40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2488: Destroyed, invincible!

The vast sea of ​​stars shrank into a small pond in an instant - completely unable to bear the violent aura of the "arsonist" like a **** and demon.

The shocking sword slashed not only on the flagship of the Flying Rainbow Fleet, but also on the hearts of everyone on the battlefield, causing their hearts, pores, and pupils to shrink at the same time. Many of them had a low level of cultivation and a lack of firmness. People simply slammed their heart, and exclaimed involuntarily.

Even the heavens and stars seemed to be killed by Li Yao's sword, swaying, shaking and dimming at the same time!

The flagship of the Feihong Fleet is like a death row who was diagonally cut into two sections from the right shoulder blade, separated from the front and back, revealing a shocking cross section with a diameter of one kilometer. The section of the cabin is like an intricate labyrinth. With the lid open and exposed to a vacuum, this very visually impactful scene is even more dazzling and distracting than the direct explosion of a battleship.

"A knife... will the main battleship be decapitated?"

"How is it possible! Even if it is a giant soldier, there is no reason to be so exaggerated!"

"What kind of giant soldier is this? Who is driving this... a giant soldier like a **** and devil! How did he do it? It doesn't make sense! Didn't he swing his sword from the front, why would he use the warship?' Decapitate' instead of splitting in half?"

Countless waves of doubt, astonishment, and fear stirred the hearts of everyone on the battlefield, and even swallowed their minds completely, losing their normal reactions.

Only when the super-class masters such as Boss White and Boxing King, at a speed of three to five times slower, replayed from all angles to capture Li Yao's shocking stab, can he figure out what Li Yao did just now.

It seems simple, without technical content, pure brute force and brutality, but it contains extremely profound principles of psionics, structural science, materials science and even magnetic resonance.

The initial blow of the "arson" was not only as simple as destroying the psionic shield of the Feihong Fleet's flagship, but even with a certain very high-frequency psychic shock, releasing special ripples that triggered the Feihong Fleet's flagship. The psionic shield "resonates".

This "resonance" not only greatly weakens the strength of the psionic shield itself, but also intensifies the collision of the starship's armor. More importantly, it greatly reduces the speed of the starship's bow, just like an invisible hand. Forcibly pressing the bow of the starship, the speed was instantly reduced to one-tenth.

The problem is that a large starship is full of extremely powerful inertia. When the bow is held down forcibly, the hull and stern still maintain the highest speed of hurricane advancement.

As a result, the second half of the flagship of the Feihong Fleet turned into a 100,000-ton sledgehammer, "collision" and "squeezing" to the front, causing the starship's overall structure to appear numerous small folds and folds. crack.

And the most serious area of ​​such folds and cracks is the front third of the starship, which is equivalent to the "neck".

At this moment, the blade of the "arsonist" broke out completely, and at an oblique angle, it severely chopped down the place where the folds and cracks accumulated the most and the structural strength was completely lost, and the head of the huge steel beast was chopped off. Falling.

If you carefully look at the playback screen from different angles, you can find that Li Yao’s nearly perfect gorgeous slash has a very large arc, and this also caused the flying rainbow fleet flagship that passed him by, and the direction of the advancement has the naked eye. The visible deflection, and the resulting spiral force, increased the destructive power of this knife to the extreme.

A sharp stab, directly through the bridge, may not be able to destroy the starship, but the flagship of nearly ten kilometers long certainly cannot be split in half.

On the visual impact and the shock of the heart explosion, it is far less "decapitated" as it is now, and it is more exciting and refreshing!

"Li Yao, you fucking..."

Witnessing and analyzing the seemingly "miracle" scene, Mr. Bai sighed, thought for a long time, and muttered, "I don't even know what to say about you!"

"Where did you people come from?"

The boxing champion also issued a cold question on the communication channel, "Why are you all like this, can you completely ignore the existence of ‘probability’, ‘common sense’ and ‘limit’?"

The earth-shaking and lightning-fast stab, after beheading the Feihong Fleet flagship, seemed to freeze and solidify the entire battlefield, especially the Feihong Fleet flagship, exposed to the vacuum under the protection of the psychic shield that has not completely disappeared. The two sections are still intact, and many immortal cultivators can even be seen staring at the universe within reach like a dream.

But this solidification lasted only half a second before being broken by a devastating explosion.

The inertial contradiction of the Feihong Fleet’s flagship still exists. The power unit still slammed into the first half of the starship that was "held" by Li Yao in the second half of the super high-speed jet. This time, the two halves of the starship whose overall structure completely collapsed completely Squeezed together, and then a fireball that swallowed everything erupted. Within three seconds, the entire flagship exploded happily, and even half of the immortal cultivator and half of the escape capsule did not escape.

The flames produced by the explosion condensed into a towering palace. Li Yao slowly walked out from the depths of the flame palace under the control of the “arsonist”. He stepped on the void and wore light wings. The remnants of countless cultivators lingered around him. , Screamed hoarsely, and screamed and struggled, but he was ruthlessly burned to death with spiritual flames-this scene shocked the soldiers of the Great White Star Pirates and the Cultivator Fleet, and it was even more shocking to the Flying Rainbow Fleet. The cultivators were heartbroken.


In order to display the magnificent "one-cut decapitation starship" effect, Li Yao's psychic powers and even his soul have been squeezed to the limit, and it is even difficult to control the smooth operation of his lungs and give out rapid gasps.

As the Scarlet Heart Demon said, manpower is sometimes poor. Neither the old monsters nor the giant soldiers are absolutely invincible. Even a monster like Li Yao can only perform such a "sword". Then, at least It takes half an hour to breathe, the physical body replenishes a large amount of psychic energy, and the giant soldier replenishes a large amount of fuel, in order to swing the "next knife."

However, for today's Li Yao, one cut is enough.


Li Yao's eyes burst with magnificent light, and the corners of his eyes burst out with a bright smile. The nearly thousand-meter-long, indeterminate streamer sword waved at the shivering Feihong fleet, "For the father, level down the Feihong fleet!"

Xiao Ming and Wen Wen are dispatched.

The infiltration and intrusion of the Feihong Fleet in the past few days has enabled them to grasp a large number of the characteristics of the Feihong Fleet’s battlenet setup and the weaknesses of the network.

While the flagship was still there, Battle.net had tight defenses, and perhaps it was not their two fragile little brains that could erode.

However, Li Yao's "slaying" of the flagship with a single blow caused a shocking and irreparable black hole to appear in the center of the Feihong Fleet's battle net.

Even if other psychic countermeasure ships and information command ships carrying a large number of super crystal brains are to make up for the loopholes, replace the functions of the flagship, and become the "second flagship", it will take at least half a minute to a minute to reset the entire tactical chain system. Reconnect all starships together.

Xiaoming and Wenwen took advantage of this critical half-minute to get into the battle net of the Feihong Fleet. On the one hand, they interfered with the formation of the "second flagship" on the other side, and on the other hand, they madly threw all kinds of junk data and viruses into the battle net. The "information bomb" even simulates the information characteristics of the "second flagship" and pretends to be the new flagship of the Feihong Fleet.

For a time, the remaining starships of the Feihong Fleet were all caught in a vortex of data mud and wrong orders, completely lost in their heads, confused, and didn't know how to react.


On the flagship of the cultivator fleet, "Tekken", the boxing champion keenly perceives the strangeness rippling in the data stream and information ripples, and all the crystal eyes in his body are shining, "Is it new... of the same kind? Xinghai vast, like me? The existence of is really not unique!

"Well, you are welcome, let me join you too!"


In the special launch chamber of the Tekken, countless unmanned cosmic war shuttles like wild bees flew out. These cosmic war shuttles did not carry too strong firepower, but possessed extremely strong psychic resistance and psychic net intrusion capabilities. ——They are the cards of the boxing champion, the most powerful weapon!

On the "Alloy Virus", Boss Bai's attention was focused on the other side of the battlefield, where another giant soldier appeared, rushing into the densest area of ​​the Feihong Fleet starship, it was as big as melons and vegetables. The killing precept is not as dazzling as Li Yao's giant soldiers, but the killing efficiency is not bad at all, and even worse.

That is Long Yangjun's "Tianjing".

"The new powerhouse of transforming gods, and they have reached the limit of transforming gods, even... the existence above them?"

Boss Bai rubbed his chin vigorously, "Li Yao, how many cards do you have to play, and where did you find such a powerful helper? Bastard, you can defeat the Flying Rainbow Fleet with your two giant soldiers, right? It’s really..."

He cursed for a while, Huo Ran got up and looked at the dumbfounded Chief of Staff Xiao Lishui beside him.

Xiao Lishui was still in a trance: "Boss..."

Boss Bai grinned: "What are you still doing, Lao Xiao, the Feihong fleet has lost command, the fighting will has been completely shattered, and it has become a group of lambs to be slaughtered.

"Then the fleet will be under your command, shrink the encirclement, and directly invent text and communication, let them surrender, and try to resolve the battle within an hour!"

As Boss Bai said, he turned and walked out of the bridge.

"how about you?"

Xiao Lishui blurted out, "Boss, what are you going to do?"


Boss Bai looked back at the light curtain, Li Yao and Long Yangjun's giant soldiers, curled their lips and said, "The Blue Sky Star Territory is ours. Could it be that Li Yao, the bird man, is so dazzling on my territory? How can I say, I have to go out and move my muscles!

"I hope that the Flying Rainbow Fleet will not surrender too fast. Well, even if you have more adventures and swipe this knife with all your strength, Li Yao should be powerless? The tribes of the Flying Rainbow Fleet, go up and hit him, look at him so powerful. With his eight-sided appearance, even I couldn't help but want to go up and beat him.

"Li Yao, wait, I'm here!"

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