40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2470: People who are willing to be dogs

"What nonsense are you talking about!"

Li Wuji blushed, his voice was extremely hoarse, and he said in despair, "The position and future of this lord in the family have been completely ruined by you two **** prisoners. What else do you talk about ‘community of interests’?"

"Master Hou, it seems you haven't figured out the situation yet."

Elder Bai smiled and said, "Once the'Loyalty Salvation Army' rebels and the news of your fleet's annihilation spreads back to the territories of the four major electors, of course we will die soon, and we will never escape, but you are the number one in the whole thing. The person in charge must also be ruined and have no place to bury him. Don't even think about making a comeback. It will only become a joke and shame like Li Lingfeng and Li Linghai, right?

"But, here comes the point. What if the news of your defeat is not passed back to your family, or even this star field?"

Li Wuji was on the verge of collapse. As his ambitions withered, his spirit seemed to have withered to the limit.

But Boss's words, like a ray of sunlight in the dark clouds, instantly illuminated his forehead.

Li Wuji tried his best to straighten his waist like a dead and resurrected poisonous snake.

"Think about it, Lord Hou, now we are in control of the tens of billions of kilometers around the blue sky market, and not half of the starship has escaped. You have not had time to send a signal for help to the family, even if it does. It will be disturbed by us."

Boss Bai said in a persuasive way, "So, as long as we don't tell the truth, who knows what happened in the blue sky market in the past day?

"You see, the formation of the Loyalty and Salvation Army is largely intact, and even the cohesion has been strengthened because of the elimination of those who have ill-conceived fetuses and rudder by the wind!

"As for your fleet, the losses are of course very heavy, but the attack on the blue sky market is originally a price. As long as the shipyard speeds up maintenance, it may not be able to cover it.

"Imagine such a possibility-the Loyalty and Righteous National Salvation Army will still obey your command of Lord Hou in name, and what the Lord Hou sent to the family territory is not a letter for help, but a good news, a good news for conquering the blue sky market, and the most loss is more than before. The estimate is slightly larger.

"In this way, is it possible to temporarily preserve Hou Ye's reputation and position in the four major families?"

Li Wuji meditated stupidly for a long time, then shook his head and said: "The paper won't contain the fire, and it will eventually be pierced."

"not necessarily."

Boss Bai smiled lightly, his smile was so sincere, yet so hideous, "Soon it will be the battle of the Seven Seas where the combined fleet of the four major families attacked the headquarters of the Ten Thousand Realms Business League. The scale of the Battle of the Seven Seas is at least larger than that of the Blue Sky Market. Ten times larger, countless fleets will fall into that vortex of destruction. There are great opportunities for us to fish in troubled waters and take advantage of the fire. As long as we do the same in the Battle of the Seven Seas and find ways to annex more fleets, the scale of the Loyalty Salvation Army will continue to expand and expand. To the extent that no one can destroy us.

"At that time, who would care about Lord Hou's little lie today? As long as the soldiers are strong and the horses are strong, you can refer to the deer as the horse at will-the rules of the game, isn't it?"

Li Wuji's cheeks twitched violently, as if he didn't even recognize the star thief who was squatting in front of him. He said unbelievably, "You, you are so crazy, I am a magnificent third-class empire. Become your minion, become a cover for the loyal and righteous national salvation army!"


Boss Bai said gently, reaching out to pat Li Wuji’s cheeks, but realizing that his palms were too dirty, he smiled embarrassedly, and wiped the stains and blood on his clothes to coat more dust. The oil stains and blood stains became more and more pickled. This was the only way to pat Li Wuji's face twice. "Minions, Lord Hou, you are not worthy. I only need an honest and obedient dog."


Li Wuji was stunned at first, then furious, and wanted to fight back.

"Put away this tricky suit."

Boss Bai suddenly quickened his speed and strength, and slapped Li Wuji twice in the face like lightning, "You know, there are only two kinds of people in this world, no, no, no, not cultivators and immortals, nor empires and saints. Allies are not good people and bad people, but... people who don't want to be dogs, and people who are willing to be dogs.

"This has nothing to do with strength, status, glory, power, etc., etc., it's just a choice in the deepest part of my heart.

"I am the former-a person who doesn't want to be a dog, but the latter is in his bones. Don't deceive yourself or behave inwardly. I can see it. Even if I can't, I can smell the depths of the bones of Lord Hou. That kind of dog smelt, so, I’m very optimistic about Master Hou, and I believe Master Hou can show off his ambitions in a brand-new position."

"Asshole, you dare to humiliate a third-class empire like this!"

Li Wuji was flushed with anger, and tried his best to straighten up and bite Boss Bai’s throat, but unfortunately he was locked up by Boss Bai and couldn't move at all. He could only grit his teeth and said, "Dreaming, Benhou will never die with you. Get in the same way and deceive the family and the entire empire, you humble robber, go to death!"

"That's a shame."

Boss Bai said quietly, pulling out a piece of silk from Li Wuji's open collar, first wiping his dirty hands, and then using it to wipe off the sweat from his forehead and the back of his neck. , Thrown on Li Wuji's face.


He suddenly changed the subject and said, "I don't know how knowledgeable people like Hou Ye, do you know how to deal with the excrement of many crew members in a fully enclosed starship?

"Oh, if Lord Hou knows something, I can explain it to Lord Hou in detail-we have a magic unit called a septic tank, which uses the processing mechanism of microorganisms to restore human excrement to the most basic Elements, re-invested in the ecological cycle.

"Oh, it's better to see, and I don't know how to say it. Why don't I ask Master Hou to find out? I have a starship that happened to be hit in the bottom circulation compartment where the septic tank is located during the battle. , The scene, the smell, and the touch are really'exciting'."

Li Wuji's face changed completely, his voice was like a chicken pinched by someone's neck, and he screamed: "What are you going to do, Boss Bai, what do you want to do, I, I will never let you go as a ghost!"

"It's nothing, just ask Master Hou to go to that quiet place and think calmly."

Boss Bai smiled slightly, "If Lord Hou really becomes a ghost there, he must be a...satisfied ghost."

"no no no!"

Every hair on Li Wuji's body stood up and trembled, and he was about to collapse completely.

Boss Bai turned a deaf ear to his wailing, calling left and right, and commanded: "Come on, wait for Master Hou to take a nap in the bottom circulation cabin of the Razer. Well, just hang one meter above the septic tank. Then it goes down a little bit every minute, and waits until Master Hou is full, figured out, and calm down, and then brings his old man to see me.

"Master Hou, please here, you are welcome, please please!"

Boss Bai gave a deep salute to Li Wuji, and politely sent him away.

"Boss White! Boss White! Boss White!"

Li Wuji uttered a desperate roar, and the pigs about to be sent to the slaughterhouse did not struggle as much as he did. Even if they were dragged out a few miles, the screams could be heard clearly.

After successively solving two important figures from the reformists and the four major families, seeing Li Wuji being dragged away by the horrible figure, Boss Bai couldn't help but laugh, and then said to the boxing king beside him: "Let's continue the topic just now. , Or else, talk while walking?"

The two powerhouses wandered towards the depths of the harbor.

What I saw along the way was full of enthusiastic maintenance and upgrade scenes. Otherwise, it was the collection and loading of various materials. The Great White Star Pirates Group and the Comprehensive Fleet were like two insatiable bugs, leaning on the blue sky market. On the apple, you have to **** up the juice completely.

After the battle of the blue sky market, whether the white boss of the twenty-eight star thief group or the boxing champion who dared to ambush the fierce fleet in the starry sky, they have become a "god" existence in the hearts of each other's fighters. Wherever they went, everyone cheered and saluted them.

The two talked and laughed, and walked into the depths of the abandoned port until it was secluded and no one was left. Boss Bai said, "The distribution method is still the same this time. I am one of the 28 star thieves who are cunning and wicked. I don’t want to stay, just get rid of them all; are you left with those guys who don’t owe too much blood debt and can still be polished and reformed? Those who are ambitious and not honest will belong to me, and those who are more honest and obedient will belong to you just to survive. .

"As for the starships, I have seen it. At most, only 20% of the starships can keep up with the speed of my Great White Star Pirate Group. However, I have to disassemble some more starships’ power units and fuel tanks to transform my starships. , Change the speed to be faster, and after conversion, about half of the starships can be used by you. Even so, the size of your fleet has instantly expanded twice. How about it, can you handle it?"

"No problem, I can."

Compared with the chattering Boss White, the boxing champion has become more taciturn and meticulous. He carefully calculated for a while before he cautiously said, "When I was in Nietu Paradise, my size was also the No. 1 bandit, but he came to Xinghai. In the depths, after seeing Boss Bai's methods, he discovered that the real "bandit leader" turned out to be like this.

"Today's battle, without Boss Bai's overall plan and almost unpredictable calculations, there will never be the slightest chance of success. I admire you, Boss."

"Admire me? No need, everything I do is still within the scope that ordinary people can understand."

Boss Bai smiled strangely, and suddenly said, "On the contrary, what you did after you came to Xinghai is the boxing champion. It is really incredible. It is so admirable and terrifying. Even countless times, I was stunned and incredibly suspicious, boxing champion. Are you a normal human?"

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