40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2476: I wanna be brother with you

Before the words were over, thirty psionic puppets simultaneously launched an attack on Boss Bai. Some of the psionic puppets had sharp blades ejected from their arms, and some of the psionic puppets condensed a strong shield to block them in front of their companions and were tightly protected. The shoulders, breastplates and the hatches of the abdomen of the living psionic puppets bounced open, revealing the dense honeycomb launching system, condensing ten thousand rays of light!

The extremely hierarchical wave attack is like an endless wave of invading. The devastating hurricane hurried to the limit from the first second of its birth, swallowing Boss Bai completely.

Boss Bai’s laughter became louder and louder in the metal torrents and devastating hurricanes: “Yes, yes, that’s it, it’s this kind of dying feeling, this kind of pleasure at the front line of life and death! It’s been a long time since I realized it, so A hearty thrill!"


Seven or eight psionic puppets that were close to Boss Bai were flew out by his violent spiritual flames, and even one psionic puppet was directly spread out and grabbed his head by his five fingers, and powerful and unmatched arcs emerged from the gaps in the metal. The steel skull penetrated into it, and it was electrically convulsed again and again. All the chips and symbolic arrays in the body were instantly overloaded and burned, turning into a twisted shell with black smoke and white flames.

"Is that what you are capable of?"

Boss Bai threw the burning scrapped puppet aside, and walked towards the other twenty-nine psionic puppets. The corners of the hanging eyes and the corners of the mouth were almost gathered together, "You're **** insulting me, deliberately Stir up my anger, boxing champion!"

The boxing king was silent for a moment, and the speed of the twenty-nine psionic puppets suddenly accelerated, turning into twenty-nine metal whirlwinds, and the afterimages dragged out contained a large amount of psychic energy fluctuations, just like a group of hundreds of psionic puppets. The formed army surrounded Boss White.

"It's kind of interesting."

Boss Bai put **** together, spurred thousands of arcs, and chopped at the gap between the puppet army at will. A strange thing happened. He clearly didn't aim at the body of the boxing king, but only chopped the air between the psychic puppets. But countless puppets made "squeak" noises, and their speed suddenly slowed down.

"Ha, this is your weakness."

Elder Bai smiled and said, "I don't know what kind of life form you are, but your existence seems to pay more attention to the transmission of information, rather than a cold body.

"It doesn’t make much sense to attack a certain body in your huge army, but as long as you find a way to interfere with your network and cut off the transmission of information between your various'units', you can greatly reduce your vitality and deprive you. Your fighting power, even... destroy you!"

The word "Destroy You" has just been exported, and four strong waves invisible to the naked eye suddenly rippled around the abandoned port. In the four corners of the port, a huge magic weapon unit was activated-it was an artificial magnet. , The huge magnet driven by spar was originally used to hoist and carry large metal containers, but after some transformation by Boss Bai, it has become a metal swamp-like trap!

The twenty-nine psionic puppets that make up the boxer’s body contain more than 90% of the metal content. Although they have been demagnetized, the power of this huge magnet dedicated to the port is too strong and the suction is too terrible, and it still causes the boxer. Had a great impact.

For a time, many psionic puppets were disturbed by the magnetic field, and their hands and feet twitched like drunk. Other psionic puppets did not deform, but their speed slowed down. They were successfully attacked by Bai Lao Dalian and destroyed in one breath. A dozen psionic puppets.

Boom boom boom boom!

The boxing champion finally locked the coordinates of the four huge magnet units, and the four crystal magnetic cannons fired in succession, making them completely reimbursed within a second.

But at the moment when the magnetic field disappeared, Boss Bai extracted a full set of magic weapons and battle armor from the Universe Ring-not the "crystal armor" manipulated by the crystal brain, but from the ancient sacred world, although rough but complete Ancient magic weapons and battle armor controlled by the human brain.

"Boxing champion, do you know why I have to fight you?"

Boss Bai put on the ancient battle armor, dozens of antique flying swords lingering around his body, as if the ancient **** of war had come, constantly piercing the opposite psychic puppet, like a gust of wind and rain, blasting the psychic puppet. "I have been in the empire for so long, but have been circling in the outer world. What I have encountered are opponents at the level of'Zuo Tianying' and'Li Wuji'. Bah, they are not qualified to be my opponents.

"It's been too long since I found an opponent worthy of a fight. I'm so'hungry', so hungry and crazy! Do you know this taste? Have you tasted this taste? If you do, then don't have the least bit of it. Keep it, take the real you to my mouth!"

Boss Bai roared wildly while holding an ancient sword, slashing all the remaining psionic puppets like cutting melons and vegetables, as if torn apart in a steel jungle, as if entering a man's land.

From the moment of his madness, the boxing champion made no sound again, until the last psionic puppet was twisted into twists and torn into pieces by the white boss, the last crystal eye was dimmed, and it still did not spit out. Half a word, like...


However, when Boss Bai severely ravaged the psychic puppet who had no power to fight back, hundreds of invisible ripples that could not be seen by the naked eye appeared in the sky.

The last psionic puppet on the ground fell down, and the ripples in the sky tore away the invisible camouflage, but there were hundreds of heavy combat puppets that looked more advanced and hideous, and each puppet was carrying a billowing on its shoulder. The hot crystal magnetic cannon stretched straight into the two hundred iron hands of Boss, and there were also more than two hundred arc-winding light **** condensing continuously.

"Your brain is overloaded."

Hundreds of heavy combat puppets were condescending, and the loudspeaker array also heard the cold voice of the boxing champion, "Maybe it needs to be restarted."

Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom bomb

Hundreds of combat puppets exploded with firepower comparable to that of a heavy arsenal ship. Hundreds of tiny beams of light gathered into a waterfall of destruction and fell from the sky, completely submerging, engulfing and suppressing Boss to the ground. The beam of light penetrated more than ten meters underground in one breath. , Seems to be pushing the white boss all the way through the entire Star Harbor.

Even more bizarre is that the boxing king's control of psychic energy dissipation has reached a level of exquisiteness. It is earth-shattering destruction in the abandoned port, but a few hundred meters away from the abandoned port, you can't feel too much movement, even part of the sound and light. The effect spreads out, and it's just like a normal "discussion" between two strong men.

The beam of light lasted for a full minute.

The ground of Xinggang was melted through a large hole with a diameter of three to five meters and a bottomless depth. This is the result of the boxing king's control of the destructive power as much as possible. The edges and inside of the hole are hot and dark red, and the steel is like mud. Tick ​​and tick.

It seems that Boss Bai’s psychic energy fluctuations and life information are not perceivable.

The boxing champion did not dare to relax his vigilance, and still drove all the heavy combat puppets to firmly lock the holes in the ground, and landed inch by inch.

Suddenly, there was a "chichi" laugh from under the hole. A colorful and ragged silk blouse was picked up by a crystal cable protection tube and shook as a white flag.

On the "White Flag", there was a small white jade mouse standing on the side of the boxer, arrogantly begging for mercy from the boxing champion. It looked like a gimmick and cute.

"I surrendered, so amazing, so amazing, I surrendered and surrendered!"

Boss Bai laughed wildly in the depths of the hole, "It's a good fight, and today I finally made this old bone refreshed. If you don't fight, you can stop fighting. If you continue to fight, both of us will notice here. It hurts peace. It's really going to be'lose-lose'!

The boxing king was stunned, and the crystal brains of hundreds of psionic puppets "buzzed" at the same time: "Boss Bai, what the **** are you doing?

"You can even converge your life information to the point that it won't leak. It's hard for me to continue to lock you down.

"During the extremely high temperature attack just now, you still have the leeway to keep your clothes from being burned to ashes-your clothes should be ordinary, the easiest satin material to burn, right? That didn't burn. It can be seen that you have not suffered any fatal injuries.

"It was you who provoked the flames of war, and now you are surrendering. What on earth do you want to do!"

"Don't be angry, don't be mad, don't be impulsive, don't be impulsive-as you are, there should be no anger and impulsive settings, can you maintain absolute rationality?"

Boss Bai looked like a black rat, got out of the hole of thousands of degrees high temperature, lay on the ground on all sides, watching the hundreds of heavy puppets slowly descending in mid-air, a puff of black smoke erupted from his mouth. He grinned, showing sharp teeth, "Didn't I just say it, I haven't found an opponent that can fight hard for a long time, and the "Zuo Tianying" and "Li Wuji" are not addictive at all. I was so suffocated that I was going crazy, thinking about it. Go, then you can only talk to your buddy!

"What's more, I think you are a good person, really, boxing champion, you are a good person. I have made friends with you sincerely, not only to be friends, but also to be good brothers and to be loyal-since everyone is brothers, naturally It’s time to get to know each other more deeply. For people like you and me, what can better understand each other than a hearty fight?"

The boxing king drove hundreds of psychic puppets, trampled heavily on the ground, and said coldly: "So, you don't want to kill me, just compare them?"

"I am a star thief. The star thief never does anything that is not good. As you said, the two of us fighting to death is the result of a'lose-to-lose'. Why should I kill you?"

Boss Bai is still lying on the ground comfortably, smiling and looking at each other, "What's more, can I kill you? Are these more than one hundred heavy combat puppets your real body? Can they kill you by destroying them? ?

"Or, your deity is actually hidden in a certain starship in the Comprehensive Fleet. It may not be a flagship, perhaps a humble fast assault ship? If I really show malice that you can't resist, You can be transformed into a starship in an instant, protruding from the encirclement, and flying away-I guessed it right?"

The boxing king pondered for a moment, dozens of heavy puppets saluted Boss Bai at the same time, and then personally manipulated a puppet to step forward and support Boss Bai.

In its icy voice, there was a hint of admiration: "I originally thought that people like Li Yao could be called monsters. Only today did I know that Boss Bai is the real monster. Li Yao compares with you, uh, although He has a life-saving grace to me, but I can't lie, what to say, he is compared with you, it is simply the difference between an earthworm and a python."

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