40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2477: What is a star thief, what is madness! (Fourth!)

Boss Bai smiled "hehe" without being humble, but just said: "Are you complimenting yourself in disguise? Even a monster like me is not sure that it can completely destroy you. I can only'surrender' to you and treat you as a brother. La!"

The boxing champion pondered: "Boss Bai is not afraid of me?"

Boss Bai curled his lips: "Do I have to be afraid of you?"

"It's not the kind of'fear', but the meaning of'extremely vigilant'."

The boxing champion thought for a while and said, "According to my calculations, if my true identity is exposed, many people will be extremely vigilant and fearful of me, and will spare no effort to eliminate me-it is difficult for normal people to accept an unknown existence like me. But Boss Bai didn't care, and talked and laughed happily with me, why?"

"Only the weak will be afraid of the'unknown', the strong will only embrace the'unknown', or embrace it, or conquer it."

Boss Bai stared at the King of Boxing and said, "The universe is vast and there are thousands of races. Of course, there will be various strange life forms, and the cooperation, competition, coexistence and destruction of various life forms are also justified. In the face of such a cruel and dangerous universe, it is the truth to do everything possible to grow oneself as much as possible, instead of trembling all day to eradicate the signs of threats-there are thousands of threats, how can they be eradicated?

"In short, the only real cause of destruction can only be your own weakness, not the strength of your enemy-I have thought so since I embarked on the path of Star Thief.

"What's more, there is a terrifying'flood' on the other side of the universe, which has already destroyed countless civilizations, including magical civilizations. I don't know that in the near future, this flood of destruction will not invade our cultivation world. ?

"If this is the case, it must be the catastrophe of the world of comprehension. The catastrophe is at the forefront. We are all snakes, insects, rats and ants who fled hurriedly from the dark forest. "

The boxing champion thought deeply: "Indeed..."

Boss Bai's eyes flashed with the fire of desire, and he stretched out his hand to the boxing champion: "Then, are you willing to cooperate with me?"

The king of fighters said: "We are already working together to fight the empire together."

"Empire? Hahahaha, empire!"

Boss Bai's laughter became more and more rampant, "Do you think that a small empire, or even a small three thousand worlds, can trap me Boss White and qualify to be my ultimate prey?"

The boxing champion was stunned: "Three thousand worlds is the limit of the known universe. Even the huge universe is not enough to become the battlefield of Boss Bai?"

"Not enough, not enough, not enough!"

The fire light in the eyes of the white boss gradually burned into an incomparably magnificent sky fire, towards the artificial sky that was pierced by the starship, riddled with holes, as if bleeding, and opened his skinny arms, he moaned hungry and thirsty, "You You know, boxing champion, when I first came to the center of Xinghai, even facing such powerful enemies as the Empire and the Holy League, I was... quite lost in my heart.

"At that time, I thought I had seen the entire Star Sea clearly. Apart from the Empire and the Holy League, there was nothing worth plundering and conquering. At best, I would explore the mysteries of the Primordial Era.

"For a while, I was very confused and couldn't bring up the spirit of anything-my ambition was to become the greatest star thief in all ages, but no matter how great the star thief is, it is nothing more than a'country thief' and seize a country. That's it, and countless heroes including Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi have already done this, and I will do it again, which is equivalent to gnawing the bones that have been gnawed a hundred times by the predecessors. What's the point? Why will be remembered by this civilization and even this universe after hundreds of millions of years?

"Haha, rob the palace of the true human empire, **** the treasures of the Covenant Alliance, explore the tombs of the emperor and even Pangu and Nuwa-it sounds very majestic and good, but in the final analysis, these palaces, treasures and graves Thing, isn’t it the common wealth of many living beings in our cultivation world? Wealth is originally here, even if it falls into my hands, it is nothing more than a change of place and nothing to increase.

"Being prestigious in your own world, even if you have robbed everything, what is the difference between a prodigal son who has stolen his parents' hard-earned money? What the **** is this ‘greatest star thief’!"

The boxing champion's voice was filled with a sense of surprise: "So, Boss Bai thought, what is the'great star thief'?"

"The unpromising prodigal will only be able to steal his parents' hard-earned money at home; he is really capable, and of course he should go outside and grab other people's things and come back!"

Boss Bai opened his eyes and smiled, "The existence of magic civilization is like a battle axe condensed by the radiant rays of light. It suddenly opened my forehead, making me suddenly enlightened and opening up a whole new world!

"Just moving around in the three thousand worlds, robbing the cultivators and the cultivators, that are all children's play games. The truly great star thief should control the warship of thousands of cultivators and break through the walls of desolation and void. Barriers, assault the magical civilization and the world of countless alien civilizations!

"Well, although the magic civilization that I discovered may have been destroyed long ago, do you know that on the other side of the endless universe, there are no other magic civilizations, or even stranger civilizations?

"Controlling the battleship of comprehension, commanding millions of monks, spurring hundreds of millions of flying swords, descending majesticly before the wizards, magicians, and envoys of gods and demons, destroying their altars, burning their temples, and seduce their saints. , Slay their monsters and sacred beasts, and **** all the treasures of the magic world back to our cultivation world-this is what a star thief from the cultivation world should do, right?"

Even if the boxing king’s hundreds of crystal brains are calculated at the same time, it is not the ambition of the boss: "Yes..."

"No, even this is not enough, not enough, not enough!"

Boss Bai took off the "Citi" that he had just picked on the transistor, and put it back on his body without buckling it, letting the heat of the spiritual flames blew the battered blouse backwards, hunting and screaming. Exposed a scrawny chest and a gun-like spine.

He stretched out his fingers to the sky, as if trying to pierce through the boundaries of the three-dimensional universe, plundering the endless treasures of the four-dimensional space, and with a dreamlike expression, he screamed wildly, "Even if the magical civilization is wiped out, that's it. It’s just spinning in the mud of the three-dimensional universe. Since it’s the “greatest star thief”, it’s nothing to dare to **** three-dimensional carbon-based life. We don’t know that one day we can’t think of a way to break into the four-dimensional universe. Four-dimensional life to grab a spotlight?

"Hehe, the gods and demons from the four-dimensional space are the supreme beings that can dominate the process of human civilization... I bah, when I hear this, I **** feel like vomiting. One day, I will let those who call themselves the gods and demons. The clerk knows that the cultivators of our cultivation world are different from the magicians of the magic civilization. No existence can climb over us and manipulate our destiny arbitrarily. No, no, no!"


The psionic puppet that made up the boxing champion's body couldn't withstand complex calculations that exceeded the limit, and the crystal brain burned and collapsed.

"Are you really crazy, Boss Bai?"

All the remaining puppets of the boxing champion shouted together, "The advanced and powerful high-dimensional life is unimaginable by the low-dimensional life. You can't threaten the high-dimensional life at all!"

"Don't be presumptuous, boxing champion, what a wonderful existence is life, strong and weak, advanced and backward, who knows?"

The old man laughed wildly and seriously. "Compared with humans, viruses are finally primitive and weak, but human civilization has developed to this day and still has not been able to completely destroy all viruses, even the old Pangu and Nuwa civilizations. Failing to destroy all the viruses, even in the heyday of the Pangu Civilization Alliance, there are still countless individuals who will be infected with the virus and die miserably. There is no cure!

"There are also mice.'Mice cross the street, everyone shouts and beats.' It looks like a very weak thing. However, in the 100,000-year history of human civilization, there are still countless planets and all creatures that have been wiped out by the plague and mutant plagues!

"Viruses can kill humans, human beings-small viruses, ants and mice in the three-dimensional universe, why can't they kill the more advanced, developed and powerful existences in the higher-dimensional universe?

"My ultimate ideal is to become such a'cosmic mouse', gnawing at the barriers between the multidimensional universes, drilling holes in a riddled with holes, and going to the endless world, no matter it is the life of the four-dimensional universe. , The tyrant of the five-dimensional universe, the powerhouse of the six-dimensional universe, or the gods and demons in the seven-dimensional universe—as long as they exist, I will steal them all, so that they can hear the little mice in the three-dimensional universe and The name of the virus trembled, and when I saw the battle flag of the Great White Star Pirates group, I cried and called my mother!

"It doesn't really matter how it is done. In short, it doesn't matter how you are in three-dimensional, four-dimensional, five-dimensional, six-dimensional, seventy-eighty-dimensional, and you are doing it without your shirt. This is what the **** is called the'great star thief in the universe'. !"


Two more clones of the boxing king burned.

"You don't have a small body."

Boss Bai curled his lips, "If you want to work with me, you have to practice."


All the avatars of the boxing king pointed at their steel noses at the same time, "Together with you... take it off and do it?"

"Yes, the biggest purpose of my stay in the empire today is to form a fleet capable of expedition to the far side of the universe and even the four-dimensional space."

Bai Lao Avenue, "That’s why I am willing to be honest with you, to test if you are a'Golden-Man in a Shell'. If you are, join my cross-cosmic robbery army. We fight side by side and have the opportunity to break through the original The difficulty is the endless black wall that spans three thousand worlds.

"Believe me, we will definitely find magical civilization and other three-dimensional carbon-based civilizations, even four-dimensional gods and demons and five, six, seven, and eight-dimensional trivial ones, and then we will kill them severely!"


The fourth one is sent. It is a small outbreak in normal times. The old cow has tried his best. Everyone try to vote for monthly passes, recommended tickets, subscriptions and so on to make the old cow full of blood and resurrection!

In addition, don’t worry if there are book friends who want to see Old Mo Li-do you have such a book friend? Old Mo Li was already hungry and thirsty, so he jumped out immediately!

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