40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2479: Rushed straight!

If it is said that in the whole turbulent, thrilling, and snake-sweeping blue sky market strategy battle, even at the most critical juncture, the Dao heart of the boss is still tightly connected, indestructible, and there is not a single word of wavering.

Then at this moment, his Dao Xin seemed to be pierced through a bottomless crack by this sharp cry for help, causing a strong shock.

Boss Bai seemed to have just taken ten catties of rat medicine, and his face turned pale when he "huh"

Even if the boxing champion showed hundreds of steel avatars just now, with full firepower at him, he didn't mess up like this.

Boss Bai tilted his head, every wrinkle on his face twitched nervously, an incredible light shining from the bottom of his eyes, and he listened carefully to the signal.

"Boss Bai, help! Boss Bai, help! Boss Bai, help!"

The signal was getting louder and louder, and the other party seemed to be being chased by something, and ran towards him in a panic.


Boss Bai simply turned off the signal, coughed slightly, glanced at the boxing champion, then glanced at his subordinates on the light curtain, and said calmly: "Don't panic, it's noise, it's cosmic noise."

"Cosmic noise?"

The subordinates are suspicious, "Boss..."

"Yes, it's cosmic noise."

Boss Bai took a deep breath and said, "The high-energy celestial bodies in the universe continuously release radiation and psychic energy fluctuations to the outside world every second. Various radiation, high-energy particle streams and psychic energy waves impact our magic weapon of communication. The meeting just converges into strange cosmic noises. Occasionally, by chance, these noises sound like human voices, which is not surprising.

"So, it's noise, it's just an insignificant noise in the universe. Leave it alone, just remove this noise from our scanning channel."

The subordinate scratched his head: "Boss, it seems wrong."

"Yeah, Boss Bai, I don't think it is like noise. It sounds familiar. Let me compare it with the data in the voiceprint library."

The boxing champion was silent for a moment, and said, "I found it, it seems to be...Li Yao's voice."

"Li Yao?"

Boss Bai blinked quickly, his face confused, "Which Li Yao?"

Boxing champion: "... is to introduce me to you. We just talked about that Li Yao who is like an earthworm and a pupil."

"is it?"

Boss Bai turned on the distress signal again, listened carefully several times, and finally came to a conclusion, "Sure enough, it sounds very much like Li Yao, so I can't respond even more! Listen, immediately keep the Lingwang silent state. The blue sky market enters the highest defense, and at the same time speeds up the transfer of personnel and materials to ensure that they can leave under the worst conditions, even if a large amount of materials are left, speed, I want speed!

"As for this distress signal...Don't answer! Don't answer! Don't answer!"


The boxing champion and his subordinates wondered at the same time, "Why, is Li Yao's distress signal so terrible?"

"Of course it is terrible, because it is most likely not Li Yao."

Boss Bai said with a serious face, "It is the conspiracy and trick of the imperial immortal cultivator. It is deliberately imitating Li Yao's voice to deceive us. If we really respond, it is very likely that the imperial immortal cultivator will see the strangeness and kill us Yes, so don’t answer, don’t answer, just pretend that we have never received a distress signal, just pretend that we are not at the Blue Sky Market at all, and this place is empty!"

"But, it won't work."

The subordinates wrinkled a face and stammered, "Boss, after receiving the distress signal, we carried out a remote scan of the source of the signal, the periphery of the Blue Sky Star Territory, and scanned a fairly large fleet. Oh, this fleet is sparing no effort to chase a few unarmed, tattered transport ships. The distress signal is sent from the transport ship, and the signal is sent straight to the blue sky market, and the transport ship is also unbiased in the direction of the blue sky market. Fleeing, there is no sign of changing direction at all, it's like knowing that the boss is here, and you will be taken!

"We analyzed the speed and distance between the pursuer and the fugitive. Even if we do not respond to the distress signal, the fugitive is very likely to flee to our blue sky market before entering the firepower range of the pursuer. It's something that will happen within twelve hours.

"In other words, at most twelve hours, the entire fleet of chasers will come to the top of the blue sky market, no matter whether they destroy the fugitives' transport ships or not, but after pursuing them for so long, their starships must be repaired and supplied. Yes, within a few light years, our Blue Sky Market is the best supply port. They will definitely be anchored here, then, that would be terrible!"

Hearing what his subordinates said, Boss Bai took a deep breath.

"Then what..."

He said in a daze, "Suppose, I mean suppose, we abandon everything in the blue sky market, and even the starship we just captured has lost most of it. Can we escape before this mysterious fleet and the **** transport ship arrive?"

"It's almost impossible, boss."

The subordinates wailed, "In order to swallow the 28 Star Thieves Groups and the Fleet of Severe Innocents, our starships have suffered heavy losses, and we urgently need a good breath before they can go on the journey again. At this time, there is no reliable The supply and maintenance port of the country is a dead end!

"Moreover, everyone has planned for so long and fought **** battles, and finally got the situation today. Give up all of them? How could it be possible!"

"Yeah, it's really impossible..."

Boss Bai endured and endured, endured and endured, and finally couldn't bear it, his face turned from white to green, from green to red, and he violently kicked, almost crushing the entire abandoned port, "Li Yao, I'm going to kill you." , I must kill you!"

He rushed to the command center angrily all the way, and at the same time helplessly let his subordinates issue the highest combat readiness alert.

The boxing champion also prepares the cultivator fleet for a new round of battle through remote control.

The entire Blue Sky Market was in chaos for a while.

The soldiers of the Great White Star Thieves Group are also humans. After all, their nerves are not made of steel. People have weaknesses, they have to breathe, and they will slacken. They just fought such an earth-shattering victory, whether the Federation Star Thieves or the Empire Cultivator They are all in a state of overdraft after extreme excitement. Who would have thought that new enemies would be killed out of this terrible knot?

"Woo-woo-woo -"

The pale sirens instantly echoed above the ocean of celebration, like a scoop of ice water smashed down.

"What's going on? Enemy attack? Enemy attack!"

Liuli just cried and swollen eyes, while wiping her tears, she came to the Master Boxer to file a complaint. Suddenly she heard the harsh alarm of an enemy attack. She was shocked. She stood there and looked at the panic scene in the port at a loss. He showed a resolute expression and rushed towards the command center, "Master Boxer, Master Boxer!"

"Asshole, what's the situation!"

In the depths of the Blue Sky Market, at the end of an alley full of rich powdery smell, Han Te also wailed and howled, his clothes were disheveled, and he stumbled out.

Some of his buttons were torn off by someone unknown, the zipper of his pants was only halfway down, and there were several lipstick marks of different colors on his face.

The anger that can burn through the sky lingers about this young man who aspires to become the "Star Sea Cannon King", his bloodshot eyes burst with light comparable to the starship's main guns, "Who are they who are impatient to live, dare to disturb A good thing about Master Han, let you see the power of Master Han's giant cannon!"

He stepped forward and ran towards his starship frantically.

There are countless star thiefs and cultivators, like Liuli and Hante, rushing to their combat positions in a hurry. The blue sky market that has just been calm for a long time is burning again. Twenty-eight star thief groups and the prisoners of the Li Wuji fleet, It was even more restless, with faint signs of instability.

On the way back to the command center, Boss Bai and the boxing champion got more news about the pursuers-very unoptimistic news.

The pursuers are the regular army of the Empire, and in the regular army, a combined fleet composed of several elites from the world. It is the 47th fleet in the regular army sequence, commonly known as the "Rainbow Fleet."

Of course, the Feihong Fleet is not the elite armoured fleet of the four major electors’ families, nor is it Lei Chenghu’s thundering fleet that has been fighting on the frontline for more than ten years and has been made into steel. It is just a few resource-poor resources outside the empire. The fragile world is just a regional defensive arm that is barely pieced together.

Under normal circumstances, the strength of such a joint fleet lies between the "garrison fleet" and the "deep space fleet", and it does not have a strong ability to continuously fight across the stars, and it is not too difficult to deal with the enemy.

They are the main opponents of Star Thieves, and often play "cat and mouse" games with Star Thieves. Although their forces are stronger than Star Thieves, their speed and efficiency are not as good because of the complexity of the command system and low fighting will. People often let the star thief slip away after a raid, and even the tail of the star thief can't catch it. It belongs to the object of ridicule by the star thief, the so-called "stupid and slow officer".

But today is different.

The four major families and the reformists are vying for hegemony on the periphery of the empire, and even the Star Thieves must spare no effort to win over them. The local armed forces of these barren worlds are naturally the targets of both parties.

The Feihong Fleet was originally inclined to the Ten Thousand Realms Commercial League and the Reformists. Most of the world outside the empire was inextricably related to the Ten Thousand Realms Commercial League, and naturally inclined to the Reformists.

However, they couldn't stand the wealth of the four big families. I don't know what promises they made to appoint officials, but they brought several big worlds behind the Feihong Fleet to their side, and they clearly supported the four big families and the old senate.

Naturally, the equipment of the Feihong Fleet has also been replaced with shotguns, and its combat effectiveness has been improved. It is no longer the slow and stupid fish belly of the past.

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