40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2469: Boss Bai’s kindness

Even in the biggest disaster, there is often a trace of luck. Nightmare and hope are originally two sides of the same coin. It depends on the identity of the person who catches the coin, and from which perspective.

In the ancient age of navigation, there was a cold joke-hitting an iceberg caused the entire ship to sink, and all passengers were buried in the ocean. This is certainly a disaster for the passengers, but it is waiting to be cooked in the galley on the ship. As far as the marine fish is concerned, it is "the salvation of the gods"!

This joke, used to describe Zuo Tianying's mood at the moment, is appropriate.

After being locked with psychic energy, wearing a pipa bone, and smashing three layers of thunder and magnetic shackles on the Yongchun, the deacon of the Ten Thousand Realms Business League, the head of the Blue Sky Market 24 hours ago, had already lost all thoughts and was ready. Greet the torture that life is better than death and the ending of a thousand swords.

Unexpectedly, the Yongchun would encounter an ambush at the jumping point of the starry sky, and because of the particularly strong prison cell, he survived the fierce battle. Even his fingernails were not cut off by the ripples of space, and all his beards were caught by the Great White Star Pirates. The soldiers escorted back to the blue sky market.

After only half a day, looking at the white rat battle flag and the iron fist crown battle flag flying above the blue sky market, Zuo Tianying couldn't help feeling like a world away, and had the urge to cry and laugh.

The soldiers of the Great White Star Thieves Group did not seal his five senses. Along the way, he saw the dejected regular army and other Star Thief prisoners, as well as many unrecognizable and charred corpses of the Star Thief chiefs, including a large number of crystal armors and stars. The wreckage of the ship is piled up like a mountain, like a towering view of Beijing.

From the excited conversations of the soldiers of the Great White Star Pirates Group and what they saw and heard along the way, Zuo Tianying roughly figured out what had happened in the past half day, and also knew who the new owner of the Blue Sky Market was.

Li Wuji, hahahaha, you **** have today!

Boss Bai... is really a number one, and an out-and-out lunatic!

However, regardless of him, Zuo Tianying felt that no matter how bad his destiny was, it couldn't be worse than being sent to the territory of the four major electors.

Suddenly, he was escorted by a group of fighters from the Great White Star Pirate Group to Dock No. 1 where several main battleships were moored.

Against the backdrop of the towering giant ship, White Boss is talking with another powerful man with equal momentum.

Zuo Tianying was first taken aback by the colorful and holiday dress of Boss Bai, and then focused his attention on the bronze psionic puppet or psychic prosthesis opposite Boss Bai-this one, it should be the last six months. In the outer world of the empire, there has been a lot of limelight, and there is even a super ghost repair powerhouse who overwhelms the white boss, "Boxer" Lei Zonglie, right?

Unexpectedly, Boss Bai and the boxing champion dug this big hole together, so I can't blame him and Li Wuji for rushing into it.

"Deacon Zuo is back!"

After chatting with the boxing champion for a while, he discovered Zuo Tianying’s dilemma. He raised his eyebrows first and then fell heavily, and said with a calm face, "Why are you still tied up? I wonder if Zuo Deacon is our VIP guest of the Blue Sky Market? How does the blue sky market work and how to protect it, including the maintenance and upgrade characteristics of the docks everywhere, should be consulted with Deacon Zuo, how can it be so rude? Hurry up, let Deacon Zuo loose and heal!"

Zuo Tianying moved his sore and feeble wrists that had been tied for too long, grinned and groaned, and in his heart he cursed Boss Bai more than 180 times, "We are the guests of the Blue Sky Market". Only Boss Bai could say such shameless words. Exit, and the reason why he has been **** by Wuhuada for so long-isn't it your boss Bai did it? Now he is hypocritical as a good person again!

"The winner, the loser, is willing to bet and give up!"

Zuo Tianying with a three-point resentment, stalked his neck and said, "Boss Bai, don't be arrogant, since it falls into your hands, if you want to kill you, just listen to it!"

"Deacon Zuo, what are these words?"

Boss Bai's expression was really confused and innocent to the extreme. It was like a child who made a mistake but didn't know it. He personally stepped forward to help Zuo Tianying apply the medicine, and his voice was soft and sincere, "Misunderstanding, all this is a misunderstanding! "


Zuo Tianying was dizzy for a while, looking at the blue sky market where strong black smoke came out of it, he wanted to spray a mouthful of dog blood on the face of Boss Bai.

"I don't know if Deacon Zuo has ever heard of the ‘bitterness’?

Boss Bai’s mung bean eyes burst with a pure and innocent light, "How offended Deacon Zuo earlier was a last resort. Without the sacrifices of Deacon Zuo, how could he obtain 28 stars? The trust of Pirates and Hou Yongchun Li Wuji, will they be wiped out all at once?

"Now, the Blue Sky Market is certainly...destroyed, but the 28 advanced warships of the Star Pirates Group and the Li Wuji Fleet, including a large number of elite fighters that took decades to assemble, have all fallen into our hands. It is a deadly mobile force that can definitely change the direction of the upcoming "War of the Seven Seas", right? Isn't it worth trading at the price of the blue sky market?

"What's more, even if I didn't take action at the time, the remaining 28 Star Thieves Groups plus the innocent fleet would be able to flatten the Blue Sky Market. You are doomed to doom and doomed. Then I will help you from this destruction. What's wrong with winning the greatest benefit?

"Of course, I should say hello to Deacon Zuo in advance to get your consent, but in this way, it is very likely that Li Wuji will see the flaws, and it is not beautiful, so I would rather risk being blamed by Deacon Zuo and be blamed by Wanjie. The risk of misunderstanding of the business alliance and even the hatred of the reformists has been cut first and then played. Isn't Deacon Zuo really understandable after such painstaking efforts?"

As the saying goes, "no business, no evil," Zuo Tianying, as the deacon of the Ten Thousand Realms Business League, is well-informed when he travels north and south, and even shameless profiteers have seen it.

But today's words of Boss Bai and his extremely calm expression refreshed Zuo Tianying's definition of "shameless" in his heart.

He resisted the urge to vomit blood, his face was pale, and he gasped and said: "Boss Bai, you and I have no grievances in the past, even if you really want to take the blue sky market and kill me with a single knife, why humiliate people like this!"

"Humiliation? Nothing!"

Boss Bai blinked his eyes and said sincerely, "Every word I say is true and sincere. Why does it mean a little bit of humiliation? I also want to ask the left deacon to be a middleman to discuss cooperation with the Wanjie Business League and even the reformists. What do you want to humiliate you?"


Zuo Tianying couldn't believe it, and cried out, "Now that's the matter, do you still want to cooperate?"

"Why not?"

The corner of Boss Bai's mouth curled up, "Everyone eats together in the same sea of ​​stars, and the most important thing is to value harmony. I like to talk about cooperation and make deals!"


Zuo Tianying was confused and angry, struggling, "One day ago, I kindly asked you to cooperate with the Ten Thousand Realms Commercial Alliance, but you were concealed with evil intentions, forcibly seizing my blue sky market, and killing the Commercial Alliance fighters and reforms. There are countless members of the faction! Now that the gunpowder has not cleared, the blood has not yet condensed, and if you have nothing to do, you want to cooperate, you, what do you want!"

"Cooperation, from beginning to end, I just want to cooperate."

Boss Bai's voice sank, his face instantly condensed with frost, and he stared at Zuo Tianying, "Deacon Zuo, tell the truth, is the so-called'cooperation' a day ago really equal cooperation between the two sides? No? , You just want to hire our Big White Star Pirates at a high price to be your cannon fodder, or even your dog.

"Tell you, listen clearly. My boss can cooperate with anyone, whether it is a notorious murderer or a heinous ruthless person, or even the devil in the deepest part of Jiuyou Huangquan. As long as there is a benefit, I can make a deal with it.

"But if anyone wants me to be his dog, hehehehe, even the **** and devil who rules the heavens and stars, even if he promises to reward me with the whole world, I have no interest at all.

"One day ago, you and my status were not equal, and the Wanjie Business League didn’t put my boss in the eyes at all, so our cooperation is destined to be impossible; but now, I have used my strength to prove the cooperation. "Sincere", maybe there are some cool-headed and sensible people in the Ten Thousand Worlds Business Alliance who understand the meaning of the words "not to mention the pretentiousness"?"

Zuo Tianying was pierced by Boss's icy gaze, his face was pale, and he lowered his head, silent.

But his eyes gradually became more active, turning circle after circle, like a grass that had recovered after freezing, thinking about every possibility again.

"We can talk about how to cooperate in detail."

Boss Bai observed his words and watched his words and smiled slightly, "Deacon Zuo may as well go and rest for a while and think about my proposal seriously-of course, if the Ten Thousand Worlds Business League does not have anyone who is willing to'regardless of the previous suspicion', I will not use a hot face to show cold Ass, maybe the four big families will have it? As I just said, even the Demon Lord in the depths of Jiuyou Huangquan, as long as the price is right, I can cooperate, let alone those damned, but **** rich nobles."

Boss Bai waved his hand, Zuo Tianying was led down in despair.

Another desperate person was brought up, and the two of them just passed by, staring at each other, both of them staring out.

This person, of course, is Yongchun Hou Li without disease.

Compared with Zuo Tianying, who was almost unscathed, Li Wuji's appearance was much more miserable.

Not only was he bruised and swollen by the shock waves released by the thief and boxing champion, his face was swollen like a pig's head covered with sauce, and his face was also stained with large patches of blood, stains and vomit.

These things enveloped him like venom, causing him to constantly twist and moan.

"Boss Bai, Lei Zonglie!"

Pushed by a few soldiers to the feet of Boss Bai, he struggled harder and harder, his eyes were like two meteor hammers about to fly out to hit people, and he yelled heartbreakingly, "You are dying! You are not far away from death." Now! You have nowhere to run! The four big families will surely wipe you out, slap them to death, slap them to death, slap them to death like flies!"

"Master Hou——"

Boss Bai sighed softly, squatted down beside Li Wuji, calmly said, "Save a little bit, I really don't understand, why do you want us to die so much? Didn't you find one thing-- We are now grasshoppers on a rope, an indestructible community of interests. Does your status in the Li family and even the four major families depend entirely on the future of our Great White Star Pirates Group and the Comprehensive Fleet?"

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