40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2480: Humiliated Lord Hou

That being said, the most important factor in the war is still people rather than magic weapons. The four major families can send second-hand main battleships eliminated from their fleets to local armed forces such as the Feihong Fleet, but it is impossible to create a large number of elites. Help the Feihong fleet to be completely transformed.

Therefore, even if there are four big families behind, the Feihong Fleet is still the outer world of the empire. It can be seen everywhere in the vast star field. The training is not very well-trained, the fighting will is not very strong, and the interior is not very harmonious. , The best at exploiting the people and bullying the weak, one of the miscellaneous army that is easy to break when encountering a real strong enemy.

If the Great White Star Pirates of the past encountered a fish belly like the Flying Rainbow Fleet, they would not be afraid at all-even if they couldn't beat it, they could still run!

But today, the Great White Star Pirates Group, which had just swallowed the entire Blue Sky Market in one go, fell into a subtle embarrassment because of the unexpected appearance of the Flying Rainbow Fleet.

This kind of embarrassment is equivalent to a python that has just swallowed an elephant, and when it is too late to digest and is unable to move, a fat, strong, and stupefied wild boar appears on the opposite side...

The Feihong Fleet naturally knew that the coordinates it jumped to were outside the Blue Sky Star Territory, which was nominally the territory of the Blue Sky Market under the banner of the Ten Thousand Realms Commercial League.

They now join the four major families, and they are hostile to the Blue Sky Market.

But they also seem to have received intelligence, knowing that Hou Yongchun of the four major families, Li Wuji, wants to launch a strategy for the blue sky market.

Li Wuji’s rank among the four major families is naturally much higher than that of the Feihong Fleet commander who has just taken refuge in recently. Therefore, this commander did not dare to make trouble, but sent a communication request to the blue sky market to test here. The situation, look at whether it is an "enemy" or an "friendly" entrenched here.

Boss Bai came to the command center and still didn’t know what the Feihong Fleet came from. Although the home port of the Feihong Fleet was not too far away from the Blue Sky Star Territory, the two directions did not disturb the river. The first important task, there is no big temptation, and will never come to bite the hard stubble of the blue sky market.

Moreover, Li Wuji was solely responsible for the blue sky market strategy. Boss Bai didn't think that the Feihong Fleet, a dog bought by the four major families, had the courage and the master to grab food.

Pinching the bridge of his nose and pondering for a moment, he instructed his men: "Yongchunhou is full, please come over and talk if you are full-yes, use a high-pressure water gun to thoroughly clean it from the inside out, and then disinfect it with a flame. , Bring it up again."

When Yongchun Hou Li Wuji was brought up, he was indeed full.

At least he has been retching since he appeared in front of the white boss and the boxing champion, and he hasn't stopped for five minutes.

His eyes are red, his expression is haggard, his cheeks are deeply sunken, he is almost about to make two holes in his face, his lips and hands are nervously twitching, he hasn't seen him for a few hours, but he seems to be in a dark prison. It's like staying in China for more than ten years.

The humiliation and shame that Li Wuji had just suffered, for Li Wuji, he did not hesitate to be physically insulted by the same **** for ten days and nights. His will has completely collapsed, Dao Xin was on the verge of collapse, and he dodges and dare not face the gaze of Boss Bai.

"Unlock Lord Hou's prohibition."

Boss Bai told his subordinates.

"Boss, this—"

The subordinates were startled, even if Li Wuji was seriously injured, after all, the cultivation base of the God-Transforming Realm was placed here, and it was completely suppressed by piercing the eyebrows, the back of the brain and the spine. The restriction was removed, and Li Wuji suddenly became troubled, and what should we do?

"It's okay, just unlock the restriction of Lord Hou, and then you go down."

Boss Bai smiled slightly and said, "I think Lord Hou has figured it out, and he won't find his way to death."

When Boss Bai said that, his subordinates had no objection anymore, and pulled out the nails that were engraved with the mysterious aura and connected together with crystal lines from Li Wuji's body.

Every time he pulled out a nail, Li Wuji shivered, and a cloud of blood mist burst out of his body—a slightly smelly blood mist.

The ninety-nine and eighty-one bans were drawn out, and the subordinates hurriedly stepped out and helped Boss Bai to close the door. Now there were only three people left in the room, Boss Bai, Boxing King, and Li Wuji.

"Master Hou, do you want to understand?"

Boss Bai, standing in front of Li Wuji with his hands on his back, looked down at the impersonal Li Wuji, "Now, can we talk about cooperation?"


Li Wuji shivered, and a flame of fear and hatred came out of his eyes, and he muttered, "I killed you! Such a shameful shame, I must kill you, kill you!"

"Ha ha, alright!"

Boss Bai opened his arms, allowing the fragility of his chest and abdomen to be exposed in front of Li Wuji, "If you want to kill, please do it. Even if you can't beat me, you can at least fight to death in a vigorous battle. It won't be a waste of your empire. The name of the third class, come, come, do it!"

The boxing king held his steel arm and looked at him coldly. He had no intention of stepping forward to help Boss Bai. He even took a few steps back, indicating that this is a solo fight and he will never intervene.

Li Wuji was stunned and his lips trembled for a long time. It was clear that the battle power of the God of Transformation was regaining, and the enemy who had suffered a great humiliation opened the door in front of him, but he, he could not give up the strength at all, and it was both awkward and hideous. Smashed his face hard.

"Why don't you do it!"

Boss Bai’s voice suddenly became sharp, and his right hand turned into a flash of lightning. He threw Li Wuji’s face heavily with a "pop", knocking Li Wuji to the ground all of a sudden, Hou Ye’s originally deeply sunken cheeks suddenly bulged up again. As if wrapped in a crystal bun, saliva, nasal mucus, and **** water burst out, "Don't do it yet, you soft bastard, boneless dog!"


Li Wuji curled up into a shrimp, letting out a heartbreaking wailing, not knowing whether it was because of pain or irritating his extreme incompetence.

"Since Hou Ye refused to do anything, I must have figured it out."

Boss Bai put his painful palm on his leg and rubbed it, and said lightly, "In terms of realm, in terms of combat effectiveness, you are far from my opponent and fellow Lei Daoist, you have to fight with me and the champion, there is only a dead end!

"Even if you are not lucky enough to die, and you can escape back to the four big families, how about? You who were deceived and lost the entire fleet will only be ruined, become a bereaved dog, and be ridiculed and insulted by countless nobles!

"Your only hope, the only way to preserve your reputation, status, and power, and even further, is to play the trick of'raising the bandits and self-respect' to the extreme. First help me and fellow Lei to deceive our family and even the empire, and let us In the name of the'Loyalty Salvation Army', it has continuously developed and expanded rapidly, becoming a giant star monster that no one can provoke.

"Then, Fellow Lei Daoyou and I will naturally invest all our resources and do everything possible to help Master Hou rise step by step in the four major families and even the Imperial Senate, and seize the vital position.

"Hehe, don’t think you’re a traitor. It’s okay to tell you. Our strength is beyond your imagination. We have already smashed countless nails in the four major families and even the reformers, even you see every day. Many of the nobles in China are ours, and you are just following in their footsteps.

"How about, Lord Hou, think about it carefully? There is an emergency now. I don't have time to talk with you. I want to live and die. Let's do it simply. You nod your head and be a dog in front of me. Go back The territory of the four major families is still the majestic Yongchunhou, and it can even go further in the near future.

"It’s hard to say, the gentleman takes revenge. It’s not too late for ten years, Lord Hou, even if you really want to avenge today’s shame and shame, at least you have to return to the family alive and master a greater power before you have a chance to come back and get back a hundred times. right?

"You still don't agree? Well, you just need to shake your head a little, and I'm not in the mood to humiliate you anymore, so I'm happy to send you to see Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi!"

Boss Bai showed a fierce look and threatened.

Li Wuji's eyes struggled more and more, and he didn't know how many rounds he had fought in his heart. The corners of his eyes even squeezed out muddy tears, his teeth were deeply embedded in his lips, and finally helplessly and incomparably humiliated, he nodded gently.

Clicking on this portrait exhausted his life's strength, and he slumped like a dead dog and groaned.

"A person who knows the current affairs is a great master, Hou Ye, if you know the current affairs so well, in the future, you will surely have to rise one step higher in the empire!"

Elder Bai breathed a sigh of relief, laughed, and took out a delicate handkerchief from his arms, squatted down to help Li Wuji wipe the nose and blood and tears on his face, "Look, I still remember Hou Ye's little addiction, Lian Si The silk is ready for you, so you can quickly clean up, and then go and contact the commander of the Feihong Fleet!"

When Li Wuji completely surrendered, the communication between the Blue Sky Market and the Feihong Fleet became much easier.

The commander of the Feihong Fleet could not have imagined that the third-class prince of the dignified empire, who clearly ruled the army to attack the blue sky market, had "renegade" in just 24 hours. Naturally, through the magic weapon of long-distance communication, "Honestly" make my own intentions clear.

The Feihong Fleet Commander’s words were naturally discounted, but Boss Bai is an old world in the stars, and the boxing champion has excellent analysis and deduction capabilities, but he squeezed out a lot of water and performed reasonable deductions. Roughly sort out the whole picture of the whole thing.

It turns out that in the past half month, the Flying Rainbow Fleet has been wandering outside of its defense zone, using long-distance training as an excuse to perform a military mission that has a long history in the empire but is not very visible-pull the Zhuang Ding and grab cannon fodder.

The Lair of the Ten Thousand Realms Business League, the fierce battle of the Seven Seas is about to come, and the vortex of war will naturally involve almost all the worlds and fleets outside the empire.

The four big families spent a lot of money to win over star thief and local armed forces, and gave them all kinds of equipment, and slapped their chests to seal the general and the lord. Naturally, they would use them to be the vanguard, to lead the battle, and to act as cannon fodder.

Star pirates are not stupid, and places like Feihong Fleet are naturally not stupid. The four major families are required to be knighted and official positions, and military pay and second-hand starships are also welcome. The gods and buddhas of the heavens, but when the time comes, they will really charge and fight for the four major families... Then it depends on the situation!

It’s really impossible to die for the four big families, but you still have to show the appearance of "defying fear of death". Then grab some strong people and come back, no matter if you kick into the old starship, When the time comes, I will be forced to be at the forefront!

Anyway, even the Star Pirates have become the loyal salvation army, and the rank and organization of the Flying Rainbow Fleet have been expanded several times. There are a large number of vacant troops, and they can recruit their own troops and act "cheap". What are the scruples? Right!

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