40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2467: Boss Bai's double reed (sixth!)

"Hurrah! Long live! Long live!"

When the Great White Star Pirates and the Starship Victory of the Comprehensive Fleet join forces, the white mouse battle flag with twisting buttocks, the battle flag of the Starlight Organization and the iron fist battle flag wearing a crown will all flutter and hunt in the burning sky of the blue sky market. When it sounded, all the star thief from the Star Federation and the cultivators of the Starlight Organization were ecstatic and cheered from the bottom of their hearts.

Needless to say, the core members of the Great White Star Pirates Group.

Although after jumping from the Federation to the Empire, under the leadership of Bai Boss, he has fought hundreds of battles, almost invincible and invincible, and every battle will be full.

But they have never attacked a "strong city" with rich materials and strong defenses like the Blue Sky Market, and they have never eaten an entire fleet of the regular army in one breath!

Such an unprecedented victory not only represents the glory of the star thief, but also represents the glory of the Federation from the Star Beach.

Even though they are lowly Star Thieves who have spent decades in federal prisons, the Federation is still their homeland after all. Many Star Thieves, their relatives and friends still remain in the Federation, and the relationship between them and the Federation The fetters are always cut no matter how they are cut.

The "hillies" from the front of the Xinghai Sea rushed into the big world in the center of the Xinghai Sea, and they could still get mixed up, and even upset the earth.

Haha, in terms of technology, the degree of development is clearly higher in the middle of Xinghai; however, in terms of sturdiness and brutality, where the gangsters are better-it is definitely the poorest place to make trouble!

One day, the terrible fame of the Federation Star Thieves will be known to everyone in Xinghai Central, and the first flash that condenses this fate is today’s battle, which is to attack the Blue Sky Market and the 28 Star Thieves Groups. He also ate Li Wuji's entire fleet in one go!

Boss Bai did not lie to them, they are really likely to be the freest people in the ages, the greatest star thief among the stars and the sea!

Not to mention the cultivators from the mainland of the empire.

In the decades and even hundreds of years before today, they have always been struggling on the edge of life and death, and being able to make a little bit of their own voice is the limit. Even if there are massive riots in mines and farms, they are often swirling. It was destroyed, and the noise came to the imperial regular army to suppress it, and it was easily defeated.

They could not even dream that they could conquer a huge super port and commercial stronghold, so that the elite fleets in the regular army of the empire were smashed into the sand under their gunfire, and even the third-class princes of the empire were captured alive by them. , Five flowers tied!

More importantly, after occupying the blue sky market, they have obtained sufficient materials, and the training resources are enough to help many of them break through a new realm and greatly enhance their combat effectiveness.

And after capturing so many star pirates and regular army starships, and then using the facilities of the Blue Sky Market to repair and upgrade, they can fully refurbish their current tattered and beggar-like fleet.

In this way, the fire of comprehension that has been suppressed for thousands of years has the hope of igniting wildly again and starting a prairie fire!

How can we not be happy, how can we not cheer, how can we not be ecstatic?

The entire blue sky market has become a sea of ​​celebration. The weird combination of Federal Star Thieves and Imperial Cultivator sings and dances. Naturally, after seeing the lessons of the Imperial Star Thieves and the regular army, wine is absolutely forbidden, and the winners have no choice but to do so. Desperately waving the battle flag, venting his excitement and pleasure.

The banners are displayed as picturesque, and a pair of friends who have been separated for a long time also meet again. It is the boys and girls from the Wuying world, Han Te and Liuli.

Two young and energetic friends hugged tightly.

The whole world seemed to disappear, leaving only two of them.


"Liu Li!"

With eyes facing each other and tears streaming down, looking back at the incredible experience of the past half year, both of them felt dreamlike.

When Hante and Liuli, as well as "boxing king" Lei Zonglie and senior captain Gao Dakang of the Starlight Organization, were rescued from Wu Yingxing by Li Yao, the fleet of immortal cultivators was still entrenched in the entire Wuying world.

In desperation, Li Yao sacrificed himself to lead all the immortal cultivators to chase and intercept him, but it made the remnants of the Starlight Organization escape to the periphery of the empire, the edge of the second quadrant, to find Boss Bai.

Even though Li Yao said that at that time, Han Te and Liuli did not have much confidence in the star thief leader Bai Boss. They also heard about the star thief profession, knowing that the star thief are extremely vicious and ruthless people. A bit of morality and credibility can be said, and no matter how tyrannical the star thief is, it is not the opponent of the regular army of immortal cultivators.

This boss never knew them, how could he rashly accept the defeated generals of such a cultivator and ask for trouble?

However, they were desperate at the time, so they had no choice but to be a live horse doctor. After all the hardships, relying on the leadership and protection of the boxing champion, they finally came to the outer world of the empire. By chance, they really met with Boss Bai. Got it.

Unexpectedly, Boss Bai looked at their small team up and down, and after pondering for a long time, did not turn them away, but gave them an unexpected suggestion.

"You cultivators are too eye-catching. If you stay in the Great White Star Pirate Group, it is very easy to be discovered by the cultivators, and it will be inconvenient for everyone.

"However, since you are... cultivators, I won't just watch you die. There is a way for you.

"My great white star thief group is galloping in the outer world of the empire. It has grown to where it is today in just a few years. It relies on speed and dexterity. I train elite soldiers and control the fastest speed, the strongest firepower, and equipment. The most sophisticated new warship.

"But every time you rob the immortal cultivator’s Starport or Fire and other Star Thieves group, you can always grab a large number of old and heavy starships. I will never take these burdens away, but I will give it up for no reason. unfortunately.

"It just happens that I just made a few big deals recently, and I smashed a lot of these old and heavy starships and weapons like scraps of copper and iron. If you don’t dislike them, I will give you all of these things. Come to develop your own fleet of comprehensionists.

"At the same time, I can also send a group of instructors-all experienced star pirates with the most combat experience, to teach you how to build and control a real fleet.

"What I mean, the Great White Star Pirates Group and your Comprehensive Fleet, might as well be horns and sing double reeds, that is,'two brands, one system'.

"Specifically, I have a lot of information about the Star Thieves group going out to robbery, but if you take advantage of the fire and rob too much and you are easily hated by your peers, then you might as well let you come forward and take advantage of the fact that they have just finished their big business and the ammunition warehouse is empty. Cangmanmandang, **** his mother fiercely!

"Even, it doesn’t matter if I do this business myself. As long as you can take the scapegoat afterwards, it’s still the old rules at that time. I want the new warships among them, the other starships will belong to you, and the rest of the supplies will be fifty-five. Open, just as I support the construction of the empire’s road of cultivation.

"One more thing, the vast resource planets and mine farms in the outer world of the empire contain countless valuable intelligence and manpower. I really want to open up this field, build a number of strongholds, and turn most of the people on the periphery of the empire into my sympathizers. , Supporters, at least those who dare to do business with me.

"But it's not appropriate for me to do this by myself. The tree attracts the wind. What is it that a stinky star thief actually wants to buy people's hearts? It is most appropriate for your'Starlight Organization' to do it, but you are doing this in the first place. Ordinary people have heard your name and trust you quite a bit.

"In short, on the surface, the two of us might as well have a tit-for-tat, or even a fight, but in fact, there is a lot of room for complementarity and cooperation. Now that we can sing well, let’s not talk about the issue of not allowing the empire to change colors, at least The living space of each other can be greatly expanded, how about it, or not?"

Boss Bai said that for this reason, what else can the desperate Starlight Organization remnants have to say, do, and of course do it!

Everything that happened after that was exactly what Bai Boss said.

He first sent a batch of old starships that the remnants of the Starlight Organization could barely make up, and then sent senior star pirates to train the fighters of the Starlight Organization, and almost taught the Starlight Organization how to set up ambushes, sneak attacks, turn the rudder by the wind, and take advantage of the fire. Together, the Starlight Organization teamed up and merged several notorious Star Thieves Groups, and the Starlight Organization quickly developed shotguns.

After that, after obtaining sufficient supplies, especially after a large number of powerful computing power master crystal brains, "Boxing King" Lei Zonglie's combat effectiveness and dominance level also showed a trend of leaps and bounds, even in many areas. , Such as the cracking and intrusion of the crystal brain, the interference of the Lingwang and the offensive and defensive warfare, on the contrary, it surpassed the white boss, and the two sides have truly become an inseparable cooperative relationship.

To this day, they joined forces to conquer the blue sky market, swallowed the elephants with snakes, merged 28 star thief regiments and a regular army fleet, and officially leapt into a pivotal force on the periphery of the empire that cannot be ignored.

This, all this is really like a dream!

"Liu Li, flick on my forehead to see if we are dreaming or not, don't wait a moment when we wake up from the dream, are we still suffering on the evil soil?"

Hante said to Liuli with a grin.

Liuli bends her finger and flicks it fiercely on Hante's forehead. He actually made a "boom", so that Hante jumped up with pain, and then bent down, holding his forehead, tears bursting out of her eyes.

He wiped his tears and laughed: "It hurts, it's not a dream. We really won. Today we can capture the blue sky market. Maybe it won't take long to bring the mighty fleet back to the world of Wuying. Go, smash all the evil soil paradise!"

The young man who was born in a wicked soil still remembers his troubled homeland.

Of course, what he couldn't forget was the little sister in front of him who escaped from evil soil with him.


It's the sixth watch again, ah, ah, the old cow no longer feels the existence of his hands!

But looking at everyone's enthusiastic support and heated discussions in the comment area, no matter how exhausted it is, it is worth it!

Only, uh, there is only one small problem.

Didn't you find that "someone" has not appeared in more than ten or twenty chapters? If the protagonist of other books has not appeared in more than ten or twenty chapters, the book review area has long been swearing. Why in our book review area, there is not a book friend who misses dear Li Laomo~~~~ ~

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