfered with the battle of Venerable Lotus.

This is some kind of...machine-to-machine "robbing"!

The terrifying white boss, the weird boxing champion, and the two masters are swiftly attacking back and forth. This third-class prince of the empire is really doomed, hard to fly!

For a moment, he seemed to be hit back and forth by a psychic storm between the world and the earth. 36,000 pores were rushing with blood at the same time, and the spotless spiritual house became a mess.

The operation interface of the giant soldier on the surrounding virtual light curtain rippled with a series of vague ripples, shattering all the data and instructions, and the giant soldier was quickly out of his control, as if a sharp blade was inserted into him and the giant soldier. The nerves connected together severely stripped his soul from the giant soldier.


Under the continuous pressure of the two masters, Li Wuji's defense finally collapsed completely. Venerable Lotus' hands and feet spread out in a "big" shape, convulsing desperately.

The Pole Pirate took the opportunity to curl up his limbs and shrank into a big iron ball, and slammed it against its chest, bringing Venerable Lotus all the way into the Yongchun bridge with sparks and lightning.

The shock wave generated by the collision of the two giant soldiers was like a thousand spar bombs exploding at the same time, and the bridge of the Yongchun ship passed through the border like a hurricane, completely paralyzed.

"Huh! Huh!"

The sharp blade on the elbow of the thief turned around and crossed into the spiritual house of Venerable Lotus, wiping it dangerously and dangerously from Li Wuji's side.

The sharp blade light, like the yin wind in the depths of Jiuyou Huangquan, swept through every cluster of nerves in Li Wuji's body.

The superalloy psionic puppet that forms part of the body of the boxing king also followed the breastplate opened by the Venerable Lotus, and went into the spiritual house. From the body, he pulled out knives, swords, halberds, axes, hooks, and three-packed six-barreled rotating bombers. All eight weapons locked Li Wuji's eyebrows and heart, and issued a silent threat.

Li Wuji was dizzy by the shock wave, and when he reacted, he was already in a dilemma that he could not struggle.

He was angry, anxious and ashamed, his brain was blank, and he was stunned for a long time before he vomited with a loud "wow"!


On the ground of the Blue Sky Market, the regular army's resistance continued.

The Great White Star Thieves Group only controlled the surrounding firepower points, not allowing them to break through, but did not intend to attack at all.

The Great White Star Pirates Group does not intend to attack. This regular army remnant who has just been hit by heavy artillery and cannot reach the leader Li Yuanzhen will naturally not rush to break through.

They still have great illusions, expecting that they will stay here for a while, and they will be able to find something wrong here, and command the main force of the intact fleet to come back to rescue them.

However, such "good wishes" were shattered by "cruel reality".

Just as they were huddled in the bunker and the firepower spot, and stalemate with the Great White Star Pirates Group, from outside the artificial atmosphere, a twisted, battered giant soldier came and descended on them. The top of his head.

It is Li Wuji's "Lotus Venerable".

Many soldiers naturally recognized the giant soldiers of their masters, and thought that Li Wuji rushed back to reinforce them in time. They were about to cheer and counterattack, but there was something wrong when they fixed their eyes—this giant soldier was smoky and tattered. It looks like it has just been severely devastated by someone. How can Li Wuji's meticulously maintained white jade and spotless?

"What's the matter, how did Lord Hou's giant soldiers become such a terrible appearance?"

The regular army soldiers looked at each other and felt a little hairy in their hearts.


Venerable Lotus' half of his breastplate was kicked from the inside out, and Boss White and Boxing King emerged from the Ling Mansion and stood majesticly on top of everyone's heads.

Between the two of them, there was a swollen nose, a swollen nose, a big tie, and a blood stained body.

Li Wuji was in a daze, his head downcast, and he didn't dare to face his soldiers at all, but the sharp blades in the hands of Boss Bai and the boxing champion crossed his neck, but forcibly forced him to raise his head, making many soldiers see clearly.


Boss Bai called out a second time, "Your master has been captured alive by us. This servant does not have the strength of a cultivator of immortality, and gives him the opportunity to'kill himself and become benevolence' and dare not die. Do you still have to be loyal to him, even Die for him?

"I cherish that you are all the top starship control experts. You don't want to ruin your lives. Otherwise, you will block the surroundings and wait for me to mobilize the starships and continue to bombard for three or five hours. Who can If you don't die, who can leave the whole body after death?

"Surrender—this is the third time I persuade to surrender, but I will never persuade it again for the fourth time, either surrender or die!"

Before the words fell, swirling ripples appeared in the artificial atmosphere, and murderous starships burst in, marking the words of Boss Bai with vivid footnotes.

Among the several small starships towed, it was the flagship "Yongchun" that basically lost power and was crippled!

The flagship was abolished, the commander was captured alive, the immediate boss was missing, and he was surrounded by the enemy-at this point in the battle, any troop choosing to surrender would not be considered embarrassing.

Even the cultivator's troops should be dropped.

The regular army of the four major electoral families, especially the middle and low-level young officers and ordinary soldiers and even the primitive slave soldiers of the regular army have long been attacked by the reform riot and the great wave of cultivation. The military spirit is not stable. The retreat is nothing more than because the opponent is a lowly and despicable star thief, and the honor of the regular army is supporting them.

But now, seeing Li Wuji's embarrassing appearance, they fight to the end with their necks, and who are they going to die for?


"Dang Cang! Dang Cang!"

The soldiers sighed intricately, dropped the sweat and blood-tainted weapons in their hands, and surrendered to the white boss and boxing champion.

It wasn't until this moment that the ordinary star thief of the remaining 28 star thief clusters, who were far superior in number, realized that it was wrong.

"This, this is not right. Didn't it mean that Boss Bai and Yong Chunhou joined forces to reorganize us? Why did the team of Boss Bai and Yong Chunhou fight instead!"

Numerous star thief looked at each other, dumbfounded, and they were unclear.

It is the same thing to be reorganized by the four major electoral families represented by Yongchunhou. If only the reorganization of Bai Boss, or even with Bai Boss, face the dual anger of the reformers and the four major families-this, this is ridiculous Right!

"Boss White, the wolf-hearted Boss White, the despicable Boss White, the frantic Boss White!"

Many star thief woke up like a dream, and they wanted to take up their weapons again, but it was too late.

Their magic weapons and crystal armor had long been searched by the soldiers of the Great White Star Thieves Group, and they were arranged in an unconcealed lowland, but the other party held the commanding heights and firepower points, with a bit of sarcasm, and coldly looked down on them.

Besides, there are more and more starships in the sky tearing the man-made atmosphere, breaking into the blue sky market and the gravitational circle, like a giant steel beast, mooring lazily on top of them.

Many star thief had sharp eyes and saw the iron fist crown and battle emblem on these starships at a glance. They recognized that this was the fleet of cultivators that had come and gone without a trace in the outer world of the empire in the past year, and they couldn't help being surprised.

"Boss Bai got together with the cultivator, and teamed up with the terrible'Boxing King' Lei Zonglie!"

This kind of cognition, like a huge hammer, smashed down, breaking the last backbone of the star pirates who tried to resist.

Although the starships of the Comprehensive Fleet were robbed from the Imperial Army and even the Star Pirates, even the armed mining ships and merchant ships were transformed, in dilapidated, varied, and poor tonnage and firepower.

But starships are starships after all, and it is more than enough to deal with their "ants" scattered on the ground.

If you are not careful, you will lose all the games!

Realizing that they had stepped into a despicable trap from the beginning, these star thief had no choice but to sigh, and closed their eyes to accept the verdict of the white boss and the boxing champion.

In this way, in just twenty-four hours, the empire has the richest peripheral materials, the most advanced maintenance facilities, and the comprehensive commercial Star Harbor and the Blue Sky Market, which have the strongest upgrade and replenishment capabilities, and have successively changed three owners.

First, the Ten Thousand Realms Merchant League and the Reformists, then the Imperial Star Thieves and the noble coalition forces, and finally-finally fell into the hands of the Federation Star Thieves and the Cultivators!

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