40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2468: Little sister and my sister (first!)

The two little friends who were born in a wicked soil and were childhood sweethearts and hug together to keep warm, but after plunged into the vast sea of ​​stars at one end, they embarked on their own different paths of life.

In Hante’s bones, he was full of ambitious and restless blood, and he was full of curiosity about the star-pirates stalking the stars, coming and going without a trace, free and even somewhat mysterious and romantic life, when he heard that the cultivator fleet urgently needs a contact. When an official was stationed in the Great White Star Pirates Group so that the two sides could work together more smoothly, he took the initiative to ask for it and undertake this complex and arduous task.

After coming to the Great White Star Pirates Group, he not only did his job in an orderly manner, but also managed to get in touch with many other positions with ease. In the end, like a previous life, he found the position of "gunner".

The so-called "gunner" is not just a simple bombardment by manipulating the giant artillery on a starship. Its advanced professional "fire control officer" is responsible for all the firepower distribution and strike rhythm of a starship or even the entire fleet.

Even for the most common mass-produced assault ship, there are hundreds of large and small naval guns and anti-aircraft guns. If it is a joint fleet composed of hundreds of starships, all the firepower is even more astronomical. digital.

The intricate firepower, how to configure it, how to adjust the shooting angle, how to switch the rhythm of the attack, whether it should be hurried or not, should it be attacked, or cover diffusion... It is an extremely esoteric knowledge, and the answer is, Often it is in the hands of the fire control officer alone.

In most deep-space fleets, the fire control officer is the second or third person next to the highest commander, alongside the chief of staff of the fleet.

Even when the fleet commander sacrifices or loses combat capability, it is often not the chief of staff who takes over the post, but the fire control officer.

The chief of staff is the assistant, and the fire control officer is the one who has the final say.

To become an excellent fire control officer requires not only rich experience, calm thinking ability and rock-solid will, but more importantly talent.

When should ten thousand cannons fire in unison, when should we die, when should we bombard with psychic energy at the expense of rushing forward, and even when we are in a disadvantaged situation, should we remove all psychic shields and dissipate energy? Concentrate in the turret and start a desperate bet of life and death-these questions cannot be answered in books or in the brain of a crystal, and they are often determined by the spark of talent of the fire control officer, like an artist.

There is a consensus in the fleet commander circle that an excellent fire control officer can turn decay into a miracle, and use his own power to increase the intensity of a fleet's firepower by at least 20%!

Another indisputable consensus is that the top fire control officer is just like the best artist, who cannot be cultivated at all and can only be discovered slowly.

The current Hante, of course, is not an excellent fire control officer, even the word "qualified" is hard to call it.

However, his composure when manipulating the naval gun, the calmness when distributing firepower, and the fanatical and calm state when he was desperate, had already made the venomous boss Bai see his talent at a glance, knowing that this is a rare good seed. So ecstatically wanting to train him.

Hante's character is also particularly against the temper of the white boss.

The Nietu Paradise where he was born is like the **** sea of ​​stars. It is a hunting garden and arena where the weak and the strong eat the flesh. Everyone is born a prey and a hunter at the same time.

Hante is like a fish in the Great White Star Pirates group, and getting along with Boss Bai is even more enjoyable. Although he has already worshipped Liuli's father as a master in his hometown, Boss Bai is more than enough to be his teacher, and he is also from Li Yaoliu. The Jade Slips and Boss Bai who came down have learned a lot of things, and the improvement in half a year is simply greater than that of others in ten years.

Just now, the starship of the Great White Star Pirates group secretly turned the turret direction and bombarded the Imperial Star Pirates and the garrison in the Blue Sky Market. The incomparable locking and near-perfect coordination of infantry was also a credit to Hante!

Hantele is even more arrogant and ambitious, taking Boss Bai as his goal to follow and even surpass.

Even if the Great White Star Pirate Group and the Comprehensive Fleet successfully rendezvous, he does not intend to return to the Comprehensive's side.

Liuli was the opposite of him, always staying in the cultivator fleet, to be more precise, staying next to "Boxing King" Lei Zonglie.

The boxing king is a super psionic puppet that can continue to upgrade and survive forever. The cultivation method is unique. If you want to become stronger, you have to work day and night, race against time, and continue to strengthen your steel body, and even replace new ones. A stronger and firmer body.

Such strengthening transformation and maintenance work cannot be done by the boxing champion alone, and at least an assistant is needed.

When Li Yao left the Wuying realm, he poured some of his maintenance experience and secret methods into the jade slip and handed it over to Liuli.

Nietu Paradise is equivalent to the magic tomb of a whole planet. Most of the magic treasures must be repaired and assembled by themselves. Children born on Nietu often have good magic weapon repair and maintenance skills, even for hundreds of years. The rusty magic weapon can also be polished three times and five times.

Liuli originally had the foundation of magic weapon repair, and the girls were more ingenious. Under the guidance of Li Yaoyu's Jane and the teaching of the boxing champion, they could barely keep up with the rhythm of the boxing champion.

Now, she has become an indispensable exclusive repairer and upgrader for the boxing champion. There is only one research direction, and that is how to maintain the boxing champion's body and make him truly "the strongest in the universe"!

This kind of auxiliary work, in the eyes of the ambitious Hante, is too boring and boring, but Liuli enjoys it.

She was originally a temperament who liked being quiet and not moving, and she would inevitably be frightened when she was alone in the stars. She could not leave the boxing champion and accept the comprehensive protection of the boxing champion. What could be unsatisfactory?

Whether Han Te wants to be a superhero or a thief, let him be. Anyway, Liuli has her own small ideals. She can serve a small barley field, which is very good!

In the past six months, the drastic changes in life have caused the young boys and girls in their twenties to grow rapidly.

The green stubble on the boy's lips became harder, and the girl's figure became more rounded and plump. Hug together today, he feels that the other party is like "the most familiar stranger".

Hugging for a long time, looking at each other with a smile, only to see the reflection in each other's eyes, the figure of the past.

"We, who were still struggling in the Nietu Paradise a year ago, must have never expected such a big change in ourselves."

Hante looked at his hands and muttered, "Life... will become so wonderful and incredible!"

"Yes, after Yao Lao came to our world, our lives seemed to be pushed hard by him, and suddenly rushed into a turbulent vortex."

Liuli also laughed, and suddenly said, "I really hope Yao Lao can see us now-I don't know where he is. After all, I really miss him, I don't know when I can see him again."

"There must be a chance."

Han Te said, "I heard Boss Bai say that now the imperial capital has risen a peerless fierce called'Golden Eagle, Vulture Li Yao', and he is Yao Lao in all likelihood!"

"Master Boxer also said it, but I still can't believe it--"

Liuli took a deep breath and asked inconceivably, "A cultivator, will he rise up in the capital of the real human empire? Old Yao is really, really hard to guess!"

"Who said no?"

Hante grinned, "So, I admire two people most in my life, one is Boss Bai and the other is Old Yao. They are the kind of existence that does not need to be surprised no matter what miracle they perform."

"Don't forget that there is Master Boxer."

Liuli said unconvincedly, "You admire Boss Bai, but I think our master boxing master is more powerful, let's go, and meet the master boxing master with me-you are still stationed in the Big White Star Thieves group anyway. Liaison officer!"

"Yes, yes, this one is going to go naturally."

Hante felt a little embarrassed suddenly, touching his head and said, "However, can you go back in the afternoon, or wait for two hours, only two hours!"


Liuli was in surprise, when Han Te suddenly heard a voice of ying and swallows, several girls with plump figures, petite and exquisite, charming, or bright-eyed girls rushed towards him.

"Hant, what are you still doing here, you have finally taken the blue sky market, you are not a big hero, go and celebrate with us!"

"That is, everyone has been waiting for you for a long time, but you sneaked out and didn't say a word to your sister. My sister is so sad!"

"Hey, who is this younger sister, she looks a little faceless!"

Liuli stared at the girls who were bigger than herself in a stunned look, and looked at Han Te in disbelief: "These are..."

"Oh, let me introduce to you, these are the young ladies I know in the Great White Star Pirates Group."

Hante gave a dry cough, and said without changing his face, "This is the young lady on the bridge, this is the young lady in the fire control room, and also my half senior sister, this is the young lady in the power cabin, this is The young lady of the Space Shuttle Brigade, a very powerful ace attacker!"

Liuli was stunned for a long time, her eyes were frozen by the ice crystals, and to the end, she stammered out: "They, they are all your little sisters, what about me?"


Hante couldn't figure out the situation at all and blurted out, "You are my dearest and dearest little sister, I have always regarded you as my own sister, no, it is my twin sister who treats you as my most important relative!

"Are you still worried that I will change my heart after wandering between the stars? Hahahaha, you really think too much of Liuli! I tell you, no matter what kind of person I Hante will become in the future, or even become unrecognizable, I am right Your family relationship will never change, and I will always treat you as a twin sister to protect, forever!"

Liuli finally couldn't help it, the ice crystal burst, tears of grievance and anger surge.


Hante scratched his head, "I'm not so touched by what I said? Even if we two brothers and sisters have not seen each other for a long time, you don't need to be so emotionally fragile. In this way, you should go back and tell Master Boxing. I will finish talking with the young ladies. I'll go to you after the matter, two hours at most, okay?"

"Good... good..."

Liuli's face wrinkled and turned into an ugly little orange. After enduring it for a long time, she finally couldn't help but erupt, "Oh, you are so tall, just go and celebrate with the ladies, stinky Hante, I will ignore you again. !"

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